Splitted classes from xmlrpc.php to separate files
authorSamu Voutilainen <smar@smar.fi>
Fri, 23 May 2014 09:26:09 +0000 (12:26 +0300)
committerSamu Voutilainen <smar@smar.fi>
Fri, 23 May 2014 09:26:09 +0000 (12:26 +0300)
lib/xmlrpc_client.php [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/xmlrpcmsg.php [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/xmlrpcresp.php [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/xmlrpcval.php [new file with mode: 0644]

index e42571d..fb94bf3 100644 (file)
+require_once __DIR__ . "/xmlrpc_client.php";\r
+require_once __DIR__ . "/xmlrpcresp.php";\r
+require_once __DIR__ . "/xmlrpcmsg.php";\r
+require_once __DIR__ . "/xmlrpcval.php";\r
 class Xmlrpc {\r
     public $xmlrpcI4 = "i4";\r
@@ -796,2461 +801,6 @@ function xmlrpc_dh($parser, $data)
     return true;\r
-class xmlrpc_client\r
-    var $path;\r
-    var $server;\r
-    var $port=0;\r
-    var $method='http';\r
-    var $errno;\r
-    var $errstr;\r
-    var $debug=0;\r
-    var $username='';\r
-    var $password='';\r
-    var $authtype=1;\r
-    var $cert='';\r
-    var $certpass='';\r
-    var $cacert='';\r
-    var $cacertdir='';\r
-    var $key='';\r
-    var $keypass='';\r
-    var $verifypeer=true;\r
-    var $verifyhost=2;\r
-    var $no_multicall=false;\r
-    var $proxy='';\r
-    var $proxyport=0;\r
-    var $proxy_user='';\r
-    var $proxy_pass='';\r
-    var $proxy_authtype=1;\r
-    var $cookies=array();\r
-    var $extracurlopts=array();\r
-    /**\r
-    * List of http compression methods accepted by the client for responses.\r
-    * NB: PHP supports deflate, gzip compressions out of the box if compiled w. zlib\r
-    *\r
-    * NNB: you can set it to any non-empty array for HTTP11 and HTTPS, since\r
-    * in those cases it will be up to CURL to decide the compression methods\r
-    * it supports. You might check for the presence of 'zlib' in the output of\r
-    * curl_version() to determine wheter compression is supported or not\r
-    */\r
-    var $accepted_compression = array();\r
-    /**\r
-    * Name of compression scheme to be used for sending requests.\r
-    * Either null, gzip or deflate\r
-    */\r
-    var $request_compression = '';\r
-    /**\r
-    * CURL handle: used for keep-alive connections (PHP 4.3.8 up, see:\r
-    * http://curl.haxx.se/docs/faq.html#7.3)\r
-    */\r
-    var $xmlrpc_curl_handle = null;\r
-    /// Whether to use persistent connections for http 1.1 and https\r
-    var $keepalive = false;\r
-    /// Charset encodings that can be decoded without problems by the client\r
-    var $accepted_charset_encodings = array();\r
-    /// Charset encoding to be used in serializing request. NULL = use ASCII\r
-    var $request_charset_encoding = '';\r
-    /**\r
-    * Decides the content of xmlrpcresp objects returned by calls to send()\r
-    * valid strings are 'xmlrpcvals', 'phpvals' or 'xml'\r
-    */\r
-    var $return_type = 'xmlrpcvals';\r
-    /**\r
-    * Sent to servers in http headers\r
-    */\r
-    var $user_agent;\r
-    /**\r
-    * @param string $path either the complete server URL or the PATH part of the xmlrc server URL, e.g. /xmlrpc/server.php\r
-    * @param string $server the server name / ip address\r
-    * @param integer $port the port the server is listening on, defaults to 80 or 443 depending on protocol used\r
-    * @param string $method the http protocol variant: defaults to 'http', 'https' and 'http11' can be used if CURL is installed\r
-    */\r
-    function xmlrpc_client($path, $server='', $port='', $method='')\r
-    {\r
-        $xmlrpc = Xmlrpc::instance();\r
-        // allow user to specify all params in $path\r
-        if($server == '' and $port == '' and $method == '')\r
-        {\r
-            $parts = parse_url($path);\r
-            $server = $parts['host'];\r
-            $path = isset($parts['path']) ? $parts['path'] : '';\r
-            if(isset($parts['query']))\r
-            {\r
-                $path .= '?'.$parts['query'];\r
-            }\r
-            if(isset($parts['fragment']))\r
-            {\r
-                $path .= '#'.$parts['fragment'];\r
-            }\r
-            if(isset($parts['port']))\r
-            {\r
-                $port = $parts['port'];\r
-            }\r
-            if(isset($parts['scheme']))\r
-            {\r
-                $method = $parts['scheme'];\r
-            }\r
-            if(isset($parts['user']))\r
-            {\r
-                $this->username = $parts['user'];\r
-            }\r
-            if(isset($parts['pass']))\r
-            {\r
-                $this->password = $parts['pass'];\r
-            }\r
-        }\r
-        if($path == '' || $path[0] != '/')\r
-        {\r
-            $this->path='/'.$path;\r
-        }\r
-        else\r
-        {\r
-            $this->path=$path;\r
-        }\r
-        $this->server=$server;\r
-        if($port != '')\r
-        {\r
-            $this->port=$port;\r
-        }\r
-        if($method != '')\r
-        {\r
-            $this->method=$method;\r
-        }\r
-        // if ZLIB is enabled, let the client by default accept compressed responses\r
-        if(function_exists('gzinflate') || (\r
-            function_exists('curl_init') && (($info = curl_version()) &&\r
-            ((is_string($info) && strpos($info, 'zlib') !== null) || isset($info['libz_version'])))\r
-        ))\r
-        {\r
-            $this->accepted_compression = array('gzip', 'deflate');\r
-        }\r
-        // keepalives: enabled by default\r
-        $this->keepalive = true;\r
-        // by default the xml parser can support these 3 charset encodings\r
-        $this->accepted_charset_encodings = array('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', 'US-ASCII');\r
-        // initialize user_agent string\r
-        $this->user_agent = $xmlrpc->xmlrpcName . ' ' . $xmlrpc->xmlrpcVersion;\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Enables/disables the echoing to screen of the xmlrpc responses received\r
-    * @param integer $in values 0, 1 and 2 are supported (2 = echo sent msg too, before received response)\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function setDebug($in)\r
-    {\r
-        $this->debug=$in;\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Add some http BASIC AUTH credentials, used by the client to authenticate\r
-    * @param string $u username\r
-    * @param string $p password\r
-    * @param integer $t auth type. See curl_setopt man page for supported auth types. Defaults to CURLAUTH_BASIC (basic auth)\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function setCredentials($u, $p, $t=1)\r
-    {\r
-        $this->username=$u;\r
-        $this->password=$p;\r
-        $this->authtype=$t;\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Add a client-side https certificate\r
-    * @param string $cert\r
-    * @param string $certpass\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function setCertificate($cert, $certpass)\r
-    {\r
-        $this->cert = $cert;\r
-        $this->certpass = $certpass;\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Add a CA certificate to verify server with (see man page about\r
-    * CURLOPT_CAINFO for more details)\r
-    * @param string $cacert certificate file name (or dir holding certificates)\r
-    * @param bool $is_dir set to true to indicate cacert is a dir. defaults to false\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function setCaCertificate($cacert, $is_dir=false)\r
-    {\r
-        if ($is_dir)\r
-        {\r
-            $this->cacertdir = $cacert;\r
-        }\r
-        else\r
-        {\r
-            $this->cacert = $cacert;\r
-        }\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Set attributes for SSL communication: private SSL key\r
-    * NB: does not work in older php/curl installs\r
-    * Thanks to Daniel Convissor\r
-    * @param string $key The name of a file containing a private SSL key\r
-    * @param string $keypass The secret password needed to use the private SSL key\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function setKey($key, $keypass)\r
-    {\r
-        $this->key = $key;\r
-        $this->keypass = $keypass;\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Set attributes for SSL communication: verify server certificate\r
-    * @param bool $i enable/disable verification of peer certificate\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function setSSLVerifyPeer($i)\r
-    {\r
-        $this->verifypeer = $i;\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Set attributes for SSL communication: verify match of server cert w. hostname\r
-    * @param int $i\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function setSSLVerifyHost($i)\r
-    {\r
-        $this->verifyhost = $i;\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Set proxy info\r
-    * @param string $proxyhost\r
-    * @param string $proxyport Defaults to 8080 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS\r
-    * @param string $proxyusername Leave blank if proxy has public access\r
-    * @param string $proxypassword Leave blank if proxy has public access\r
-    * @param int $proxyauthtype set to constant CURLAUTH_NTLM to use NTLM auth with proxy\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function setProxy($proxyhost, $proxyport, $proxyusername = '', $proxypassword = '', $proxyauthtype = 1)\r
-    {\r
-        $this->proxy = $proxyhost;\r
-        $this->proxyport = $proxyport;\r
-        $this->proxy_user = $proxyusername;\r
-        $this->proxy_pass = $proxypassword;\r
-        $this->proxy_authtype = $proxyauthtype;\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Enables/disables reception of compressed xmlrpc responses.\r
-    * Note that enabling reception of compressed responses merely adds some standard\r
-    * http headers to xmlrpc requests. It is up to the xmlrpc server to return\r
-    * compressed responses when receiving such requests.\r
-    * @param string $compmethod either 'gzip', 'deflate', 'any' or ''\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function setAcceptedCompression($compmethod)\r
-    {\r
-        if ($compmethod == 'any')\r
-            $this->accepted_compression = array('gzip', 'deflate');\r
-        else\r
-            if ($compmethod == false )\r
-                $this->accepted_compression = array();\r
-            else\r
-                $this->accepted_compression = array($compmethod);\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Enables/disables http compression of xmlrpc request.\r
-    * Take care when sending compressed requests: servers might not support them\r
-    * (and automatic fallback to uncompressed requests is not yet implemented)\r
-    * @param string $compmethod either 'gzip', 'deflate' or ''\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function setRequestCompression($compmethod)\r
-    {\r
-        $this->request_compression = $compmethod;\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Adds a cookie to list of cookies that will be sent to server.\r
-    * NB: setting any param but name and value will turn the cookie into a 'version 1' cookie:\r
-    * do not do it unless you know what you are doing\r
-    * @param string $name\r
-    * @param string $value\r
-    * @param string $path\r
-    * @param string $domain\r
-    * @param int $port\r
-    * @access public\r
-    *\r
-    * @todo check correctness of urlencoding cookie value (copied from php way of doing it...)\r
-    */\r
-    function setCookie($name, $value='', $path='', $domain='', $port=null)\r
-    {\r
-        $this->cookies[$name]['value'] = urlencode($value);\r
-        if ($path || $domain || $port)\r
-        {\r
-            $this->cookies[$name]['path'] = $path;\r
-            $this->cookies[$name]['domain'] = $domain;\r
-            $this->cookies[$name]['port'] = $port;\r
-            $this->cookies[$name]['version'] = 1;\r
-        }\r
-        else\r
-        {\r
-            $this->cookies[$name]['version'] = 0;\r
-        }\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Directly set cURL options, for extra flexibility\r
-    * It allows eg. to bind client to a specific IP interface / address\r
-    * @param array $options\r
-    */\r
-    function SetCurlOptions( $options )\r
-    {\r
-        $this->extracurlopts = $options;\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Set user-agent string that will be used by this client instance\r
-    * in http headers sent to the server\r
-    */\r
-    function SetUserAgent( $agentstring )\r
-    {\r
-        $this->user_agent = $agentstring;\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Send an xmlrpc request\r
-    * @param mixed $msg The message object, or an array of messages for using multicall, or the complete xml representation of a request\r
-    * @param integer $timeout Connection timeout, in seconds, If unspecified, a platform specific timeout will apply\r
-    * @param string $method if left unspecified, the http protocol chosen during creation of the object will be used\r
-    * @return xmlrpcresp\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function& send($msg, $timeout=0, $method='')\r
-    {\r
-        // if user deos not specify http protocol, use native method of this client\r
-        // (i.e. method set during call to constructor)\r
-        if($method == '')\r
-        {\r
-            $method = $this->method;\r
-        }\r
-        if(is_array($msg))\r
-        {\r
-            // $msg is an array of xmlrpcmsg's\r
-            $r = $this->multicall($msg, $timeout, $method);\r
-            return $r;\r
-        }\r
-        elseif(is_string($msg))\r
-        {\r
-            $n = new xmlrpcmsg('');\r
-            $n->payload = $msg;\r
-            $msg = $n;\r
-        }\r
-        // where msg is an xmlrpcmsg\r
-        $msg->debug=$this->debug;\r
-        if($method == 'https')\r
-        {\r
-            $r =& $this->sendPayloadHTTPS(\r
-                $msg,\r
-                $this->server,\r
-                $this->port,\r
-                $timeout,\r
-                $this->username,\r
-                $this->password,\r
-                $this->authtype,\r
-                $this->cert,\r
-                $this->certpass,\r
-                $this->cacert,\r
-                $this->cacertdir,\r
-                $this->proxy,\r
-                $this->proxyport,\r
-                $this->proxy_user,\r
-                $this->proxy_pass,\r
-                $this->proxy_authtype,\r
-                $this->keepalive,\r
-                $this->key,\r
-                $this->keypass\r
-            );\r
-        }\r
-        elseif($method == 'http11')\r
-        {\r
-            $r =& $this->sendPayloadCURL(\r
-                $msg,\r
-                $this->server,\r
-                $this->port,\r
-                $timeout,\r
-                $this->username,\r
-                $this->password,\r
-                $this->authtype,\r
-                null,\r
-                null,\r
-                null,\r
-                null,\r
-                $this->proxy,\r
-                $this->proxyport,\r
-                $this->proxy_user,\r
-                $this->proxy_pass,\r
-                $this->proxy_authtype,\r
-                'http',\r
-                $this->keepalive\r
-            );\r
-        }\r
-        else\r
-        {\r
-            $r =& $this->sendPayloadHTTP10(\r
-                $msg,\r
-                $this->server,\r
-                $this->port,\r
-                $timeout,\r
-                $this->username,\r
-                $this->password,\r
-                $this->authtype,\r
-                $this->proxy,\r
-                $this->proxyport,\r
-                $this->proxy_user,\r
-                $this->proxy_pass,\r
-                $this->proxy_authtype\r
-            );\r
-        }\r
-        return $r;\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * @access private\r
-    */\r
-    function &sendPayloadHTTP10($msg, $server, $port, $timeout=0,\r
-        $username='', $password='', $authtype=1, $proxyhost='',\r
-        $proxyport=0, $proxyusername='', $proxypassword='', $proxyauthtype=1)\r
-    {\r
-        $xmlrpc = Xmlrpc::instance();\r
-        if($port==0)\r
-        {\r
-            $port=80;\r
-        }\r
-        // Only create the payload if it was not created previously\r
-        if(empty($msg->payload))\r
-        {\r
-            $msg->createPayload($this->request_charset_encoding);\r
-        }\r
-        $payload = $msg->payload;\r
-        // Deflate request body and set appropriate request headers\r
-        if(function_exists('gzdeflate') && ($this->request_compression == 'gzip' || $this->request_compression == 'deflate'))\r
-        {\r
-            if($this->request_compression == 'gzip')\r
-            {\r
-                $a = @gzencode($payload);\r
-                if($a)\r
-                {\r
-                    $payload = $a;\r
-                    $encoding_hdr = "Content-Encoding: gzip\r\n";\r
-                }\r
-            }\r
-            else\r
-            {\r
-                $a = @gzcompress($payload);\r
-                if($a)\r
-                {\r
-                    $payload = $a;\r
-                    $encoding_hdr = "Content-Encoding: deflate\r\n";\r
-                }\r
-            }\r
-        }\r
-        else\r
-        {\r
-            $encoding_hdr = '';\r
-        }\r
-        // thanks to Grant Rauscher <grant7@firstworld.net> for this\r
-        $credentials='';\r
-        if($username!='')\r
-        {\r
-            $credentials='Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($username . ':' . $password) . "\r\n";\r
-            if ($authtype != 1)\r
-            {\r
-                error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': warning. Only Basic auth is supported with HTTP 1.0');\r
-            }\r
-        }\r
-        $accepted_encoding = '';\r
-        if(is_array($this->accepted_compression) && count($this->accepted_compression))\r
-        {\r
-            $accepted_encoding = 'Accept-Encoding: ' . implode(', ', $this->accepted_compression) . "\r\n";\r
-        }\r
-        $proxy_credentials = '';\r
-        if($proxyhost)\r
-        {\r
-            if($proxyport == 0)\r
-            {\r
-                $proxyport = 8080;\r
-            }\r
-            $connectserver = $proxyhost;\r
-            $connectport = $proxyport;\r
-            $uri = 'http://'.$server.':'.$port.$this->path;\r
-            if($proxyusername != '')\r
-            {\r
-                if ($proxyauthtype != 1)\r
-                {\r
-                    error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': warning. Only Basic auth to proxy is supported with HTTP 1.0');\r
-                }\r
-                $proxy_credentials = 'Proxy-Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($proxyusername.':'.$proxypassword) . "\r\n";\r
-            }\r
-        }\r
-        else\r
-        {\r
-            $connectserver = $server;\r
-            $connectport = $port;\r
-            $uri = $this->path;\r
-        }\r
-        // Cookie generation, as per rfc2965 (version 1 cookies) or\r
-        // netscape's rules (version 0 cookies)\r
-        $cookieheader='';\r
-        if (count($this->cookies))\r
-        {\r
-            $version = '';\r
