Adding result plots from openlab VOD demo
authorAlina Quereilhac <>
Mon, 8 Dec 2014 20:36:16 +0000 (21:36 +0100)
committerAlina Quereilhac <>
Mon, 8 Dec 2014 20:36:16 +0000 (21:36 +0100)
examples/omf/vod_exp/ [new file with mode: 0644]
examples/omf/vod_exp/graph1.png [new file with mode: 0644]
examples/omf/vod_exp/graph2.png [new file with mode: 0644]
examples/omf/vod_exp/graph3.png [new file with mode: 0644]
examples/omf/vod_exp/graph4.png [new file with mode: 0644]
examples/omf/vod_exp/graph_vod_broad.png [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/examples/omf/vod_exp/ b/examples/omf/vod_exp/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5d16c9e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+import matplotlib
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
+import os
+import time
+import subprocess
+##### Parsing Argument to Plot #####
+from optparse import OptionParser
+usage = ("usage: %prog -p <type-of-plot> -d <type-of-packets> -f <folder-with-stats>")
+parser = OptionParser(usage = usage)
+parser.add_option("-p", "--plot", dest="plot",
+        help="Type of Plot : vod_broad_cli | vod_broad_wlan | vod_broad_eth | broad_all | vod_all", type="string")
+parser.add_option("-d", "--packet", dest="packet",
+        help="Packet to use for the plot : frames | bytes", type="string")
+parser.add_option("-f", "--folder", dest="folder",
+        help="Folder with the statistics ", type="string")
+(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+plot = options.plot
+packet = options.packet
+folder = options.folder
+##### Initialize the data #####
+overall_stats_broad = {}
+overall_stats_vod = {}
+for i in [1, 3, 5]:
+    overall_stats_broad[i] = {}
+    overall_stats_broad[i]['eth'] = []
+    overall_stats_broad[i]['wlan'] = []
+    overall_stats_broad[i]['cli'] = []
+    overall_stats_vod[i] = {}
+    overall_stats_vod[i]['eth'] = []
+    overall_stats_vod[i]['wlan'] = []
+    overall_stats_vod[i]['cli'] = []
+all_broad_folders = os.listdir(folder + 'demo_openlab_traces/broadcast')
+all_vod_folders = os.listdir(folder + 'demo_openlab_traces/vod')
+data_broad_folders = list()
+data_vod_folders = list()
+# Loop to take only the wanted folder
+for f in all_broad_folders :
+    if f.startswith('s_'): 
+        data_broad_folders.append(f)
+for f in all_vod_folders :
+    if f.startswith('s_'): 
+        data_vod_folders.append(f)
+##### For Broadcast #####
+stats_broad_wlan = list()
+stats_broad_eth = list()
+stats_broad_cli = list()
+# Write the wanted statistics into a file
+for exp in data_broad_folders :
+    broad_file = os.listdir(folder + 'demo_openlab_traces/broadcast/'+exp)
+    for f in broad_file :
+        dest = folder + "demo_openlab_traces/broadcast/" + exp + "/stats_" + f + ".txt"
+        command = "tshark -r " + folder + "demo_openlab_traces/broadcast/" + exp + "/" + f + " -z io,phs > " + dest
+        if f.startswith('capwificen_wlan'):
+            p = subprocess.Popen(command , shell=True)
+            p.wait()
+            stats_broad_wlan.append(dest)
+        if f.startswith('capwificen_eth'):
+            p = subprocess.Popen(command , shell=True)
+            p.wait()
+            stats_broad_eth.append(dest)
+        if f.startswith('capcli'):
+            p = subprocess.Popen(command , shell=True)
+            p.wait()
+            stats_broad_cli.append(dest)
+# Numer of client that was used
+def nb_client(s):
+    elt = s.split('_')
+    if elt[-2] == '1':
+        return 1
+    if elt[-2] == '3':
+        return 3
+    if elt[-2] == '5':
+        return 5
+# Return the value wanted
+def get_broad_values(list_files, type_file):
+    for s in list_files:
+        nb = nb_client(s)
+        o = open(s, 'r')
+        for l in o:
+            if 'udp' in l:
+                row = l.split(':')
+                f = row[1].split(' ')
+                frame = int(f[0])
+                byte = int(row[2])
+                res = {}
+                res['frames'] = frame
+                res['bytes'] = byte
+                if frame < 20 :
+                    continue
+                overall_stats_broad[nb][type_file].append(res)
