3 # Thierry Parmentelat <thierry.parmentelat@inria.fr>
4 # Copyright (C) 2010 INRIA
6 import sys, os, os.path
7 from optparse import OptionParser
9 from time import strftime
14 from TestPlc import TestPlc
15 from TestSite import TestSite
16 from TestNode import TestNode
17 from macros import sequences
19 # add $HOME in PYTHONPATH so we can import LocalSubstrate.py
20 sys.path.append(os.environ['HOME'])
25 natives=TestPlc.__dict__
27 def display (self): return self.name.replace('_','-')
28 def internal (self): return self.name.replace('-','_')
30 def __init__ (self, name):
32 # a native step is implemented as a method on TestPlc
33 self.native = self.internal() in Step.natives
35 self.method=Step.natives[self.internal()]
38 self.substeps=sequences[self.internal()]
40 print "macro step %s not found in macros.py (%s) - exiting"%(self.display(),e)
43 def print_doc (self,level=0):
48 # 2 is the len of '* '
51 line=start+format%self.display()
54 print self.method.__doc__
56 print "*** no doc found"
58 beg_start=level*' '+'>>> '
59 end_start=level*' '+'<<< '
61 # 4 is the len of '>>> '
62 width=tab-level-4-trail
63 format=("%%-%ds"%width)
64 beg_line=beg_start+format%self.display()+trail*'>'
65 end_line=end_start+format%self.display()+trail*'<'
67 for step in self.substeps:
68 Step(step).print_doc(level+1)
71 # return a list of (name, method) for all native steps involved
73 if self.native: return [ (self.internal(), self.method,) ]
76 for substep in [ Step(name) for name in self.substeps ] :
77 result += substep.tuples()
80 # convenience for listing macros
81 # just do a listdir, hoping we're in the right directory...
84 names= sequences.keys()
90 subversion_id = "Now using git -- version tracker broken"
92 default_config = [ 'default' ]
93 default_rspec_styles = [ 'pl', 'pg' ]
95 default_build_url = "git://git.onelab.eu/tests"
98 self.path=os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) or "."
101 def show_env (self,options, message):
102 if self.options.verbose:
103 utils.header (message)
104 utils.show_options("main options",options)
106 def init_steps(self):
107 self.steps_message = 20*'x'+" Defaut steps are\n"+TestPlc.printable_steps(TestPlc.default_steps)
108 self.steps_message += 20*'x'+" Other useful steps are\n"+TestPlc.printable_steps(TestPlc.other_steps)
109 self.steps_message += 20*'x'+" Macro steps are\n"+" ".join(Step.list_macros())
111 def list_steps(self):
112 if not self.options.verbose:
113 print self.steps_message,
115 # steps mentioned on the command line
116 if self.options.args:
117 scopes = [("Argument steps",self.options.args)]
119 scopes = [("Default steps",TestPlc.default_steps)]
120 if self.options.all_steps:
121 scopes.append ( ("Other steps",TestPlc.other_steps) )
122 # try to list macro steps as well
123 scopes.append ( ("Macro steps", Step.list_macros()) )
124 for (scope,steps) in scopes:
125 print '--------------------',scope
126 for step in [step for step in steps if TestPlc.valid_step(step)]:
127 try: (step,qualifier)=step.split('@')
130 for special in ['force']:
131 stepname = stepname.replace(special+'_',"")
132 Step(stepname).print_doc()
136 usage = """usage: %%prog [options] steps
137 arch-rpms-url defaults to the last value used, as stored in arg-arch-rpms-url,
139 config defaults to the last value used, as stored in arg-config,
141 ips_vnode, ips_vplc and ips_qemu defaults to the last value used, as stored in arg-ips-{bplc,vplc,bnode,vnode},
142 default is to use IP scanning
143 steps refer to a method in TestPlc or to a step_* module
145 """%(TestMain.default_config)
146 usage += self.steps_message
147 parser=OptionParser(usage=usage,version=self.subversion_id)
148 parser.add_option("-u","--url",action="store", dest="arch_rpms_url",
149 help="URL of the arch-dependent RPMS area - for locating what to test")
150 parser.add_option("-b","--build",action="store", dest="build_url",
151 help="ignored, for legacy only")
152 parser.add_option("-c","--config",action="append", dest="config", default=[],
153 help="Config module - can be set multiple times, or use quotes")