-            foreach ($this->cookies as $name => $cookie)\r
-            {\r
-                if ($cookie['version'])\r
-                {\r
-                    $version = ' $Version="' . $cookie['version'] . '";';\r
-                    $cookieheader .= ' ' . $name . '="' . $cookie['value'] . '";';\r
-                    if ($cookie['path'])\r
-                        $cookieheader .= ' $Path="' . $cookie['path'] . '";';\r
-                    if ($cookie['domain'])\r
-                        $cookieheader .= ' $Domain="' . $cookie['domain'] . '";';\r
-                    if ($cookie['port'])\r
-                        $cookieheader .= ' $Port="' . $cookie['port'] . '";';\r
-                }\r
-                else\r
-                {\r
-                    $cookieheader .= ' ' . $name . '=' . $cookie['value'] . ";";\r
-                }\r
-            }\r
-            $cookieheader = 'Cookie:' . $version . substr($cookieheader, 0, -1) . "\r\n";\r
-        }\r
-        // omit port if 80\r
-        $port = ($port == 80) ? '' : (':' . $port);\r
-        $op= 'POST ' . $uri. " HTTP/1.0\r\n" .\r
-            'User-Agent: ' . $this->user_agent . "\r\n" .\r
-            'Host: '. $server . $port . "\r\n" .\r
-            $credentials .\r
-            $proxy_credentials .\r
-            $accepted_encoding .\r
-            $encoding_hdr .\r
-            'Accept-Charset: ' . implode(',', $this->accepted_charset_encodings) . "\r\n" .\r
-            $cookieheader .\r
-            'Content-Type: ' . $msg->content_type . "\r\nContent-Length: " .\r
-            strlen($payload) . "\r\n\r\n" .\r
-            $payload;\r
-        if($this->debug > 1)\r
-        {\r
-            print "<PRE>\n---SENDING---\n" . htmlentities($op) . "\n---END---\n</PRE>";\r
-            // let the client see this now in case http times out...\r
-            flush();\r
-        }\r
-        if($timeout>0)\r
-        {\r
-            $fp=@fsockopen($connectserver, $connectport, $this->errno, $this->errstr, $timeout);\r
-        }\r
-        else\r
-        {\r
-            $fp=@fsockopen($connectserver, $connectport, $this->errno, $this->errstr);\r
-        }\r
-        if($fp)\r
-        {\r
-            if($timeout>0 && function_exists('stream_set_timeout'))\r
-            {\r
-                stream_set_timeout($fp, $timeout);\r
-            }\r
-        }\r
-        else\r
-        {\r
-            $this->errstr='Connect error: '.$this->errstr;\r
-            $r=new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['http_error'], $this->errstr . ' (' . $this->errno . ')');\r
-            return $r;\r
-        }\r
-        if(!fputs($fp, $op, strlen($op)))\r
-        {\r
-            fclose($fp);\r
-            $this->errstr='Write error';\r
-            $r=new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['http_error'], $this->errstr);\r
-            return $r;\r
-        }\r
-        else\r
-        {\r
-            // reset errno and errstr on successful socket connection\r
-            $this->errstr = '';\r
-        }\r
-        // G. Giunta 2005/10/24: close socket before parsing.\r
-        // should yield slightly better execution times, and make easier recursive calls (e.g. to follow http redirects)\r
-        $ipd='';\r
-        do\r
-        {\r
-            // shall we check for $data === FALSE?\r
-            // as per the manual, it signals an error\r
-            $ipd.=fread($fp, 32768);\r
-        } while(!feof($fp));\r
-        fclose($fp);\r
-        $r =& $msg->parseResponse($ipd, false, $this->return_type);\r
-        return $r;\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * @access private\r
-    */\r
-    function &sendPayloadHTTPS($msg, $server, $port, $timeout=0, $username='',\r
-        $password='', $authtype=1, $cert='',$certpass='', $cacert='', $cacertdir='',\r
-        $proxyhost='', $proxyport=0, $proxyusername='', $proxypassword='', $proxyauthtype=1,\r
-        $keepalive=false, $key='', $keypass='')\r
-    {\r
-        $r =& $this->sendPayloadCURL($msg, $server, $port, $timeout, $username,\r
-            $password, $authtype, $cert, $certpass, $cacert, $cacertdir, $proxyhost, $proxyport,\r
-            $proxyusername, $proxypassword, $proxyauthtype, 'https', $keepalive, $key, $keypass);\r
-        return $r;\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Contributed by Justin Miller <justin@voxel.net>\r
-    * Requires curl to be built into PHP\r
-    * NB: CURL versions before 7.11.10 cannot use proxy to talk to https servers!\r
-    * @access private\r
-    */\r
-    function &sendPayloadCURL($msg, $server, $port, $timeout=0, $username='',\r
-        $password='', $authtype=1, $cert='', $certpass='', $cacert='', $cacertdir='',\r
-        $proxyhost='', $proxyport=0, $proxyusername='', $proxypassword='', $proxyauthtype=1, $method='https',\r
-        $keepalive=false, $key='', $keypass='')\r
-    {\r
-        $xmlrpc = Xmlrpc::instance();\r
-        if(!function_exists('curl_init'))\r
-        {\r
-            $this->errstr='CURL unavailable on this install';\r
-            $r=new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['no_curl'], $xmlrpc->xmlrpcstr['no_curl']);\r
-            return $r;\r
-        }\r
-        if($method == 'https')\r
-        {\r
-            if(($info = curl_version()) &&\r
-                ((is_string($info) && strpos($info, 'OpenSSL') === null) || (is_array($info) && !isset($info['ssl_version']))))\r
-            {\r
-                $this->errstr='SSL unavailable on this install';\r
-                $r=new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['no_ssl'], $xmlrpc->xmlrpcstr['no_ssl']);\r
-                return $r;\r
-            }\r
-        }\r
-        if($port == 0)\r
-        {\r
-            if($method == 'http')\r
-            {\r
-                $port = 80;\r
-            }\r
-            else\r
-            {\r
-                $port = 443;\r
-            }\r
-        }\r
-        // Only create the payload if it was not created previously\r
-        if(empty($msg->payload))\r
-        {\r
-            $msg->createPayload($this->request_charset_encoding);\r
-        }\r
-        // Deflate request body and set appropriate request headers\r
-        $payload = $msg->payload;\r
-        if(function_exists('gzdeflate') && ($this->request_compression == 'gzip' || $this->request_compression == 'deflate'))\r
-        {\r
-            if($this->request_compression == 'gzip')\r
-            {\r
-                $a = @gzencode($payload);\r
-                if($a)\r
-                {\r
-                    $payload = $a;\r
-                    $encoding_hdr = 'Content-Encoding: gzip';\r
-                }\r
-            }\r
-            else\r
-            {\r
-                $a = @gzcompress($payload);\r
-                if($a)\r
-                {\r
-                    $payload = $a;\r
-                    $encoding_hdr = 'Content-Encoding: deflate';\r
-                }\r
-            }\r
-        }\r
-        else\r
-        {\r
-            $encoding_hdr = '';\r
-        }\r
-        if($this->debug > 1)\r
-        {\r
-            print "<PRE>\n---SENDING---\n" . htmlentities($payload) . "\n---END---\n</PRE>";\r
-            // let the client see this now in case http times out...\r
-            flush();\r
-        }\r
-        if(!$keepalive || !$this->xmlrpc_curl_handle)\r
-        {\r
-            $curl = curl_init($method . '://' . $server . ':' . $port . $this->path);\r
-            if($keepalive)\r
-            {\r
-                $this->xmlrpc_curl_handle = $curl;\r
-            }\r
-        }\r
-        else\r
-        {\r
-            $curl = $this->xmlrpc_curl_handle;\r
-        }\r
-        // results into variable\r
-        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);\r
-        if($this->debug)\r
-        {\r
-            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);\r
-        }\r
-        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $this->user_agent);\r
-        // required for XMLRPC: post the data\r
-        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);\r
-        // the data\r
-        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $payload);\r
-        // return the header too\r
-        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);\r
-        // NB: if we set an empty string, CURL will add http header indicating\r
-        // ALL methods it is supporting. This is possibly a better option than\r
-        // letting the user tell what curl can / cannot do...\r
-        if(is_array($this->accepted_compression) && count($this->accepted_compression))\r
-        {\r
-            //curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_ENCODING, implode(',', $this->accepted_compression));\r
-            // empty string means 'any supported by CURL' (shall we catch errors in case CURLOPT_SSLKEY undefined ?)\r
-            if (count($this->accepted_compression) == 1)\r
-            {\r
-                curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_ENCODING, $this->accepted_compression[0]);\r
-            }\r
-            else\r
-                curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_ENCODING, '');\r
-        }\r
-        // extra headers\r
-        $headers = array('Content-Type: ' . $msg->content_type , 'Accept-Charset: ' . implode(',', $this->accepted_charset_encodings));\r
-        // if no keepalive is wanted, let the server know it in advance\r
-        if(!$keepalive)\r
-        {\r
-            $headers[] = 'Connection: close';\r
-        }\r
-        // request compression header\r
-        if($encoding_hdr)\r
-        {\r
-            $headers[] = $encoding_hdr;\r
-        }\r
-        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);\r
-        // timeout is borked\r
-        if($timeout)\r
-        {\r
-            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout == 1 ? 1 : $timeout - 1);\r
-        }\r
-        if($username && $password)\r
-        {\r
-            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $username.':'.$password);\r
-            if (defined('CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH'))\r
-            {\r
-                curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, $authtype);\r
-            }\r
-            else if ($authtype != 1)\r
-            {\r
-                error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': warning. Only Basic auth is supported by the current PHP/curl install');\r
-            }\r
-        }\r
-        if($method == 'https')\r
-        {\r
-            // set cert file\r
-            if($cert)\r
-            {\r
-                curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSLCERT, $cert);\r
-            }\r
-            // set cert password\r
-            if($certpass)\r
-            {\r
-                curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSLCERTPASSWD, $certpass);\r
-            }\r
-            // whether to verify remote host's cert\r
-            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, $this->verifypeer);\r
-            // set ca certificates file/dir\r
-            if($cacert)\r
-            {\r
-                curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, $cacert);\r
-            }\r
-            if($cacertdir)\r
-            {\r
-                curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CAPATH, $cacertdir);\r
-            }\r
-            // set key file (shall we catch errors in case CURLOPT_SSLKEY undefined ?)\r
-            if($key)\r
-            {\r
-                curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSLKEY, $key);\r
-            }\r
-            // set key password (shall we catch errors in case CURLOPT_SSLKEY undefined ?)\r
-            if($keypass)\r
-            {\r
-                curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSLKEYPASSWD, $keypass);\r
-            }\r
-            // whether to verify cert's common name (CN); 0 for no, 1 to verify that it exists, and 2 to verify that it matches the hostname used\r
-            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, $this->verifyhost);\r
-        }\r
-        // proxy info\r
-        if($proxyhost)\r
-        {\r
-            if($proxyport == 0)\r
-            {\r
-                $proxyport = 8080; // NB: even for HTTPS, local connection is on port 8080\r
-            }\r
-            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxyhost.':'.$proxyport);\r
-            //curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_PROXYPORT,$proxyport);\r
-            if($proxyusername)\r
-            {\r
-                curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $proxyusername.':'.$proxypassword);\r
-                if (defined('CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH'))\r
-                {\r
-                    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH, $proxyauthtype);\r
-                }\r
-                else if ($proxyauthtype != 1)\r
-                {\r
-                    error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': warning. Only Basic auth to proxy is supported by the current PHP/curl install');\r
-                }\r
-            }\r
-        }\r
-        // NB: should we build cookie http headers by hand rather than let CURL do it?\r
-        // the following code does not honour 'expires', 'path' and 'domain' cookie attributes\r
-        // set to client obj the the user...\r
-        if (count($this->cookies))\r
-        {\r
-            $cookieheader = '';\r
-            foreach ($this->cookies as $name => $cookie)\r
-            {\r
-                $cookieheader .= $name . '=' . $cookie['value'] . '; ';\r
-            }\r
-            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_COOKIE, substr($cookieheader, 0, -2));\r
-        }\r
-        foreach ($this->extracurlopts as $opt => $val)\r
-        {\r
-            curl_setopt($curl, $opt, $val);\r
-        }\r
-        $result = curl_exec($curl);\r
-        if ($this->debug > 1)\r
-        {\r
-            print "<PRE>\n---CURL INFO---\n";\r
-            foreach(curl_getinfo($curl) as $name => $val)\r
-            {\r
-                if (is_array($val))\r
-                {\r
-                    $val = implode("\n", $val);\r
-                }\r
-                print $name . ': ' . htmlentities($val) . "\n";\r
-            }\r
-            print "---END---\n</PRE>";\r
-        }\r
-        if(!$result) /// @todo we should use a better check here - what if we get back '' or '0'?\r
-        {\r
-            $this->errstr='no response';\r
-            $resp=new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['curl_fail'], $xmlrpc->xmlrpcstr['curl_fail']. ': '. curl_error($curl));\r
-            curl_close($curl);\r
-            if($keepalive)\r
-            {\r
-                $this->xmlrpc_curl_handle = null;\r
-            }\r
-        }\r
-        else\r
-        {\r
-            if(!$keepalive)\r
-            {\r
-                curl_close($curl);\r
-            }\r
-            $resp =& $msg->parseResponse($result, true, $this->return_type);\r
-            // if we got back a 302, we can not reuse the curl handle for later calls\r
-            if($resp->faultCode() == $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['http_error'] && $keepalive)\r
-            {\r
-                curl_close($curl);\r
-                $this->xmlrpc_curl_handle = null;\r
-            }\r
-        }\r
-        return $resp;\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Send an array of request messages and return an array of responses.\r
-    * Unless $this->no_multicall has been set to true, it will try first\r
-    * to use one single xmlrpc call to server method system.multicall, and\r
-    * revert to sending many successive calls in case of failure.\r
-    * This failure is also stored in $this->no_multicall for subsequent calls.\r
-    * Unfortunately, there is no server error code universally used to denote\r
-    * the fact that multicall is unsupported, so there is no way to reliably\r
-    * distinguish between that and a temporary failure.\r
-    * If you are sure that server supports multicall and do not want to\r
-    * fallback to using many single calls, set the fourth parameter to FALSE.\r
-    *\r
-    * NB: trying to shoehorn extra functionality into existing syntax has resulted\r
-    * in pretty much convoluted code...\r
-    *\r
-    * @param array $msgs an array of xmlrpcmsg objects\r
-    * @param integer $timeout connection timeout (in seconds)\r
-    * @param string $method the http protocol variant to be used\r
-    * @param boolean fallback When true, upon receiving an error during multicall, multiple single calls will be attempted\r
-    * @return array\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function multicall($msgs, $timeout=0, $method='', $fallback=true)\r
-    {\r
-        $xmlrpc = Xmlrpc::instance();\r
-        if ($method == '')\r
-        {\r
-            $method = $this->method;\r
-        }\r
-        if(!$this->no_multicall)\r
-        {\r
-            $results = $this->_try_multicall($msgs, $timeout, $method);\r
-            if(is_array($results))\r
-            {\r
-                // System.multicall succeeded\r
-                return $results;\r
-            }\r
-            else\r
-            {\r
-                // either system.multicall is unsupported by server,\r
-                // or call failed for some other reason.\r
-                if ($fallback)\r
-                {\r
-                    // Don't try it next time...\r
-                    $this->no_multicall = true;\r
-                }\r
-                else\r
-                {\r
-                    if (is_a($results, 'xmlrpcresp'))\r
-                    {\r
-                        $result = $results;\r
-                    }\r
-                    else\r
-                    {\r
-                        $result = new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['multicall_error'], $xmlrpc->xmlrpcstr['multicall_error']);\r
-                    }\r
-                }\r
-            }\r
-        }\r
-        else\r
-        {\r
-            // override fallback, in case careless user tries to do two\r
-            // opposite things at the same time\r
-            $fallback = true;\r
-        }\r
-        $results = array();\r
-        if ($fallback)\r
-        {\r
-            // system.multicall is (probably) unsupported by server:\r
-            // emulate multicall via multiple requests\r
-            foreach($msgs as $msg)\r
-            {\r
-                $results[] =& $this->send($msg, $timeout, $method);\r
-            }\r
-        }\r
-        else\r
-        {\r
-            // user does NOT want to fallback on many single calls:\r
-            // since we should always return an array of responses,\r
-            // return an array with the same error repeated n times\r
-            foreach($msgs as $msg)\r
-            {\r
-                $results[] = $result;\r
-            }\r
-        }\r
-        return $results;\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Attempt to boxcar $msgs via system.multicall.\r
-    * Returns either an array of xmlrpcreponses, an xmlrpc error response\r
-    * or false (when received response does not respect valid multicall syntax)\r