+        o.close() 
+get_broad_values(stats_broad_wlan, 'wlan')
+get_broad_values(stats_broad_eth, 'eth')
+get_broad_values(stats_broad_cli, 'cli')
+#print overall_stats_broad
+##### For VOD #####
+stats_vod_wlan = list()
+stats_vod_eth = list()
+stats_vod_cli = list()
+# Write the wanted statistics into a file
+for exp in data_vod_folders :
+    vod_file = os.listdir(folder + 'demo_openlab_traces/vod/'+exp)
+    for f in vod_file :
+        dest = folder + "/demo_openlab_traces/vod/" + exp + "/stats_" + f + ".txt"
+        command = "tshark -r " + folder + "demo_openlab_traces/vod/" + exp + "/" + f + " -z io,phs > " + dest
+        if f.startswith('capwificen_wlan'):
+            p = subprocess.Popen(command , shell=True)
+            p.wait()
+            stats_vod_wlan.append(dest)
+        if f.startswith('capwificen_eth'):
+            p = subprocess.Popen(command , shell=True)
+            p.wait()
+            stats_vod_eth.append(dest)
+        if f.startswith('capcli'):
+            p = subprocess.Popen(command , shell=True)
+            p.wait()
+            stats_vod_cli.append(dest)
+# Return the value wanted
+def get_vod_values(list_files, type_file):
+    for s in list_files:
+        nb = nb_client(s)
+        o = open(s, 'r')
+        for l in o:
+            if 'udp' in l:
+                row = l.split(':')
+                f = row[1].split(' ')
+                frame = int(f[0])
+                byte = int(row[2])
+                res = {}
+                res['frames'] = frame
+                res['bytes'] = byte
+                if frame < 100 :
+                    continue
+                overall_stats_vod[nb][type_file].append(res)
+        o.close() 
+get_vod_values(stats_vod_wlan, 'wlan')
+get_vod_values(stats_vod_eth, 'eth')
+get_vod_values(stats_vod_cli, 'cli')
+#print overall_stats_vod
+##### For Plotting #####
+if plot != "vod_all":
+    means_broad_cli = list()
+    std_broad_cli = list()
+    means_broad_wlan = list()
+    std_broad_wlan = list()
+    means_broad_eth = list()
+    std_broad_eth = list()
+    for i in [1, 3, 5]:
+        data_cli = list()
+        for elt in overall_stats_broad[i]['cli']:
+            data_cli.append(elt['frames'])
+        samples = np.array(data_cli)
+        m = samples.mean()
+        std = np.std(data_cli)
+        means_broad_cli.append(m)
+        std_broad_cli.append(std)
+        data_wlan = list()
+        for elt in overall_stats_broad[i]['wlan']:
+            data_wlan.append(elt['frames'])
+        samples = np.array(data_wlan)
+        m = samples.mean()
+        std = np.std(data_wlan)
+        means_broad_wlan.append(m)
+        std_broad_wlan.append(std)
+        data_eth = list()
+        for elt in overall_stats_broad[i]['eth']:
+            data_eth.append(elt['frames'])
+        samples = np.array(data_eth)
+        m = samples.mean()
+        std = np.std(data_eth)
+        means_broad_eth.append(m)
+        std_broad_eth.append(std)
+if plot != "broad_all":
+    means_vod_cli = list()
+    std_vod_cli = list()
+    means_vod_wlan = list()
+    std_vod_wlan = list()
+    means_vod_eth = list()
+    std_vod_eth = list()
+    for i in [1, 3, 5]:
+        data_cli = list()
+        for elt in overall_stats_vod[i]['cli']:
+            data_cli.append(elt['frames'])
+        samples = np.array(data_cli)
+        m = samples.mean()
+        std = np.std(data_cli)
+        means_vod_cli.append(m)
+        std_vod_cli.append(std)
+        data_wlan = list()
+        for elt in overall_stats_vod[i]['wlan']:
+            data_wlan.append(elt['frames'])
+        samples = np.array(data_wlan)
+        m = samples.mean()
+        std = np.std(data_wlan)
+        means_vod_wlan.append(m)
+        std_vod_wlan.append(std)
+        data_eth = list()
+        for elt in overall_stats_vod[i]['eth']:
+            data_eth.append(elt['frames'])
+        samples = np.array(data_eth)
+        m = samples.mean()
+        std = np.std(data_eth)
+        means_vod_eth.append(m)
+        std_vod_eth.append(std)
+### To plot ###
+n_groups = 3
+#Put the right numbers
+if plot == "broad_all":
+    means_bars1 = tuple(means_broad_cli)
