1 from PLC.Faults import *
2 from PLC.Method import Method
3 from PLC.Parameter import Parameter, Mixed
4 from PLC.Addresses import Address, Addresses
5 from PLC.Auth import Auth
6 from PLC.Sites import Site, Sites
8 can_update = lambda (field, value): field in \
9 ['line1', 'line2', 'line3',
10 'city', 'state', 'postalcode', 'country']
12 class AddSiteAddress(Method):
14 Adds a new address to a site. Fields specified in
15 address_fields are used; some are not optional.
17 PIs may only add addresses to their own sites.
19 Returns the new address_id (> 0) if successful, faults otherwise.
22 roles = ['admin', 'pi']
24 address_fields = dict(filter(can_update, Address.fields.items()))
28 Mixed(Site.fields['site_id'],
29 Site.fields['login_base']),
33 returns = Parameter(int, 'New address_id (> 0) if successful')
36 object_type = 'Address'
39 def call(self, auth, site_id_or_login_base, address_fields):
40 address_fields = dict(filter(can_update, address_fields.items()))
42 # Get associated site details
43 sites = Sites(self.api, [site_id_or_login_base]).values()
45 raise PLCInvalidArgument, "No such site"
48 if 'admin' not in self.caller['roles']:
49 if site['site_id'] not in self.caller['site_ids']:
50 raise PLCPermissionDenied, "Address must be associated with one of your sites"
52 address = Address(self.api, address_fields)
53 address.sync(commit = False)
54 site.add_address(address, commit = True)
56 self.object_ids = [site['site_id'], address['address_id']]
58 return address['address_id']