3 Signature = "$Windows NT$"
5 ClassGUID = {4D36E974-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
7 DriverVer = 26/02/2010,
9 ; manufacturer section
11 %Unipi% = UNIPI,NTx86,NTamd64
13 ; control flags section
14 ; optional, unused in netipfw.inf inf, used in netipfw_m.inf
19 %Desc% = Ipfw.ndi, unipi_ipfw
20 [UNIPI.NTx86] ;For WinXP and later
21 %Desc% = Ipfw.ndi, unipi_ipfw
22 [UNIPI.NTamd64] ;For x64
23 %Desc% = Ipfw.ndi, unipi_ipfw
27 AddReg = Ipfw.ndi.AddReg, Ipfw.AddReg
28 Characteristics = 0x4410 ; NCF_FILTER | NCF_NDIS_PROTOCOL !--Filter Specific--!!
29 CopyFiles = Ipfw.Files.Sys
30 CopyInf = netipfw_m.inf
34 DelFiles = Ipfw.Files.Sys
36 ;ddinstall.services section
38 AddService = Ipfw,,Ipfw.AddService
41 DisplayName = %ServiceDesc%
44 ErrorControl = 1 ;SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL
45 ServiceBinary = %12%\ipfw.sys
46 AddReg = Ipfw.AddService.AddReg
48 [Ipfw.AddService.AddReg]
50 ;file copy related sections
52 1=%DiskDescription%,"",,
59 Ipfw.Files.Sys = 12 ; %windir%\System32\drivers
61 ; ddinstall->copyfiles points here
65 ; ddinstall->addreg points here
67 HKR, Ndi, HelpText, , %HELP% ; this is displayed at the bottom of the General page of the Connection Properties dialog box
68 HKR, Ndi, FilterClass, , failover
69 HKR, Ndi, FilterDeviceInfId, , unipi_ipfwmp
70 HKR, Ndi, Service, , Ipfw
71 HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, UpperRange, , noupper
72 HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, LowerRange, , nolower
73 HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, FilterMediaTypes, , "ethernet, tokenring, fddi, wan"
78 DiskDescription = "Ipfw Driver Disk"
79 Desc = "ipfw+dummynet"
80 HELP = "This is ipfw and dummynet network emulator, developed by unipi.it"
81 ServiceDesc = "ipfw service"