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[plstackapi.git] / planetstack / core / static / log4javascript-1.4.6 / docs / index.html
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>\r
2 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">\r
3 <html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en">\r
4         <head>\r
5                 <title>log4javascript documentation</title>\r
6                 <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />\r
7                 <meta name="author" content="Tim Down -" />\r
8                 <meta name="description" content="log4javascript, a logging framework for JavaScript based on log4j" />\r
9                 <meta name="robots" content="all" />\r
10                 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen,print" href="../main.css" title="Default" />\r
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12         <body>\r
13                 <div id="container" class="nonav">\r
14                         <div id="header">\r
15                                 <h1><a href="../index.html">log4javascript</a></h1>\r
16                                 <div id="nav">\r
17                                         <a class="navitem" href="../index.html">home</a>\r
18                                         | <a class="navitem" href="" target="_blank" title="Download (opens in new window)">download</a>\r
19                                         | <span class="navitem">docs</span>\r
20                                         | <a class="navitem" href="quickstart.html">quick start</a>\r
21                                         | <a class="navitem" href="../demos/index.html">demos</a>\r
22                                         | <a class="navitem" href="" target="_blank">website</a>\r
23                                         | <a class="navitem" href="" target="_blank"></a>\r
24                                 </div>\r
25                         </div>\r
26                         <div id="content">\r
27                                 <h1>log4javascript 1.4 documentation</h1>\r
28                                 <div id="links">\r
29                                         <h2>Links</h2>\r
30                                         <ul>\r
31                                                 <li><a href="quickstart.html">Quick start</a></li>\r
32                                                 <li><a href="distribution.html">Details of the log4javascript distribution</a></li>\r
33                                                 <li><a href="backwardsincompatibilities.html">Backwards incompatibilities</a></li>\r
34                                                 <li><a href="whatsnew.html">What's new in this release</a></li>\r
35                                                 <li><a href="../changelog.txt">Change log</a></li>\r
36                                                 <li><a href="manual.html">log4javascript manual</a></li>\r
37                                                 <li><a href="lite.html">log4javascript Lite</a></li>\r
38                                                 <li><a href="manual_lite.html">log4javascript Lite manual</a></li>\r
39                                                 <li><a href="../demos/basic.html">Basic demo</a></li>\r
40                                                 <li><a href="../demos/ajax.html">Ajax demo</a></li>\r
41                                         </ul>\r
42                                 </div>\r
43                                 <div id="contents">\r
44                                         <h2>Contents</h2>\r
45                                         <ul>\r
46                                                 <li><a href="#whatitis">What it is</a></li>\r
47                                                 <li><a href="#whofor">Who it's for</a></li>\r
48                                                 <li><a href="#previousversions">Note on previous versions</a></li>\r
49                                                 <li><a href="#features">Features</a></li>\r
50                                                 <li><a href="#browsers">Browser support</a></li>\r
51                                                 <li><a href="#licence">Licence</a></li>\r
52                                                 <li><a href="#furtherreading">Further reading</a></li>\r
53                                         </ul>\r
54                                 </div>\r
55                                 <div id="whatitis">\r
56                                         <h2>What it is</h2>\r
57                                         <p>\r
58                                                 log4javascript is a JavaScript logging framework based on the Java\r
59                                                 logging framework <a href=""\r
60                                                 title="log4j home page (opens in new window)" target="_blank">log4j</a>.\r
61                                         </p>\r
62                                         <p>\r
63                                                 log4javascript implements a subset of log4j (primarily loggers, appenders\r
64                                                 and layouts) and has a few convenience methods of its own for\r
65                                                 quick JavaScript development. It can be used to debug JavaScript\r
66                                                 applications of all sizes, including Ajax applications.\r
67                                         </p>\r
68                                         <p>\r
69                                                 If you just want to start using it, try the <a href="quickstart.html">quickstart\r
70                                                 tutorial</a>.\r
71                                         </p>\r
72                                         <p class="linktotop">\r
73                                                 <a href="#container">Top</a>\r
74                                         </p>\r
75                                 </div>\r
76                                 <div id="whofor">\r
77                                         <h2>Who it's for</h2>\r
78                                         <p>\r
79                                                 log4javascript is aimed at JavaScript developers.\r
80                                         </p>\r
81                                         <p class="linktotop">\r
82                                                 <a href="#container">Top</a>\r
83                                         </p>\r
84                                 </div>\r
85                                 <div id="previousversions">\r
86                                         <h2>Note on previous versions</h2>\r
87                                         <p>\r
88                                                 Documentation for previous versions of log4javascript are not available here.\r
89                                                 However, documentation is bundled with every previous version, all of which\r
90                                                 are <a href=""\r
91                                                         target="_blank" title="Download (opens in new window)">available to download</a>.\r
92                                         </p>\r
93                                 </div>\r
94                                 <div id="features">\r
95                                         <h2>Features</h2>\r
