myslice.ini possible themes = onelab, fed4fire, fibre, smartfire
[unfold.git] / to-be-integrated / third-party / codemirror-3.15 / mode / perl / perl.js
1 // CodeMirror2 mode/perl/perl.js (text/x-perl) beta 0.10 (2011-11-08)
2 // This is a part of CodeMirror from (
3 CodeMirror.defineMode("perl",function(){
4         //
5         var PERL={                                      //   null - magic touch
6                                                         //   1 - keyword
7                                                         //   2 - def
8                                                         //   3 - atom
9                                                         //   4 - operator
10                                                         //   5 - variable-2 (predefined)
11                                                         //   [x,y] - x=1,2,3; y=must be defined if x{...}
12                                                 //      PERL operators
13                 '->'                            :   4,
14                 '++'                            :   4,
15                 '--'                            :   4,
16                 '**'                            :   4,
17                                                         //   ! ~ \ and unary + and -
18                 '=~'                            :   4,
19                 '!~'                            :   4,
20                 '*'                             :   4,
21                 '/'                             :   4,
22                 '%'                             :   4,
23                 'x'                             :   4,
24                 '+'                             :   4,
25                 '-'                             :   4,
26                 '.'                             :   4,
27                 '<<'                            :   4,
28                 '>>'                            :   4,
29                                                         //   named unary operators
30                 '<'                             :   4,
31                 '>'                             :   4,
32                 '<='                            :   4,
33                 '>='                            :   4,
34                 'lt'                            :   4,
35                 'gt'                            :   4,
36                 'le'                            :   4,
37                 'ge'                            :   4,
38                 '=='                            :   4,
39                 '!='                            :   4,
40                 '<=>'                           :   4,
41                 'eq'                            :   4,
42                 'ne'                            :   4,
43                 'cmp'                           :   4,
44                 '~~'                            :   4,
45                 '&'                             :   4,
46                 '|'                             :   4,
47                 '^'                             :   4,
48                 '&&'                            :   4,
49                 '||'                            :   4,
50                 '//'                            :   4,
51                 '..'                            :   4,
52                 '...'                           :   4,
53                 '?'                             :   4,
54                 ':'                             :   4,
55                 '='                             :   4,
56                 '+='                            :   4,
57                 '-='                            :   4,
58                 '*='                            :   4,  //   etc. ???
59                 ','                             :   4,
60                 '=>'                            :   4,
61                 '::'                            :   4,
62                                                         //   list operators (rightward)
63                 'not'                           :   4,
64                 'and'                           :   4,
65                 'or'                            :   4,
66                 'xor'                           :   4,
67                                                 //      PERL predefined variables (I know, what this is a paranoid idea, but may be needed for people, who learn PERL, and for me as well, ...and may be for you?;)
68                 'BEGIN'                         :   [5,1],
69                 'END'                           :   [5,1],
70                 'PRINT'                         :   [5,1],
71                 'PRINTF'                        :   [5,1],
72                 'GETC'                          :   [5,1],
73                 'READ'                          :   [5,1],
74                 'READLINE'                      :   [5,1],
75                 'DESTROY'                       :   [5,1],
76                 'TIE'                           :   [5,1],
77                 'TIEHANDLE'                     :   [5,1],
78                 'UNTIE'                         :   [5,1],
79                 'STDIN'                         :    5,
80                 'STDIN_TOP'                     :    5,
81                 'STDOUT'                        :    5,
82                 'STDOUT_TOP'                    :    5,
83                 'STDERR'                        :    5,
84                 'STDERR_TOP'                    :    5,
85                 '$ARG'                          :    5,
86                 '$_'                            :    5,
87                 '@ARG'                          :    5,
88                 '@_'                            :    5,
89                 '$LIST_SEPARATOR'               :    5,
90                 '$"'                            :    5,
91                 '$PROCESS_ID'                   :    5,
92                 '$PID'                          :    5,
93                 '$$'                            :    5,
94                 '$REAL_GROUP_ID'                :    5,
95                 '$GID'                          :    5,
96                 '$('                            :    5,
97                 '$EFFECTIVE_GROUP_ID'           :    5,
98                 '$EGID'                         :    5,
99                 '$)'                            :    5,
100                 '$PROGRAM_NAME'                 :    5,
101                 '$0'                            :    5,
102                 '$SUBSCRIPT_SEPARATOR'          :    5,
103                 '$SUBSEP'                       :    5,
104                 '$;'                            :    5,
105                 '$REAL_USER_ID'                 :    5,
106                 '$UID'                          :    5,
107                 '$<'                            :    5,
108                 '$EFFECTIVE_USER_ID'            :    5,
109                 '$EUID'                         :    5,
110                 '$>'                            :    5,
111                 '$a'                            :    5,
112                 '$b'                            :    5,
113                 '$COMPILING'                    :    5,
114                 '$^C'                           :    5,
115                 '$DEBUGGING'                    :    5,