154 parser.add_option("-p","--personality",action="store", dest="personality",
155 help="personality - as in vbuild-nightly")
156 parser.add_option("-d","--pldistro",action="store", dest="pldistro",
157 help="pldistro - as in vbuild-nightly")
158 parser.add_option("-f","--fcdistro",action="store", dest="fcdistro",
159 help="fcdistro - as in vbuild-nightly")
160 parser.add_option("-e","--exclude",action="append", dest="exclude", default=[],
161 help="steps to exclude - can be set multiple times, or use quotes")
162 parser.add_option("-a","--all",action="store_true",dest="all_steps", default=False,
163 help="Run all default steps")
164 parser.add_option("-l","--list",action="store_true",dest="list_steps", default=False,
165 help="List known steps")
166 parser.add_option("-V","--vserver",action="append", dest="ips_bplc", default=[],
167 help="Specify the set of hostnames for the boxes that host the plcs")
168 parser.add_option("-P","--plcs",action="append", dest="ips_vplc", default=[],
169 help="Specify the set of hostname/IP's to use for vplcs")
170 parser.add_option("-Q","--qemus",action="append", dest="ips_bnode", default=[],
171 help="Specify the set of hostnames for the boxes that host the nodes")
172 parser.add_option("-N","--nodes",action="append", dest="ips_vnode", default=[],
173 help="Specify the set of hostname/IP's to use for vnodes")
174 parser.add_option ('-X', "--lxc",action='store_true',dest='plcs_use_lxc',
175 help='use lxc-enabled plc boxes instead of vs-enabled ones')
176 parser.add_option("-s","--size",action="store",type="int",dest="size",default=1,
177 help="sets test size in # of plcs - default is 1")
178 parser.add_option("-q","--qualifier",action="store",type="int",dest="qualifier",default=None,
179 help="run steps only on plc numbered <qualifier>, starting at 1")
180 parser.add_option("-y","--rspec-style",action="append",dest="rspec_styles",default=[],
181 help="pl is for planetlab rspecs, pg is for protogeni")
182 parser.add_option("-k","--keep-going",action="store",dest="keep_going",default=False,
183 help="proceeds even if some steps are failing")
184 parser.add_option("-D","--dbname",action="store",dest="dbname",default=None,
185 help="Used by plc_db_dump and plc_db_restore")
186 parser.add_option("-v","--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False,
187 help="Run in verbose mode")
188 parser.add_option("-i","--interactive",action="store_true",dest="interactive",default=False,
189 help="prompts before each step")
190 parser.add_option("-n","--dry-run", action="store_true", dest="dry_run", default=False,
191 help="Show environment and exits")
192 parser.add_option("-r","--restart-nm", action="store_true", dest="forcenm", default=False,
193 help="Force the NM to restart in ssh_slices step")
194 parser.add_option("-t","--trace", action="store", dest="trace_file", default=None,
195 help="Trace file location")
196 (self.options, self.args) = parser.parse_args()
198 # allow things like "run -c 'c1 c2' -c c3"
202 if hasattr(el, "__iter__") and not isinstance(el, basestring):
203 result.extend(flatten(el))
207 # flatten relevant options
208 for optname in ['config','exclude','ips_bplc','ips_vplc','ips_bnode','ips_vnode']:
209 setattr(self.options,optname, flatten ( [ arg.split() for arg in getattr(self.options,optname) ] ))
211 if not self.options.rspec_styles:
212 self.options.rspec_styles=TestMain.default_rspec_styles
214 # handle defaults and option persistence
215 for (recname,filename,default,need_reverse) in (
216 ('build_url','arg-build-url',TestMain.default_build_url,None) ,
217 ('ips_bplc','arg-ips-bplc',[],True),
218 ('ips_vplc','arg-ips-vplc',[],True) ,
219 ('ips_bnode','arg-ips-bnode',[],True),
220 ('ips_vnode','arg-ips-vnode',[],True) ,
221 ('config','arg-config',TestMain.default_config,False) ,
222 ('arch_rpms_url','arg-arch-rpms-url',"",None) ,
223 ('personality','arg-personality',"linux64",None),
224 ('pldistro','arg-pldistro',"onelab",None),
225 ('fcdistro','arg-fcdistro','f14',None),
226 ('plcs_use_lxc','arg-plcs-use-lxc',False,None),
