routing support added for ns3 testbed
[nepi.git] / src / nepi / testbeds / ns3 /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4 from nepi.util.constants import AF_INET, STATUS_NOT_STARTED, STATUS_RUNNING, \
7 def _get_ipv4_protocol_guid(testbed_instance, node_guid):
8     # search for the Ipv4L3Protocol asociated with the device
9     protos_guids = testbed_instance.get_connected(node_guid, "protos", "node")
10     if len(protos_guids) == 0:
11         raise RuntimeError("No protocols where found for the node %d" % node_guid)
12     ipv4_guid = None
13     for proto_guid in protos_guids:
14         proto_factory_id = testbed_instance._create[proto_guid]
15         if proto_factory_id == "ns3::Ipv4L3Protocol":
16             ipv4_guid = proto_guid
17             break
18     if not ipv4_guid:
19         raise RuntimeError("No Ipv4L3Protocol associated to node %d. \
20                 can't add Ipv4 addresses" % node_guid)
21     return ipv4_guid
23 def _get_node_guid(testbed_instance, guid):
24     # search for the node asociated with the device
25     node_guids = testbed_instance.get_connected(guid, "node", "devs")
26     if len(node_guids) == 0:
27         raise RuntimeError("Can't instantiate interface %d outside netns \
28                 node" % guid)
29     node_guid = node_guids[0]
30     return node_guid
32 def _get_dev_number(testbed_instance, guid):
33     dev_guids = testbed_instance.get_connected(guid, "devs", "node")
34     interface_number = 0
35     for guid_ in dev_guids:
36         if guid_ == guid:
37             break
38         inteface_number += 1
39     return interface_number
41 ### create traces functions ###
43 def p2ppcap_trace(testbed_instance, guid, trace_id):
44     node_guid = _get_node_guid(testbed_instance, guid)
45     interface_number = _get_dev_number(testbed_instance, guid)
46     element = testbed_instance._elements[guid]
47     filename = "trace-p2p-node-%d-dev-%d.pcap" % (node_guid, interface_number)
48     testbed_instance.follow_trace(guid, trace_id, filename)
49     filepath = testbed_instance.trace_filename(guid, trace_id)
50     helper = testbed_instance.ns3.PointToPointHelper()
51     helper.EnablePcap(filepath, element, explicitFilename = True)
53 def _csmapcap_trace(testbed_instance, guid, trace_id, promisc):
54     node_guid = _get_node_guid(testbed_instance, guid)
55     interface_number = _get_dev_number(testbed_instance, guid)
56     element = testbed_instance._elements[guid]
57     filename = "trace-csma-node-%d-dev-%d.pcap" % (node_name, interface_number)
58     testbed_instance.follow_trace(guid, trace_id, filename)
59     filepath = testbed_instance.trace_filename(guid, trace_id)
60     helper = testbed_instance.ns3.CsmaHelper()
61     helper.EnablePcap(filepath, element, promiscuous = promisc, 
62             explicitFilename = True)
64 def csmapcap_trace(testbed_instance, guid, trace_id):
65     promisc = False
66     _csmapcap_trace(testbed_instance, guid, trace_id, promisc)
68 def csmapcap_promisc_trace(testbed_instance, guid, trace_id):
69     promisc = True
70     _csmapcap_trace(testbed_instance, guid, trace_id, promisc)
72 def fdpcap_trace(testbed_instance, guid, trace_id):
73     node_guid = _get_node_guid(testbed_instance, guid)
74     interface_number = _get_dev_number(testbed_instance, guid)
75     element = testbed_instance._elements[guid]
76     filename = "trace-fd-node-%d-dev-%d.pcap" % (node_name, interface_number)
77     testbed_instance.follow_trace(guid, trace_id, filename)
78     filepath = testbed_instance.trace_filename(guid, trace_id)
79     helper = testbed_instance.ns3.FileDescriptorHelper()
80     helper.EnablePcap(filepath, element, explicitFilename = True)
82 def yanswifipcap_trace(testbed_instance, guid, trace_id):
83     dev_guid = testbed_instance.get_connected(guid, "dev", "phy")[0]
84     node_guid = _get_node_guid(testbed_instance, dev_guid)
85     interface_number = _get_dev_number(testbed_instance, dev_guid)
86     element = testbed_instance._elements[dev_guid]
87     filename = "trace-yanswifi-node-%d-dev-%d.pcap" % (node_name, interface_number)
88     testbed_instance.follow_trace(guid, trace_id, filename)
89     filepath = testbed_instance.trace_filename(guid, trace_id)
90     helper = testbed_instance.ns3.YansWifiPhyHelper()
91     helper.EnablePcap(filepath, element, explicitFilename = True)
93 trace_functions = dict({
94     "P2PPcapTrace": p2ppcap_trace,
95     "CsmaPcapTrace": csmapcap_trace,
96     "CsmaPcapPromiscTrace": csmapcap_promisc_trace,
97     "FileDescriptorPcapTrace": fdpcap_trace,
98     "YansWifiPhyPcapTrace": yanswifipcap_trace
99     })
101 ### Creation functions ###
103 wifi_standards = dict({
104     "WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_holland": 5,
105     "WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211p_SCH": 7,
106     "WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211_5Mhz": 4,
107     "WIFI_PHY_UNKNOWN": 8,
108     "WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211_10Mhz": 3,
109     "WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211g": 2,
110     "WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211p_CCH": 6,
111     "WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211a": 0,
112     "WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211b": 1
113 })
115 def create_element(testbed_instance, guid):
116     element_factory = testbed_instance.ns3.ObjectFactory()
117     factory_id = testbed_instance._create[guid]
118     element_factory.SetTypeId(factory_id) 
119     construct_parameters = testbed_instance._get_construct_parameters(guid)
120     for name, value in construct_parameters.iteritems():
121         ns3_value = testbed_instance._to_ns3_value(guid, name, value)
122         element_factory.Set(name, ns3_value)
123     element = element_factory.Create()
124     testbed_instance._elements[guid] = element
125     traces = testbed_instance._get_traces(guid)
126     for trace_id in traces:
127         trace_func = trace_functions[trace_id]
128         trace_func(testbed_instance, guid, trace_id)
130 def create_node(testbed_instance, guid):
131     create_element(testbed_instance, guid)
132     element = testbed_instance._elements[guid]
133     element.AggregateObject(testbed_instance.ns3.PacketSocketFactory())
135 def create_device(testbed_instance, guid):
136     create_element(testbed_instance, guid)
137     element = testbed_instance._elements[guid]
138     parameters = testbed_instance._get_parameters(guid)
139     if "macAddress" in parameters:
140         address = parameters["macAddress"]
141         macaddr = testbed_instance.ns3.Mac48Address(address)
142     else:
143         macaddr = testbed_instance.ns3.Mac48Address.Allocate()
144     element.SetAddress(macaddr)
146 def create_wifi_standard_model(testbed_instance, guid):
147     create_element(testbed_instance, guid)
148     element = testbed_instance._elements[guid]
149     parameters = testbed_instance._get_parameters(guid)
150     if "standard" in parameters:
151         standard = parameters["standard"]
152         if standard:
153             elements.ConfigureStandard(wifi_standards[standard])
155 def create_ipv4protocol(testbed_instance, guid):
156     create_element(testbed_instance, guid)
157     element = testbed_instance._elements[guid]
158     list_routing = testbed_instance.ns3.Ipv4ListRouting()
159     element.SetRoutingProtocol(list_routing)
160     static_routing = testbed_instance.ns3.Ipv4StaticRouting()
161     list_routing.AddRoutingProtocol(static_routing, 1)
163 ### Start/Stop functions ###
165 def start_application(testbed_instance, guid):
166     element = testbed_instance.elements[guid]
167     # BUG: without doing this explicit call it doesn't start!!!