116                 '$^D'                           :    5,
117                 '${^ENCODING}'                  :    5,
118                 '$ENV'                          :    5,
119                 '%ENV'                          :    5,
120                 '$SYSTEM_FD_MAX'                :    5,
121                 '$^F'                           :    5,
122                 '@F'                            :    5,
123                 '${^GLOBAL_PHASE}'              :    5,
124                 '$^H'                           :    5,
125                 '%^H'                           :    5,
126                 '@INC'                          :    5,
127                 '%INC'                          :    5,
128                 '$INPLACE_EDIT'                 :    5,
129                 '$^I'                           :    5,
130                 '$^M'                           :    5,
131                 '$OSNAME'                       :    5,
132                 '$^O'                           :    5,
133                 '${^OPEN}'                      :    5,
134                 '$PERLDB'                       :    5,
135                 '$^P'                           :    5,
136                 '$SIG'                          :    5,
137                 '%SIG'                          :    5,
138                 '$BASETIME'                     :    5,
139                 '$^T'                           :    5,
140                 '${^TAINT}'                     :    5,
141                 '${^UNICODE}'                   :    5,
142                 '${^UTF8CACHE}'                 :    5,
143                 '${^UTF8LOCALE}'                :    5,
144                 '$PERL_VERSION'                 :    5,
145                 '$^V'                           :    5,
146                 '${^WIN32_SLOPPY_STAT}'         :    5,
147                 '$EXECUTABLE_NAME'              :    5,
148                 '$^X'                           :    5,
149                 '$1'                            :    5, // - regexp $1, $2...
150                 '$MATCH'                        :    5,
151                 '$&'                            :    5,
152                 '${^MATCH}'                     :    5,
153                 '$PREMATCH'                     :    5,
154                 '$`'                            :    5,
155                 '${^PREMATCH}'                  :    5,
156                 '$POSTMATCH'                    :    5,
157                 "$'"                            :    5,
158                 '${^POSTMATCH}'                 :    5,
159                 '$LAST_PAREN_MATCH'             :    5,
160                 '$+'                            :    5,
161                 '$LAST_SUBMATCH_RESULT'         :    5,
162                 '$^N'                           :    5,
163                 '@LAST_MATCH_END'               :    5,
164                 '@+'                            :    5,
165                 '%LAST_PAREN_MATCH'             :    5,
166                 '%+'                            :    5,
167                 '@LAST_MATCH_START'             :    5,
168                 '@-'                            :    5,
169                 '%LAST_MATCH_START'             :    5,
170                 '%-'                            :    5,
171                 '$LAST_REGEXP_CODE_RESULT'      :    5,
172                 '$^R'                           :    5,
173                 '${^RE_DEBUG_FLAGS}'            :    5,
174                 '${^RE_TRIE_MAXBUF}'            :    5,
175                 '$ARGV'                         :    5,
176                 '@ARGV'                         :    5,
177                 'ARGV'                          :    5,
178                 'ARGVOUT'                       :    5,
179                 '$OUTPUT_FIELD_SEPARATOR'       :    5,
180                 '$OFS'                          :    5,
181                 '$,'                            :    5,
182                 '$INPUT_LINE_NUMBER'            :    5,
183                 '$NR'                           :    5,
184                 '$.'                            :    5,
185                 '$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR'       :    5,
186                 '$RS'                           :    5,
187                 '$/'                            :    5,
188                 '$OUTPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR'      :    5,
189                 '$ORS'                          :    5,
190                 '$\\'                           :    5,
191                 '$OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH'             :    5,
192                 '$|'                            :    5,
193                 '$ACCUMULATOR'                  :    5,
194                 '$^A'                           :    5,
195                 '$FORMAT_FORMFEED'              :    5,
196                 '$^L'                           :    5,
197                 '$FORMAT_PAGE_NUMBER'           :    5,
198                 '$%'                            :    5,
199                 '$FORMAT_LINES_LEFT'            :    5,
200                 '$-'                            :    5,
201                 '$FORMAT_LINE_BREAK_CHARACTERS' :    5,
202                 '$:'                            :    5,
203                 '$FORMAT_LINES_PER_PAGE'        :    5,
204                 '$='                            :    5,
205                 '$FORMAT_TOP_NAME'              :    5,
206                 '$^'                            :    5,
207                 '$FORMAT_NAME'                  :    5,
208                 '$~'                            :    5,
209                 '${^CHILD_ERROR_NATIVE}'        :    5,
210                 '$EXTENDED_OS_ERROR'            :    5,
211                 '$^E'                           :    5,
212                 '$EXCEPTIONS_BEING_CAUGHT'      :    5,
213                 '$^S'                           :    5,
214                 '$WARNING'                      :    5,
215                 '$^W'                           :    5,
216                 '${^WARNING_BITS}'              :    5,
217                 '$OS_ERROR'                     :    5,
218                 '$ERRNO'                        :    5,
219                 '$!'                            :    5,
220                 '%OS_ERROR'                     :    5,
221                 '%ERRNO'                        :    5,
222                 '%!'                            :    5,
223                 '$CHILD_ERROR'                  :    5,
224                 '$?'                            :    5,
225                 '$EVAL_ERROR'                   :    5,
226                 '$@'                            :    5,
227                 '$OFMT'                         :    5,
228                 '$#'                            :    5,
229                 '$*'                            :    5,
230                 '$ARRAY_BASE'                   :    5,
231                 '$['                            :    5,
232                 '$OLD_PERL_VERSION'             :    5,
233                 '$]'                            :    5,
234                                                 //      PERL blocks
235                 'if'                            :[1,1],