96                                         <ul>\r
97                                                 <li>can be initialized with one JavaScript include and one line of code;</li>\r
98                                                 <li>\r
99                                                         by default logs to a pop-up console window with powerful search (including\r
100                                                         regular expression) and filtering features. This console window can also\r
101                                                         be used inline as an iframe in the main page;\r
102                                                 </li>\r
103                                                 <li>\r
104                                                         can send log messages to the server via HTTP (Ajax, if you like);\r
105                                                 </li>\r
106                                                 <li>\r
107                                                         highly configurable using familiar methods from log4j, including the\r
108                                                         powerful <code><a href="manual.html#patternlayout">PatternLayout</a></code>\r
109                                                         which gives the developer complete control over the format of the log messages.\r
110                                                 </li>\r
111                                         </ul>\r
112                                         <p class="linktotop">\r
113                                                 <a href="#container">Top</a>\r
114                                         </p>\r
115                                 </div>\r
116                                 <div id="browsers">\r
117                                         <h2>Browser support</h2>\r
118                                         <h3>Fully supported browsers:</h3>\r
119                                         <ul>\r
120                                                 <li>All versions Firefox back to 0.6</li>\r
121                                                 <li>Other Mozilla-based browsers, as far back as Netscape 7</li>\r
122                                                 <li>Internet Explorer 5 and higher for Windows</li>\r
123                                                 <li>Safari 1.3 and higher (untested on earlier versions)</li>\r
124                                                 <li>Opera 8.01 and higher (pre- version 9 browsers have a rendering\r
125                                                         bug related to scrolling that affects searching in PopUpAppender and InPageAppender)</li>\r
126                                                 <li>Konqueror 3.4.3 and higher (untested on earlier versions)</li>\r
127                                                 <li>Google Chrome</li>\r
128                                         </ul>\r
129                                         <h3>Partially supported browsers:</h3>\r
130                                         <ul>\r
131                                                 <li>Older Mozilla-based browsers, e.g. Netscape 6.2 (generally OK except for\r
132                                                         display problems searching and filtering PopUpAppender and InPageAppender)</li>\r
133                                                 <li>Opera 7.0 - 8.0 (InPageAppender not supported until version 7.5, plus some display\r
134                                                         problems searching PopUpAppender and InPageAppender. AjaxAppender not supported at all)</li>\r
135                                         </ul>\r
136                                         <h3>Unsupported browsers:</h3>\r
137                                         <ul>\r
138                                                 <li>\r
139                                                         Internet Explorer for Mac. There are no plans to make log4javascript work\r
140                                                         in this browser.\r
141                                                 </li>\r
142                                         </ul>\r
143                                         <p class="linktotop">\r
144                                                 <a href="#container">Top</a>\r
145                                         </p>\r
146                                 </div>\r
147                                 <div id="licence">\r
148                                         <h2>Licence</h2>\r
149                                         <p>\r
150                                                 log4javascript is licenced under the <a href=""\r
151                                                         title="Apache License, Version 2.0 (opens in new window)" target="_blank">Apache License,\r
152                                                 Version 2.0</a>. The Apache website has <a href=""\r
153                                                         title="View licence (opens in new window)" target="_blank">more details</a>.\r
154                                         </p>\r
155                                         <p class="linktotop">\r
156                                                 <a href="#container">Top</a>\r
157                                         </p>\r
158                                 </div>\r
159                                 <div id="furtherreading">\r
160                                         <h2>Further reading</h2>\r
161                                         <p>\r
162                                                 In order to gain an understanding of the ideas behind log4j and therefore log4javascript,\r
163                                                 I highly recommend reading the <a href="">short\r
164                                                 introduction to log4j</a> from the log4j website. log4javascript borrows heavily from\r
165                                                 log4j but does not carry over all its concepts - for example, Filters and Renderers are not\r
166                                                 implemented.\r
167                                         </p>\r
168                                         <p>\r
169                                                 <a href="manual.html">The full log4javascript manual</a>\r
170                                         </p>\r
171                                         <p class="linktotop">\r
172                                                 <a href="#container">Top</a>\r
173                                         </p>\r
174                                 </div>\r
175                         </div>\r
176                         <div id="footer">\r
177                                 <span class="externallinkinfo">\r
178                                         <strong>NB.</strong> All external links open in a new window.\r
179                                 </span>\r
180                                 Written by Tim Down. <a href=""></a>\r
181                                 <br />\r
182                                 log4javascript is distributed under the <a href=""\r
183                                         title="Apache License, Version 2.0 (opens in new window)" target="_blank">Apache License,\r
184                                         Version 2.0</a>\r
185 \r
186                         </div>\r
187                 </div>\r
188 \r
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190 </html>