-    * @access private\r
-    */\r
-    function _try_multicall($msgs, $timeout, $method)\r
-    {\r
-        // Construct multicall message\r
-        $calls = array();\r
-        foreach($msgs as $msg)\r
-        {\r
-            $call['methodName'] = new xmlrpcval($msg->method(),'string');\r
-            $numParams = $msg->getNumParams();\r
-            $params = array();\r
-            for($i = 0; $i < $numParams; $i++)\r
-            {\r
-                $params[$i] = $msg->getParam($i);\r
-            }\r
-            $call['params'] = new xmlrpcval($params, 'array');\r
-            $calls[] = new xmlrpcval($call, 'struct');\r
-        }\r
-        $multicall = new xmlrpcmsg('system.multicall');\r
-        $multicall->addParam(new xmlrpcval($calls, 'array'));\r
-        // Attempt RPC call\r
-        $result =& $this->send($multicall, $timeout, $method);\r
-        if($result->faultCode() != 0)\r
-        {\r
-            // call to system.multicall failed\r
-            return $result;\r
-        }\r
-        // Unpack responses.\r
-        $rets = $result->value();\r
-        if ($this->return_type == 'xml')\r
-        {\r
-                return $rets;\r
-        }\r
-        else if ($this->return_type == 'phpvals')\r
-        {\r
-            ///@todo test this code branch...\r
-            $rets = $result->value();\r
-            if(!is_array($rets))\r
-            {\r
-                return false;          // bad return type from system.multicall\r
-            }\r
-            $numRets = count($rets);\r
-            if($numRets != count($msgs))\r
-            {\r
-                return false;          // wrong number of return values.\r
-            }\r
-            $response = array();\r
-            for($i = 0; $i < $numRets; $i++)\r
-            {\r
-                $val = $rets[$i];\r
-                if (!is_array($val)) {\r
-                    return false;\r
-                }\r
-                switch(count($val))\r
-                {\r
-                    case 1:\r
-                        if(!isset($val[0]))\r
-                        {\r
-                            return false;              // Bad value\r
-                        }\r
-                        // Normal return value\r
-                        $response[$i] = new xmlrpcresp($val[0], 0, '', 'phpvals');\r
-                        break;\r
-                    case 2:\r
-                        ///    @todo remove usage of @: it is apparently quite slow\r
-                        $code = @$val['faultCode'];\r
-                        if(!is_int($code))\r
-                        {\r
-                            return false;\r
-                        }\r
-                        $str = @$val['faultString'];\r
-                        if(!is_string($str))\r
-                        {\r
-                            return false;\r
-                        }\r
-                        $response[$i] = new xmlrpcresp(0, $code, $str);\r
-                        break;\r
-                    default:\r
-                        return false;\r
-                }\r
-            }\r
-            return $response;\r
-        }\r
-        else // return type == 'xmlrpcvals'\r
-        {\r
-            $rets = $result->value();\r
-            if($rets->kindOf() != 'array')\r
-            {\r
-                return false;          // bad return type from system.multicall\r
-            }\r
-            $numRets = $rets->arraysize();\r
-            if($numRets != count($msgs))\r
-            {\r
-                return false;          // wrong number of return values.\r
-            }\r
-            $response = array();\r
-            for($i = 0; $i < $numRets; $i++)\r
-            {\r
-                $val = $rets->arraymem($i);\r
-                switch($val->kindOf())\r
-                {\r
-                    case 'array':\r
-                        if($val->arraysize() != 1)\r
-                        {\r
-                            return false;              // Bad value\r
-                        }\r
-                        // Normal return value\r
-                        $response[$i] = new xmlrpcresp($val->arraymem(0));\r
-                        break;\r
-                    case 'struct':\r
-                        $code = $val->structmem('faultCode');\r
-                        if($code->kindOf() != 'scalar' || $code->scalartyp() != 'int')\r
-                        {\r
-                            return false;\r
-                        }\r
-                        $str = $val->structmem('faultString');\r
-                        if($str->kindOf() != 'scalar' || $str->scalartyp() != 'string')\r
-                        {\r
-                            return false;\r
-                        }\r
-                        $response[$i] = new xmlrpcresp(0, $code->scalarval(), $str->scalarval());\r
-                        break;\r
-                    default:\r
-                        return false;\r
-                }\r
-            }\r
-            return $response;\r
-        }\r
-    }\r
-} // end class xmlrpc_client\r
-class xmlrpcresp\r
-    var $val = 0;\r
-    var $valtyp;\r
-    var $errno = 0;\r
-    var $errstr = '';\r
-    var $payload;\r
-    var $hdrs = array();\r
-    var $_cookies = array();\r
-    var $content_type = 'text/xml';\r
-    var $raw_data = '';\r
-    /**\r
-    * @param mixed $val either an xmlrpcval obj, a php value or the xml serialization of an xmlrpcval (a string)\r
-    * @param integer $fcode set it to anything but 0 to create an error response\r
-    * @param string $fstr the error string, in case of an error response\r
-    * @param string $valtyp either 'xmlrpcvals', 'phpvals' or 'xml'\r
-    *\r
-    * @todo add check that $val / $fcode / $fstr is of correct type???\r
-    * NB: as of now we do not do it, since it might be either an xmlrpcval or a plain\r
-    * php val, or a complete xml chunk, depending on usage of xmlrpc_client::send() inside which creator is called...\r
-    */\r
-    function xmlrpcresp($val, $fcode = 0, $fstr = '', $valtyp='')\r
-    {\r
-        if($fcode != 0)\r
-        {\r
-            // error response\r
-            $this->errno = $fcode;\r
-            $this->errstr = $fstr;\r
-            //$this->errstr = htmlspecialchars($fstr); // XXX: encoding probably shouldn't be done here; fix later.\r
-        }\r
-        else\r
-        {\r
-            // successful response\r
-            $this->val = $val;\r
-            if ($valtyp == '')\r
-            {\r
-                // user did not declare type of response value: try to guess it\r
-                if (is_object($this->val) && is_a($this->val, 'xmlrpcval'))\r
-                {\r
-                    $this->valtyp = 'xmlrpcvals';\r
-                }\r
-                else if (is_string($this->val))\r
-                {\r
-                    $this->valtyp = 'xml';\r
-                }\r
-                else\r
-                {\r
-                    $this->valtyp = 'phpvals';\r
-                }\r
-            }\r
-            else\r
-            {\r
-                // user declares type of resp value: believe him\r
-                $this->valtyp = $valtyp;\r
-            }\r
-        }\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Returns the error code of the response.\r
-    * @return integer the error code of this response (0 for not-error responses)\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function faultCode()\r
-    {\r
-        return $this->errno;\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Returns the error code of the response.\r
-    * @return string the error string of this response ('' for not-error responses)\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function faultString()\r
-    {\r
-        return $this->errstr;\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Returns the value received by the server.\r
-    * @return mixed the xmlrpcval object returned by the server. Might be an xml string or php value if the response has been created by specially configured xmlrpc_client objects\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function value()\r
-    {\r
-        return $this->val;\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Returns an array with the cookies received from the server.\r
-    * Array has the form: $cookiename => array ('value' => $val, $attr1 => $val1, $attr2 = $val2, ...)\r
-    * with attributes being e.g. 'expires', 'path', domain'.\r
-    * NB: cookies sent as 'expired' by the server (i.e. with an expiry date in the past)\r
-    * are still present in the array. It is up to the user-defined code to decide\r
-    * how to use the received cookies, and whether they have to be sent back with the next\r
-    * request to the server (using xmlrpc_client::setCookie) or not\r
-    * @return array array of cookies received from the server\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function cookies()\r
-    {\r
-        return $this->_cookies;\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Returns xml representation of the response. XML prologue not included\r
-    * @param string $charset_encoding the charset to be used for serialization. if null, US-ASCII is assumed\r
-    * @return string the xml representation of the response\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function serialize($charset_encoding='')\r
-    {\r
-        $xmlrpc = Xmlrpc::instance();\r
-        if ($charset_encoding != '')\r
-            $this->content_type = 'text/xml; charset=' . $charset_encoding;\r
-        else\r
-            $this->content_type = 'text/xml';\r
-        if ($xmlrpc->xmlrpc_null_apache_encoding)\r
-        {\r
-            $result = "<methodResponse xmlns:ex=\"".$xmlrpc->xmlrpc_null_apache_encoding_ns."\">\n";\r
-        }\r
-        else\r
-        {\r
-        $result = "<methodResponse>\n";\r
-        }\r
-        if($this->errno)\r
-        {\r
-            // G. Giunta 2005/2/13: let non-ASCII response messages be tolerated by clients\r
-            // by xml-encoding non ascii chars\r
-            $result .= "<fault>\n" .\r
-"<value>\n<struct><member><name>faultCode</name>\n<value><int>" . $this->errno .\r
-"</int></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>faultString</name>\n<value><string>" .\r
-xmlrpc_encode_entitites($this->errstr, $xmlrpc->xmlrpc_internalencoding, $charset_encoding) . "</string></value>\n</member>\n" .\r
-        }\r
-        else\r
-        {\r
-            if(!is_object($this->val) || !is_a($this->val, 'xmlrpcval'))\r
-            {\r
-                if (is_string($this->val) && $this->valtyp == 'xml')\r
-                {\r
-                    $result .= "<params>\n<param>\n" .\r
-                        $this->val .\r
-                        "</param>\n</params>";\r
-                }\r
-                else\r
-                {\r
-                    /// @todo try to build something serializable?\r
-                    die('cannot serialize xmlrpcresp objects whose content is native php values');\r
-                }\r
-            }\r
-            else\r
-            {\r
-                $result .= "<params>\n<param>\n" .\r
-                    $this->val->serialize($charset_encoding) .\r
-                    "</param>\n</params>";\r
-            }\r
-        }\r
-        $result .= "\n</methodResponse>";\r
-        $this->payload = $result;\r
-        return $result;\r
-    }\r
-class xmlrpcmsg\r
-    var $payload;\r
-    var $methodname;\r
-    var $params=array();\r
-    var $debug=0;\r
-    var $content_type = 'text/xml';\r
-    /**\r
-    * @param string $meth the name of the method to invoke\r
-    * @param array $pars array of parameters to be passed to the method (xmlrpcval objects)\r
-    */\r
-    function xmlrpcmsg($meth, $pars=0)\r
-    {\r
-        $this->methodname=$meth;\r
-        if(is_array($pars) && count($pars)>0)\r
-        {\r
-            for($i=0; $i<count($pars); $i++)\r
-            {\r
-                $this->addParam($pars[$i]);\r
-            }\r
-        }\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * @access private\r
-    */\r
-    function xml_header($charset_encoding='')\r
-    {\r
-        if ($charset_encoding != '')\r
-        {\r
-            return "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"$charset_encoding\" ?" . ">\n<methodCall>\n";\r
-        }\r
-        else\r
-        {\r
-            return "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?" . ">\n<methodCall>\n";\r
-        }\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * @access private\r
-    */\r
-    function xml_footer()\r
-    {\r
-        return '</methodCall>';\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * @access private\r
-    */\r
-    function kindOf()\r
-    {\r
-        return 'msg';\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * @access private\r
-    */\r
-    function createPayload($charset_encoding='')\r
-    {\r
-        if ($charset_encoding != '')\r
-            $this->content_type = 'text/xml; charset=' . $charset_encoding;\r
-        else\r
-            $this->content_type = 'text/xml';\r
-        $this->payload=$this->xml_header($charset_encoding);\r
-        $this->payload.='<methodName>' . $this->methodname . "</methodName>\n";\r
-        $this->payload.="<params>\n";\r
-        for($i=0; $i<count($this->params); $i++)\r
-        {\r
-            $p=$this->params[$i];\r
-            $this->payload.="<param>\n" . $p->serialize($charset_encoding) .\r
-            "</param>\n";\r
-        }\r
-        $this->payload.="</params>\n";\r
-        $this->payload.=$this->xml_footer();\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Gets/sets the xmlrpc method to be invoked\r
-    * @param string $meth the method to be set (leave empty not to set it)\r
-    * @return string the method that will be invoked\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function method($meth='')\r
-    {\r
-        if($meth!='')\r
-        {\r
-            $this->methodname=$meth;\r
-        }\r
-        return $this->methodname;\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Returns xml representation of the message. XML prologue included\r
-    * @param string $charset_encoding\r
-    * @return string the xml representation of the message, xml prologue included\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function serialize($charset_encoding='')\r
-    {\r
-        $this->createPayload($charset_encoding);\r
-        return $this->payload;\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Add a parameter to the list of parameters to be used upon method invocation\r
-    * @param xmlrpcval $par\r
-    * @return boolean false on failure\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function addParam($par)\r
-    {\r
-        // add check: do not add to self params which are not xmlrpcvals\r
-        if(is_object($par) && is_a($par, 'xmlrpcval'))\r
-        {\r
-            $this->params[]=$par;\r
-            return true;\r
-        }\r
-        else\r
-        {\r
-            return false;\r
-        }\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Returns the nth parameter in the message. The index zero-based.\r
-    * @param integer $i the index of the parameter to fetch (zero based)\r
-    * @return xmlrpcval the i-th parameter\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function getParam($i) { return $this->params[$i]; }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Returns the number of parameters in the messge.\r
-    * @return integer the number of parameters currently set\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function getNumParams() { return count($this->params); }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Given an open file handle, read all data available and parse it as axmlrpc response.\r
-    * NB: the file handle is not closed by this function.\r
-    * NNB: might have trouble in rare cases to work on network streams, as we\r
-    *      check for a read of 0 bytes instead of feof($fp).\r
-    *      But since checking for feof(null) returns false, we would risk an\r
-    *      infinite loop in that case, because we cannot trust the caller\r
-    *      to give us a valid pointer to an open file...\r
-    * @access public\r
-    * @param resource $fp stream pointer\r
-    * @return xmlrpcresp\r
-    * @todo add 2nd & 3rd param to be passed to ParseResponse() ???\r
-    */\r
-    function &parseResponseFile($fp)\r
-    {\r
-        $ipd='';\r
-        while($data=fread($fp, 32768))\r
-        {\r
-            $ipd.=$data;\r
-        }\r
-        //fclose($fp);\r
-        $r =& $this->parseResponse($ipd);\r
-        return $r;\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Parses HTTP headers and separates them from data.\r
-    * @access private\r
-    */\r
-    function &parseResponseHeaders(&$data, $headers_processed=false)\r
-    {\r
-            $xmlrpc = Xmlrpc::instance();\r
-            // Support "web-proxy-tunelling" connections for https through proxies\r
-            if(preg_match('/^HTTP\/1\.[0-1] 200 Connection established/', $data))\r
-            {\r
-                // Look for CR/LF or simple LF as line separator,\r
-                // (even though it is not valid http)\r
-                $pos = strpos($data,"\r\n\r\n");\r
-                if($pos || is_int($pos))\r
-                {\r
-                    $bd = $pos+4;\r
-                }\r
-                else\r
-                {\r
-                    $pos = strpos($data,"\n\n");\r
-                    if($pos || is_int($pos))\r
-                    {\r
-                        $bd = $pos+2;\r
-                    }\r
-                    else\r
-                    {\r
-                        // No separation between response headers and body: fault?\r
-                        $bd = 0;\r
-                    }\r
-                }\r
-                if ($bd)\r
-                {\r
-                    // this filters out all http headers from proxy.\r
-                    // maybe we could take them into account, too?\r
-                    $data = substr($data, $bd);\r
-                }\r
-                else\r
-                {\r
-                    error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': HTTPS via proxy error, tunnel connection possibly failed');\r
-                    $r=new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['http_error'], $xmlrpc->xmlrpcstr['http_error']. ' (HTTPS via proxy error, tunnel connection possibly failed)');\r
-                    return $r;\r
-                }\r
-            }\r
-            // Strip HTTP 1.1 100 Continue header if present\r
-            while(preg_match('/^HTTP\/1\.1 1[0-9]{2} /', $data))\r
-            {\r
-                $pos = strpos($data, 'HTTP', 12);\r
-                // server sent a Continue header without any (valid) content following...\r
-                // give the client a chance to know it\r
-                if(!$pos && !is_int($pos)) // works fine in php 3, 4 and 5\r
-                {\r
-                    break;\r
-                }\r
-                $data = substr($data, $pos);\r
-            }\r
-            if(!preg_match('/^HTTP\/[0-9.]+ 200 /', $data))\r
-            {\r
-                $errstr= substr($data, 0, strpos($data, "\n")-1);\r