236                 elsif                           :[1,1],
237                 'else'                          :[1,1],
238                 'while'                         :[1,1],
239                 unless                          :[1,1],
240                 'for'                           :[1,1],
241                 foreach                         :[1,1],
242                                                 //      PERL functions
243                 'abs'                           :1,     // - absolute value function
244                 accept                          :1,     // - accept an incoming socket connect
245                 alarm                           :1,     // - schedule a SIGALRM
246                 'atan2'                         :1,     // - arctangent of Y/X in the range -PI to PI
247                 bind                            :1,     // - binds an address to a socket
248                 binmode                         :1,     // - prepare binary files for I/O
249                 bless                           :1,     // - create an object
250                 bootstrap                       :1,     //
251                 'break'                         :1,     // - break out of a "given" block
252                 caller                          :1,     // - get context of the current subroutine call
253                 chdir                           :1,     // - change your current working directory
254                 chmod                           :1,     // - changes the permissions on a list of files
255                 chomp                           :1,     // - remove a trailing record separator from a string
256                 chop                            :1,     // - remove the last character from a string
257                 chown                           :1,     // - change the owership on a list of files
258                 chr                             :1,     // - get character this number represents
259                 chroot                          :1,     // - make directory new root for path lookups
260                 close                           :1,     // - close file (or pipe or socket) handle
261                 closedir                        :1,     // - close directory handle
262                 connect                         :1,     // - connect to a remote socket
263                 'continue'                      :[1,1], // - optional trailing block in a while or foreach
264                 'cos'                           :1,     // - cosine function
265                 crypt                           :1,     // - one-way passwd-style encryption
266                 dbmclose                        :1,     // - breaks binding on a tied dbm file
267                 dbmopen                         :1,     // - create binding on a tied dbm file
268                 'default'                       :1,     //
269                 defined                         :1,     // - test whether a value, variable, or function is defined
270                 'delete'                        :1,     // - deletes a value from a hash
271                 die                             :1,     // - raise an exception or bail out
272                 'do'                            :1,     // - turn a BLOCK into a TERM
273                 dump                            :1,     // - create an immediate core dump
274                 each                            :1,     // - retrieve the next key/value pair from a hash
275                 endgrent                        :1,     // - be done using group file
276                 endhostent                      :1,     // - be done using hosts file
277                 endnetent                       :1,     // - be done using networks file
278                 endprotoent                     :1,     // - be done using protocols file
279                 endpwent                        :1,     // - be done using passwd file
280                 endservent                      :1,     // - be done using services file
281                 eof                             :1,     // - test a filehandle for its end
282                 'eval'                          :1,     // - catch exceptions or compile and run code
283                 'exec'                          :1,     // - abandon this program to run another
284                 exists                          :1,     // - test whether a hash key is present
285                 exit                            :1,     // - terminate this program
286                 'exp'                           :1,     // - raise I to a power
287                 fcntl                           :1,     // - file control system call
288                 fileno                          :1,     // - return file descriptor from filehandle
289                 flock                           :1,     // - lock an entire file with an advisory lock
290                 fork                            :1,     // - create a new process just like this one
291                 format                          :1,     // - declare a picture format with use by the write() function
292                 formline                        :1,     // - internal function used for formats
293                 getc                            :1,     // - get the next character from the filehandle
294                 getgrent                        :1,     // - get next group record
295                 getgrgid                        :1,     // - get group record given group user ID
296                 getgrnam                        :1,     // - get group record given group name
297                 gethostbyaddr                   :1,     // - get host record given its address
298                 gethostbyname                   :1,     // - get host record given name
299                 gethostent                      :1,     // - get next hosts record
300                 getlogin                        :1,     // - return who logged in at this tty
301                 getnetbyaddr                    :1,     // - get network record given its address
302                 getnetbyname                    :1,     // - get networks record given name
303                 getnetent                       :1,     // - get next networks record
304                 getpeername                     :1,     // - find the other end of a socket connection
305                 getpgrp                         :1,     // - get process group
306                 getppid                         :1,     // - get parent process ID
307                 getpriority                     :1,     // - get current nice value
308                 getprotobyname                  :1,     // - get protocol record given name
309                 getprotobynumber                :1,     // - get protocol record numeric protocol
310                 getprotoent                     :1,     // - get next protocols record
311                 getpwent                        :1,     // - get next passwd record
312                 getpwnam                        :1,     // - get passwd record given user login name
313                 getpwuid                        :1,     // - get passwd record given user ID