168     # Shouldn't be enough to set the StartTime?
169     element.Start()
171 def stop_application(testbed_instance, guid):
172     element = testbed_instance.elements[guid]
173     now = testbed_instance.ns3.Simulator.Now()
174     element.SetStopTime(now)
176 ### Status functions ###
178 def status_application(testbed_instance, guid):
179     if guid not in testbed_instance.elements.keys():
180         raise RuntimeError("Can't get status on guid %d" % guid )
181     now = testbed_instance.ns3.Simulator.Now()
182     if now.IsZero():
183         return STATUS_NOT_STARTED
184     app = testbed_instance.elements[guid]
185     parameters = testbed_instance._get_parameters(guid)
186     if "StartTime" in parameters and parameters["StartTime"]:
187         start_value = parameters["StartTime"]
188         start_time = testbed_instance.ns3.Time(start_value)
189         if now.Compare(start_time) < 0:
190             return STATUS_NOT_RUNNING
191     if "StopTime" in parameters and parameters["StopTime"]:
192         stop_value = parameters["StopTime"]
193         stop_time = testbed_instance.ns3.Time(stop_value)
194         if now.Compare(stop_time) < 0:
195             return STATUS_RUNNING
196         else:
197             return STATUS_FINISHED
200 ### Configure functions ###
202 def configure_device(testbed_instance, guid):
203     element = testbed_instance._elements[guid]
204     if not guid in testbed_instance._add_address:
205         return
206     # search for the node asociated with the device
207     node_guid = _get_node_guid(testbed_instance, guid)
208     node = testbed_instance.elements[node_guid]
209     # search for the Ipv4L3Protocol asociated with the device
210     ipv4_guid = _get_ipv4_protocol_guid(testbed_instance, node_guid)
211     ipv4 = testbed_instance._elements[ipv4_guid]
212     ns3 = testbed_instance.ns3
213     # add addresses 
214     addresses = testbed_instance._add_address[guid]
215     for address in addresses:
216         (address, netprefix, broadcast) = address
217         # TODO: missing IPV6 addresses!!
218         ifindex = ipv4.AddInterface(element)
219         inaddr = ns3.Ipv4InterfaceAddress(ns3.Ipv4Address(address),
220                 ns3.Ipv4Mask("/%d" % netprefix))
221         ipv4.AddAddress(ifindex, inaddr)
222         ipv4.SetMetric(ifindex, 1)
223         ipv4.SetUp(ifindex)
225 def configure_node(testbed_instance, guid):
226     element = testbed_instance._elements[guid]
227     if not guid in testbed_instance._add_route:
228         return
229     # search for the Ipv4L3Protocol asociated with the device
230     ipv4_guid = _get_ipv4_protocol_guid(testbed_instance, guid)
231     ipv4 = testbed_instance._elements[ipv4_guid]
232     list_routing = ipv4.GetRoutingProtocol()
233     (static_routing, priority) = list_routing.GetRoutingProtocol(0)
234     ns3 = testbed_instance.ns3
235     routes = testbed_instance._add_route[guid]
236     for route in routes:
237         (destination, netprefix, nexthop) = route
238         address = ns3.Ipv4Address(destination)
239         mask = ns3.Ipv4Mask("/%d" % netprefix) 
240         if nexthop:
241             nexthop_address = ns3.Ipv4Address(nexthop)
242             ifindex = -1
243             # TODO: HACKISH way of getting the ifindex... improve this
244             nifaces = ipv4.GetNInterfaces()
245             for ifidx in range(nifaces):
246                 iface = ipv4.GetInterface(ifidx)
247                 naddress = iface.GetNAddresses()
248                 for addridx in range(naddress):
249                     ifaddr = iface.GetAddress(addridx)
250                     ifmask = ifaddr.GetMask()
251                     ifindex = ipv4.GetInterfaceForPrefix(nexthop_address, ifmask)
252                     if ifindex == ifidx:
253                         break
254             static_routing.AddNetworkRouteTo(address, mask, nexthop_address, 
255                     ifindex) 
256         else:
257             ifindex = ipv4.GetInterfaceForPrefix(address, mask)
258             static_routing.AddNetworkRouteTo(address, mask, ifindex) 
260 factories_info = dict({
261     "ns3::Ping6": dict({
262         "category": "Application",
263         "create_function": create_element,
264         "help": "",
265         "connector_types": [],
266         "stop_function": stop_application,
267         "start_function": start_application,
268         "status_function": status_application,
269         "box_attributes": ["MaxPackets",
270             "Interval",
271             "RemoteIpv6",
272             "LocalIpv6",
273             "PacketSize",
274             "StartTime",
275             "StopTime"],
276     }),
277      "ns3::UdpL4Protocol": dict({
278         "category": "Protocol",
279         "create_function": create_element,
280         "help": "",
281         "connector_types": ["node"],
282         "box_attributes": ["ProtocolNumber"],
283     }),
284      "ns3::RandomDiscPositionAllocator": dict({
285         "category": "Mobility",
286         "create_function": create_element,
287         "help": "",
288         "connector_types": [],
289         "box_attributes": ["Theta",
290             "Rho",
291             "X",
292             "Y"],
293     }),
294      "ns3::Node": dict({
295         "category": "Topology",
296         "create_function": create_node,
297         "configure_function": configure_node,
298         "help": "",
299         "connector_types": ["devs", "apps", "protos", "mobility"],
300         "allow_routes": True,
301         "box_attributes": [],
302     }),
303      "ns3::GridPositionAllocator": dict({
304         "category": "Mobility",
305         "create_function": create_element,
306         "help": "",
307         "connector_types": [],
308         "box_attributes": ["GridWidth",
309             "MinX",
310             "MinY",
311             "DeltaX",
312             "DeltaY",
313             "LayoutType"],
314     }),
315      "ns3::TapBridge": dict({
316         "category": "Device",
317         "create_function": create_device,
318         "help": "",
319         "connector_types": [],
320         "allow_addresses": True,
321         "box_attributes": ["Mtu",
322             "DeviceName",
323             "Gateway",
324             "IpAddress",
325             "MacAddress",
326             "Netmask",
327             "Start",
328             "Stop"],
329     }),
330      "ns3::FlowMonitor": dict({
331         "category": "",
332         "create_function": create_element,
333         "help": "",
334         "connector_types": [],
335         "box_attributes": ["MaxPerHopDelay",
336             "DelayBinWidth",
337             "JitterBinWidth",
338             "PacketSizeBinWidth",
339             "FlowInterruptionsBinWidth",
340             "FlowInterruptionsMinTime"],
341     }),
342      "ns3::ConstantVelocityMobilityModel": dict({
343         "category": "Mobility",
344         "create_function": create_element,
345         "help": "",
346         "connector_types": ["node"],
347         "box_attributes": ["Position",
348            "Velocity"],
349     }),
350      "ns3::V4Ping": dict({
351         "category": "Application",
352         "create_function": create_element,
353         "help": "",
354         "connector_types": ["node"],
355         "stop_function": stop_application,
356         "start_function": start_application,
357         "status_function": status_application,
358         "box_attributes": ["Remote",
359             "Verbose",
360             "Interval",
361             "Size",
362             "StartTime",
363             "StopTime"],
364     }),
365      "ns3::dot11s::PeerLink": dict({
366         "category": "",
367         "create_function": create_element,
368         "help": "",
369         "connector_types": [],
370         "box_attributes": ["RetryTimeout",
371             "HoldingTimeout",
372             "ConfirmTimeout",
373             "MaxRetries",
374             "MaxBeaconLoss",
375             "MaxPacketFailure"],
376     }),
377      "ns3::PointToPointNetDevice": dict({
378         "category": "Device",
379         "create_function": create_device,
380         "configure_function": configure_device,
381         "help": "",
382         "connector_types": ["node", "err", "queue", "chan"],