-                error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': HTTP error, got response: ' .$errstr);\r
-                $r=new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['http_error'], $xmlrpc->xmlrpcstr['http_error']. ' (' . $errstr . ')');\r
-                return $r;\r
-            }\r
-            $xmlrpc->_xh['headers'] = array();\r
-            $xmlrpc->_xh['cookies'] = array();\r
-            // be tolerant to usage of \n instead of \r\n to separate headers and data\r
-            // (even though it is not valid http)\r
-            $pos = strpos($data,"\r\n\r\n");\r
-            if($pos || is_int($pos))\r
-            {\r
-                $bd = $pos+4;\r
-            }\r
-            else\r
-            {\r
-                $pos = strpos($data,"\n\n");\r
-                if($pos || is_int($pos))\r
-                {\r
-                    $bd = $pos+2;\r
-                }\r
-                else\r
-                {\r
-                    // No separation between response headers and body: fault?\r
-                    // we could take some action here instead of going on...\r
-                    $bd = 0;\r
-                }\r
-            }\r
-            // be tolerant to line endings, and extra empty lines\r
-            $ar = preg_split("/\r?\n/", trim(substr($data, 0, $pos)));\r
-            while(list(,$line) = @each($ar))\r
-            {\r
-                // take care of multi-line headers and cookies\r
-                $arr = explode(':',$line,2);\r
-                if(count($arr) > 1)\r
-                {\r
-                    $header_name = strtolower(trim($arr[0]));\r
-                    /// @todo some other headers (the ones that allow a CSV list of values)\r
-                    /// do allow many values to be passed using multiple header lines.\r
-                    /// We should add content to $xmlrpc->_xh['headers'][$header_name]\r
-                    /// instead of replacing it for those...\r
-                    if ($header_name == 'set-cookie' || $header_name == 'set-cookie2')\r
-                    {\r
-                        if ($header_name == 'set-cookie2')\r
-                        {\r
-                            // version 2 cookies:\r
-                            // there could be many cookies on one line, comma separated\r
-                            $cookies = explode(',', $arr[1]);\r
-                        }\r
-                        else\r
-                        {\r
-                            $cookies = array($arr[1]);\r
-                        }\r
-                        foreach ($cookies as $cookie)\r
-                        {\r
-                            // glue together all received cookies, using a comma to separate them\r
-                            // (same as php does with getallheaders())\r
-                            if (isset($xmlrpc->_xh['headers'][$header_name]))\r
-                                $xmlrpc->_xh['headers'][$header_name] .= ', ' . trim($cookie);\r
-                            else\r
-                                $xmlrpc->_xh['headers'][$header_name] = trim($cookie);\r
-                            // parse cookie attributes, in case user wants to correctly honour them\r
-                            // feature creep: only allow rfc-compliant cookie attributes?\r
-                            // @todo support for server sending multiple time cookie with same name, but using different PATHs\r
-                            $cookie = explode(';', $cookie);\r
-                            foreach ($cookie as $pos => $val)\r
-                            {\r
-                                $val = explode('=', $val, 2);\r
-                                $tag = trim($val[0]);\r
-                                $val = trim(@$val[1]);\r
-                                /// @todo with version 1 cookies, we should strip leading and trailing " chars\r
-                                if ($pos == 0)\r
-                                {\r
-                                    $cookiename = $tag;\r
-                                    $xmlrpc->_xh['cookies'][$tag] = array();\r
-                                    $xmlrpc->_xh['cookies'][$cookiename]['value'] = urldecode($val);\r
-                                }\r
-                                else\r
-                                {\r
-                                    if ($tag != 'value')\r
-                                    {\r
-                                    $xmlrpc->_xh['cookies'][$cookiename][$tag] = $val;\r
-                                    }\r
-                                }\r
-                            }\r
-                        }\r
-                    }\r
-                    else\r
-                    {\r
-                        $xmlrpc->_xh['headers'][$header_name] = trim($arr[1]);\r
-                    }\r
-                }\r
-                elseif(isset($header_name))\r
-                {\r
-                    ///        @todo version1 cookies might span multiple lines, thus breaking the parsing above\r
-                    $xmlrpc->_xh['headers'][$header_name] .= ' ' . trim($line);\r
-                }\r
-            }\r
-            $data = substr($data, $bd);\r
-            if($this->debug && count($xmlrpc->_xh['headers']))\r
-            {\r
-                print '<PRE>';\r
-                foreach($xmlrpc->_xh['headers'] as $header => $value)\r
-                {\r
-                    print htmlentities("HEADER: $header: $value\n");\r
-                }\r
-                foreach($xmlrpc->_xh['cookies'] as $header => $value)\r
-                {\r
-                    print htmlentities("COOKIE: $header={$value['value']}\n");\r
-                }\r
-                print "</PRE>\n";\r
-            }\r
-            // if CURL was used for the call, http headers have been processed,\r
-            // and dechunking + reinflating have been carried out\r
-            if(!$headers_processed)\r
-            {\r
-                // Decode chunked encoding sent by http 1.1 servers\r
-                if(isset($xmlrpc->_xh['headers']['transfer-encoding']) && $xmlrpc->_xh['headers']['transfer-encoding'] == 'chunked')\r
-                {\r
-                    if(!$data = decode_chunked($data))\r
-                    {\r
-                        error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': errors occurred when trying to rebuild the chunked data received from server');\r
-                        $r = new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['dechunk_fail'], $xmlrpc->xmlrpcstr['dechunk_fail']);\r
-                        return $r;\r
-                    }\r
-                }\r
-                // Decode gzip-compressed stuff\r
-                // code shamelessly inspired from nusoap library by Dietrich Ayala\r
-                if(isset($xmlrpc->_xh['headers']['content-encoding']))\r
-                {\r
-                    $xmlrpc->_xh['headers']['content-encoding'] = str_replace('x-', '', $xmlrpc->_xh['headers']['content-encoding']);\r
-                    if($xmlrpc->_xh['headers']['content-encoding'] == 'deflate' || $xmlrpc->_xh['headers']['content-encoding'] == 'gzip')\r
-                    {\r
-                        // if decoding works, use it. else assume data wasn't gzencoded\r
-                        if(function_exists('gzinflate'))\r
-                        {\r
-                            if($xmlrpc->_xh['headers']['content-encoding'] == 'deflate' && $degzdata = @gzuncompress($data))\r
-                            {\r
-                                $data = $degzdata;\r
-                                if($this->debug)\r
-                                print "<PRE>---INFLATED RESPONSE---[".strlen($data)." chars]---\n" . htmlentities($data) . "\n---END---</PRE>";\r
-                            }\r
-                            elseif($xmlrpc->_xh['headers']['content-encoding'] == 'gzip' && $degzdata = @gzinflate(substr($data, 10)))\r
-                            {\r
-                                $data = $degzdata;\r
-                                if($this->debug)\r
-                                print "<PRE>---INFLATED RESPONSE---[".strlen($data)." chars]---\n" . htmlentities($data) . "\n---END---</PRE>";\r
-                            }\r
-                            else\r
-                            {\r
-                                error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': errors occurred when trying to decode the deflated data received from server');\r
-                                $r = new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['decompress_fail'], $xmlrpc->xmlrpcstr['decompress_fail']);\r
-                                return $r;\r
-                            }\r
-                        }\r
-                        else\r
-                        {\r
-                            error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': the server sent deflated data. Your php install must have the Zlib extension compiled in to support this.');\r
-                            $r = new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['cannot_decompress'], $xmlrpc->xmlrpcstr['cannot_decompress']);\r
-                            return $r;\r
-                        }\r
-                    }\r
-                }\r
-            } // end of 'if needed, de-chunk, re-inflate response'\r
-            // real stupid hack to avoid PHP complaining about returning NULL by ref\r
-            $r = null;\r
-            $r =& $r;\r
-            return $r;\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Parse the xmlrpc response contained in the string $data and return an xmlrpcresp object.\r
-    * @param string $data the xmlrpc response, eventually including http headers\r
-    * @param bool $headers_processed when true prevents parsing HTTP headers for interpretation of content-encoding and consequent decoding\r
-    * @param string $return_type decides return type, i.e. content of response->value(). Either 'xmlrpcvals', 'xml' or 'phpvals'\r
-    * @return xmlrpcresp\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function &parseResponse($data='', $headers_processed=false, $return_type='xmlrpcvals')\r
-    {\r
-        $xmlrpc = Xmlrpc::instance();\r
-        if($this->debug)\r
-        {\r
-            //by maHo, replaced htmlspecialchars with htmlentities\r
-            print "<PRE>---GOT---\n" . htmlentities($data) . "\n---END---\n</PRE>";\r
-        }\r
-        if($data == '')\r
-        {\r
-            error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': no response received from server.');\r
-            $r = new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['no_data'], $xmlrpc->xmlrpcstr['no_data']);\r
-            return $r;\r
-        }\r
-        $xmlrpc->_xh=array();\r
-        $raw_data = $data;\r
-        // parse the HTTP headers of the response, if present, and separate them from data\r
-        if(substr($data, 0, 4) == 'HTTP')\r
-        {\r
-            $r =& $this->parseResponseHeaders($data, $headers_processed);\r
-            if ($r)\r
-            {\r
-                // failed processing of HTTP response headers\r
-                // save into response obj the full payload received, for debugging\r
-                $r->raw_data = $data;\r
-                return $r;\r
-            }\r
-        }\r
-        else\r
-        {\r
-            $xmlrpc->_xh['headers'] = array();\r
-            $xmlrpc->_xh['cookies'] = array();\r
-        }\r
-        if($this->debug)\r
-        {\r
-            $start = strpos($data, '<!-- SERVER DEBUG INFO (BASE64 ENCODED):');\r
-            if ($start)\r
-            {\r
-                $start += strlen('<!-- SERVER DEBUG INFO (BASE64 ENCODED):');\r
-                $end = strpos($data, '-->', $start);\r
-                $comments = substr($data, $start, $end-$start);\r
-                print "<PRE>---SERVER DEBUG INFO (DECODED) ---\n\t".htmlentities(str_replace("\n", "\n\t", base64_decode($comments)))."\n---END---\n</PRE>";\r
-            }\r
-        }\r
-        // be tolerant of extra whitespace in response body\r
-        $data = trim($data);\r
-        /// @todo return an error msg if $data=='' ?\r
-        // be tolerant of junk after methodResponse (e.g. javascript ads automatically inserted by free hosts)\r
-        // idea from Luca Mariano <luca.mariano@email.it> originally in PEARified version of the lib\r
-        $pos = strrpos($data, '</methodResponse>');\r
-        if($pos !== false)\r
-        {\r
-            $data = substr($data, 0, $pos+17);\r
-        }\r
-        // if user wants back raw xml, give it to him\r
-        if ($return_type == 'xml')\r
-        {\r
-            $r = new xmlrpcresp($data, 0, '', 'xml');\r
-            $r->hdrs = $xmlrpc->_xh['headers'];\r
-            $r->_cookies = $xmlrpc->_xh['cookies'];\r
-            $r->raw_data = $raw_data;\r
-            return $r;\r
-        }\r
-        // try to 'guestimate' the character encoding of the received response\r
-        $resp_encoding = guess_encoding(@$xmlrpc->_xh['headers']['content-type'], $data);\r
-        $xmlrpc->_xh['ac']='';\r
-        //$xmlrpc->_xh['qt']=''; //unused...\r
-        $xmlrpc->_xh['stack'] = array();\r
-        $xmlrpc->_xh['valuestack'] = array();\r
-        $xmlrpc->_xh['isf']=0; // 0 = OK, 1 for xmlrpc fault responses, 2 = invalid xmlrpc\r
-        $xmlrpc->_xh['isf_reason']='';\r
-        $xmlrpc->_xh['rt']=''; // 'methodcall or 'methodresponse'\r
-        // if response charset encoding is not known / supported, try to use\r
-        // the default encoding and parse the xml anyway, but log a warning...\r
-        if (!in_array($resp_encoding, array('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', 'US-ASCII')))\r
-        // the following code might be better for mb_string enabled installs, but\r
-        // makes the lib about 200% slower...\r
-        //if (!is_valid_charset($resp_encoding, array('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', 'US-ASCII')))\r
-        {\r
-            error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': invalid charset encoding of received response: '.$resp_encoding);\r
-            $resp_encoding = $xmlrpc->xmlrpc_defencoding;\r
-        }\r
-        $parser = xml_parser_create($resp_encoding);\r
-        xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, true);\r
-        // G. Giunta 2005/02/13: PHP internally uses ISO-8859-1, so we have to tell\r
-        // the xml parser to give us back data in the expected charset.\r
-        // What if internal encoding is not in one of the 3 allowed?\r
-        // we use the broadest one, ie. utf8\r
-        // This allows to send data which is native in various charset,\r
-        // by extending xmlrpc_encode_entitites() and setting xmlrpc_internalencoding\r
-        if (!in_array($xmlrpc->xmlrpc_internalencoding, array('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', 'US-ASCII')))\r
-        {\r
-            xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, 'UTF-8');\r
-        }\r
-        else\r
-        {\r
-            xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, $xmlrpc->xmlrpc_internalencoding);\r
-        }\r
-        if ($return_type == 'phpvals')\r
-        {\r
-            xml_set_element_handler($parser, 'xmlrpc_se', 'xmlrpc_ee_fast');\r
-        }\r
-        else\r
-        {\r
-            xml_set_element_handler($parser, 'xmlrpc_se', 'xmlrpc_ee');\r
-        }\r
-        xml_set_character_data_handler($parser, 'xmlrpc_cd');\r
-        xml_set_default_handler($parser, 'xmlrpc_dh');\r
-        // first error check: xml not well formed\r
-        if(!xml_parse($parser, $data, count($data)))\r
-        {\r
-            // thanks to Peter Kocks <peter.kocks@baygate.com>\r
-            if((xml_get_current_line_number($parser)) == 1)\r
-            {\r
-                $errstr = 'XML error at line 1, check URL';\r
-            }\r
-            else\r
-            {\r
-                $errstr = sprintf('XML error: %s at line %d, column %d',\r
-                    xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($parser)),\r
-                    xml_get_current_line_number($parser), xml_get_current_column_number($parser));\r
-            }\r
-            error_log($errstr);\r
-            $r=new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['invalid_return'], $xmlrpc->xmlrpcstr['invalid_return'].' ('.$errstr.')');\r
-            xml_parser_free($parser);\r
-            if($this->debug)\r
-            {\r
-                print $errstr;\r
-            }\r
-            $r->hdrs = $xmlrpc->_xh['headers'];\r
-            $r->_cookies = $xmlrpc->_xh['cookies'];\r
-            $r->raw_data = $raw_data;\r
-            return $r;\r
-        }\r
-        xml_parser_free($parser);\r
-        // second error check: xml well formed but not xml-rpc compliant\r
-        if ($xmlrpc->_xh['isf'] > 1)\r
-        {\r
-            if ($this->debug)\r
-            {\r
-                /// @todo echo something for user?\r
-            }\r
-            $r = new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['invalid_return'],\r
-            $xmlrpc->xmlrpcstr['invalid_return'] . ' ' . $xmlrpc->_xh['isf_reason']);\r
-        }\r
-        // third error check: parsing of the response has somehow gone boink.\r
-        // NB: shall we omit this check, since we trust the parsing code?\r
-        elseif ($return_type == 'xmlrpcvals' && !is_object($xmlrpc->_xh['value']))\r
-        {\r
-            // something odd has happened\r
-            // and it's time to generate a client side error\r
-            // indicating something odd went on\r
-            $r=new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['invalid_return'],\r
-                $xmlrpc->xmlrpcstr['invalid_return']);\r
-        }\r
-        else\r
-        {\r
-            if ($this->debug)\r
-            {\r
-                print "<PRE>---PARSED---\n";\r
-                // somehow htmlentities chokes on var_export, and some full html string...\r
-                //print htmlentitites(var_export($xmlrpc->_xh['value'], true));\r
-                print htmlspecialchars(var_export($xmlrpc->_xh['value'], true));\r
-                print "\n---END---</PRE>";\r
-            }\r
-            // note that using =& will raise an error if $xmlrpc->_xh['st'] does not generate an object.\r
-            $v =& $xmlrpc->_xh['value'];\r
-            if($xmlrpc->_xh['isf'])\r
-            {\r
-                /// @todo we should test here if server sent an int and a string,\r
-                /// and/or coerce them into such...\r
-                if ($return_type == 'xmlrpcvals')\r
-                {\r
-                    $errno_v = $v->structmem('faultCode');\r
-                    $errstr_v = $v->structmem('faultString');\r
-                    $errno = $errno_v->scalarval();\r
-                    $errstr = $errstr_v->scalarval();\r
-                }\r
-                else\r
-                {\r
-                    $errno = $v['faultCode'];\r
-                    $errstr = $v['faultString'];\r
-                }\r
-                if($errno == 0)\r
-                {\r
-                    // FAULT returned, errno needs to reflect that\r
-                    $errno = -1;\r
-                }\r
-                $r = new xmlrpcresp(0, $errno, $errstr);\r
-            }\r