314                 getservbyname                   :1,     // - get services record given its name
315                 getservbyport                   :1,     // - get services record given numeric port
316                 getservent                      :1,     // - get next services record
317                 getsockname                     :1,     // - retrieve the sockaddr for a given socket
318                 getsockopt                      :1,     // - get socket options on a given socket
319                 given                           :1,     //
320                 glob                            :1,     // - expand filenames using wildcards
321                 gmtime                          :1,     // - convert UNIX time into record or string using Greenwich time
322                 'goto'                          :1,     // - create spaghetti code
323                 grep                            :1,     // - locate elements in a list test true against a given criterion
324                 hex                             :1,     // - convert a string to a hexadecimal number
325                 'import'                        :1,     // - patch a module's namespace into your own
326                 index                           :1,     // - find a substring within a string
327                 'int'                           :1,     // - get the integer portion of a number
328                 ioctl                           :1,     // - system-dependent device control system call
329                 'join'                          :1,     // - join a list into a string using a separator
330                 keys                            :1,     // - retrieve list of indices from a hash
331                 kill                            :1,     // - send a signal to a process or process group
332                 last                            :1,     // - exit a block prematurely
333                 lc                              :1,     // - return lower-case version of a string
334                 lcfirst                         :1,     // - return a string with just the next letter in lower case
335                 length                          :1,     // - return the number of bytes in a string
336                 'link'                          :1,     // - create a hard link in the filesytem
337                 listen                          :1,     // - register your socket as a server
338                 local                           : 2,    // - create a temporary value for a global variable (dynamic scoping)
339                 localtime                       :1,     // - convert UNIX time into record or string using local time
340                 lock                            :1,     // - get a thread lock on a variable, subroutine, or method
341                 'log'                           :1,     // - retrieve the natural logarithm for a number
342                 lstat                           :1,     // - stat a symbolic link
343                 m                               :null,  // - match a string with a regular expression pattern
344                 map                             :1,     // - apply a change to a list to get back a new list with the changes
345                 mkdir                           :1,     // - create a directory
346                 msgctl                          :1,     // - SysV IPC message control operations
347                 msgget                          :1,     // - get SysV IPC message queue
348                 msgrcv                          :1,     // - receive a SysV IPC message from a message queue
349                 msgsnd                          :1,     // - send a SysV IPC message to a message queue
350                 my                              : 2,    // - declare and assign a local variable (lexical scoping)
351                 'new'                           :1,     //
352                 next                            :1,     // - iterate a block prematurely
353                 no                              :1,     // - unimport some module symbols or semantics at compile time
354                 oct                             :1,     // - convert a string to an octal number
355                 open                            :1,     // - open a file, pipe, or descriptor
356                 opendir                         :1,     // - open a directory
357                 ord                             :1,     // - find a character's numeric representation
358                 our                             : 2,    // - declare and assign a package variable (lexical scoping)
359                 pack                            :1,     // - convert a list into a binary representation
360                 'package'                       :1,     // - declare a separate global namespace
361                 pipe                            :1,     // - open a pair of connected filehandles
362                 pop                             :1,     // - remove the last element from an array and return it
363                 pos                             :1,     // - find or set the offset for the last/next m//g search
364                 print                           :1,     // - output a list to a filehandle
365                 printf                          :1,     // - output a formatted list to a filehandle
366                 prototype                       :1,     // - get the prototype (if any) of a subroutine
367                 push                            :1,     // - append one or more elements to an array
368                 q                               :null,  // - singly quote a string
369                 qq                              :null,  // - doubly quote a string
370                 qr                              :null,  // - Compile pattern
371                 quotemeta                       :null,  // - quote regular expression magic characters
372                 qw                              :null,  // - quote a list of words
373                 qx                              :null,  // - backquote quote a string
374                 rand                            :1,     // - retrieve the next pseudorandom number
375                 read                            :1,     // - fixed-length buffered input from a filehandle
376                 readdir                         :1,     // - get a directory from a directory handle
377                 readline                        :1,     // - fetch a record from a file
378                 readlink                        :1,     // - determine where a symbolic link is pointing
379                 readpipe                        :1,     // - execute a system command and collect standard output
380                 recv                            :1,     // - receive a message over a Socket
381                 redo                            :1,     // - start this loop iteration over again
382                 ref                             :1,     // - find out the type of thing being referenced
383                 rename                          :1,     // - change a filename
384                 require                         :1,     // - load in external functions from a library at runtime
