# # $Id: PLCWWW.spec 12168 2009-02-22 23:26:24Z thierry $ # %define url $URL: https://svn.planet-lab.org/svn/www-register-wizard/trunk/www-register-wizard.spec $ %define name www-register-wizard %define version 4.2 %define taglevel 4 %define release %{taglevel}%{?pldistro:.%{pldistro}}%{?date:.%{date}} Summary: Registration Wizard for Nodes and PCUs Name: %{name} Version: %{version} Release: %{release} License: PlanetLab Group: System Environment/Daemons Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root BuildArch: noarch Vendor: PlanetLab Packager: PlanetLab Central Distribution: PlanetLab %{plrelease} URL: %(echo %{url} | cut -d ' ' -f 2) # We use set everywhere #Requires: httpd >= 2.0 Requires: PLCWWW >= 4.2 Requires: PLCAPI >= 4.2 %description The www-register-wizard provides a web interface for MyPLC that integrates and serializes the steps required to register, configure and verify that a node is running correctly. This is an improvement upon and replacement for the existing 'Add Node' and 'Add PCU' forms. %prep %setup -q %build echo "There is no build stage for this component." echo "All files just need to be installed as is from the codebase." %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT echo "* www-register-wizard: Installing www-register-wizard pages" mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/www/html # let's be conservative and exclude codebase files, though there should not be any rsync -a --exclude \*.spec --exclude .svn ./ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/www/html/registerwizard %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) /var/www/html/registerwizard %changelog * Wed Jun 03 2009 Stephen Soltesz - www-register-wizard-4.2-4 - changes to work with 4.3... probably need to update the version information to - avoid confusion. * Thu Apr 16 2009 Stephen Soltesz - www-register-wizard-4.2-3 - bring up to date. * Mon Mar 16 2009 Stephen Soltesz - www-register-wizard-4.2-2 - correct typos. - remove extra print statements. - remove 'debug' continue buttons. * Fri Mar 13 2009 Stephen Soltesz - www-register-wizard-4.2-1 - enforced model check on add-pcu. - display clearer messages on stage 8, regarding pcu success or failure. * Fri Feb 27 2009 Stephen Soltesz - - Initial creation of spec file.