228 # print 'handling',recname
230 is_list = isinstance(default,list)
231 is_bool = isinstance(default,bool)
232 if not getattr(self.options,recname):
234 parsed=file(path).readlines()
236 parsed=[x.strip() for x in parsed]
237 else: # strings and booleans
239 print "%s - error when parsing %s"%(sys.argv[1],path)
241 parsed=parsed[0].strip()
243 parsed = parsed.lower()=='true'
244 setattr(self.options,recname,parsed)
247 setattr(self.options,recname,default)
249 print "Cannot determine",recname
250 print "Run %s --help for help"%sys.argv[0]
256 for value in getattr(self.options,recname):
257 fsave.write(value + "\n")
258 else: # strings and booleans - just call str()
259 fsave.write(str(getattr(self.options,recname)) + "\n")
261 # utils.header('Saved %s into %s'%(recname,filename))
263 # lists need be reversed
264 # I suspect this is useful for the various pools but for config, it's painful
265 if isinstance(getattr(self.options,recname),list) and need_reverse:
266 getattr(self.options,recname).reverse()
268 if self.options.verbose:
269 utils.header('* Using %s = %s'%(recname,getattr(self.options,recname)))
271 # hack : if sfa is not among the published rpms, skip these tests
272 TestPlc.check_whether_build_has_sfa(self.options.arch_rpms_url)
275 self.options.args = self.args
276 if len(self.args) == 0:
277 self.options.steps=TestPlc.default_steps
279 self.options.steps = self.args
281 if self.options.list_steps:
287 if not self.options.steps:
289 #self.options.steps=['dump','clean','install','populate']
290 self.options.steps=TestPlc.default_steps
292 # rewrite '-' into '_' in step names
293 self.options.steps = [ step.replace('-','_') for step in self.options.steps ]
294 self.options.exclude = [ step.replace('-','_') for step in self.options.exclude ]
298 for step in self.options.steps:
300 for exclude in self.options.exclude:
301 if utils.match(step,exclude):
304 if keep: selected.append(step)
305 self.options.steps=selected
307 # this is useful when propagating on host boxes, to avoid conflicts
308 self.options.buildname = os.path.basename (os.path.abspath (self.path))
310 if self.options.verbose:
311 self.show_env(self.options,"Verbose")
315 for config in self.options.config:
316 modulename='config_'+config
318 m = __import__(modulename)
319 all_plc_specs = m.config(all_plc_specs,self.options)
321 traceback.print_exc()
322 print 'Cannot load config %s -- ignored'%modulename
325 # provision on local substrate
326 if self.options.plcs_use_lxc: LocalSubstrate.local_substrate.rescope (plcs_on_vs=False, plcs_on_lxc=True)
327 all_plc_specs = LocalSubstrate.local_substrate.provision(all_plc_specs,self.options)
329 # remember substrate IP address(es) for next run
330 ips_bplc_file=open('arg-ips-bplc','w')
331 for plc_spec in all_plc_specs:
332 ips_bplc_file.write("%s\n"%plc_spec['host_box'])
333 ips_bplc_file.close()
334 ips_vplc_file=open('arg-ips-vplc','w')
335 for plc_spec in all_plc_specs:
336 ips_vplc_file.write("%s\n"%plc_spec['PLC_API_HOST'])
337 ips_vplc_file.close()
339 ips_bnode_file=open('arg-ips-bnode','w')
340 for plc_spec in all_plc_specs:
341 for site_spec in plc_spec['sites']:
342 for node_spec in site_spec['nodes']:
343 ips_bnode_file.write("%s\n"%node_spec['host_box'])
344 ips_bnode_file.close()
345 ips_vnode_file=open('arg-ips-vnode','w')
346 for plc_spec in all_plc_specs:
347 for site_spec in plc_spec['sites']:
348 for node_spec in site_spec['nodes']:
349 # back to normal (unqualified) form
350 stripped=node_spec['node_fields']['hostname'].split('.')[0]
351 ips_vnode_file.write("%s\n"%stripped)
352 ips_vnode_file.close()
354 # build a TestPlc object from the result, passing options
355 for spec in all_plc_specs:
356 spec['failed_step'] = False
357 all_plcs = [ (x, TestPlc(x,self.options)) for x in all_plc_specs]
359 # pass options to utils as well
360 utils.init_options(self.options)
362 overall_result = True
364 for step in self.options.steps:
365 if not TestPlc.valid_step(step):
367 # some steps need to be done regardless of the previous ones: we force them