383         "allow_addresses": True,
384         "box_attributes": ["Mtu",
385             "Address",
386             "DataRate",
387             "InterframeGap"],
388         "traces": ["p2ppcap"]
389     }),
390      "ns3::NakagamiPropagationLossModel": dict({
391         "category": "Loss",
392         "create_function": create_element,
393         "help": "",
394         "connector_types": [],
395         "box_attributes": ["Distance1",
396             "Distance2",
397             "m0",
398             "m1",
399             "m2"],
400     }),
401      "ns3::AarfWifiManager": dict({
402         "category": "Manager",
403         "create_function": create_element,
404         "help": "",
405         "connector_types": [],
406         "box_attributes": ["SuccessK",
407             "TimerK",
408             "MaxSuccessThreshold",
409             "MinTimerThreshold",
410             "MinSuccessThreshold",
411             "IsLowLatency",
412             "MaxSsrc",
413             "MaxSlrc",
414             "RtsCtsThreshold",
415             "FragmentationThreshold",
416             "NonUnicastMode"],
417     }),
418      "ns3::Ipv6OptionJumbogram": dict({
419         "category": "",
420         "create_function": create_element,
421         "help": "",
422         "connector_types": [],
423         "box_attributes": ["OptionNumber"],
424     }),
425      "ns3::TwoRayGroundPropagationLossModel": dict({
426         "category": "Loss",
427         "create_function": create_element,
428         "help": "",
429         "connector_types": [],
430         "box_attributes": ["Lambda",
431             "SystemLoss",
432             "MinDistance",
433             "HeightAboveZ"],
434     }),
435      "ns3::OnOffApplication": dict({
436         "category": "Application",
437         "create_function": create_element,
438         "help": "",
439         "connector_types": ["node"],
440         "stop_function": stop_application,
441         "start_function": start_application,
442         "status_function": status_application,
443         "box_attributes": ["DataRate",
444             "PacketSize",
445             "Remote",
446             "OnTime",
447             "OffTime",
448             "MaxBytes",
449             "Protocol",
450             "StartTime",
451             "StopTime"],
452     }),
453      "ns3::AdhocWifiMac": dict({
454         "category": "Mac",
455         "create_function": create_element,
456         "help": "",
457         "connector_types": [],
458         "box_attributes": ["CtsTimeout",
459             "AckTimeout",
460             "BasicBlockAckTimeout",
461             "CompressedBlockAckTimeout",
462             "Sifs",
463             "EifsNoDifs",
464             "Slot",
465             "Pifs",
466             "MaxPropagationDelay",
467             "Ssid"],
468     }),
469      "ns3::ConstantAccelerationMobilityModel": dict({
470         "category": "Mobility",
471         "create_function": create_element,
472         "help": "",
473         "connector_types": ["node"],
474         "box_attributes": ["Position",
475             "Velocity"],
476     }),
477      "ns3::GaussMarkovMobilityModel": dict({
478         "category": "Mobility",
479         "create_function": create_element,
480         "help": "",
481         "connector_types": [],
482         "box_attributes": ["Bounds",
483             "TimeStep",
484             "Alpha",
485             "MeanVelocity",
486             "MeanDirection",
487             "MeanPitch",
488             "NormalVelocity",
489             "NormalDirection",
490             "NormalPitch",
491             "Position",
492             "Velocity"],
493     }),
494      "ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol": dict({
495         "category": "Protocol",
496         "create_function": create_element,
497         "help": "",
498         "connector_types": [],
499         "box_attributes": ["RandomStart",
500             "MaxQueueSize",
501             "Dot11MeshHWMPmaxPREQretries",
502             "Dot11MeshHWMPnetDiameterTraversalTime",
503             "Dot11MeshHWMPpreqMinInterval",
504             "Dot11MeshHWMPperrMinInterval",
505             "Dot11MeshHWMPactiveRootTimeout",
506             "Dot11MeshHWMPactivePathTimeout",
507             "Dot11MeshHWMPpathToRootInterval",
508             "Dot11MeshHWMPrannInterval",
509             "MaxTtl",
510             "UnicastPerrThreshold",
511             "UnicastPreqThreshold",
512             "UnicastDataThreshold",
513             "DoFlag",
514             "RfFlag"],
515     }),
516      "ns3::NscTcpL4Protocol": dict({
517         "category": "Protocol",
518         "create_function": create_element,
519         "help": "",
520         "connector_types": [],
521         "box_attributes": ["Library",
522           "ProtocolNumber"],
523     }),
524      "ns3::dot11s::AirtimeLinkMetricCalculator": dict({
525         "category": "",
526         "create_function": create_element,
527         "help": "",
528         "connector_types": [],
529         "box_attributes": ["Dot11sMeshHeaderLength"],
530     }),
531      "ns3::UanMacCw": dict({
532         "category": "",
533         "create_function": create_element,
534         "help": "",
535         "connector_types": [],
536         "box_attributes": ["CW",
537            "SlotTime"],
538     }),
539      "ns3::AthstatsWifiTraceSink": dict({
540         "category": "",
541         "create_function": create_element,
542         "help": "",
543         "connector_types": [],
544         "box_attributes": ["Interval"],
545     }),
546      "ns3::FlameStack": dict({
547         "category": "",
548         "create_function": create_element,
549         "help": "",
550         "connector_types": [],
551         "box_attributes": [],
552     }),
553      "ns3::UanMacRc": dict({
554         "category": "",
555         "create_function": create_element,
556         "help": "",
557         "connector_types": [],
558         "box_attributes": ["RetryRate",
559             "MaxFrames",
560             "QueueLimit",
561             "SIFS",
562             "NumberOfRates",
563             "MinRetryRate",
564             "RetryStep",
565             "NumberOfRetryRates",
566             "MaxPropDelay"],
567     }),
568      "ns3::WaypointMobilityModel": dict({
569         "category": "Mobility",
570         "create_function": create_element,
571         "help": "",
572         "connector_types": [],
573         "box_attributes": ["WaypointsLeft",
574             "Position",
575             "Velocity"],
576     }),
577      "ns3::FileDescriptorNetDevice": dict({
578         "category": "Device",
579         "create_function": create_device,
580         "configure_function": configure_device,
581         "help": "Network interface associated to a file descriptor",
582         "connector_types": ["node", "fd"],
583         "allow_addresses": True,
584         "box_attributes": ["Address"],
585         "traces": ["fdpcap"]
586     }),
587      "ns3::CsmaNetDevice": dict({
588         "category": "Device",
589         "create_function": create_device,
590         "configure_function": configure_device,
591         "help": "CSMA (carrier sense, multiple access) interface",
592         "connector_types": ["node", "chan", "err", "queue"],
593         "allow_addresses": True,
594         "box_attributes": ["Address",
595             "Mtu",
596             "SendEnable",
597             "ReceiveEnable"],
598         "traces": ["csmapcap", "csmapcap_promisc"]
599     }),
600      "ns3::UanPropModelThorp": dict({
601         "category": "",
602         "create_function": create_element,
603         "help": "",
604         "connector_types": [],
605         "box_attributes": ["SpreadCoef"],
606     }),
607      "ns3::NqstaWifiMac": dict({
608         "category": "Mac",
609         "create_function": create_element,
610         "help": "",
611         "connector_types": [],
612         "box_attributes": ["ProbeRequestTimeout",
613             "AssocRequestTimeout",
614             "MaxMissedBeacons",
615             "CtsTimeout",
616             "AckTimeout",
617             "BasicBlockAckTimeout",
618             "CompressedBlockAckTimeout",
619             "Sifs",
620             "EifsNoDifs",