-            else\r
-            {\r
-                $r=new xmlrpcresp($v, 0, '', $return_type);\r
-            }\r
-        }\r
-        $r->hdrs = $xmlrpc->_xh['headers'];\r
-        $r->_cookies = $xmlrpc->_xh['cookies'];\r
-        $r->raw_data = $raw_data;\r
-        return $r;\r
-    }\r
-class xmlrpcval\r
-    var $me=array();\r
-    var $mytype=0;\r
-    var $_php_class=null;\r
-    /**\r
-    * @param mixed $val\r
-    * @param string $type any valid xmlrpc type name (lowercase). If null, 'string' is assumed\r
-    */\r
-    function xmlrpcval($val=-1, $type='')\r
-    {\r
-        /// @todo: optimization creep - do not call addXX, do it all inline.\r
-        /// downside: booleans will not be coerced anymore\r
-        if($val!==-1 || $type!='')\r
-        {\r
-            // optimization creep: inlined all work done by constructor\r
-            switch($type)\r
-            {\r
-                case '':\r
-                    $this->mytype=1;\r
-                    $this->me['string']=$val;\r
-                    break;\r
-                case 'i4':\r
-                case 'int':\r
-                case 'double':\r
-                case 'string':\r
-                case 'boolean':\r
-                case 'dateTime.iso8601':\r
-                case 'base64':\r
-                case 'null':\r
-                    $this->mytype=1;\r
-                    $this->me[$type]=$val;\r
-                    break;\r
-                case 'array':\r
-                    $this->mytype=2;\r
-                    $this->me['array']=$val;\r
-                    break;\r
-                case 'struct':\r
-                    $this->mytype=3;\r
-                    $this->me['struct']=$val;\r
-                    break;\r
-                default:\r
-                    error_log("XML-RPC: ".__METHOD__.": not a known type ($type)");\r
-            }\r
-            /*if($type=='')\r
-            {\r
-                $type='string';\r
-            }\r
-            if($GLOBALS['xmlrpcTypes'][$type]==1)\r
-            {\r
-                $this->addScalar($val,$type);\r
-            }\r
-            elseif($GLOBALS['xmlrpcTypes'][$type]==2)\r
-            {\r
-                $this->addArray($val);\r
-            }\r
-            elseif($GLOBALS['xmlrpcTypes'][$type]==3)\r
-            {\r
-                $this->addStruct($val);\r
-            }*/\r
-        }\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Add a single php value to an (unitialized) xmlrpcval\r
-    * @param mixed $val\r
-    * @param string $type\r
-    * @return int 1 or 0 on failure\r
-    */\r
-    function addScalar($val, $type='string')\r
-    {\r
-        $xmlrpc = Xmlrpc::instance();\r
-        $typeof = null;\r
-        if(isset($xmlrpc->xmlrpcTypes[$type])) {\r
-            $typeof = $xmlrpc->xmlrpcTypes[$type];\r
-        }\r
-        if($typeof!=1)\r
-        {\r
-            error_log("XML-RPC: ".__METHOD__.": not a scalar type ($type)");\r
-            return 0;\r
-        }\r
-        // coerce booleans into correct values\r
-        // NB: we should either do it for datetimes, integers and doubles, too,\r
-        // or just plain remove this check, implemented on booleans only...\r
-        if($type==$xmlrpc->xmlrpcBoolean)\r
-        {\r
-            if(strcasecmp($val,'true')==0 || $val==1 || ($val==true && strcasecmp($val,'false')))\r
-            {\r
-                $val=true;\r
-            }\r
-            else\r
-            {\r
-                $val=false;\r
-            }\r
-        }\r
-        switch($this->mytype)\r
-        {\r
-            case 1:\r
-                error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': scalar xmlrpcval can have only one value');\r
-                return 0;\r
-            case 3:\r
-                error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': cannot add anonymous scalar to struct xmlrpcval');\r
-                return 0;\r
-            case 2:\r
-                // we're adding a scalar value to an array here\r
-                //$ar=$this->me['array'];\r
-                //$ar[]=new xmlrpcval($val, $type);\r
-                //$this->me['array']=$ar;\r
-                // Faster (?) avoid all the costly array-copy-by-val done here...\r
-                $this->me['array'][]=new xmlrpcval($val, $type);\r
-                return 1;\r
-            default:\r
-                // a scalar, so set the value and remember we're scalar\r
-                $this->me[$type]=$val;\r
-                $this->mytype=$typeof;\r
-                return 1;\r
-        }\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Add an array of xmlrpcval objects to an xmlrpcval\r
-    * @param array $vals\r
-    * @return int 1 or 0 on failure\r
-    * @access public\r
-    *\r
-    * @todo add some checking for $vals to be an array of xmlrpcvals?\r
-    */\r
-    function addArray($vals)\r
-    {\r
-        $xmlrpc = Xmlrpc::instance();\r
-        if($this->mytype==0)\r
-        {\r
-            $this->mytype=$xmlrpc->xmlrpcTypes['array'];\r
-            $this->me['array']=$vals;\r
-            return 1;\r
-        }\r
-        elseif($this->mytype==2)\r
-        {\r
-            // we're adding to an array here\r
-            $this->me['array'] = array_merge($this->me['array'], $vals);\r
-            return 1;\r
-        }\r
-        else\r
-        {\r
-            error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': already initialized as a [' . $this->kindOf() . ']');\r
-            return 0;\r
-        }\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Add an array of named xmlrpcval objects to an xmlrpcval\r
-    * @param array $vals\r
-    * @return int 1 or 0 on failure\r
-    * @access public\r
-    *\r
-    * @todo add some checking for $vals to be an array?\r
-    */\r
-    function addStruct($vals)\r
-    {\r
-        $xmlrpc = Xmlrpc::instance();\r
-        if($this->mytype==0)\r
-        {\r
-            $this->mytype=$xmlrpc->xmlrpcTypes['struct'];\r
-            $this->me['struct']=$vals;\r
-            return 1;\r
-        }\r
-        elseif($this->mytype==3)\r
-        {\r
-            // we're adding to a struct here\r
-            $this->me['struct'] = array_merge($this->me['struct'], $vals);\r
-            return 1;\r
-        }\r
-        else\r
-        {\r
-            error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': already initialized as a [' . $this->kindOf() . ']');\r
-            return 0;\r
-        }\r
-    }\r
-    // poor man's version of print_r ???\r
-    // DEPRECATED!\r
-    function dump($ar)\r
-    {\r
-        foreach($ar as $key => $val)\r
-        {\r
-            echo "$key => $val<br />";\r
-            if($key == 'array')\r
-            {\r
-                while(list($key2, $val2) = each($val))\r
-                {\r
-                    echo "-- $key2 => $val2<br />";\r
-                }\r
-            }\r
-        }\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Returns a string containing "struct", "array" or "scalar" describing the base type of the value\r
-    * @return string\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function kindOf()\r
-    {\r
-        switch($this->mytype)\r
-        {\r
-            case 3:\r
-                return 'struct';\r
-                break;\r
-            case 2:\r
-                return 'array';\r
-                break;\r
-            case 1:\r
-                return 'scalar';\r
-                break;\r
-            default:\r
-                return 'undef';\r
-        }\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * @access private\r
-    */\r
-    function serializedata($typ, $val, $charset_encoding='')\r
-    {\r
-        $xmlrpc = Xmlrpc::instance();\r
-        $rs='';\r
-        if(!isset($xmlrpc->xmlrpcTypes[$typ])) {\r
-            return $rs;\r
-        }\r
-        switch($xmlrpc->xmlrpcTypes[$typ])\r
-        {\r
-            case 1:\r
-                switch($typ)\r
-                {\r
-                    case $xmlrpc->xmlrpcBase64:\r
-                        $rs.="<${typ}>" . base64_encode($val) . "</${typ}>";\r
-                        break;\r
-                    case $xmlrpc->xmlrpcBoolean:\r
-                        $rs.="<${typ}>" . ($val ? '1' : '0') . "</${typ}>";\r
-                        break;\r
-                    case $xmlrpc->xmlrpcString:\r
-                        // G. Giunta 2005/2/13: do NOT use htmlentities, since\r
-                        // it will produce named html entities, which are invalid xml\r
-                        $rs.="<${typ}>" . xmlrpc_encode_entitites($val, $xmlrpc->xmlrpc_internalencoding, $charset_encoding). "</${typ}>";\r
-                        break;\r
-                    case $xmlrpc->xmlrpcInt:\r
-                    case $xmlrpc->xmlrpcI4:\r
-                        $rs.="<${typ}>".(int)$val."</${typ}>";\r
-                        break;\r
-                    case $xmlrpc->xmlrpcDouble:\r
-                        // avoid using standard conversion of float to string because it is locale-dependent,\r
-                        // and also because the xmlrpc spec forbids exponential notation.\r
-                        // sprintf('%F') could be most likely ok but it fails eg. on 2e-14.\r
-                        // The code below tries its best at keeping max precision while avoiding exp notation,\r
-                        // but there is of course no limit in the number of decimal places to be used...\r
-                        $rs.="<${typ}>".preg_replace('/\\.?0+$/','',number_format((double)$val, 128, '.', ''))."</${typ}>";\r
-                        break;\r
-                    case $xmlrpc->xmlrpcDateTime:\r
-                        if (is_string($val))\r
-                        {\r
-                            $rs.="<${typ}>${val}</${typ}>";\r
-                        }\r
-                        else if(is_a($val, 'DateTime'))\r
-                        {\r
-                            $rs.="<${typ}>".$val->format('Ymd\TH:i:s')."</${typ}>";\r
-                        }\r
-                        else if(is_int($val))\r
-                        {\r
-                            $rs.="<${typ}>".strftime("%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S", $val)."</${typ}>";\r
-                        }\r
-                        else\r
-                        {\r
-                            // not really a good idea here: but what shall we output anyway? left for backward compat...\r
-                            $rs.="<${typ}>${val}</${typ}>";\r
-                        }\r
-                        break;\r
-                    case $xmlrpc->xmlrpcNull:\r
-                        if ($xmlrpc->xmlrpc_null_apache_encoding)\r
-                        {\r
-                            $rs.="<ex:nil/>";\r
-                        }\r
-                        else\r
-                        {\r
-                            $rs.="<nil/>";\r
-                        }\r
-                        break;\r
-                    default:\r
-                        // no standard type value should arrive here, but provide a possibility\r
-                        // for xmlrpcvals of unknown type...\r
-                        $rs.="<${typ}>${val}</${typ}>";\r
-                }\r
-                break;\r
-            case 3:\r
-                // struct\r
-                if ($this->_php_class)\r
-                {\r
-                    $rs.='<struct php_class="' . $this->_php_class . "\">\n";\r
-                }\r
-                else\r
-                {\r
-                    $rs.="<struct>\n";\r
-                }\r
-                foreach($val as $key2 => $val2)\r
-                {\r
-                    $rs.='<member><name>'.xmlrpc_encode_entitites($key2, $xmlrpc->xmlrpc_internalencoding, $charset_encoding)."</name>\n";\r
-                    //$rs.=$this->serializeval($val2);\r
-                    $rs.=$val2->serialize($charset_encoding);\r
-                    $rs.="</member>\n";\r
-                }\r
-                $rs.='</struct>';\r
-                break;\r
-            case 2:\r
-                // array\r
-                $rs.="<array>\n<data>\n";\r
-                for($i=0; $i<count($val); $i++)\r
-                {\r
-                    //$rs.=$this->serializeval($val[$i]);\r
-                    $rs.=$val[$i]->serialize($charset_encoding);\r
-                }\r
-                $rs.="</data>\n</array>";\r
-                break;\r
-            default:\r
-                break;\r
-        }\r
-        return $rs;\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Returns xml representation of the value. XML prologue not included\r
-    * @param string $charset_encoding the charset to be used for serialization. if null, US-ASCII is assumed\r
-    * @return string\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function serialize($charset_encoding='')\r
-    {\r
-        // add check? slower, but helps to avoid recursion in serializing broken xmlrpcvals...\r
-        //if (is_object($o) && (get_class($o) == 'xmlrpcval' || is_subclass_of($o, 'xmlrpcval')))\r
-        //{\r
-            reset($this->me);\r
-            list($typ, $val) = each($this->me);\r
-            return '<value>' . $this->serializedata($typ, $val, $charset_encoding) . "</value>\n";\r
-        //}\r
-    }\r
-    // DEPRECATED\r
-    function serializeval($o)\r
-    {\r
-        // add check? slower, but helps to avoid recursion in serializing broken xmlrpcvals...\r
-        //if (is_object($o) && (get_class($o) == 'xmlrpcval' || is_subclass_of($o, 'xmlrpcval')))\r
-        //{\r
-            $ar=$o->me;\r
-            reset($ar);\r
-            list($typ, $val) = each($ar);\r
-            return '<value>' . $this->serializedata($typ, $val) . "</value>\n";\r
-        //}\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Checks whether a struct member with a given name is present.\r
-    * Works only on xmlrpcvals of type struct.\r
-    * @param string $m the name of the struct member to be looked up\r
-    * @return boolean\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function structmemexists($m)\r
-    {\r
-        return array_key_exists($m, $this->me['struct']);\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Returns the value of a given struct member (an xmlrpcval object in itself).\r
-    * Will raise a php warning if struct member of given name does not exist\r
-    * @param string $m the name of the struct member to be looked up\r
-    * @return xmlrpcval\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function structmem($m)\r
-    {\r
-        return $this->me['struct'][$m];\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Reset internal pointer for xmlrpcvals of type struct.\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function structreset()\r
-    {\r
-        reset($this->me['struct']);\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Return next member element for xmlrpcvals of type struct.\r
-    * @return xmlrpcval\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function structeach()\r
-    {\r
-        return each($this->me['struct']);\r
-    }\r
-    // DEPRECATED! this code looks like it is very fragile and has not been fixed\r
-    // for a long long time. Shall we remove it for 2.0?\r
-    function getval()\r
-    {\r
-        // UNSTABLE\r
-        reset($this->me);\r
-        list($a,$b)=each($this->me);\r
-        // contributed by I Sofer, 2001-03-24\r
-        // add support for nested arrays to scalarval\r
-        // i've created a new method here, so as to\r
-        // preserve back compatibility\r
-        if(is_array($b))\r
-        {\r
-            @reset($b);\r
-            while(list($id,$cont) = @each($b))\r
-            {\r
-                $b[$id] = $cont->scalarval();\r
-            }\r
-        }\r
-        // add support for structures directly encoding php objects\r
-        if(is_object($b))\r
-        {\r
-            $t = get_object_vars($b);\r
-            @reset($t);\r
-            while(list($id,$cont) = @each($t))\r
-            {\r
-                $t[$id] = $cont->scalarval();\r
-            }\r
-            @reset($t);\r
-            while(list($id,$cont) = @each($t))\r
-            {\r
-                @$b->$id = $cont;\r
-            }\r
-        }\r
-        // end contrib\r
-        return $b;\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Returns the value of a scalar xmlrpcval\r
-    * @return mixed\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function scalarval()\r
-    {\r
-        reset($this->me);\r
-        list(,$b)=each($this->me);\r
-        return $b;\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Returns the type of the xmlrpcval.\r
-    * For integers, 'int' is always returned in place of 'i4'\r
-    * @return string\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function scalartyp()\r
-    {\r
-        $xmlrpc = Xmlrpc::instance();\r
-        reset($this->me);\r
-        list($a,)=each($this->me);\r
-        if($a==$xmlrpc->xmlrpcI4)\r
-        {\r
-            $a=$xmlrpc->xmlrpcInt;\r
-        }\r
-        return $a;\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Returns the m-th member of an xmlrpcval of struct type\r
-    * @param integer $m the index of the value to be retrieved (zero based)\r
-    * @return xmlrpcval\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function arraymem($m)\r
-    {\r
-        return $this->me['array'][$m];\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Returns the number of members in an xmlrpcval of array type\r
-    * @return integer\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function arraysize()\r
-    {\r
-        return count($this->me['array']);\r
-    }\r
-    /**\r
-    * Returns the number of members in an xmlrpcval of struct type\r
-    * @return integer\r
-    * @access public\r
-    */\r
-    function structsize()\r
-    {\r
-        return count($this->me['struct']);\r
-    }\r
 // date helpers\r
diff --git a/lib/xmlrpc_client.php b/lib/xmlrpc_client.php
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..66226a0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1147 @@
+class xmlrpc_client
+    var $path;
+    var $server;
+    var $port=0;
+    var $method='http';
+    var $errno;
+    var $errstr;
+    var $debug=0;
+    var $username='';
+    var $password='';
+    var $authtype=1;
+    var $cert='';
+    var $certpass='';
+    var $cacert='';
+    var $cacertdir='';
+    var $key='';
+    var $keypass='';
+    var $verifypeer=true;
+    var $verifyhost=2;
+    var $no_multicall=false;
+    var $proxy='';
+    var $proxyport=0;
+    var $proxy_user='';
+    var $proxy_pass='';
+    var $proxy_authtype=1;
+    var $cookies=array();
+    var $extracurlopts=array();
+    /**
+    * List of http compression methods accepted by the client for responses.
+    * NB: PHP supports deflate, gzip compressions out of the box if compiled w. zlib
+    *
+    * NNB: you can set it to any non-empty array for HTTP11 and HTTPS, since
+    * in those cases it will be up to CURL to decide the compression methods
+    * it supports. You might check for the presence of 'zlib' in the output of
+    * curl_version() to determine wheter compression is supported or not
+    */
+    var $accepted_compression = array();
+    /**
+    * Name of compression scheme to be used for sending requests.