385                 reset                           :1,     // - clear all variables of a given name
386                 'return'                        :1,     // - get out of a function early
387                 reverse                         :1,     // - flip a string or a list
388                 rewinddir                       :1,     // - reset directory handle
389                 rindex                          :1,     // - right-to-left substring search
390                 rmdir                           :1,     // - remove a directory
391                 s                               :null,  // - replace a pattern with a string
392                 say                             :1,     // - print with newline
393                 scalar                          :1,     // - force a scalar context
394                 seek                            :1,     // - reposition file pointer for random-access I/O
395                 seekdir                         :1,     // - reposition directory pointer
396                 select                          :1,     // - reset default output or do I/O multiplexing
397                 semctl                          :1,     // - SysV semaphore control operations
398                 semget                          :1,     // - get set of SysV semaphores
399                 semop                           :1,     // - SysV semaphore operations
400                 send                            :1,     // - send a message over a socket
401                 setgrent                        :1,     // - prepare group file for use
402                 sethostent                      :1,     // - prepare hosts file for use
403                 setnetent                       :1,     // - prepare networks file for use
404                 setpgrp                         :1,     // - set the process group of a process
405                 setpriority                     :1,     // - set a process's nice value
406                 setprotoent                     :1,     // - prepare protocols file for use
407                 setpwent                        :1,     // - prepare passwd file for use
408                 setservent                      :1,     // - prepare services file for use
409                 setsockopt                      :1,     // - set some socket options
410                 shift                           :1,     // - remove the first element of an array, and return it
411                 shmctl                          :1,     // - SysV shared memory operations
412                 shmget                          :1,     // - get SysV shared memory segment identifier
413                 shmread                         :1,     // - read SysV shared memory
414                 shmwrite                        :1,     // - write SysV shared memory
415                 shutdown                        :1,     // - close down just half of a socket connection
416                 'sin'                           :1,     // - return the sine of a number
417                 sleep                           :1,     // - block for some number of seconds
418                 socket                          :1,     // - create a socket
419                 socketpair                      :1,     // - create a pair of sockets
420                 'sort'                          :1,     // - sort a list of values
421                 splice                          :1,     // - add or remove elements anywhere in an array
422                 'split'                         :1,     // - split up a string using a regexp delimiter
423                 sprintf                         :1,     // - formatted print into a string
424                 'sqrt'                          :1,     // - square root function
425                 srand                           :1,     // - seed the random number generator
426                 stat                            :1,     // - get a file's status information
427                 state                           :1,     // - declare and assign a state variable (persistent lexical scoping)
428                 study                           :1,     // - optimize input data for repeated searches
429                 'sub'                           :1,     // - declare a subroutine, possibly anonymously
430                 'substr'                        :1,     // - get or alter a portion of a stirng
431                 symlink                         :1,     // - create a symbolic link to a file
432                 syscall                         :1,     // - execute an arbitrary system call
433                 sysopen                         :1,     // - open a file, pipe, or descriptor
434                 sysread                         :1,     // - fixed-length unbuffered input from a filehandle
435                 sysseek                         :1,     // - position I/O pointer on handle used with sysread and syswrite
436                 system                          :1,     // - run a separate program
437                 syswrite                        :1,     // - fixed-length unbuffered output to a filehandle
438                 tell                            :1,     // - get current seekpointer on a filehandle
439                 telldir                         :1,     // - get current seekpointer on a directory handle
440                 tie                             :1,     // - bind a variable to an object class
441                 tied                            :1,     // - get a reference to the object underlying a tied variable
442                 time                            :1,     // - return number of seconds since 1970
443                 times                           :1,     // - return elapsed time for self and child processes
444                 tr                              :null,  // - transliterate a string
445                 truncate                        :1,     // - shorten a file
446                 uc                              :1,     // - return upper-case version of a string
447                 ucfirst                         :1,     // - return a string with just the next letter in upper case
448                 umask                           :1,     // - set file creation mode mask
449                 undef                           :1,     // - remove a variable or function definition
450                 unlink                          :1,     // - remove one link to a file
451                 unpack                          :1,     // - convert binary structure into normal perl variables
452                 unshift                         :1,     // - prepend more elements to the beginning of a list
453                 untie                           :1,     // - break a tie binding to a variable
454                 use                             :1,     // - load in a module at compile time
455                 utime                           :1,     // - set a file's last access and modify times
456                 values                          :1,     // - return a list of the values in a hash
457                 vec                             :1,     // - test or set particular bits in a string
458                 wait                            :1,     // - wait for any child process to die
