FIX: iotlab url+ authorization is coming from myslice.ini
[unfold.git] / forge / templates / listCourse.html
1 <!DOCTYPE html>
2 <html>
3         <head>
4                 <meta charset="utf-8"/>
5                 <title>List of all your class</title>
6         </head>
7         <body>
8                 {% if courses %}
9                         <ul>
10                         {% for course, environments in courses %}
12                                 {% if course.ready %}
13                                         <ul>
14                                         <li><a href=" {{ course.mainKey.url }}">Main SSH Key</a></li>
15                                         {# <li>{{ }}</li> #}
16                                         <li><a href=" {{ course.lab.subject.url }}">Subject</a></li>
17                                         <li><a href="/ict_education/delete-course/{{ }}">Delete Course</a></li>
18                                         <li><a href="/ict_education/renew-slice/{{ }}">Renew-Slice</a></li>
19                                         <ul>
20                                         {% for environment, slices  in environments %}
21                                                 {% if environment.ready %}
22                                                         <li>Environment <a href="/ict_education/install-env/{{ }}">Re-install environment</a></li>
23                                                         <li><a href=" {{ environment.sshKey.url }}">SSH Key</a></li>
24                                                         <ul>
25                                                         {% for pleSlice, hosts in slices %}
26                                                                 <li>{{ pleSlice.sliceName }}</li>
27                                                                 <ul>
28                                                                 {% for host, services, interfaces in hosts %}
29                                                                         <li>Hostname : {{ host.hostname }} Type : {{ host.hostType }}</li>
30                                                                         <ul>
31                                                                         {% if services %}
32                                                                                 <li>Service List :</li>
33                                                                                 <ul>
34                                                                                 {% for service in services %}
35                                                                                         {% if service.servicePort == '' %}
36                                                                                                 <li>{{ service.serviceName }}</li>
37                                                                                         {% else %}
38                                                                                                 <li>{{ service.serviceName }} on {{ service.servicePort }}</li>
39                                                                                         {% endif %}
40                                                                                 {% endfor %}
41                                                                                 </ul>
42                                                                         {% endif %}
43                                                                         {% if interfaces %}
44                                                                                 <li>Interface List :</li>
45                                                                                 <ul>
46                                                                                 {% for interface in interfaces %}
47                                                                                         <li>{{ }} : {{ interface.ip }}</li>
48                                                                                 {% endfor %}
49                                                                                 </ul>
50                                                                         {% endif %}
51                                                                         </ul>
52                                                                 {% endfor %}
53                                                                 </ul>
54                                                         {% endfor %}
55                                                         </ul>
56                                                 {% else %}
57                                                         <ul>Now installing this environment</ul>
58                                                         <li>Environment <a href="/ict_education/install-env/{{ }}">Re-install environment</a></li>
59                                                 {% endif %}
60                                         {% endfor %}
61                                         </ul>
62                                 {% else %}
63                                         <li>Course not ready</li>
64                                         <li>{{ course.ready }}</li>
65                                 {% endif %}
66                                 </ul>
67                         {% endfor %}
68                         </ul>
69                 {% else %}
70                         <p>You have not created a class yet</p>
71                 {% endif %}
72         </body>
73 </html>