yet another fix
[myplc.git] / doc / plc_devel_variables.xml
1 <variablelist>
2   <varlistentry>
3     <term>PLC_DEVEL_FEDORA_RELEASE</term>
4     <listitem>
5       <para>
6                   Type: string</para>
7       <para>
8                   Default: 4</para>
9       <para>Version number of Fedora Core upon which to
10           base the build environment. Warning: Currently, only Fedora
11           Core 4 is supported.</para>
12     </listitem>
13   </varlistentry>
14   <varlistentry>
15     <term>PLC_DEVEL_FEDORA_ARCH</term>
16     <listitem>
17       <para>
18                   Type: string</para>
19       <para>
20                   Default: i386</para>
21       <para>Base architecture of the build
22           environment. Warning: Currently, only i386 is
23           supported.</para>
24     </listitem>
25   </varlistentry>
26   <varlistentry>
27     <term>PLC_DEVEL_FEDORA_URL</term>
28     <listitem>
29       <para>
30                   Type: string</para>
31       <para>
32                   Default: file:///data/fedora</para>
33       <para>Fedora Core mirror from which to install
34           filesystems.</para>
35     </listitem>
36   </varlistentry>
37   <varlistentry>
38     <term>PLC_DEVEL_CVSROOT</term>
39     <listitem>
40       <para>
41                   Type: string</para>
42       <para>
43                   Default: /cvs</para>
44       <para>CVSROOT to use when checking out code.</para>
45     </listitem>
46   </varlistentry>
47   <varlistentry>
48     <term>PLC_DEVEL_BOOTSTRAP</term>
49     <listitem>
50       <para>
51                   Type: boolean</para>
52       <para>
53                   Default: false</para>
54       <para>Controls whether MyPLC should be built inside
55           of its own development environment.</para>
56     </listitem>
57   </varlistentry>
58 </variablelist>