2014-02-06 Thierry Parmentelatnodeimage before_libvirt_121
2014-02-05 Thierry Parmentelatbuild VMs have a nicer hostname (dates have dots in...
2014-02-05 Thierry Parmentelatconfigure hostname as well on debian boxes
2014-02-05 Thierry Parmentelattry to fix initvm
2014-02-05 Thierry Parmentelatjust being safe
2014-02-05 Thierry Parmentelatoops
2014-02-05 Thierry Parmentelatset up ssh in debian boxes
2014-02-04 Thierry Parmentelatguessing distro from /etc/debian_version on a sid box..
2014-02-04 Thierry Parmentelatre-instating the auto eth0 line - that was not the...
2014-02-04 Thierry Parmentelat4 letters here
2014-02-04 Thierry Parmentelat2 minutes will be more than enough
2014-02-04 Thierry Parmentelatfix network config for debian boxes in test mode
2014-02-04 Thierry Parmentelattweaks for creating VMs
2014-02-04 Thierry Parmentelatsupport for jessie the latest debian
2014-01-31 Thierry Parmentelatoops, build shell is not intended to run 'failure'...
2014-01-31 Thierry Parmentelatminor tweaks
2014-01-30 Thierry Parmentelatreview switches of set -e / set +e and related trap...
2014-01-30 Thierry Parmentelatremove vbuild scripts
2014-01-29 Thierry Parmentelattentative cleanup of really old/dirty patches required...
2014-01-29 Thierry Parmentelatcleanup
2014-01-29 Thierry Parmentelathave seen the script hanging when running ssh to invoke...
2014-01-29 Thierry Parmentelatkeep only defaults relevant to the inria end
2014-01-27 Thierry Parmentelatreports retcod from run_log
2014-01-27 Thierry Parmentelatcosmetic
2014-01-25 Thierry Parmentelatrun_log retcod now is
2014-01-24 Thierry Parmentelatdbg
2014-01-24 Thierry Parmentelatretcod
2014-01-24 Thierry Parmentelatinterpret retcod from run_log to expose the fact that...
2014-01-24 Thierry Parmentelatget rid of bin_in_container, use bash to find out comma...
2014-01-24 Thierry Parmentelatone single simpler command to create build or test vms
2014-01-23 Thierry Parmentelatlxc root fs might be created already but almost empty...
2014-01-23 Thierry Parmentelattrash more code about the unused private address space
2014-01-23 Thierry Parmentelatclean up networking code
2014-01-23 Thierry Parmentelatgitignore
2014-01-23 Thierry Parmentelatrepair logic, we were creating lcxroot before checking...
2014-01-23 Thierry Parmentelatclose stdin in an attempt to improve builds for deb...
2014-01-23 Thierry Parmentelattake away the extra /rootfs/ level
2014-01-23 Thierry Parmentelatfix for ubuntu, forgot some $verser in there
2014-01-23 Thierry Parmentelatdon’t keep xml file
2014-01-23 Thierry Parmentelataddition for adding the universe feed to ubuntu for...
2014-01-23 Thierry Parmentelattrash old code
2014-01-23 Thierry Parmentelathave to duplicate bin_in_container..
2014-01-23 Thierry Parmentelatusing virsh lxc-enter-namespace instead of lxcsu
2014-01-23 Thierry Parmentelatignored steps (-i) can be passed to run_log just like...
2014-01-23 Thierry Parmentelatmore sensible name develdeb.pkgs as it is used for...
2014-01-22 Thierry Parmentelatfix PATH
2014-01-22 Thierry Parmentelatwould be much simpler if enter-lxc-namespace was lookin...
2014-01-22 Thierry Parmentelatignore result of extra apt-get for now
2014-01-22 Thierry Parmentelatconfigure debian internal interface
2014-01-22 Thierry Parmentelatblind test
2014-01-22 Thierry Parmentelatadd /bin and /sbin in PATH more permanently as other...
2014-01-22 Thierry Parmentelatfix parenthesing
2014-01-22 Thierry Parmentelatconfigure ifcfg in fedora vms only
2014-01-22 Thierry Parmentelatlet’s see how a debian build would go
2014-01-22 Thierry Parmentelattweak PATH for debootstrap
2014-01-22 Thierry Parmentelatlbuild-nightly has reached the point where it invokes...
2014-01-22 Thierry Parmentelatbugfix for debian
2014-01-22 Thierry Parmentelatoops
2014-01-22 Thierry Parmentelatfor testing
2014-01-22 Thierry Parmentelatturn off sface in lxc too
2014-01-22 Thierry Parmentelatless and emacs-nox in slice
2014-01-22 Thierry Parmentelatnormalize connect URI for virsh
2014-01-22 Thierry Parmentelatneed to pass -c lxc:/// to virsh
2014-01-21 Thierry Parmentelatbugfix
2014-01-21 Thierry Parmentelatscrewed up when a hack was discarded
2014-01-21 Thierry Parmentelatreach the point where /build gets clones in guest
2014-01-21 Thierry Parmentelatuse a simpler setup through virbr0 and dhcp for build...
2014-01-21 Thierry Parmentelatstill not working for building on lxc but getting closer
2014-01-21 Thierry Parmentelatmajor cleanup of lxc vm creation script
2014-01-21 Thierry Parmentelatoops, fix for a missing endif
2014-01-20 Thierry Parmentelatdo not build sface anymore
2014-01-20 Thierry Parmentelatupdate list of debian-based distros
2014-01-20 Thierry Parmentelatprepare a placeholder for debian-oriented code
2014-01-20 Thierry Parmentelatadd option -P in lbuild-initvm
2014-01-12 Thierry Parmentelatcomment about status of the ‘build-on-f20’ issue
2014-01-12 Thierry Parmentelatnodemanager
2014-01-11 Thierry Parmentelatstupid me
2014-01-11 Thierry Parmentelatreview rpms names across distros
2014-01-11 Thierry Parmentelatnodeupdate
2014-01-11 Thierry Parmentelatwith keynote9 infra.key has become a directory
2014-01-11 Thierry Parmentelatmissing script
2014-01-11 Thierry Parmentelattrash oldy
2014-01-11 Thierry Parmentelatbootmanager
2014-01-10 Thierry Parmentelatvbuild-fedora-mirror -> fedora-mirror
2014-01-10 Thierry Parmentelatbugfix
2014-01-10 Thierry Parmentelatdo not attempt to ssh-reach lbuild VM’s in build mode
2014-01-10 Thierry Parmentelatoops
2014-01-09 Thierry Parmentelatuse only names in [vl]{build,test}
2014-01-09 Thierry Parmentelatrename into
2014-01-09 Thierry Parmentelatneed to compute ifname as eth0 is no longer taken for...
2014-01-09 Thierry Parmentelatfix location of logfiles
2014-01-09 Thierry Parmentelatfirst rough of a nightly build-over-lxc
2014-01-09 Thierry Parmentelatcleanup
2014-01-09 Thierry Parmentelatremove checking of libvirt version
2014-01-09 Thierry Parmentelatremove ref to svn magic keyword
2014-01-09 Thierry Parmentelatmyplc from master
2014-01-09 Thierry Parmentelatsmoother set up of systemd in lxc for f20
2014-01-08 Thierry Parmentelatplcapi
2014-01-08 Thierry Parmentelatprepare to build on saucy
2014-01-08 Thierry Parmentelatswitch to using stock libvirt onf 20