459                 waitpid                         :1,     // - wait for a particular child process to die
460                 wantarray                       :1,     // - get void vs scalar vs list context of current subroutine call
461                 warn                            :1,     // - print debugging info
462                 when                            :1,     //
463                 write                           :1,     // - print a picture record
464                 y                               :null}; // - transliterate a string
466         var RXstyle="string-2";
467         var RXmodifiers=/[goseximacplud]/;              // NOTE: "m", "s", "y" and "tr" need to correct real modifiers for each regexp type
469         function tokenChain(stream,state,chain,style,tail){     // NOTE: chain.length > 2 is not working now (it's for s[...][...]geos;)
470                 state.chain=null;                               //                                                          12   3tail
471       ;
472                 state.tail=null;
473                 state.tokenize=function(stream,state){
474                         var e=false,c,i=0;
475                         while({
476                                 if(c===chain[i]&&!e){
477                                         if(chain[++i]!==undefined){
478                                                 state.chain=chain[i];
479                                       ;
480                                                 state.tail=tail;}
481                                         else if(tail)
482                                                 stream.eatWhile(tail);
483                                         state.tokenize=tokenPerl;
484                                         return style;}
485                                 e=!e&&c=="\\";}
486                         return style;};
487                 return state.tokenize(stream,state);}
489         function tokenSOMETHING(stream,state,string){
490                 state.tokenize=function(stream,state){
491                         if(stream.string==string)
492                                 state.tokenize=tokenPerl;
493                         stream.skipToEnd();
494                         return "string";};
495                 return state.tokenize(stream,state);}
497         function tokenPerl(stream,state){
498                 if(stream.eatSpace())
499                         return null;
500                 if(state.chain)
501                         return tokenChain(stream,state,state.chain,,state.tail);
502                 if(stream.match(/^\-?[\d\.]/,false))
503                         if(stream.match(/^(\-?(\d*\.\d+(e[+-]?\d+)?|\d+\.\d*)|0x[\da-fA-F]+|0b[01]+|\d+(e[+-]?\d+)?)/))
504                                 return 'number';
505                 if(stream.match(/^<<(?=\w)/)){                  // NOTE: <<SOMETHING\n...\nSOMETHING\n
506                         stream.eatWhile(/\w/);
507                         return tokenSOMETHING(stream,state,stream.current().substr(2));}
508                 if(stream.sol()&&stream.match(/^\=item(?!\w)/)){// NOTE: \n=item...\n=cut\n
509                         return tokenSOMETHING(stream,state,'=cut');}
510                 var;
511                 if(ch=='"'||ch=="'"){                           // NOTE: ' or " or <<'SOMETHING'\n...\nSOMETHING\n or <<"SOMETHING"\n...\nSOMETHING\n
512                         if(stream.prefix(3)=="<<"+ch){
513                                 var p=stream.pos;
514                                 stream.eatWhile(/\w/);
515                                 var n=stream.current().substr(1);
516                                 if(n&&
517                                         return tokenSOMETHING(stream,state,n);
518                                 stream.pos=p;}
519                         return tokenChain(stream,state,[ch],"string");}
520                 if(ch=="q"){
521                         var c=stream.look(-2);
522                         if(!(c&&/\w/.test(c))){
523                                 c=stream.look(0);
524                                 if(c=="x"){
525                                         c=stream.look(1);
526                                         if(c=="("){
527                                                 stream.eatSuffix(2);
528                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,[")"],RXstyle,RXmodifiers);}
529                                         if(c=="["){
530                                                 stream.eatSuffix(2);
531                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,["]"],RXstyle,RXmodifiers);}
532                                         if(c=="{"){
533                                                 stream.eatSuffix(2);
534                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,["}"],RXstyle,RXmodifiers);}
535                                         if(c=="<"){
536                                                 stream.eatSuffix(2);
537                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,[">"],RXstyle,RXmodifiers);}
538                                         if(/[\^'"!~\/]/.test(c)){
539                                                 stream.eatSuffix(1);
540                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,[],RXstyle,RXmodifiers);}}
541                                 else if(c=="q"){
542                                         c=stream.look(1);
543                                         if(c=="("){
544                                                 stream.eatSuffix(2);
545                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,[")"],"string");}
546                                         if(c=="["){
547                                                 stream.eatSuffix(2);
548                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,["]"],"string");}
549                                         if(c=="{"){
550 stream.eatSuffix(2);
551                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,["}"],"string");}
552                                         if(c=="<"){
553                                                 stream.eatSuffix(2);
554                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,[">"],"string");}
555                                         if(/[\^'"!~\/]/.test(c)){
556                                                 stream.eatSuffix(1);
557                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,[],"string");}}
558                                 else if(c=="w"){
559                                         c=stream.look(1);
560                                         if(c=="("){
561                                                 stream.eatSuffix(2);
562                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,[")"],"bracket");}
563                                         if(c=="["){
564                                                 stream.eatSuffix(2);
565                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,["]"],"bracket");}
566                                         if(c=="{"){
567                                                 stream.eatSuffix(2);
568                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,["}"],"bracket");}