+    * Either null, gzip or deflate
+    */
+    var $request_compression = '';
+    /**
+    * CURL handle: used for keep-alive connections (PHP 4.3.8 up, see:
+    * http://curl.haxx.se/docs/faq.html#7.3)
+    */
+    var $xmlrpc_curl_handle = null;
+    /// Whether to use persistent connections for http 1.1 and https
+    var $keepalive = false;
+    /// Charset encodings that can be decoded without problems by the client
+    var $accepted_charset_encodings = array();
+    /// Charset encoding to be used in serializing request. NULL = use ASCII
+    var $request_charset_encoding = '';
+    /**
+    * Decides the content of xmlrpcresp objects returned by calls to send()
+    * valid strings are 'xmlrpcvals', 'phpvals' or 'xml'
+    */
+    var $return_type = 'xmlrpcvals';
+    /**
+    * Sent to servers in http headers
+    */
+    var $user_agent;
+    /**
+    * @param string $path either the complete server URL or the PATH part of the xmlrc server URL, e.g. /xmlrpc/server.php
+    * @param string $server the server name / ip address
+    * @param integer $port the port the server is listening on, defaults to 80 or 443 depending on protocol used
+    * @param string $method the http protocol variant: defaults to 'http', 'https' and 'http11' can be used if CURL is installed
+    */
+    function xmlrpc_client($path, $server='', $port='', $method='')
+    {
+        $xmlrpc = Xmlrpc::instance();
+        // allow user to specify all params in $path
+        if($server == '' and $port == '' and $method == '')
+        {
+            $parts = parse_url($path);
+            $server = $parts['host'];
+            $path = isset($parts['path']) ? $parts['path'] : '';
+            if(isset($parts['query']))
+            {
+                $path .= '?'.$parts['query'];
+            }
+            if(isset($parts['fragment']))
+            {
+                $path .= '#'.$parts['fragment'];
+            }
+            if(isset($parts['port']))
+            {
+                $port = $parts['port'];
+            }
+            if(isset($parts['scheme']))
+            {
+                $method = $parts['scheme'];
+            }
+            if(isset($parts['user']))
+            {
+                $this->username = $parts['user'];
+            }
+            if(isset($parts['pass']))
+            {
+                $this->password = $parts['pass'];
+            }
+        }
+        if($path == '' || $path[0] != '/')
+        {
+            $this->path='/'.$path;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            $this->path=$path;
+        }
+        $this->server=$server;
+        if($port != '')
+        {
+            $this->port=$port;
+        }
+        if($method != '')
+        {
+            $this->method=$method;
+        }
+        // if ZLIB is enabled, let the client by default accept compressed responses
+        if(function_exists('gzinflate') || (
+            function_exists('curl_init') && (($info = curl_version()) &&
+            ((is_string($info) && strpos($info, 'zlib') !== null) || isset($info['libz_version'])))
+        ))
+        {
+            $this->accepted_compression = array('gzip', 'deflate');
+        }
+        // keepalives: enabled by default
+        $this->keepalive = true;
+        // by default the xml parser can support these 3 charset encodings
+        $this->accepted_charset_encodings = array('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', 'US-ASCII');
+        // initialize user_agent string
+        $this->user_agent = $xmlrpc->xmlrpcName . ' ' . $xmlrpc->xmlrpcVersion;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Enables/disables the echoing to screen of the xmlrpc responses received
+    * @param integer $in values 0, 1 and 2 are supported (2 = echo sent msg too, before received response)
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function setDebug($in)
+    {
+        $this->debug=$in;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Add some http BASIC AUTH credentials, used by the client to authenticate
+    * @param string $u username
+    * @param string $p password
+    * @param integer $t auth type. See curl_setopt man page for supported auth types. Defaults to CURLAUTH_BASIC (basic auth)
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function setCredentials($u, $p, $t=1)
+    {
+        $this->username=$u;
+        $this->password=$p;
+        $this->authtype=$t;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Add a client-side https certificate
+    * @param string $cert
+    * @param string $certpass
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function setCertificate($cert, $certpass)
+    {
+        $this->cert = $cert;
+        $this->certpass = $certpass;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Add a CA certificate to verify server with (see man page about
+    * CURLOPT_CAINFO for more details)
+    * @param string $cacert certificate file name (or dir holding certificates)
+    * @param bool $is_dir set to true to indicate cacert is a dir. defaults to false
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function setCaCertificate($cacert, $is_dir=false)
+    {
+        if ($is_dir)
+        {
+            $this->cacertdir = $cacert;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            $this->cacert = $cacert;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set attributes for SSL communication: private SSL key
+    * NB: does not work in older php/curl installs
+    * Thanks to Daniel Convissor
+    * @param string $key The name of a file containing a private SSL key
+    * @param string $keypass The secret password needed to use the private SSL key
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function setKey($key, $keypass)
+    {
+        $this->key = $key;
+        $this->keypass = $keypass;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set attributes for SSL communication: verify server certificate
+    * @param bool $i enable/disable verification of peer certificate
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function setSSLVerifyPeer($i)
+    {
+        $this->verifypeer = $i;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set attributes for SSL communication: verify match of server cert w. hostname
+    * @param int $i
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function setSSLVerifyHost($i)
+    {
+        $this->verifyhost = $i;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set proxy info
+    * @param string $proxyhost
+    * @param string $proxyport Defaults to 8080 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS
+    * @param string $proxyusername Leave blank if proxy has public access
+    * @param string $proxypassword Leave blank if proxy has public access
+    * @param int $proxyauthtype set to constant CURLAUTH_NTLM to use NTLM auth with proxy
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function setProxy($proxyhost, $proxyport, $proxyusername = '', $proxypassword = '', $proxyauthtype = 1)
+    {
+        $this->proxy = $proxyhost;
+        $this->proxyport = $proxyport;
+        $this->proxy_user = $proxyusername;
+        $this->proxy_pass = $proxypassword;
+        $this->proxy_authtype = $proxyauthtype;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Enables/disables reception of compressed xmlrpc responses.
+    * Note that enabling reception of compressed responses merely adds some standard
+    * http headers to xmlrpc requests. It is up to the xmlrpc server to return
+    * compressed responses when receiving such requests.
+    * @param string $compmethod either 'gzip', 'deflate', 'any' or ''
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function setAcceptedCompression($compmethod)
+    {
+        if ($compmethod == 'any')
+            $this->accepted_compression = array('gzip', 'deflate');
+        else
+            if ($compmethod == false )
+                $this->accepted_compression = array();
+            else
+                $this->accepted_compression = array($compmethod);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Enables/disables http compression of xmlrpc request.
+    * Take care when sending compressed requests: servers might not support them
+    * (and automatic fallback to uncompressed requests is not yet implemented)
+    * @param string $compmethod either 'gzip', 'deflate' or ''
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function setRequestCompression($compmethod)
+    {
+        $this->request_compression = $compmethod;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Adds a cookie to list of cookies that will be sent to server.
+    * NB: setting any param but name and value will turn the cookie into a 'version 1' cookie:
+    * do not do it unless you know what you are doing
+    * @param string $name
+    * @param string $value
+    * @param string $path
+    * @param string $domain
+    * @param int $port
+    * @access public
+    *
+    * @todo check correctness of urlencoding cookie value (copied from php way of doing it...)
+    */
+    function setCookie($name, $value='', $path='', $domain='', $port=null)
+    {
+        $this->cookies[$name]['value'] = urlencode($value);
+        if ($path || $domain || $port)
+        {
+            $this->cookies[$name]['path'] = $path;
+            $this->cookies[$name]['domain'] = $domain;
+            $this->cookies[$name]['port'] = $port;
+            $this->cookies[$name]['version'] = 1;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            $this->cookies[$name]['version'] = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Directly set cURL options, for extra flexibility
+    * It allows eg. to bind client to a specific IP interface / address
+    * @param array $options
+    */
+    function SetCurlOptions( $options )
+    {
+        $this->extracurlopts = $options;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set user-agent string that will be used by this client instance
+    * in http headers sent to the server
+    */
+    function SetUserAgent( $agentstring )
+    {
+        $this->user_agent = $agentstring;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Send an xmlrpc request
+    * @param mixed $msg The message object, or an array of messages for using multicall, or the complete xml representation of a request
+    * @param integer $timeout Connection timeout, in seconds, If unspecified, a platform specific timeout will apply
+    * @param string $method if left unspecified, the http protocol chosen during creation of the object will be used
+    * @return xmlrpcresp
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function& send($msg, $timeout=0, $method='')
+    {
+        // if user deos not specify http protocol, use native method of this client
+        // (i.e. method set during call to constructor)
+        if($method == '')
+        {
+            $method = $this->method;
+        }
+        if(is_array($msg))
+        {
+            // $msg is an array of xmlrpcmsg's
+            $r = $this->multicall($msg, $timeout, $method);
+            return $r;
+        }
+        elseif(is_string($msg))
+        {
+            $n = new xmlrpcmsg('');
+            $n->payload = $msg;
+            $msg = $n;
+        }
+        // where msg is an xmlrpcmsg
+        $msg->debug=$this->debug;
+        if($method == 'https')
+        {
+            $r =& $this->sendPayloadHTTPS(
+                $msg,
+                $this->server,
+                $this->port,
+                $timeout,
+                $this->username,
+                $this->password,
+                $this->authtype,
+                $this->cert,
+                $this->certpass,
+                $this->cacert,
+                $this->cacertdir,
+                $this->proxy,
+                $this->proxyport,
+                $this->proxy_user,
+                $this->proxy_pass,
+                $this->proxy_authtype,
+                $this->keepalive,
+                $this->key,
+                $this->keypass
+            );
+        }
+        elseif($method == 'http11')
+        {
+            $r =& $this->sendPayloadCURL(
+                $msg,
+                $this->server,
+                $this->port,
+                $timeout,
+                $this->username,
+                $this->password,
+                $this->authtype,
+                null,
+                null,
+                null,
+                null,
+                $this->proxy,
+                $this->proxyport,
+                $this->proxy_user,
+                $this->proxy_pass,
+                $this->proxy_authtype,
+                'http',
+                $this->keepalive
+            );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            $r =& $this->sendPayloadHTTP10(
+                $msg,
+                $this->server,
+                $this->port,
+                $timeout,
+                $this->username,
+                $this->password,
+                $this->authtype,
+                $this->proxy,
+                $this->proxyport,
+                $this->proxy_user,
+                $this->proxy_pass,
+                $this->proxy_authtype
+            );
+        }
+        return $r;
+    }
+    /**
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function &sendPayloadHTTP10($msg, $server, $port, $timeout=0,
+        $username='', $password='', $authtype=1, $proxyhost='',
+        $proxyport=0, $proxyusername='', $proxypassword='', $proxyauthtype=1)
+    {
+        $xmlrpc = Xmlrpc::instance();
+        if($port==0)
+        {
+            $port=80;
+        }
+        // Only create the payload if it was not created previously
+        if(empty($msg->payload))
+        {
+            $msg->createPayload($this->request_charset_encoding);
+        }
+        $payload = $msg->payload;
+        // Deflate request body and set appropriate request headers
+        if(function_exists('gzdeflate') && ($this->request_compression == 'gzip' || $this->request_compression == 'deflate'))
+        {
+            if($this->request_compression == 'gzip')
+            {
+                $a = @gzencode($payload);
+                if($a)
+                {
+                    $payload = $a;
+                    $encoding_hdr = "Content-Encoding: gzip\r\n";
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                $a = @gzcompress($payload);
+                if($a)
+                {
+                    $payload = $a;
+                    $encoding_hdr = "Content-Encoding: deflate\r\n";
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            $encoding_hdr = '';
+        }
+        // thanks to Grant Rauscher <grant7@firstworld.net> for this
+        $credentials='';
+        if($username!='')
+        {
+            $credentials='Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($username . ':' . $password) . "\r\n";
+            if ($authtype != 1)
+            {
+                error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': warning. Only Basic auth is supported with HTTP 1.0');
+            }
+        }
+        $accepted_encoding = '';
+        if(is_array($this->accepted_compression) && count($this->accepted_compression))
+        {
+            $accepted_encoding = 'Accept-Encoding: ' . implode(', ', $this->accepted_compression) . "\r\n";
+        }
+        $proxy_credentials = '';
+        if($proxyhost)
+        {
+            if($proxyport == 0)
+            {
+                $proxyport = 8080;
+            }
+            $connectserver = $proxyhost;
+            $connectport = $proxyport;
+            $uri = 'http://'.$server.':'.$port.$this->path;
+            if($proxyusername != '')
+            {
+                if ($proxyauthtype != 1)
+                {
+                    error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': warning. Only Basic auth to proxy is supported with HTTP 1.0');
+                }
+                $proxy_credentials = 'Proxy-Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($proxyusername.':'.$proxypassword) . "\r\n";
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            $connectserver = $server;
+            $connectport = $port;
+            $uri = $this->path;
+        }
+        // Cookie generation, as per rfc2965 (version 1 cookies) or
+        // netscape's rules (version 0 cookies)
+        $cookieheader='';
+        if (count($this->cookies))
+        {
+            $version = '';
+            foreach ($this->cookies as $name => $cookie)
+            {
+                if ($cookie['version'])
+                {
+                    $version = ' $Version="' . $cookie['version'] . '";';
+                    $cookieheader .= ' ' . $name . '="' . $cookie['value'] . '";';
+                    if ($cookie['path'])
+                        $cookieheader .= ' $Path="' . $cookie['path'] . '";';
+                    if ($cookie['domain'])
+                        $cookieheader .= ' $Domain="' . $cookie['domain'] . '";';
+                    if ($cookie['port'])
+                        $cookieheader .= ' $Port="' . $cookie['port'] . '";';
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    $cookieheader .= ' ' . $name . '=' . $cookie['value'] . ";";
+                }
+            }
+            $cookieheader = 'Cookie:' . $version . substr($cookieheader, 0, -1) . "\r\n";
+        }
+        // omit port if 80
+        $port = ($port == 80) ? '' : (':' . $port);
+        $op= 'POST ' . $uri. " HTTP/1.0\r\n" .
+            'User-Agent: ' . $this->user_agent . "\r\n" .
+            'Host: '. $server . $port . "\r\n" .
+            $credentials .
+            $proxy_credentials .
+            $accepted_encoding .
+            $encoding_hdr .
+            'Accept-Charset: ' . implode(',', $this->accepted_charset_encodings) . "\r\n" .
+            $cookieheader .
+            'Content-Type: ' . $msg->content_type . "\r\nContent-Length: " .
+            strlen($payload) . "\r\n\r\n" .
+            $payload;
+        if($this->debug > 1)
+        {
+            print "<PRE>\n---SENDING---\n" . htmlentities($op) . "\n---END---\n</PRE>";
+            // let the client see this now in case http times out...
+            flush();
+        }
+        if($timeout>0)
+        {
+            $fp=@fsockopen($connectserver, $connectport, $this->errno, $this->errstr, $timeout);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            $fp=@fsockopen($connectserver, $connectport, $this->errno, $this->errstr);
+        }
+        if($fp)
+        {
+            if($timeout>0 && function_exists('stream_set_timeout'))
+            {
+                stream_set_timeout($fp, $timeout);
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            $this->errstr='Connect error: '.$this->errstr;
+            $r=new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['http_error'], $this->errstr . ' (' . $this->errno . ')');
+            return $r;
+        }
+        if(!fputs($fp, $op, strlen($op)))
+        {
+            fclose($fp);
+            $this->errstr='Write error';
+            $r=new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['http_error'], $this->errstr);
+            return $r;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // reset errno and errstr on successful socket connection
+            $this->errstr = '';
+        }
+        // G. Giunta 2005/10/24: close socket before parsing.
+        // should yield slightly better execution times, and make easier recursive calls (e.g. to follow http redirects)
+        $ipd='';
+        do
+        {
+            // shall we check for $data === FALSE?
+            // as per the manual, it signals an error
+            $ipd.=fread($fp, 32768);
+        } while(!feof($fp));
+        fclose($fp);
+        $r =& $msg->parseResponse($ipd, false, $this->return_type);
+        return $r;
+    }
+    /**
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function &sendPayloadHTTPS($msg, $server, $port, $timeout=0, $username='',
+        $password='', $authtype=1, $cert='',$certpass='', $cacert='', $cacertdir='',
+        $proxyhost='', $proxyport=0, $proxyusername='', $proxypassword='', $proxyauthtype=1,
+        $keepalive=false, $key='', $keypass='')
+    {
+        $r =& $this->sendPayloadCURL($msg, $server, $port, $timeout, $username,
+            $password, $authtype, $cert, $certpass, $cacert, $cacertdir, $proxyhost, $proxyport,
+            $proxyusername, $proxypassword, $proxyauthtype, 'https', $keepalive, $key, $keypass);
+        return $r;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Contributed by Justin Miller <justin@voxel.net>
+    * Requires curl to be built into PHP
+    * NB: CURL versions before 7.11.10 cannot use proxy to talk to https servers!
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function &sendPayloadCURL($msg, $server, $port, $timeout=0, $username='',
+        $password='', $authtype=1, $cert='', $certpass='', $cacert='', $cacertdir='',
+        $proxyhost='', $proxyport=0, $proxyusername='', $proxypassword='', $proxyauthtype=1, $method='https',
+        $keepalive=false, $key='', $keypass='')
+    {
+        $xmlrpc = Xmlrpc::instance();
+        if(!function_exists('curl_init'))
+        {
+            $this->errstr='CURL unavailable on this install';
+            $r=new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['no_curl'], $xmlrpc->xmlrpcstr['no_curl']);
+            return $r;
+        }
+        if($method == 'https')
+        {
+            if(($info = curl_version()) &&
+                ((is_string($info) && strpos($info, 'OpenSSL') === null) || (is_array($info) && !isset($info['ssl_version']))))
+            {
+                $this->errstr='SSL unavailable on this install';
+                $r=new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['no_ssl'], $xmlrpc->xmlrpcstr['no_ssl']);
+                return $r;
+            }
+        }
+        if($port == 0)
+        {
+            if($method == 'http')
+            {
+                $port = 80;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                $port = 443;
+            }
+        }
+        // Only create the payload if it was not created previously
+        if(empty($msg->payload))
+        {
+            $msg->createPayload($this->request_charset_encoding);
+        }
+        // Deflate request body and set appropriate request headers
+        $payload = $msg->payload;
+        if(function_exists('gzdeflate') && ($this->request_compression == 'gzip' || $this->request_compression == 'deflate'))
+        {
+            if($this->request_compression == 'gzip')
+            {
+                $a = @gzencode($payload);
+                if($a)
+                {
+                    $payload = $a;
+                    $encoding_hdr = 'Content-Encoding: gzip';
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                $a = @gzcompress($payload);
+                if($a)
+                {
+                    $payload = $a;
+                    $encoding_hdr = 'Content-Encoding: deflate';
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            $encoding_hdr = '';
+        }
+        if($this->debug > 1)
+        {
+            print "<PRE>\n---SENDING---\n" . htmlentities($payload) . "\n---END---\n</PRE>";
+            // let the client see this now in case http times out...
+            flush();
+        }
+        if(!$keepalive || !$this->xmlrpc_curl_handle)
+        {
+            $curl = curl_init($method . '://' . $server . ':' . $port . $this->path);
+            if($keepalive)
+            {
+                $this->xmlrpc_curl_handle = $curl;
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            $curl = $this->xmlrpc_curl_handle;
+        }
+        // results into variable
+        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
+        if($this->debug)
+        {
+            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
+        }
+        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $this->user_agent);
+        // required for XMLRPC: post the data
+        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
+        // the data
+        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $payload);
+        // return the header too
+        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
+        // NB: if we set an empty string, CURL will add http header indicating
+        // ALL methods it is supporting. This is possibly a better option than
+        // letting the user tell what curl can / cannot do...
+        if(is_array($this->accepted_compression) && count($this->accepted_compression))
+        {
+            //curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_ENCODING, implode(',', $this->accepted_compression));
+            // empty string means 'any supported by CURL' (shall we catch errors in case CURLOPT_SSLKEY undefined ?)