621             "Slot",
622             "Pifs",
623             "MaxPropagationDelay",
624             "Ssid"],
625     }),
626      "ns3::Icmpv6L4Protocol": dict({
627         "category": "Protocol",
628         "create_function": create_element,
629         "help": "",
630         "connector_types": [],
631         "box_attributes": ["DAD",
632             "ProtocolNumber"],
633     }),
634      "ns3::SimpleNetDevice": dict({
635         "category": "Device",
636         "create_function": create_device,
637         "help": "",
638         "connector_types": ["node", "chan"],
639         "allow_addresses": True,
640         "box_attributes": [],
641     }),
642      "ns3::FriisPropagationLossModel": dict({
643         "category": "Loss",
644         "create_function": create_element,
645         "help": "",
646         "connector_types": [],
647         "box_attributes": ["Lambda",
648             "SystemLoss",
649             "MinDistance"],
650     }),
651      "ns3::Ipv6OptionRouterAlert": dict({
652         "category": "",
653         "create_function": create_element,
654         "help": "",
655         "connector_types": [],
656         "box_attributes": ["OptionNumber"],
657     }),
658      "ns3::UniformDiscPositionAllocator": dict({
659         "category": "Mobility",
660         "create_function": create_element,
661         "help": "",
662         "connector_types": [],
663         "box_attributes": ["rho",
664             "X",
665             "Y"],
666     }),
667      "ns3::RandomBoxPositionAllocator": dict({
668         "category": "Mobility",
669         "create_function": create_element,
670         "help": "",
671         "connector_types": [],
672         "box_attributes": ["X",
673             "Y",
674             "Z"],
675     }),
676      "ns3::Ipv6ExtensionDestination": dict({
677         "category": "",
678         "create_function": create_element,
679         "help": "",
680         "connector_types": [],
681         "box_attributes": ["ExtensionNumber"],
682     }),
683      "ns3::LoopbackNetDevice": dict({
684         "category": "Device",
685         "create_function": create_device,
686         "help": "",
687         "connector_types": [],
688         "box_attributes": [],
689     }),
690      "ns3::ConstantSpeedPropagationDelayModel": dict({
691         "category": "Delay",
692         "create_function": create_element,
693         "help": "",
694         "connector_types": ["chan"],
695         "box_attributes": ["Speed"],
696     }),
697      "ns3::Ipv6ExtensionHopByHop": dict({
698         "category": "",
699         "create_function": create_element,
700         "help": "",
701         "connector_types": [],
702         "box_attributes": ["ExtensionNumber"],
703     }),
704      "ns3::BridgeChannel": dict({
705         "category": "Channel",
706         "create_function": create_element,
707         "help": "",
708         "connector_types": [],
709         "box_attributes": [],
710     }),
711      "ns3::Radvd": dict({
712         "category": "",
713         "create_function": create_element,
714         "help": "",
715         "connector_types": [],
716         "box_attributes": ["StartTime",
717             "StopTime"],
718     }),
719      "ns3::PacketSocket": dict({
720         "category": "",
721         "create_function": create_element,
722         "help": "",
723         "connector_types": [],
724         "box_attributes": ["RcvBufSize"],
725     }),
726      "ns3::flame::FlameProtocol": dict({
727         "category": "Protocol",
728         "create_function": create_element,
729         "help": "",
730         "connector_types": [],
731         "box_attributes": ["BroadcastInterval",
732             "MaxCost"],
733     }),
734      "ns3::Cost231PropagationLossModel": dict({
735         "category": "Loss",
736         "create_function": create_element,
737         "help": "",
738         "connector_types": [],
739         "box_attributes": ["Lambda",
740             "Frequency",
741             "BSAntennaHeight",
742             "SSAntennaHeight",
743             "MinDistance"],
744     }),
745      "ns3::Ipv6ExtensionESP": dict({
746         "category": "",
747         "create_function": create_element,
748         "help": "",
749         "connector_types": [],
750         "box_attributes": ["ExtensionNumber"],
751     }),
752      "ns3::CaraWifiManager": dict({
753         "category": "Manager",
754         "create_function": create_element,
755         "help": "",
756         "connector_types": [],
757         "box_attributes": ["ProbeThreshold",
758             "FailureThreshold",
759             "SuccessThreshold",
760             "Timeout",
761             "IsLowLatency",
762             "MaxSsrc",
763             "MaxSlrc",
764             "RtsCtsThreshold",
765             "FragmentationThreshold",
766             "NonUnicastMode"],
768     }),
769      "ns3::RttMeanDeviation": dict({
770         "category": "",
771         "create_function": create_element,
772         "help": "",
773         "connector_types": [],
774         "box_attributes": ["Gain",
775             "MaxMultiplier",
776             "InitialEstimation",
777             "MinRTO"],
778     }),
779      "ns3::Icmpv4L4Protocol": dict({
780         "category": "Protocol",
781         "create_function": create_element,
782         "help": "",
783         "connector_types": ["node"],
784         "box_attributes": ["ProtocolNumber"],
785     }),
786      "ns3::WaveformGenerator": dict({
787         "category": "",
788         "create_function": create_element,
789         "help": "",
790         "connector_types": [],
791         "box_attributes": ["Period",
792             "DutyCycle"],
793     }),
794      "ns3::YansWifiChannel": dict({
795         "category": "Channel",
796         "create_function": create_element,
797         "help": "",
798         "connector_types": ["phys", "delay", "loss"],
799         "box_attributes": [],
800     }),
801      "ns3::SimpleChannel": dict({
802         "category": "Channel",
803         "create_function": create_element,
804         "help": "",
805         "connector_types": ["devs"],
806         "box_attributes": [],
807     }),
808      "ns3::Ipv6ExtensionFragment": dict({
809         "category": "",
810         "create_function": create_element,
811         "help": "",
812         "connector_types": [],
813         "box_attributes": ["ExtensionNumber"],
814     }),
815      "ns3::Dot11sStack": dict({
816         "category": "",
817         "create_function": create_element,
818         "help": "",
819         "connector_types": [],
820         "box_attributes": ["Root"],
821     }),
822      "ns3::FriisSpectrumPropagationLossModel": dict({
823         "category": "Loss",
824         "create_function": create_element,
825         "help": "",
826         "connector_types": [],
827         "box_attributes": [],
828     }),
829      "ns3::RandomRectanglePositionAllocator": dict({
830         "category": "Mobility",
831         "create_function": create_element,
832         "help": "",
833         "connector_types": [],
834         "box_attributes": ["X",
835            "Y"],
836     }),
837      "ns3::NqapWifiMac": dict({
838         "category": "",
839         "create_function": create_element,
840         "help": "",
841         "connector_types": [],
842         "box_attributes": ["BeaconInterval",
843             "BeaconGeneration",
844             "CtsTimeout",
845             "AckTimeout",
846             "BasicBlockAckTimeout",
847             "CompressedBlockAckTimeout",
848             "Sifs",
849             "EifsNoDifs",
850             "Slot",
851             "Pifs",
852             "MaxPropagationDelay",
853             "Ssid"],
854     }),
855      "ns3::HierarchicalMobilityModel": dict({
856         "category": "Mobility",
857         "create_function": create_element,
858         "help": "",
859         "connector_types": ["node"],
860         "box_attributes": ["Position",
861             "Velocity"],
862     }),
863      "ns3::ThreeLogDistancePropagationLossModel": dict({
864         "category": "Loss",
865         "create_function": create_element,
866         "help": "",
867         "connector_types": [],
868         "box_attributes": ["Distance0",
869             "Distance1",
