2 * connect SM to ProtoGeni Aggregates
5 * aggregate manager checks role of user managing attributes
8 * fix tests in tests/ directory
11 * test rpm build/install
14 * a recently disabled/deleted user may still have a valid cred. Keep a list of valid/invalid users on the aggregate and check callers against this list
17 * install the slice and node gid when the slice is created (create NM plugin to execute sfa_component_setup.py ?)
21 * install trusted certs when interface starts (component_manager_pl.init_server())
22 * Redeem ticket - RedeemTicket/AdminTicket not working. Why?
23 ** This may be replaced by sfa + credentials
26 * fix legacy credential support
27 * move db tables into db with less overhead (tokyocabinet?)
30 * develop a simple service where users auth using username/passord and
32 * service manages users key/cert,creds
33 * gui requires user's cred (depends on Auth Service above)
36 * agree on standard set of privs
37 * on permission error, return priv needed to make call
38 * cache slice resource states (if aggregate goes down, how do we know what
39 slices were on it and recreate them? do we make some sort of transaction log)
44 * should the rspec contain only the resources a slice is using or all resources availa and mark what the slice is using.
46 - Initscripts on sfa / geniwrapper
47 * should sfa have native initscript support or should we piggyback off of myplc?
48 * should this be in the rspec