improve wrapping, encoding and handling of system dmap
[plcapi.git] / composer.json
1 {
2     "name": "phpxmlrpc/phpxmlrpc",
3     "description": "A php library for building xmlrpc clients and servers",
4     "license": "BSD-3-Clause",
5     "homepage": "",
6     "keywords": [ "xmlrpc", "xml-rpc","webservices" ],
7     "require": {
8         "php": "^5.3.0 || ^7.0 || ^8.0",
9         "ext-xml": "*"
10     },
11     "_comment::tests": "The dev packages below require a minimum of php 5.6, even though we support php 5.3. Can we manage to do better?",
12     "require-dev": {
13         "phpunit/phpunit": "^5.0 || ^8.5.12",
14         "phpunit/phpunit-selenium": "*",
15         "yoast/phpunit-polyfills": "*",
16         "ext-curl": "*",
17         "ext-dom": "*",
18         "ext-mbstring": "*",
19         "ext-xsl": "*",
20         "indeyets/pake": "^1.99",
21         "docbook/docbook-xsl": "^1.79"
22     },
23     "suggest": {
24         "ext-curl": "Needed for HTTPS and HTTP 1.1 support, NTLM Auth etc...",
25         "ext-zlib": "Needed for sending compressed requests and receiving compressed responses, if cURL is not available",
26         "ext-mbstring": "Needed to allow reception of requests/responses in character sets other than ASCII,LATIN-1,UTF-8",
27         "phpxmlrpc/extras": "Adds more featured Server classes and other useful bits",
28         "phpxmlrpc/jsonrpc": "Adds support for the JSON-RPC protocol",
29         "sami/sami": "Required for doc generation using pake. Version constraints: ^3.3 || ^4.1"
30     },
31     "_comment::conflict": "Within the extras package, only the XMLRPC extension emulation is not compatible... the JSONRPC part should be ok. Both have been moved to different packages anyway",
32     "conflict": {
33         "phpxmlrpc/extras": "<= 0.6.3"
34     },
35     "autoload": {
36         "psr-4": {"PhpXmlRpc\\": "src/"}
37     },
38     "config": {
39         "secure-http": false
40     },
41     "repositories": [
42         {
43             "type": "package",
44             "package": {
45                 "name": "docbook/docbook-xsl",
46                 "version": "1.79.1",
47                 "dist": {
48                     "url": "",
49                     "type": "zip"
50                 }
51             }
52         }
53     ]
54 }