+            if (count($this->accepted_compression) == 1)
+            {
+                curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_ENCODING, $this->accepted_compression[0]);
+            }
+            else
+                curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_ENCODING, '');
+        }
+        // extra headers
+        $headers = array('Content-Type: ' . $msg->content_type , 'Accept-Charset: ' . implode(',', $this->accepted_charset_encodings));
+        // if no keepalive is wanted, let the server know it in advance
+        if(!$keepalive)
+        {
+            $headers[] = 'Connection: close';
+        }
+        // request compression header
+        if($encoding_hdr)
+        {
+            $headers[] = $encoding_hdr;
+        }
+        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
+        // timeout is borked
+        if($timeout)
+        {
+            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout == 1 ? 1 : $timeout - 1);
+        }
+        if($username && $password)
+        {
+            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $username.':'.$password);
+            if (defined('CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH'))
+            {
+                curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, $authtype);
+            }
+            else if ($authtype != 1)
+            {
+                error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': warning. Only Basic auth is supported by the current PHP/curl install');
+            }
+        }
+        if($method == 'https')
+        {
+            // set cert file
+            if($cert)
+            {
+                curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSLCERT, $cert);
+            }
+            // set cert password
+            if($certpass)
+            {
+                curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSLCERTPASSWD, $certpass);
+            }
+            // whether to verify remote host's cert
+            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, $this->verifypeer);
+            // set ca certificates file/dir
+            if($cacert)
+            {
+                curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, $cacert);
+            }
+            if($cacertdir)
+            {
+                curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CAPATH, $cacertdir);
+            }
+            // set key file (shall we catch errors in case CURLOPT_SSLKEY undefined ?)
+            if($key)
+            {
+                curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSLKEY, $key);
+            }
+            // set key password (shall we catch errors in case CURLOPT_SSLKEY undefined ?)
+            if($keypass)
+            {
+                curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSLKEYPASSWD, $keypass);
+            }
+            // whether to verify cert's common name (CN); 0 for no, 1 to verify that it exists, and 2 to verify that it matches the hostname used
+            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, $this->verifyhost);
+        }
+        // proxy info
+        if($proxyhost)
+        {
+            if($proxyport == 0)
+            {
+                $proxyport = 8080; // NB: even for HTTPS, local connection is on port 8080
+            }
+            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxyhost.':'.$proxyport);
+            //curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_PROXYPORT,$proxyport);
+            if($proxyusername)
+            {
+                curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $proxyusername.':'.$proxypassword);
+                if (defined('CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH'))
+                {
+                    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH, $proxyauthtype);
+                }
+                else if ($proxyauthtype != 1)
+                {
+                    error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': warning. Only Basic auth to proxy is supported by the current PHP/curl install');
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // NB: should we build cookie http headers by hand rather than let CURL do it?
+        // the following code does not honour 'expires', 'path' and 'domain' cookie attributes
+        // set to client obj the the user...
+        if (count($this->cookies))
+        {
+            $cookieheader = '';
+            foreach ($this->cookies as $name => $cookie)
+            {
+                $cookieheader .= $name . '=' . $cookie['value'] . '; ';
+            }
+            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_COOKIE, substr($cookieheader, 0, -2));
+        }
+        foreach ($this->extracurlopts as $opt => $val)
+        {
+            curl_setopt($curl, $opt, $val);
+        }
+        $result = curl_exec($curl);
+        if ($this->debug > 1)
+        {
+            print "<PRE>\n---CURL INFO---\n";
+            foreach(curl_getinfo($curl) as $name => $val)
+            {
+                if (is_array($val))
+                {
+                    $val = implode("\n", $val);
+                }
+                print $name . ': ' . htmlentities($val) . "\n";
+            }
+            print "---END---\n</PRE>";
+        }
+        if(!$result) /// @todo we should use a better check here - what if we get back '' or '0'?
+        {
+            $this->errstr='no response';
+            $resp=new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['curl_fail'], $xmlrpc->xmlrpcstr['curl_fail']. ': '. curl_error($curl));
+            curl_close($curl);
+            if($keepalive)
+            {
+                $this->xmlrpc_curl_handle = null;
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if(!$keepalive)
+            {
+                curl_close($curl);
+            }
+            $resp =& $msg->parseResponse($result, true, $this->return_type);
+            // if we got back a 302, we can not reuse the curl handle for later calls
+            if($resp->faultCode() == $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['http_error'] && $keepalive)
+            {
+                curl_close($curl);
+                $this->xmlrpc_curl_handle = null;
+            }
+        }
+        return $resp;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Send an array of request messages and return an array of responses.
+    * Unless $this->no_multicall has been set to true, it will try first
+    * to use one single xmlrpc call to server method system.multicall, and
+    * revert to sending many successive calls in case of failure.
+    * This failure is also stored in $this->no_multicall for subsequent calls.
+    * Unfortunately, there is no server error code universally used to denote
+    * the fact that multicall is unsupported, so there is no way to reliably
+    * distinguish between that and a temporary failure.
+    * If you are sure that server supports multicall and do not want to
+    * fallback to using many single calls, set the fourth parameter to FALSE.
+    *
+    * NB: trying to shoehorn extra functionality into existing syntax has resulted
+    * in pretty much convoluted code...
+    *
+    * @param array $msgs an array of xmlrpcmsg objects
+    * @param integer $timeout connection timeout (in seconds)
+    * @param string $method the http protocol variant to be used
+    * @param boolean fallback When true, upon receiving an error during multicall, multiple single calls will be attempted
+    * @return array
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function multicall($msgs, $timeout=0, $method='', $fallback=true)
+    {
+        $xmlrpc = Xmlrpc::instance();
+        if ($method == '')
+        {
+            $method = $this->method;
+        }
+        if(!$this->no_multicall)
+        {
+            $results = $this->_try_multicall($msgs, $timeout, $method);
+            if(is_array($results))
+            {
+                // System.multicall succeeded
+                return $results;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // either system.multicall is unsupported by server,
+                // or call failed for some other reason.
+                if ($fallback)
+                {
+                    // Don't try it next time...
+                    $this->no_multicall = true;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    if (is_a($results, 'xmlrpcresp'))
+                    {
+                        $result = $results;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        $result = new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['multicall_error'], $xmlrpc->xmlrpcstr['multicall_error']);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // override fallback, in case careless user tries to do two
+            // opposite things at the same time
+            $fallback = true;
+        }
+        $results = array();
+        if ($fallback)
+        {
+            // system.multicall is (probably) unsupported by server:
+            // emulate multicall via multiple requests
+            foreach($msgs as $msg)
+            {
+                $results[] =& $this->send($msg, $timeout, $method);
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // user does NOT want to fallback on many single calls:
+            // since we should always return an array of responses,
+            // return an array with the same error repeated n times
+            foreach($msgs as $msg)
+            {
+                $results[] = $result;
+            }
+        }
+        return $results;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Attempt to boxcar $msgs via system.multicall.
+    * Returns either an array of xmlrpcreponses, an xmlrpc error response
+    * or false (when received response does not respect valid multicall syntax)
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _try_multicall($msgs, $timeout, $method)
+    {
+        // Construct multicall message
+        $calls = array();
+        foreach($msgs as $msg)
+        {
+            $call['methodName'] = new xmlrpcval($msg->method(),'string');
+            $numParams = $msg->getNumParams();
+            $params = array();
+            for($i = 0; $i < $numParams; $i++)
+            {
+                $params[$i] = $msg->getParam($i);
+            }
+            $call['params'] = new xmlrpcval($params, 'array');
+            $calls[] = new xmlrpcval($call, 'struct');
+        }
+        $multicall = new xmlrpcmsg('system.multicall');
+        $multicall->addParam(new xmlrpcval($calls, 'array'));
+        // Attempt RPC call
+        $result =& $this->send($multicall, $timeout, $method);
+        if($result->faultCode() != 0)
+        {
+            // call to system.multicall failed
+            return $result;
+        }
+        // Unpack responses.
+        $rets = $result->value();
+        if ($this->return_type == 'xml')
+        {
+                return $rets;
+        }
+        else if ($this->return_type == 'phpvals')
+        {
+            ///@todo test this code branch...
+            $rets = $result->value();
+            if(!is_array($rets))
+            {
+                return false;       // bad return type from system.multicall
+            }
+            $numRets = count($rets);
+            if($numRets != count($msgs))
+            {
+                return false;       // wrong number of return values.
+            }
+            $response = array();
+            for($i = 0; $i < $numRets; $i++)
+            {
+                $val = $rets[$i];
+                if (!is_array($val)) {
+                    return false;
+                }
+                switch(count($val))
+                {
+                    case 1:
+                        if(!isset($val[0]))
+                        {
+                            return false;       // Bad value
+                        }
+                        // Normal return value
+                        $response[$i] = new xmlrpcresp($val[0], 0, '', 'phpvals');
+                        break;
+                    case 2:
+                        /// @todo remove usage of @: it is apparently quite slow
+                        $code = @$val['faultCode'];
+                        if(!is_int($code))
+                        {
+                            return false;
+                        }
+                        $str = @$val['faultString'];
+                        if(!is_string($str))
+                        {
+                            return false;
+                        }
+                        $response[$i] = new xmlrpcresp(0, $code, $str);
+                        break;
+                    default:
+                        return false;
+                }
+            }
+            return $response;
+        }
+        else // return type == 'xmlrpcvals'
+        {
+            $rets = $result->value();
+            if($rets->kindOf() != 'array')
+            {
+                return false;       // bad return type from system.multicall
+            }
+            $numRets = $rets->arraysize();
+            if($numRets != count($msgs))
+            {
+                return false;       // wrong number of return values.
+            }
+            $response = array();
+            for($i = 0; $i < $numRets; $i++)
+            {
+                $val = $rets->arraymem($i);
+                switch($val->kindOf())
+                {
+                    case 'array':
+                        if($val->arraysize() != 1)
+                        {
+                            return false;       // Bad value
+                        }
+                        // Normal return value
+                        $response[$i] = new xmlrpcresp($val->arraymem(0));
+                        break;
+                    case 'struct':
+                        $code = $val->structmem('faultCode');
+                        if($code->kindOf() != 'scalar' || $code->scalartyp() != 'int')
+                        {
+                            return false;
+                        }
+                        $str = $val->structmem('faultString');
+                        if($str->kindOf() != 'scalar' || $str->scalartyp() != 'string')
+                        {
+                            return false;
+                        }
+                        $response[$i] = new xmlrpcresp(0, $code->scalarval(), $str->scalarval());
+                        break;
+                    default:
+                        return false;
+                }
+            }
+            return $response;
+        }
+    }
+} // end class xmlrpc_client
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/xmlrpcmsg.php b/lib/xmlrpcmsg.php
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2bf2aae
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
+class xmlrpcmsg
+    var $payload;
+    var $methodname;
+    var $params=array();
+    var $debug=0;
+    var $content_type = 'text/xml';
+    /**
+    * @param string $meth the name of the method to invoke
+    * @param array $pars array of parameters to be passed to the method (xmlrpcval objects)
+    */
+    function xmlrpcmsg($meth, $pars=0)
+    {
+        $this->methodname=$meth;
+        if(is_array($pars) && count($pars)>0)
+        {
+            for($i=0; $i<count($pars); $i++)
+            {
+                $this->addParam($pars[$i]);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function xml_header($charset_encoding='')
+    {
+        if ($charset_encoding != '')
+        {
+            return "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"$charset_encoding\" ?" . ">\n<methodCall>\n";
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            return "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?" . ">\n<methodCall>\n";
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function xml_footer()
+    {
+        return '</methodCall>';
+    }
+    /**
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function kindOf()
+    {
+        return 'msg';
+    }
+    /**
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function createPayload($charset_encoding='')
+    {
+        if ($charset_encoding != '')
+            $this->content_type = 'text/xml; charset=' . $charset_encoding;
+        else
+            $this->content_type = 'text/xml';
+        $this->payload=$this->xml_header($charset_encoding);
+        $this->payload.='<methodName>' . $this->methodname . "</methodName>\n";
+        $this->payload.="<params>\n";
+        for($i=0; $i<count($this->params); $i++)
+        {
+            $p=$this->params[$i];
+            $this->payload.="<param>\n" . $p->serialize($charset_encoding) .
+            "</param>\n";
+        }
+        $this->payload.="</params>\n";
+        $this->payload.=$this->xml_footer();
+    }
+    /**
+    * Gets/sets the xmlrpc method to be invoked
+    * @param string $meth the method to be set (leave empty not to set it)
+    * @return string the method that will be invoked
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function method($meth='')
+    {
+        if($meth!='')
+        {
+            $this->methodname=$meth;
+        }
+        return $this->methodname;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Returns xml representation of the message. XML prologue included
+    * @param string $charset_encoding
+    * @return string the xml representation of the message, xml prologue included
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function serialize($charset_encoding='')
+    {
+        $this->createPayload($charset_encoding);
+        return $this->payload;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Add a parameter to the list of parameters to be used upon method invocation
+    * @param xmlrpcval $par
+    * @return boolean false on failure
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function addParam($par)
+    {
+        // add check: do not add to self params which are not xmlrpcvals
+        if(is_object($par) && is_a($par, 'xmlrpcval'))
+        {
+            $this->params[]=$par;
+            return true;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Returns the nth parameter in the message. The index zero-based.
+    * @param integer $i the index of the parameter to fetch (zero based)
+    * @return xmlrpcval the i-th parameter
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function getParam($i) { return $this->params[$i]; }
+    /**
+    * Returns the number of parameters in the messge.
+    * @return integer the number of parameters currently set
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function getNumParams() { return count($this->params); }
+    /**
+    * Given an open file handle, read all data available and parse it as axmlrpc response.
+    * NB: the file handle is not closed by this function.
+    * NNB: might have trouble in rare cases to work on network streams, as we
+    *      check for a read of 0 bytes instead of feof($fp).
+    *      But since checking for feof(null) returns false, we would risk an
+    *      infinite loop in that case, because we cannot trust the caller
+    *      to give us a valid pointer to an open file...
+    * @access public
+    * @param resource $fp stream pointer
+    * @return xmlrpcresp
+    * @todo add 2nd & 3rd param to be passed to ParseResponse() ???
+    */
+    function &parseResponseFile($fp)
+    {
+        $ipd='';
+        while($data=fread($fp, 32768))
+        {
+            $ipd.=$data;
+        }
+        //fclose($fp);
+        $r =& $this->parseResponse($ipd);
+        return $r;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Parses HTTP headers and separates them from data.
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function &parseResponseHeaders(&$data, $headers_processed=false)
+    {
+            $xmlrpc = Xmlrpc::instance();
+            // Support "web-proxy-tunelling" connections for https through proxies
+            if(preg_match('/^HTTP\/1\.[0-1] 200 Connection established/', $data))
+            {
+                // Look for CR/LF or simple LF as line separator,
+                // (even though it is not valid http)
+                $pos = strpos($data,"\r\n\r\n");
+                if($pos || is_int($pos))
+                {
+                    $bd = $pos+4;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    $pos = strpos($data,"\n\n");
+                    if($pos || is_int($pos))
+                    {
+                        $bd = $pos+2;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        // No separation between response headers and body: fault?
+                        $bd = 0;
+                    }
+                }
+                if ($bd)
+                {
+                    // this filters out all http headers from proxy.
+                    // maybe we could take them into account, too?
+                    $data = substr($data, $bd);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': HTTPS via proxy error, tunnel connection possibly failed');
+                    $r=new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['http_error'], $xmlrpc->xmlrpcstr['http_error']. ' (HTTPS via proxy error, tunnel connection possibly failed)');
+                    return $r;
+                }
+            }
+            // Strip HTTP 1.1 100 Continue header if present
+            while(preg_match('/^HTTP\/1\.1 1[0-9]{2} /', $data))
+            {
+                $pos = strpos($data, 'HTTP', 12);
+                // server sent a Continue header without any (valid) content following...
+                // give the client a chance to know it
+                if(!$pos && !is_int($pos)) // works fine in php 3, 4 and 5
+                {
+                    break;
+                }
+                $data = substr($data, $pos);
+            }
+            if(!preg_match('/^HTTP\/[0-9.]+ 200 /', $data))
+            {
+                $errstr= substr($data, 0, strpos($data, "\n")-1);
+                error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': HTTP error, got response: ' .$errstr);
+                $r=new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['http_error'], $xmlrpc->xmlrpcstr['http_error']. ' (' . $errstr . ')');
+                return $r;
+            }
+            $xmlrpc->_xh['headers'] = array();
+            $xmlrpc->_xh['cookies'] = array();
+            // be tolerant to usage of \n instead of \r\n to separate headers and data
+            // (even though it is not valid http)
+            $pos = strpos($data,"\r\n\r\n");
+            if($pos || is_int($pos))
+            {
+                $bd = $pos+4;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                $pos = strpos($data,"\n\n");
+                if($pos || is_int($pos))
+                {
+                    $bd = $pos+2;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    // No separation between response headers and body: fault?
+                    // we could take some action here instead of going on...
+                    $bd = 0;
+                }
+            }
+            // be tolerant to line endings, and extra empty lines
+            $ar = preg_split("/\r?\n/", trim(substr($data, 0, $pos)));
+            while(list(,$line) = @each($ar))
+            {
+                // take care of multi-line headers and cookies
+                $arr = explode(':',$line,2);
+                if(count($arr) > 1)
+                {
+                    $header_name = strtolower(trim($arr[0]));
+                    /// @todo some other headers (the ones that allow a CSV list of values)
+                    /// do allow many values to be passed using multiple header lines.
+                    /// We should add content to $xmlrpc->_xh['headers'][$header_name]
+                    /// instead of replacing it for those...