569                                         if(c=="<"){
570                                                 stream.eatSuffix(2);
571                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,[">"],"bracket");}
572                                         if(/[\^'"!~\/]/.test(c)){
573                                                 stream.eatSuffix(1);
574                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,[],"bracket");}}
575                                 else if(c=="r"){
576                                         c=stream.look(1);
577                                         if(c=="("){
578                                                 stream.eatSuffix(2);
579                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,[")"],RXstyle,RXmodifiers);}
580                                         if(c=="["){
581                                                 stream.eatSuffix(2);
582                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,["]"],RXstyle,RXmodifiers);}
583                                         if(c=="{"){
584                                                 stream.eatSuffix(2);
585                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,["}"],RXstyle,RXmodifiers);}
586                                         if(c=="<"){
587                                                 stream.eatSuffix(2);
588                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,[">"],RXstyle,RXmodifiers);}
589                                         if(/[\^'"!~\/]/.test(c)){
590                                                 stream.eatSuffix(1);
591                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,[],RXstyle,RXmodifiers);}}
592                                 else if(/[\^'"!~\/(\[{<]/.test(c)){
593                                         if(c=="("){
594                                                 stream.eatSuffix(1);
595                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,[")"],"string");}
596                                         if(c=="["){
597                                                 stream.eatSuffix(1);
598                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,["]"],"string");}
599                                         if(c=="{"){
600                                                 stream.eatSuffix(1);
601                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,["}"],"string");}
602                                         if(c=="<"){
603                                                 stream.eatSuffix(1);
604                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,[">"],"string");}
605                                         if(/[\^'"!~\/]/.test(c)){
606                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,[],"string");}}}}
607                 if(ch=="m"){
608                         var c=stream.look(-2);
609                         if(!(c&&/\w/.test(c))){
610                       [(\[{<\^'"!~\/]/);
611                                 if(c){
612                                         if(/[\^'"!~\/]/.test(c)){
613                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,[c],RXstyle,RXmodifiers);}
614                                         if(c=="("){
615                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,[")"],RXstyle,RXmodifiers);}
616                                         if(c=="["){
617                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,["]"],RXstyle,RXmodifiers);}
618                                         if(c=="{"){
619                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,["}"],RXstyle,RXmodifiers);}
620                                         if(c=="<"){
621                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,[">"],RXstyle,RXmodifiers);}}}}
622                 if(ch=="s"){
623                         var c=/[\/>\]})\w]/.test(stream.look(-2));
624                         if(!c){
625                       [(\[{<\^'"!~\/]/);
626                                 if(c){
627                                         if(c=="[")
628                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,["]","]"],RXstyle,RXmodifiers);
629                                         if(c=="{")
630                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,["}","}"],RXstyle,RXmodifiers);
631                                         if(c=="<")
632                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,[">",">"],RXstyle,RXmodifiers);
633                                         if(c=="(")
634                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,[")",")"],RXstyle,RXmodifiers);
635                                         return tokenChain(stream,state,[c,c],RXstyle,RXmodifiers);}}}
636                 if(ch=="y"){
637                         var c=/[\/>\]})\w]/.test(stream.look(-2));
638                         if(!c){
639                       [(\[{<\^'"!~\/]/);
640                                 if(c){
641                                         if(c=="[")
642                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,["]","]"],RXstyle,RXmodifiers);
643                                         if(c=="{")
644                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,["}","}"],RXstyle,RXmodifiers);
645                                         if(c=="<")
646                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,[">",">"],RXstyle,RXmodifiers);
647                                         if(c=="(")
648                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,[")",")"],RXstyle,RXmodifiers);
649                                         return tokenChain(stream,state,[c,c],RXstyle,RXmodifiers);}}}
650                 if(ch=="t"){
651                         var c=/[\/>\]})\w]/.test(stream.look(-2));
652                         if(!c){
653                       "r");if(c){
654                       [(\[{<\^'"!~\/]/);
655                                 if(c){
656                                         if(c=="[")
657                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,["]","]"],RXstyle,RXmodifiers);
658                                         if(c=="{")
659                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,["}","}"],RXstyle,RXmodifiers);
660                                         if(c=="<")
661                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,[">",">"],RXstyle,RXmodifiers);
662                                         if(c=="(")
663                                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,[")",")"],RXstyle,RXmodifiers);
664                                         return tokenChain(stream,state,[c,c],RXstyle,RXmodifiers);}}}}
665                 if(ch=="`"){
666                         return tokenChain(stream,state,[ch],"variable-2");}
667                 if(ch=="/"){
668                         if(!/~\s*$/.test(stream.prefix()))
669                                 return "operator";
670                         else
671                                 return tokenChain(stream,state,[ch],RXstyle,RXmodifiers);}
672                 if(ch=="$"){