870             "Distance2",
871             "Exponent0",
872             "Exponent1",
873             "Exponent2",
874             "ReferenceLoss"],
875     }),
876      "ns3::UanNoiseModelDefault": dict({
877         "category": "",
878         "create_function": create_element,
879         "help": "",
880         "connector_types": [],
881         "box_attributes": ["Wind",
882             "Shipping"],
883     }),
884      "ns3::dot11s::HwmpRtable": dict({
885         "category": "",
886         "create_function": create_element,
887         "help": "",
888         "connector_types": [],
889         "box_attributes": [],
890     }),
891      "ns3::PacketBurst": dict({
892         "category": "",
893         "create_function": create_element,
894         "help": "",
895         "connector_types": [],
896         "box_attributes": [],
897     }),
898      "ns3::RandomPropagationDelayModel": dict({
899         "category": "Delay",
900         "create_function": create_element,
901         "help": "",
902         "connector_types": [],
903         "box_attributes": ["Variable"],
904     }),
905      "ns3::ArpL3Protocol": dict({
906         "category": "Protocol",
907         "create_function": create_element,
908         "help": "",
909         "connector_types": ["node"],
910         "box_attributes": [],
911     }),
912      "ns3::SteadyStateRandomWaypointMobilityModel": dict({
913         "category": "Mobility",
914         "create_function": create_element,
915         "help": "",
916         "connector_types": [],
917         "box_attributes": ["MinSpeed",
918             "MaxSpeed",
919             "MinPause",
920             "MaxPause",
921             "MinX",
922             "MaxX",
923             "MinY",
924             "MaxY",
925             "Position",
926             "Velocity"],
927     }),
928      "ns3::BaseStationNetDevice": dict({
929         "category": "Device",
930         "create_function": create_device,
931         "configure_function": configure_device,
932         "help": "",
933         "connector_types": [],
934         "allow_addresses": True,
935         "box_attributes": ["InitialRangInterval",
936             "DcdInterval",
937             "UcdInterval",
938             "IntervalT8",
939             "RangReqOppSize",
940             "BwReqOppSize",
941             "MaxRangCorrectionRetries",
942             "Mtu",
943             "RTG",
944             "TTG"],
945     }),
946      "ns3::UdpServer": dict({
947         "category": "Application",
948         "create_function": create_element,
949         "help": "",
950         "connector_types": [],
951         "stop_function": stop_application,
952         "start_function": start_application,
953         "status_function": status_application,
954         "box_attributes": ["Port",
955             "PacketWindowSize",
956             "StartTime",
957             "StopTime"],
958     }),
959      "ns3::AarfcdWifiManager": dict({
960         "category": "Manager",
961         "create_function": create_element,
962         "help": "",
963         "connector_types": [],
964         "box_attributes": ["SuccessK",
965             "TimerK",
966             "MaxSuccessThreshold",
967             "MinTimerThreshold",
968             "MinSuccessThreshold",
969             "MinRtsWnd",
970             "MaxRtsWnd",
971             "TurnOffRtsAfterRateDecrease",
972             "TurnOnRtsAfterRateIncrease",
973             "IsLowLatency",
974             "MaxSsrc",
975             "MaxSlrc",
976             "RtsCtsThreshold",
977             "FragmentationThreshold",
978             "NonUnicastMode"],
979     }),
980      "ns3::UanTransducerHd": dict({
981         "category": "",
982         "create_function": create_element,
983         "help": "",
984         "connector_types": [],
985         "box_attributes": [],
986     }),
987      "ns3::LogDistancePropagationLossModel": dict({
988         "category": "Loss",
989         "create_function": create_element,
990         "help": "",
991         "connector_types": ["prev", "next"],
992         "box_attributes": ["Exponent",
993             "ReferenceDistance",
994             "ReferenceLoss"],
995     }),
996      "ns3::EmuNetDevice": dict({
997         "category": "Device",
998         "create_function": create_device,
999         "help": "",
1000         "connector_types": ["node", "queue"],
1001         "box_attributes": ["Mtu",
1002             "Address",
1003             "DeviceName",
1004             "Start",
1005             "Stop",
1006             "RxQueueSize"],
1007     }),
1008      "ns3::Ipv6ExtensionLooseRouting": dict({
1009         "category": "",
1010         "create_function": create_element,
1011         "help": "",
1012         "connector_types": [],
1013         "box_attributes": ["ExtensionNumber"],
1014     }),
1015      "ns3::RandomWaypointMobilityModel": dict({
1016         "category": "Mobility",
1017         "create_function": create_element,
1018         "help": "",
1019         "connector_types": ["node"],
1020         "box_attributes": ["Speed",
1021             "Pause",
1022             "Position",
1023             "Velocity"],
1024     }),
1025      "ns3::RangePropagationLossModel": dict({
1026         "category": "",
1027         "create_function": create_element,
1028         "help": "",
1029         "connector_types": [],
1030         "box_attributes": ["MaxRange"],
1031     }),
1032      "ns3::AlohaNoackNetDevice": dict({
1033         "category": "Device",
1034         "create_function": create_element,
1035         "help": "",
1036         "connector_types": [],
1037         "box_attributes": ["Address",
1038             "Mtu"],
1039     }),
1040      "ns3::MatrixPropagationLossModel": dict({
1041         "category": "Loss",
1042         "create_function": create_element,
1043         "help": "",
1044         "connector_types": [],
1045         "box_attributes": ["DefaultLoss"],
1046     }),
1047      "ns3::WifiNetDevice": dict({
1048         "category": "Device",
1049         "create_function": create_device,
1050         "configure_function": configure_device,
1051         "help": "",
1052         "connector_types": ["node", "mac", "phy", "manager"],
1053         "allow_addresses": True,
1054         "box_attributes": ["Mtu"],
1055     }),
1056      "ns3::CsmaChannel": dict({
1057         "category": "Channel",
1058         "create_function": create_element,
1059         "help": "",
1060         "connector_types": ["devs"],
1061         "box_attributes": ["DataRate",
1062             "Delay"],
1063     }),
1064      "ns3::BridgeNetDevice": dict({
1065         "category": "Device",
1066         "create_function": create_device,
1067         "help": "",
1068         "connector_types": ["node"],
1069         "allow_addresses": True,
1070         "box_attributes": ["Mtu",
1071            "EnableLearning",
1072            "ExpirationTime"],
1073     }),
1074      "ns3::Ipv6ExtensionRouting": dict({
1075         "category": "",
1076         "create_function": create_element,
1077         "help": "",
1078         "connector_types": [],
1079         "box_attributes": ["ExtensionNumber"],
1080     }),
1081      "ns3::QstaWifiMac": dict({
1082         "category": "Mac",
1083         "create_function": create_wifi_standard_model,
1084         "help": "Station Wifi MAC Model",
1085         "connector_types": ["dev"],
1086         "box_attributes": ["ProbeRequestTimeout",
1087             "AssocRequestTimeout",
1088             "MaxMissedBeacons",
1089             "CtsTimeout",
1090             "AckTimeout",
1091             "BasicBlockAckTimeout",
1092             "CompressedBlockAckTimeout",
1093             "Sifs",
1094             "EifsNoDifs",
1095             "Slot",
1096             "Pifs",
1097             "MaxPropagationDelay",
1098             "Ssid"],
1099     }),
1100      "ns3::UdpEchoClient": dict({
1101         "category": "Application",
1102         "create_function": create_element,
1103         "help": "",
1104         "connector_types": ["node"],
1105         "stop_function": stop_application,
1106         "start_function": start_application,
1107         "status_function": status_application,
1108         "box_attributes": ["MaxPackets",
1109             "Interval",
