3 # Sample myplc testing script that makes use of
6 from pprint import pprint
7 from qa.Config import Config
8 from qa.tests.plc_configure import plc_configure
9 from qa.tests.plc_start import plc_start
10 from qa.tests.add_test_data import add_test_data
11 from qa.tests.sync_person_key import sync_person_key
12 from qa.tests.boot_node import boot_node
13 from qa.tests.get_boot_state import get_boot_state
14 from qa.tests.node_remote_call import node_remote_call
15 from qa.tests.access_slice import access_slice
19 config = Config(args[0])
22 config.load("qa/qa_config.py")
24 plc_configure(config)("TestPLC")
27 # Add test site, node, person and slice data
28 # Adds slice to node and person to slice
30 add_test_data(config)()
32 # Update plc with tests user's current public key
33 # person = config.TEST_PERSON_EMAIL
34 # sync_person_key(config)(person)
38 # Boot test node and confirm boot state
39 boot_node(config)(node)
41 # Restart node manager on the node
42 restart_nm = 'service nm restart'
43 node_remote_call(node, restart_nm)
45 # Try to access the test slice on the test node
46 email = config.TEST_PERSON_EMAIL
47 slice = config.TEST_SLICE_NAME
48 access_slice(email, slice, node)
51 node_run_tests(config)(node)
53 if __name__ == '__main__':