673                         var p=stream.pos;
674                         if(stream.eatWhile(/\d/)||"{")&&stream.eatWhile(/\d/)&&"}"))
675                                 return "variable-2";
676                         else
677                                 stream.pos=p;}
678                 if(/[$@%]/.test(ch)){
679                         var p=stream.pos;
680                         if("^")&&[A-Z]/)||!/[@$%&]/.test(stream.look(-2))&&[=|\\\-#?@;:&`~\^!\[\]*'"$+.,\/<>()]/)){
681                                 var c=stream.current();
682                                 if(PERL[c])
683                                         return "variable-2";}
684                         stream.pos=p;}
685                 if(/[$@%&]/.test(ch)){
686                         if(stream.eatWhile(/[\w$\[\]]/)||"{")&&stream.eatWhile(/[\w$\[\]]/)&&"}")){
687                                 var c=stream.current();
688                                 if(PERL[c])
689                                         return "variable-2";
690                                 else
691                                         return "variable";}}
692                 if(ch=="#"){
693                         if(stream.look(-2)!="$"){
694                                 stream.skipToEnd();
695                                 return "comment";}}
696                 if(/[:+\-\^*$&%@=<>!?|\/~\.]/.test(ch)){
697                         var p=stream.pos;
698                         stream.eatWhile(/[:+\-\^*$&%@=<>!?|\/~\.]/);
699                         if(PERL[stream.current()])
700                                 return "operator";
701                         else
702                                 stream.pos=p;}
703                 if(ch=="_"){
704                         if(stream.pos==1){
705                                 if(stream.suffix(6)=="_END__"){
706                                         return tokenChain(stream,state,['\0'],"comment");}
707                                 else if(stream.suffix(7)=="_DATA__"){
708                                         return tokenChain(stream,state,['\0'],"variable-2");}
709                                 else if(stream.suffix(7)=="_C__"){
710                                         return tokenChain(stream,state,['\0'],"string");}}}
711                 if(/\w/.test(ch)){
712                         var p=stream.pos;
713                         if(stream.look(-2)=="{"&&(stream.look(0)=="}"||stream.eatWhile(/\w/)&&stream.look(0)=="}"))
714                                 return "string";
715                         else
716                                 stream.pos=p;}
717                 if(/[A-Z]/.test(ch)){
718                         var l=stream.look(-2);
719                         var p=stream.pos;
720                         stream.eatWhile(/[A-Z_]/);
721                         if(/[\da-z]/.test(stream.look(0))){
722                                 stream.pos=p;}
723                         else{
724                                 var c=PERL[stream.current()];
725                                 if(!c)
726                                         return "meta";
727                                 if(c[1])
728                                         c=c[0];
729                                 if(l!=":"){
730                                         if(c==1)
731                                                 return "keyword";
732                                         else if(c==2)
733                                                 return "def";
734                                         else if(c==3)
735                                                 return "atom";
736                                         else if(c==4)
737                                                 return "operator";
738                                         else if(c==5)
739                                                 return "variable-2";
740                                         else
741                                                 return "meta";}
742                                 else
743                                         return "meta";}}
744                 if(/[a-zA-Z_]/.test(ch)){
745                         var l=stream.look(-2);
746                         stream.eatWhile(/\w/);
747                         var c=PERL[stream.current()];
748                         if(!c)
749                                 return "meta";
750                         if(c[1])
751                                 c=c[0];
752                         if(l!=":"){
753                                 if(c==1)
754                                         return "keyword";
755                                 else if(c==2)
756                                         return "def";
757                                 else if(c==3)
758                                         return "atom";
759                                 else if(c==4)
760                                         return "operator";
761                                 else if(c==5)
762                                         return "variable-2";
763                                 else
764                                         return "meta";}
765                         else
766                                 return "meta";}
767                 return null;}
769         return{
770                 startState:function(){
771                         return{
772                                 tokenize:tokenPerl,
773                                 chain:null,
774                                 style:null,
775                                 tail:null};},
776                 token:function(stream,state){
777                         return (state.tokenize||tokenPerl)(stream,state);},
778                 electricChars:"{}"};});
780 CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-perl", "perl");
782 // it's like "peek", but need for look-ahead or look-behind if index < 0
783 CodeMirror.StringStream.prototype.look=function(c){
784         return this.string.charAt(this.pos+(c||0));};
786 // return a part of prefix of current stream from current position
787 CodeMirror.StringStream.prototype.prefix=function(c){
788         if(c){
789                 var x=this.pos-c;
790                 return this.string.substr((x>=0?x:0),c);}
791         else{
792                 return this.string.substr(0,this.pos-1);}};
794 // return a part of suffix of current stream from current position
795 CodeMirror.StringStream.prototype.suffix=function(c){
796         var y=this.string.length;
797         var x=y-this.pos+1;
798         return this.string.substr(this.pos,(c&&c<y?c:x));};
800 // return a part of suffix of current stream from current position and change current position
801 CodeMirror.StringStream.prototype.nsuffix=function(c){
802         var p=this.pos;
803         var l=c||(this.string.length-this.pos+1);
804         this.pos+=l;
805         return this.string.substr(p,l);};
807 // eating and vomiting a part of stream from current position
808 CodeMirror.StringStream.prototype.eatSuffix=function(c){
809         var x=this.pos+c;
810         var y;
811         if(x<=0)
812                 this.pos=0;
813         else if(x>=(y=this.string.length-1))
814                 this.pos=y;
815         else
816                 this.pos=x;};