1110             "RemoteAddress",
1111             "RemotePort",
1112             "PacketSize",
1113             "StartTime",
1114             "StopTime"],
1115     }),
1116      "ns3::UdpClient": dict({
1117         "category": "Application",
1118         "create_function": create_element,
1119         "help": "",
1120         "connector_types": [],
1121         "stop_function": stop_application,
1122         "start_function": start_application,
1123         "status_function": status_application,
1124         "box_attributes": ["MaxPackets",
1125             "Interval",
1126             "RemoteAddress",
1127             "RemotePort",
1128             "PacketSize",
1129             "StartTime",
1130             "StopTime"],
1131     }),
1132      "ns3::PointToPointChannel": dict({
1133         "category": "Channel",
1134         "create_function": create_element,
1135         "help": "",
1136         "connector_types": ["dev2"],
1137         "box_attributes": ["Delay"],
1138     }),
1139      "ns3::Ipv6StaticRouting": dict({
1140         "category": "",
1141         "create_function": create_element,
1142         "help": "",
1143         "connector_types": [],
1144         "box_attributes": [],
1145     }),
1146      "ns3::DropTailQueue": dict({
1147         "category": "Device",
1148         "create_function": create_element,
1149         "help": "",
1150         "connector_types": ["dev"],
1151         "box_attributes": ["MaxPackets",
1152            "MaxBytes"],
1153     }),
1154      "ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel": dict({
1155         "category": "Mobility",
1156         "create_function": create_element,
1157         "help": "",
1158         "connector_types": ["node"],
1159         "box_attributes": ["Position",
1160             "Velocity"],
1161     }),
1162      "ns3::FixedRssLossModel": dict({
1163         "category": "Loss",
1164         "create_function": create_element,
1165         "help": "",
1166         "connector_types": [],
1167         "box_attributes": ["Rss"],
1168     }),
1169      "ns3::EnergySourceContainer": dict({
1170         "category": "",
1171         "create_function": create_element,
1172         "help": "",
1173         "connector_types": [],
1174         "box_attributes": [],
1175     }),
1176      "ns3::RandomWalk2dMobilityModel": dict({
1177         "category": "Mobility",
1178         "create_function": create_element,
1179         "help": "",
1180         "connector_types": ["node"],
1181         "box_attributes": ["Bounds",
1182             "Time",
1183             "Distance",
1184             "Mode",
1185             "Direction",
1186             "Speed",
1187             "Position",
1188             "Velocity"],
1189     }),
1190      "ns3::ListPositionAllocator": dict({
1191         "category": "",
1192         "create_function": create_element,
1193         "help": "",
1194         "connector_types": [],
1195         "box_attributes": [],
1196     }),
1197      "ns3::dot11s::PeerManagementProtocol": dict({
1198         "category": "Protocol",
1199         "create_function": create_element,
1200         "help": "",
1201         "connector_types": [],
1202         "box_attributes": ["MaxNumberOfPeerLinks",
1203             "MaxBeaconShiftValue",
1204             "EnableBeaconCollisionAvoidance"],
1205     }),
1206      "ns3::MeshPointDevice": dict({
1207         "category": "Device",
1208         "create_function": create_device,
1209         "help": "",
1210         "connector_types": [],
1211         "allow_addresses": True,
1212         "box_attributes": ["Mtu"],
1213     }),
1214      "ns3::BasicEnergySource": dict({
1215         "category": "",
1216         "create_function": create_element,
1217         "help": "",
1218         "connector_types": [],
1219         "box_attributes": ["BasicEnergySourceInitialEnergyJ",
1220             "BasicEnergySupplyVoltageV",
1221             "PeriodicEnergyUpdateInterval"],
1222     }),
1223      "ns3::Ipv6OptionPadn": dict({
1224         "category": "",
1225         "create_function": create_element,
1226         "help": "",
1227         "connector_types": [],
1228         "box_attributes": ["OptionNumber"],
1229     }),
1230      "ns3::QapWifiMac": dict({
1231         "category": "Mac",
1232         "create_function": create_wifi_standard_model,
1233         "help": "Access point Wifi MAC Model",
1234         "connector_types": ["dev"],
1235         "box_attributes": ["BeaconInterval",
1236             "BeaconGeneration",
1237             "CtsTimeout",
1238             "AckTimeout",
1239             "BasicBlockAckTimeout",
1240             "CompressedBlockAckTimeout",
1241             "Sifs",
1242             "EifsNoDifs",
1243             "Slot",
1244             "Pifs",
1245             "MaxPropagationDelay",
1246             "Ssid"],
1247     }),
1248      "ns3::YansErrorRateModel": dict({
1249         "category": "Error",
1250         "create_function": create_element,
1251         "help": "",
1252         "connector_types": [],
1253         "box_attributes": [],
1254     }),
1255      "ns3::WifiMacQueue": dict({
1256         "category": "",
1257         "create_function": create_element,
1258         "help": "",
1259         "connector_types": [],
1260         "box_attributes": ["MaxPacketNumber",
1261            "MaxDelay"],
1262     }),
1263      "ns3::NonCommunicatingNetDevice": dict({
1264         "category": "Device",
1265         "create_function": create_device,
1266         "help": "",
1267         "connector_types": [],
1268         "allow_addresses": True,
1269         "box_attributes": [],
1270     }),
1271      "ns3::RateErrorModel": dict({
1272         "category": "Error",
1273         "create_function": create_element,
1274         "help": "",
1275         "connector_types": [],
1276         "box_attributes": ["ErrorUnit",
1277             "ErrorRate",
1278             "RanVar",
1279             "IsEnabled"],
1280     }),
1281      "ns3::MeshWifiInterfaceMac": dict({
1282         "category": "",
1283         "create_function": create_element,
1284         "help": "",
1285         "connector_types": [],
1286         "box_attributes": ["BeaconInterval",
1287             "RandomStart",
1288             "BeaconGeneration",
1289             "CtsTimeout",
1290             "AckTimeout",
1291             "BasicBlockAckTimeout",
1292             "CompressedBlockAckTimeout",
1293             "Sifs",
1294             "EifsNoDifs",
1295             "Slot",
1296             "Pifs",
1297             "MaxPropagationDelay",
1298             "Ssid"],
1299     }),
1300      "ns3::UanPhyCalcSinrDual": dict({
1301         "category": "",
1302         "create_function": create_element,
1303         "help": "",
1304         "connector_types": [],
1305         "box_attributes": [],
1306     }),
1307      "ns3::Ipv6ExtensionAH": dict({
1308         "category": "",
1309         "create_function": create_element,
1310         "help": "",
1311         "connector_types": [],
1312         "box_attributes": ["ExtensionNumber"],
1313     }),
1314      "ns3::SingleModelSpectrumChannel": dict({
1315         "category": "Channel",
1316         "create_function": create_element,
1317         "help": "",
1318         "connector_types": [],
1319         "box_attributes": [],
1320     }),
1321      "ns3::YansWifiPhy": dict({
1322         "category": "Phy",
1323         "create_function": create_element,
1324         "help": "",
1325         "connector_types": ["dev", "err", "chan"],
1326         "box_attributes": ["EnergyDetectionThreshold",
1327             "CcaMode1Threshold",
1328             "TxGain",
1329             "RxGain",
1330             "TxPowerLevels",
1331             "TxPowerEnd",
1332             "TxPowerStart",
1333             "RxNoiseFigure",
1334             "ChannelSwitchDelay",
1335             "ChannelNumber"],
1336         "traces": ["yanswifipcap"]
1337     }),
1338      "ns3::WifiRadioEnergyModel": dict({
1339         "category": "",
1340         "create_function": create_element,
1341         "help": "",
1342         "connector_types": [],
1343         "box_attributes": ["TxCurrentA",
1344             "RxCurrentA",
1345             "IdleCurrentA",
1346             "SleepCurrentA"],
1347     }),
1348      "ns3::EdcaTxopN": dict({