369 if step.find("force_") == 0:
370 step=step.replace("force_","")
372 # allow for steps to specify an index like in
374 try: (step,qualifier)=step.split('@')
375 except: qualifier=self.options.qualifier
378 stepobj = Step (step)
379 for (substep, method) in stepobj.tuples():
380 # a cross step will run a method on TestPlc that has a signature like
381 # def cross_foo (self, all_test_plcs)
383 if substep.find("cross_") == 0:
385 all_step_infos.append ( (substep, method, force, cross, qualifier, ) )
387 utils.header("********** FAILED step %s (NOT FOUND) -- won't be run"%step)
388 traceback.print_exc()
389 overall_result = False
391 if self.options.dry_run:
392 self.show_env(self.options,"Dry run")
394 # init & open trace file if provided
395 if self.options.trace_file and not self.options.dry_run:
396 # create dir if needed
397 trace_dir=os.path.dirname(self.options.trace_file)
398 if trace_dir and not os.path.isdir(trace_dir):
399 os.makedirs(trace_dir)
400 trace=open(self.options.trace_file,"w")
402 # do all steps on all plcs
403 TIME_FORMAT="%H-%M-%S"
404 TRACE_FORMAT="TRACE: %(plc_counter)d %(beg)s->%(end)s status=%(status)s step=%(stepname)s plc=%(plcname)s force=%(force)s\n"
405 for (stepname,method,force,cross,qualifier) in all_step_infos:
407 for (spec,plc_obj) in all_plcs:
409 # skip this step if we have specified a plc_explicit
410 if qualifier and plc_counter!=int(qualifier): continue
413 across_plcs = [ o for (s,o) in all_plcs if o!=plc_obj ]
416 beg=strftime(TIME_FORMAT)
417 if not spec['failed_step'] or force or self.options.interactive or self.options.keep_going:
419 if self.options.interactive:
422 msg="%d Run step %s on %s [r](un)/d(ry_run)/p(roceed)/s(kip)/q(uit) ? "%(plc_counter,stepname,plcname)
423 answer=raw_input(msg).strip().lower() or "r"
425 if answer in ['s','n']: # skip/no/next
426 print '%s on %s skipped'%(stepname,plcname)
429 elif answer in ['q','b']: # quit/bye
432 elif answer in ['d']: # dry_run
433 dry_run=self.options.dry_run
434 self.options.dry_run=True
435 plc_obj.options.dry_run=True
436 plc_obj.apiserver.set_dry_run(True)
437 if not cross: step_result=method(plc_obj)
438 else: step_result=method(plc_obj,across_plcs)
439 print 'dry_run step ->',step_result
440 self.options.dry_run=dry_run
441 plc_obj.options.dry_run=dry_run
442 plc_obj.apiserver.set_dry_run(dry_run)
443 elif answer in ['p']:
444 # take it as a yes and leave interactive mode
446 self.options.interactive=False
447 elif answer in ['r','y']: # run/yes
453 if force and spec['failed_step']: force_msg=" (forced after %s has failed)"%spec['failed_step']
454 utils.header("********** %d RUNNING step %s%s on plc %s"%(plc_counter,stepname,force_msg,plcname))
455 if not cross: step_result = method(plc_obj)
456 else: step_result = method(plc_obj,across_plcs)
458 utils.header('********** %d SUCCESSFUL step %s on %s'%(plc_counter,stepname,plcname))
461 overall_result = False
462 spec['failed_step'] = stepname
463 utils.header('********** %d FAILED Step %s on %s (discarded from further steps)'\
464 %(plc_counter,stepname,plcname))
468 spec['failed_step'] = stepname
469 traceback.print_exc()
470 utils.header ('********** %d FAILED (exception) Step %s on %s (discarded from further steps)'\
471 %(plc_counter,stepname,plcname))
474 # do not run, just display it's skipped
476 why="has failed %s"%spec['failed_step']
477 utils.header("********** %d SKIPPED Step %s on %s (%s)"%(plc_counter,stepname,plcname,why))
479 if not self.options.dry_run:
480 end=strftime(TIME_FORMAT)
481 # always do this on stdout
482 print TRACE_FORMAT%locals()
483 # duplicate on trace_file if provided
484 if self.options.trace_file:
485 trace.write(TRACE_FORMAT%locals())
488 if self.options.trace_file and not self.options.dry_run:
491 # free local substrate
492 LocalSubstrate.local_substrate.release(self.options)
494 return overall_result
496 # wrapper to run, returns a shell-compatible result
505 print 'Caught SystemExit'
508 traceback.print_exc()
511 if __name__ == "__main__":
512 sys.exit(TestMain().main())