+    std_bars1 = tuple(std_broad_cli)
+    means_bars2 = tuple(means_broad_wlan)
+    std_bars2 = tuple(std_broad_wlan)
+    means_bars3 = tuple(means_broad_eth)
+    std_bars3 = tuple(std_broad_eth)
+if plot == "vod_all":
+    means_bars1 = tuple(means_vod_cli)
+    std_bars1 = tuple(std_vod_cli)
+    means_bars2 = tuple(means_vod_wlan)
+    std_bars2 = tuple(std_vod_wlan)
+    means_bars3 = tuple(means_vod_eth)
+    std_bars3 = tuple(std_vod_eth)
+if plot == "vod_broad_cli":
+    means_bars1 = tuple(means_broad_cli)
+    std_bars1 = tuple(std_broad_cli)
+    means_bars2 = tuple(means_vod_cli)
+    std_bars2 = tuple(std_vod_cli)
+if plot == "vod_broad_wlan":
+    means_bars1 = tuple(means_broad_wlan)
+    std_bars1 = tuple(std_broad_wlan)
+    means_bars2 = tuple(means_vod_wlan)
+    std_bars2 = tuple(std_vod_wlan)
+if plot == "vod_broad_eth":
+    means_bars1 = tuple(means_broad_eth)
+    std_bars1 = tuple(std_broad_eth)
+    means_bars2 = tuple(means_vod_eth)
+    std_bars2 = tuple(std_vod_eth)
+fig, ax = plt.subplots()
+index = np.arange(n_groups)
+bar_width = 0.3
+opacity = 0.4
+error_config = {'ecolor': '0.3'}
+if plot == "vod_all" or plot == "broad_all" :
+    rects1 =, means_bars1, bar_width,
+                 alpha=opacity,
+                 color='y',
+                 yerr=std_bars1,
+                 error_kw=error_config,
+                 label='Client')
+    rects2 = + bar_width, means_bars2, bar_width,
+                 alpha=opacity,
+                 color='g',
+                 yerr=std_bars2,
+                 error_kw=error_config,
+                 label='Wlan')
+    rects3 = + 2*bar_width, means_bars3, bar_width,
+                 alpha=opacity,
+                 color='r',
+                 yerr=std_bars3,
+                 error_kw=error_config,
+                 label='Eth')
+else :
+    rects1 =, means_bars1, bar_width,
+                 alpha=opacity,
+                 color='y',
+                 yerr=std_bars1,
+                 error_kw=error_config,
+                 label='Broadcast')
+    rects2 = + bar_width, means_bars2, bar_width,
+                 alpha=opacity,
+                 color='g',
+                 yerr=std_bars2,
+                 error_kw=error_config,
+                 label='VOD')    
+plt.xlabel('Number of Client')
+if packet == "frames" :
+    plt.ylabel('Frames sent over UDP')
+if packet == "bytes" :
+    plt.ylabel('Bytes sent over UDP')
+if plot == "broad_all":
+    plt.title('Packet sent by number of client in broadcast mode')
+if plot == "vod_all":
+    plt.title('Packet sent by number of client in VOD mode')
+if plot == "vod_broad_cli":
+    plt.title('Packet received in average by client in broadcast and vod mode')
+if plot == "vod_broad_wlan":
+    plt.title('Packet sent in average to the clients in broadcast and vod mode')
+if plot == "vod_broad_eth":
+    plt.title('Packet received in average by the wifi center in broadcast and vod mode')
+plt.xticks(index + bar_width, ('1', '3', '5'))
diff --git a/examples/omf/vod_exp/graph1.png b/examples/omf/vod_exp/graph1.png
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..250d0f7
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/omf/vod_exp/graph1.png differ
diff --git a/examples/omf/vod_exp/graph2.png b/examples/omf/vod_exp/graph2.png
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f5d20ce
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/omf/vod_exp/graph2.png differ
diff --git a/examples/omf/vod_exp/graph3.png b/examples/omf/vod_exp/graph3.png
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a46a2c4
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/omf/vod_exp/graph3.png differ
diff --git a/examples/omf/vod_exp/graph4.png b/examples/omf/vod_exp/graph4.png
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b269619
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/omf/vod_exp/graph4.png differ
diff --git a/examples/omf/vod_exp/graph_vod_broad.png b/examples/omf/vod_exp/graph_vod_broad.png
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b61d7e1
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/omf/vod_exp/graph_vod_broad.png differ