1349         "category": "",
1350         "create_function": create_element,
1351         "help": "",
1352         "connector_types": [],
1353         "box_attributes": ["BlockAckThreshold",
1354             "MinCw",
1355             "MaxCw",
1356             "Aifsn"],
1357     }),
1358      "ns3::UanPhyPerGenDefault": dict({
1359         "category": "",
1360         "create_function": create_element,
1361         "help": "",
1362         "connector_types": [],
1363         "box_attributes": ["Threshold"],
1364     }),
1365      "ns3::IdealWifiManager": dict({
1366         "category": "Manager",
1367         "create_function": create_element,
1368         "help": "",
1369         "connector_types": [],
1370         "box_attributes": ["BerThreshold",
1371             "IsLowLatency",
1372             "MaxSsrc",
1373             "MaxSlrc",
1374             "RtsCtsThreshold",
1375             "FragmentationThreshold",
1376             "NonUnicastMode"],
1377     }),
1378      "ns3::MultiModelSpectrumChannel": dict({
1379         "category": "Channel",
1380         "create_function": create_element,
1381         "help": "",
1382         "connector_types": [],
1383         "box_attributes": [],
1384     }),
1385      "ns3::HalfDuplexIdealPhy": dict({
1386         "category": "Phy",
1387         "create_function": create_element,
1388         "help": "",
1389         "connector_types": [],
1390         "box_attributes": ["Rate"],
1391     }),
1392      "ns3::UanPhyCalcSinrDefault": dict({
1393         "category": "Phy",
1394         "create_function": create_element,
1395         "help": "",
1396         "connector_types": [],
1397         "box_attributes": [],
1398     }),
1399      "ns3::ReceiveListErrorModel": dict({
1400         "category": "Error",
1401         "create_function": create_element,
1402         "help": "",
1403         "connector_types": [],
1404         "box_attributes": ["IsEnabled"],
1405     }),
1406      "ns3::SpectrumAnalyzer": dict({
1407         "category": "",
1408         "create_function": create_element,
1409         "help": "",
1410         "connector_types": [],
1411         "box_attributes": ["Resolution",
1412         "NoisePowerSpectralDensity"],
1413     }),
1414      "ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager": dict({
1415         "category": "Manager",
1416         "create_function": create_element,
1417         "help": "",
1418         "connector_types": ["dev"],
1419         "box_attributes": ["DataMode",
1420             "ControlMode",
1421             "IsLowLatency",
1422             "MaxSsrc",
1423             "MaxSlrc",
1424             "RtsCtsThreshold",
1425             "FragmentationThreshold",
1426             "NonUnicastMode"],
1427     }),
1428      "ns3::Ipv6OptionPad1": dict({
1429         "category": "",
1430         "create_function": create_element,
1431         "help": "",
1432         "connector_types": [],
1433         "box_attributes": ["OptionNumber"],
1434     }),
1435      "ns3::UdpTraceClient": dict({
1436         "category": "",
1437         "create_function": create_element,
1438         "help": "",
1439         "connector_types": [],
1440         "box_attributes": ["RemoteAddress",
1441             "RemotePort",
1442             "MaxPacketSize",
1443             "StartTime",
1444             "StopTime"],
1445     }),
1446      "ns3::RraaWifiManager": dict({
1447         "category": "Manager",
1448         "create_function": create_element,
1449         "help": "",
1450         "connector_types": [],
1451         "box_attributes": ["Basic",
1452             "Timeout",
1453             "ewndFor54mbps",
1454             "ewndFor48mbps",
1455             "ewndFor36mbps",
1456             "ewndFor24mbps",
1457             "ewndFor18mbps",
1458             "ewndFor12mbps",
1459             "ewndFor9mbps",
1460             "ewndFor6mbps",
1461             "poriFor48mbps",
1462             "poriFor36mbps",
1463             "poriFor24mbps",
1464             "poriFor18mbps",
1465             "poriFor12mbps",
1466             "poriFor9mbps",
1467             "poriFor6mbps",
1468             "pmtlFor54mbps",
1469             "pmtlFor48mbps",
1470             "pmtlFor36mbps",
1471             "pmtlFor24mbps",
1472             "pmtlFor18mbps",
1473             "pmtlFor12mbps",
1474             "pmtlFor9mbps",
1475             "IsLowLatency",
1476             "MaxSsrc",
1477             "MaxSlrc",
1478             "RtsCtsThreshold",
1479             "FragmentationThreshold",
1480             "NonUnicastMode"],
1481     }),
1482      "ns3::RandomPropagationLossModel": dict({
1483         "category": "Loss",
1484         "create_function": create_element,
1485         "help": "",
1486         "connector_types": [],
1487         "box_attributes": ["Variable"],
1488     }),
1489      "ns3::UanChannel": dict({
1490         "category": "Channel",
1491         "create_function": create_element,
1492         "help": "",
1493         "connector_types": [],
1494         "box_attributes": [],
1495     }),
1496      "ns3::MinstrelWifiManager": dict({
1497         "category": "Manager",
1498         "create_function": create_element,
1499         "help": "",
1500         "connector_types": [],
1501         "box_attributes": ["UpdateStatistics",
1502             "LookAroundRate",
1503             "EWMA",
1504             "SegmentSize",
1505             "SampleColumn",
1506             "PacketLength",
1507             "IsLowLatency",
1508             "MaxSsrc",
1509             "MaxSlrc",
1510             "RtsCtsThreshold",
1511             "FragmentationThreshold",
1512             "NonUnicastMode"],
1513     }),
1514      "ns3::UanPhyDual": dict({
1515         "category": "Phy",
1516         "create_function": create_element,
1517         "help": "",
1518         "connector_types": [],
1519         "box_attributes": ["CcaThresholdPhy1",
1520             "CcaThresholdPhy2",
1521             "TxPowerPhy1",
1522             "TxPowerPhy2",
1523             "RxGainPhy1",
1524             "RxGainPhy2",
1525             "SupportedModesPhy1",
1526             "SupportedModesPhy2"],
1527     }),
1528      "ns3::ListErrorModel": dict({
1529         "category": "Error",
1530         "create_function": create_element,
1531         "help": "",
1532         "connector_types": ["dev"],
1533         "box_attributes": ["IsEnabled"],
1534     }),
1535      "ns3::VirtualNetDevice": dict({
1536         "category": "Device",
1537         "create_function": create_device,
1538         "help": "",
1539         "connector_types": [],
1540         "allow_addresses": True,
1541         "box_attributes": ["Mtu"],
1542     }),
1543      "ns3::UanPhyGen": dict({
1544         "category": "Phy",
1545         "create_function": create_element,
1546         "help": "",
1547         "connector_types": [],
1548         "box_attributes": ["CcaThreshold",
1549             "RxThreshold",
1550             "TxPower",
1551             "RxGain",
1552             "SupportedModes"],
1553     }),
1554      "ns3::Ipv6L3Protocol": dict({
1555         "category": "Protocol",
1556         "create_function": create_element,
1557         "help": "",
1558         "connector_types": [],
1559         "box_attributes": ["DefaultTtl",
1560             "IpForward"],
1561     }),
1562      "ns3::PointToPointRemoteChannel": dict({
1563         "category": "Channel",
1564         "create_function": create_element,
1565         "help": "",
1566         "connector_types": [],
1567         "box_attributes": ["Delay"],
1568     }),
1569      "ns3::UanPhyPerUmodem": dict({
1570         "category": "Phy",
1571         "create_function": create_element,
1572         "help": "",
1573         "connector_types": [],
1574         "box_attributes": [],
1575     }),
1576      "ns3::OnoeWifiManager": dict({
1577         "category": "Manager",
1578         "create_function": create_element,
1579         "help": "",
1580         "connector_types": [],
1581         "box_attributes": ["UpdatePeriod",
1582             "RaiseThreshold",
1583             "AddCreditThreshold",
1584             "IsLowLatency",
1585             "MaxSsrc",
1586             "MaxSlrc",
1587             "RtsCtsThreshold",
1588             "FragmentationThreshold",
1589             "NonUnicastMode"],
1590     }),
1591      "ns3::QadhocWifiMac": dict({
1592         "category": "Mac",
1593         "create_function": create_element,
1594         "help": "",
1595         "connector_types": [],
1596         "box_attributes": ["CtsTimeout",
1597             "AckTimeout",
1598             "BasicBlockAckTimeout",
1599             "CompressedBlockAckTimeout",
1600             "Sifs",
1601             "EifsNoDifs",
1602             "Slot",
1603             "Pifs",
1604             "MaxPropagationDelay",
1605             "Ssid"],
1606     }),
1607      "ns3::JakesPropagationLossModel": dict({
1608         "category": "Loss",
1609         "create_function": create_element,
1610         "help": "",
1611         "connector_types": [],
1612         "box_attributes": ["NumberOfRaysPerPath",
1613             "NumberOfOscillatorsPerRay",
1614             "DopplerFreq",
1615             "Distribution"],
1616     }),
1617      "ns3::PacketSink": dict({
1618         "category": "Application",
1619         "create_function": create_element,
1620         "help": "",
1621         "connector_types": ["node"],
1622         "stop_function": stop_application,
1623         "start_function": start_application,
1624         "status_function": status_application,
1625         "box_attributes": ["Local",
1626             "Protocol",
1627             "StartTime",
1628             "StopTime"],
1629     }),
1630      "ns3::RandomDirection2dMobilityModel": dict({
1631         "category": "Mobility",
1632         "create_function": create_element,
1633         "help": "",
1634         "connector_types": ["node"],
1635         "box_attributes": ["Bounds",
1636             "Speed",
1637             "Pause",
1638             "Position",
1639             "Velocity"],
1640     }),
1641      "ns3::UanMacAloha": dict({
1642         "category": "",
1643         "create_function": create_element,
1644         "help": "",
1645         "connector_types": [],
1646         "box_attributes": [],
1647     }),
1648      "ns3::MsduStandardAggregator": dict({
1649         "category": "",
1650         "create_function": create_element,
1651         "help": "",
1652         "connector_types": [],
1653         "box_attributes": ["MaxAmsduSize"],
1654     }),
1655      "ns3::DcaTxop": dict({
1656         "category": "",
1657         "create_function": create_element,
1658         "help": "",
1659         "connector_types": [],
1660         "box_attributes": ["MinCw",
1661             "MaxCw",
1662             "Aifsn"],
1663     }),
1664      "ns3::UanPhyCalcSinrFhFsk": dict({
1665         "category": "Phy",
1666         "create_function": create_element,
1667         "help": "",
1668         "connector_types": [],
1669         "box_attributes": ["NumberOfHops"],
1670     }),
1671      "ns3::UanPropModelIdeal": dict({
1672         "category": "",
1673         "create_function": create_element,
1674         "help": "",
1675         "connector_types": [],
1676         "box_attributes": [],
1677     }),
1678      "ns3::UanMacRcGw": dict({
1679         "category": "",
1680         "create_function": create_element,
1681         "help": "",
1682         "connector_types": [],
1683         "box_attributes": ["MaxReservations",
1684             "NumberOfRates",
1685             "RetryRate",
1686             "MaxPropDelay",
1687             "SIFS",
1688             "NumberOfNodes",
1689             "MinRetryRate",
1690             "RetryStep",
1691             "NumberOfRetryRates",
1692             "TotalRate",
1693             "RateStep",
1694             "FrameSize"],
1695     }),
1696      "ns3::NistErrorRateModel": dict({
1697         "category": "Error",
1698         "create_function": create_element,
1699         "help": "",
1700         "connector_types": ["phy"],
1701         "box_attributes": [],
1702     }),
1703      "ns3::Ipv4L3Protocol": dict({
1704         "category": "Protocol",
1705         "create_function": create_ipv4protocol,
1706         "help": "",
1707         "connector_types": ["node"],
1708         "box_attributes": ["DefaultTtl",
1709             "IpForward",
1710             "WeakEsModel"],
1711     }),
1712      "ns3::aodv::RoutingProtocol": dict({
1713         "category": "Protocol",
1714         "create_function": create_element,
1715         "help": "",
1716         "connector_types": [],
1717         "box_attributes": ["HelloInterval",
1718             "RreqRetries",
1719             "RreqRateLimit",
1720             "NodeTraversalTime",
1721             "NextHopWait",
1722             "ActiveRouteTimeout",
1723             "MyRouteTimeout",
1724             "BlackListTimeout",
1725             "DeletePeriod",
1726             "TimeoutBuffer",
1727             "NetDiameter",
1728             "NetTraversalTime",
1729             "PathDiscoveryTime",
1730             "MaxQueueLen",
1731             "MaxQueueTime",
1732             "AllowedHelloLoss",
1733             "GratuitousReply",
1734             "DestinationOnly",
1735             "EnableHello",
1736             "EnableBroadcast"],
1737     }),
1738      "ns3::TcpL4Protocol": dict({
1739         "category": "Protocol",
1740         "create_function": create_element,
1741         "help": "",
1742         "connector_types": ["node"],
1743         "box_attributes": ["RttEstimatorFactory",
1744             "ProtocolNumber"],
1745     }),
1746      "ns3::olsr::RoutingProtocol": dict({
1747         "category": "Protocol",
1748         "create_function": create_element,
1749         "help": "",
1750         "connector_types": [],
1751         "box_attributes": ["HelloInterval",
1752             "TcInterval",
1753             "MidInterval",
1754             "HnaInterval",
1755             "Willingness"],
1756     }),
1757      "ns3::UdpEchoServer": dict({
1758         "category": "Application",
1759         "create_function": create_element,
1760         "help": "",
1761         "connector_types": ["node"],
1762         "stop_function": stop_application,
1763         "start_function": start_application,
1764         "status_function": status_application,
1765         "box_attributes": ["Port",
1766            "StartTime",
1767            "StopTime"],
1768     }),
1769      "ns3::AmrrWifiManager": dict({
1770         "category": "Manager",
1771         "create_function": create_element,
1772         "help": "",
1773         "connector_types": [],
1774         "box_attributes": ["UpdatePeriod",
1775             "FailureRatio",
1776             "SuccessRatio",
1777             "MaxSuccessThreshold",
1778             "MinSuccessThreshold",
1779             "IsLowLatency",
1780             "MaxSsrc",
1781             "MaxSlrc",
1782             "RtsCtsThreshold",
1783             "FragmentationThreshold",
1784             "NonUnicastMode"],
1785     }),
1786      "ns3::ArfWifiManager": dict({
1787         "category": "Manager",
1788         "create_function": create_element,
1789         "help": "",
1790         "connector_types": ["dev"],
1791         "box_attributes": ["TimerThreshold",
1792             "SuccessThreshold",
1793             "IsLowLatency",
1794             "MaxSsrc",
1795             "MaxSlrc",
1796             "RtsCtsThreshold",
1797             "FragmentationThreshold",
1798             "NonUnicastMode"],
1799     }),
1800      "ns3::SubscriberStationNetDevice": dict({
1801         "category": "Device",
1802         "create_function": create_device,
1803         "help": "",
1804         "connector_types": [],
1805         "allow_addresses": True,
1806         "box_attributes": ["LostDlMapInterval",
1807             "LostUlMapInterval",
1808             "MaxDcdInterval",
1809             "MaxUcdInterval",
1810             "IntervalT1",
1811             "IntervalT2",
1812             "IntervalT3",
1813             "IntervalT7",
1814             "IntervalT12",
1815             "IntervalT20",
1816             "IntervalT21",
1817             "MaxContentionRangingRetries",
1818             "Mtu",
1819             "RTG",
1820             "TTG"],
1821     }),
1822      "ns3::flame::FlameRtable": dict({
1823         "category": "",
1824         "create_function": create_element,
1825         "help": "",
1826         "connector_types": [],
1827         "box_attributes": ["Lifetime"],
1828     }),
1829 })