+                    if ($header_name == 'set-cookie' || $header_name == 'set-cookie2')
+                    {
+                        if ($header_name == 'set-cookie2')
+                        {
+                            // version 2 cookies:
+                            // there could be many cookies on one line, comma separated
+                            $cookies = explode(',', $arr[1]);
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            $cookies = array($arr[1]);
+                        }
+                        foreach ($cookies as $cookie)
+                        {
+                            // glue together all received cookies, using a comma to separate them
+                            // (same as php does with getallheaders())
+                            if (isset($xmlrpc->_xh['headers'][$header_name]))
+                                $xmlrpc->_xh['headers'][$header_name] .= ', ' . trim($cookie);
+                            else
+                                $xmlrpc->_xh['headers'][$header_name] = trim($cookie);
+                            // parse cookie attributes, in case user wants to correctly honour them
+                            // feature creep: only allow rfc-compliant cookie attributes?
+                            // @todo support for server sending multiple time cookie with same name, but using different PATHs
+                            $cookie = explode(';', $cookie);
+                            foreach ($cookie as $pos => $val)
+                            {
+                                $val = explode('=', $val, 2);
+                                $tag = trim($val[0]);
+                                $val = trim(@$val[1]);
+                                /// @todo with version 1 cookies, we should strip leading and trailing " chars
+                                if ($pos == 0)
+                                {
+                                    $cookiename = $tag;
+                                    $xmlrpc->_xh['cookies'][$tag] = array();
+                                    $xmlrpc->_xh['cookies'][$cookiename]['value'] = urldecode($val);
+                                }
+                                else
+                                {
+                                    if ($tag != 'value')
+                                    {
+                                    $xmlrpc->_xh['cookies'][$cookiename][$tag] = $val;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        $xmlrpc->_xh['headers'][$header_name] = trim($arr[1]);
+                    }
+                }
+                elseif(isset($header_name))
+                {
+                    /// @todo version1 cookies might span multiple lines, thus breaking the parsing above
+                    $xmlrpc->_xh['headers'][$header_name] .= ' ' . trim($line);
+                }
+            }
+            $data = substr($data, $bd);
+            if($this->debug && count($xmlrpc->_xh['headers']))
+            {
+                print '<PRE>';
+                foreach($xmlrpc->_xh['headers'] as $header => $value)
+                {
+                    print htmlentities("HEADER: $header: $value\n");
+                }
+                foreach($xmlrpc->_xh['cookies'] as $header => $value)
+                {
+                    print htmlentities("COOKIE: $header={$value['value']}\n");
+                }
+                print "</PRE>\n";
+            }
+            // if CURL was used for the call, http headers have been processed,
+            // and dechunking + reinflating have been carried out
+            if(!$headers_processed)
+            {
+                // Decode chunked encoding sent by http 1.1 servers
+                if(isset($xmlrpc->_xh['headers']['transfer-encoding']) && $xmlrpc->_xh['headers']['transfer-encoding'] == 'chunked')
+                {
+                    if(!$data = decode_chunked($data))
+                    {
+                        error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': errors occurred when trying to rebuild the chunked data received from server');
+                        $r = new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['dechunk_fail'], $xmlrpc->xmlrpcstr['dechunk_fail']);
+                        return $r;
+                    }
+                }
+                // Decode gzip-compressed stuff
+                // code shamelessly inspired from nusoap library by Dietrich Ayala
+                if(isset($xmlrpc->_xh['headers']['content-encoding']))
+                {
+                    $xmlrpc->_xh['headers']['content-encoding'] = str_replace('x-', '', $xmlrpc->_xh['headers']['content-encoding']);
+                    if($xmlrpc->_xh['headers']['content-encoding'] == 'deflate' || $xmlrpc->_xh['headers']['content-encoding'] == 'gzip')
+                    {
+                        // if decoding works, use it. else assume data wasn't gzencoded
+                        if(function_exists('gzinflate'))
+                        {
+                            if($xmlrpc->_xh['headers']['content-encoding'] == 'deflate' && $degzdata = @gzuncompress($data))
+                            {
+                                $data = $degzdata;
+                                if($this->debug)
+                                print "<PRE>---INFLATED RESPONSE---[".strlen($data)." chars]---\n" . htmlentities($data) . "\n---END---</PRE>";
+                            }
+                            elseif($xmlrpc->_xh['headers']['content-encoding'] == 'gzip' && $degzdata = @gzinflate(substr($data, 10)))
+                            {
+                                $data = $degzdata;
+                                if($this->debug)
+                                print "<PRE>---INFLATED RESPONSE---[".strlen($data)." chars]---\n" . htmlentities($data) . "\n---END---</PRE>";
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': errors occurred when trying to decode the deflated data received from server');
+                                $r = new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['decompress_fail'], $xmlrpc->xmlrpcstr['decompress_fail']);
+                                return $r;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': the server sent deflated data. Your php install must have the Zlib extension compiled in to support this.');
+                            $r = new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['cannot_decompress'], $xmlrpc->xmlrpcstr['cannot_decompress']);
+                            return $r;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            } // end of 'if needed, de-chunk, re-inflate response'
+            // real stupid hack to avoid PHP complaining about returning NULL by ref
+            $r = null;
+            $r =& $r;
+            return $r;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Parse the xmlrpc response contained in the string $data and return an xmlrpcresp object.
+    * @param string $data the xmlrpc response, eventually including http headers
+    * @param bool $headers_processed when true prevents parsing HTTP headers for interpretation of content-encoding and consequent decoding
+    * @param string $return_type decides return type, i.e. content of response->value(). Either 'xmlrpcvals', 'xml' or 'phpvals'
+    * @return xmlrpcresp
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function &parseResponse($data='', $headers_processed=false, $return_type='xmlrpcvals')
+    {
+        $xmlrpc = Xmlrpc::instance();
+        if($this->debug)
+        {
+            //by maHo, replaced htmlspecialchars with htmlentities
+            print "<PRE>---GOT---\n" . htmlentities($data) . "\n---END---\n</PRE>";
+        }
+        if($data == '')
+        {
+            error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': no response received from server.');
+            $r = new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['no_data'], $xmlrpc->xmlrpcstr['no_data']);
+            return $r;
+        }
+        $xmlrpc->_xh=array();
+        $raw_data = $data;
+        // parse the HTTP headers of the response, if present, and separate them from data
+        if(substr($data, 0, 4) == 'HTTP')
+        {
+            $r =& $this->parseResponseHeaders($data, $headers_processed);
+            if ($r)
+            {
+                // failed processing of HTTP response headers
+                // save into response obj the full payload received, for debugging
+                $r->raw_data = $data;
+                return $r;
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            $xmlrpc->_xh['headers'] = array();
+            $xmlrpc->_xh['cookies'] = array();
+        }
+        if($this->debug)
+        {
+            $start = strpos($data, '<!-- SERVER DEBUG INFO (BASE64 ENCODED):');
+            if ($start)
+            {
+                $start += strlen('<!-- SERVER DEBUG INFO (BASE64 ENCODED):');
+                $end = strpos($data, '-->', $start);
+                $comments = substr($data, $start, $end-$start);
+                print "<PRE>---SERVER DEBUG INFO (DECODED) ---\n\t".htmlentities(str_replace("\n", "\n\t", base64_decode($comments)))."\n---END---\n</PRE>";
+            }
+        }
+        // be tolerant of extra whitespace in response body
+        $data = trim($data);
+        /// @todo return an error msg if $data=='' ?
+        // be tolerant of junk after methodResponse (e.g. javascript ads automatically inserted by free hosts)
+        // idea from Luca Mariano <luca.mariano@email.it> originally in PEARified version of the lib
+        $pos = strrpos($data, '</methodResponse>');
+        if($pos !== false)
+        {
+            $data = substr($data, 0, $pos+17);
+        }
+        // if user wants back raw xml, give it to him
+        if ($return_type == 'xml')
+        {
+            $r = new xmlrpcresp($data, 0, '', 'xml');
+            $r->hdrs = $xmlrpc->_xh['headers'];
+            $r->_cookies = $xmlrpc->_xh['cookies'];
+            $r->raw_data = $raw_data;
+            return $r;
+        }
+        // try to 'guestimate' the character encoding of the received response
+        $resp_encoding = guess_encoding(@$xmlrpc->_xh['headers']['content-type'], $data);
+        $xmlrpc->_xh['ac']='';
+        //$xmlrpc->_xh['qt']=''; //unused...
+        $xmlrpc->_xh['stack'] = array();
+        $xmlrpc->_xh['valuestack'] = array();
+        $xmlrpc->_xh['isf']=0; // 0 = OK, 1 for xmlrpc fault responses, 2 = invalid xmlrpc
+        $xmlrpc->_xh['isf_reason']='';
+        $xmlrpc->_xh['rt']=''; // 'methodcall or 'methodresponse'
+        // if response charset encoding is not known / supported, try to use
+        // the default encoding and parse the xml anyway, but log a warning...
+        if (!in_array($resp_encoding, array('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', 'US-ASCII')))
+        // the following code might be better for mb_string enabled installs, but
+        // makes the lib about 200% slower...
+        //if (!is_valid_charset($resp_encoding, array('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', 'US-ASCII')))
+        {
+            error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': invalid charset encoding of received response: '.$resp_encoding);
+            $resp_encoding = $xmlrpc->xmlrpc_defencoding;
+        }
+        $parser = xml_parser_create($resp_encoding);
+        xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, true);
+        // G. Giunta 2005/02/13: PHP internally uses ISO-8859-1, so we have to tell
+        // the xml parser to give us back data in the expected charset.
+        // What if internal encoding is not in one of the 3 allowed?
+        // we use the broadest one, ie. utf8
+        // This allows to send data which is native in various charset,
+        // by extending xmlrpc_encode_entitites() and setting xmlrpc_internalencoding
+        if (!in_array($xmlrpc->xmlrpc_internalencoding, array('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', 'US-ASCII')))
+        {
+            xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, 'UTF-8');
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, $xmlrpc->xmlrpc_internalencoding);
+        }
+        if ($return_type == 'phpvals')
+        {
+            xml_set_element_handler($parser, 'xmlrpc_se', 'xmlrpc_ee_fast');
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            xml_set_element_handler($parser, 'xmlrpc_se', 'xmlrpc_ee');
+        }
+        xml_set_character_data_handler($parser, 'xmlrpc_cd');
+        xml_set_default_handler($parser, 'xmlrpc_dh');
+        // first error check: xml not well formed
+        if(!xml_parse($parser, $data, count($data)))
+        {
+            // thanks to Peter Kocks <peter.kocks@baygate.com>
+            if((xml_get_current_line_number($parser)) == 1)
+            {
+                $errstr = 'XML error at line 1, check URL';
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                $errstr = sprintf('XML error: %s at line %d, column %d',
+                    xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($parser)),
+                    xml_get_current_line_number($parser), xml_get_current_column_number($parser));
+            }
+            error_log($errstr);
+            $r=new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['invalid_return'], $xmlrpc->xmlrpcstr['invalid_return'].' ('.$errstr.')');
+            xml_parser_free($parser);
+            if($this->debug)
+            {
+                print $errstr;
+            }
+            $r->hdrs = $xmlrpc->_xh['headers'];
+            $r->_cookies = $xmlrpc->_xh['cookies'];
+            $r->raw_data = $raw_data;
+            return $r;
+        }
+        xml_parser_free($parser);
+        // second error check: xml well formed but not xml-rpc compliant
+        if ($xmlrpc->_xh['isf'] > 1)
+        {
+            if ($this->debug)
+            {
+                /// @todo echo something for user?
+            }
+            $r = new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['invalid_return'],
+            $xmlrpc->xmlrpcstr['invalid_return'] . ' ' . $xmlrpc->_xh['isf_reason']);
+        }
+        // third error check: parsing of the response has somehow gone boink.
+        // NB: shall we omit this check, since we trust the parsing code?
+        elseif ($return_type == 'xmlrpcvals' && !is_object($xmlrpc->_xh['value']))
+        {
+            // something odd has happened
+            // and it's time to generate a client side error
+            // indicating something odd went on
+            $r=new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpc->xmlrpcerr['invalid_return'],
+                $xmlrpc->xmlrpcstr['invalid_return']);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if ($this->debug)
+            {
+                print "<PRE>---PARSED---\n";
+                // somehow htmlentities chokes on var_export, and some full html string...
+                //print htmlentitites(var_export($xmlrpc->_xh['value'], true));
+                print htmlspecialchars(var_export($xmlrpc->_xh['value'], true));
+                print "\n---END---</PRE>";
+            }
+            // note that using =& will raise an error if $xmlrpc->_xh['st'] does not generate an object.
+            $v =& $xmlrpc->_xh['value'];
+            if($xmlrpc->_xh['isf'])
+            {
+                /// @todo we should test here if server sent an int and a string,
+                /// and/or coerce them into such...
+                if ($return_type == 'xmlrpcvals')
+                {
+                    $errno_v = $v->structmem('faultCode');
+                    $errstr_v = $v->structmem('faultString');
+                    $errno = $errno_v->scalarval();
+                    $errstr = $errstr_v->scalarval();
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    $errno = $v['faultCode'];
+                    $errstr = $v['faultString'];
+                }
+                if($errno == 0)
+                {
+                    // FAULT returned, errno needs to reflect that
+                    $errno = -1;
+                }
+                $r = new xmlrpcresp(0, $errno, $errstr);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                $r=new xmlrpcresp($v, 0, '', $return_type);
+            }
+        }
+        $r->hdrs = $xmlrpc->_xh['headers'];
+        $r->_cookies = $xmlrpc->_xh['cookies'];
+        $r->raw_data = $raw_data;
+        return $r;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/xmlrpcresp.php b/lib/xmlrpcresp.php
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f9d5286
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+class xmlrpcresp
+    var $val = 0;
+    var $valtyp;
+    var $errno = 0;
+    var $errstr = '';
+    var $payload;
+    var $hdrs = array();
+    var $_cookies = array();
+    var $content_type = 'text/xml';
+    var $raw_data = '';
+    /**
+    * @param mixed $val either an xmlrpcval obj, a php value or the xml serialization of an xmlrpcval (a string)
+    * @param integer $fcode set it to anything but 0 to create an error response
+    * @param string $fstr the error string, in case of an error response
+    * @param string $valtyp either 'xmlrpcvals', 'phpvals' or 'xml'
+    *
+    * @todo add check that $val / $fcode / $fstr is of correct type???
+    * NB: as of now we do not do it, since it might be either an xmlrpcval or a plain
+    * php val, or a complete xml chunk, depending on usage of xmlrpc_client::send() inside which creator is called...
+    */
+    function xmlrpcresp($val, $fcode = 0, $fstr = '', $valtyp='')
+    {
+        if($fcode != 0)
+        {
+            // error response
+            $this->errno = $fcode;
+            $this->errstr = $fstr;
+            //$this->errstr = htmlspecialchars($fstr); // XXX: encoding probably shouldn't be done here; fix later.
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // successful response
+            $this->val = $val;
+            if ($valtyp == '')
+            {
+                // user did not declare type of response value: try to guess it
+                if (is_object($this->val) && is_a($this->val, 'xmlrpcval'))
+                {
+                    $this->valtyp = 'xmlrpcvals';
+                }
+                else if (is_string($this->val))
+                {
+                    $this->valtyp = 'xml';
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    $this->valtyp = 'phpvals';
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // user declares type of resp value: believe him
+                $this->valtyp = $valtyp;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Returns the error code of the response.
+    * @return integer the error code of this response (0 for not-error responses)
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function faultCode()
+    {
+        return $this->errno;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Returns the error code of the response.
+    * @return string the error string of this response ('' for not-error responses)
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function faultString()
+    {
+        return $this->errstr;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Returns the value received by the server.
+    * @return mixed the xmlrpcval object returned by the server. Might be an xml string or php value if the response has been created by specially configured xmlrpc_client objects
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function value()
+    {
+        return $this->val;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Returns an array with the cookies received from the server.
+    * Array has the form: $cookiename => array ('value' => $val, $attr1 => $val1, $attr2 = $val2, ...)
+    * with attributes being e.g. 'expires', 'path', domain'.
+    * NB: cookies sent as 'expired' by the server (i.e. with an expiry date in the past)
+    * are still present in the array. It is up to the user-defined code to decide
+    * how to use the received cookies, and whether they have to be sent back with the next
+    * request to the server (using xmlrpc_client::setCookie) or not
+    * @return array array of cookies received from the server
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function cookies()
+    {
+        return $this->_cookies;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Returns xml representation of the response. XML prologue not included
+    * @param string $charset_encoding the charset to be used for serialization. if null, US-ASCII is assumed
+    * @return string the xml representation of the response
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function serialize($charset_encoding='')
+    {
+        $xmlrpc = Xmlrpc::instance();
+        if ($charset_encoding != '')
+            $this->content_type = 'text/xml; charset=' . $charset_encoding;
+        else
+            $this->content_type = 'text/xml';
+        if ($xmlrpc->xmlrpc_null_apache_encoding)
+        {
+            $result = "<methodResponse xmlns:ex=\"".$xmlrpc->xmlrpc_null_apache_encoding_ns."\">\n";
+        }
+        else
+        {
+        $result = "<methodResponse>\n";
+        }
+        if($this->errno)
+        {
+            // G. Giunta 2005/2/13: let non-ASCII response messages be tolerated by clients
+            // by xml-encoding non ascii chars
+            $result .= "<fault>\n" .
+"<value>\n<struct><member><name>faultCode</name>\n<value><int>" . $this->errno .
+"</int></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>faultString</name>\n<value><string>" .
+xmlrpc_encode_entitites($this->errstr, $xmlrpc->xmlrpc_internalencoding, $charset_encoding) . "</string></value>\n</member>\n" .
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if(!is_object($this->val) || !is_a($this->val, 'xmlrpcval'))
+            {
+                if (is_string($this->val) && $this->valtyp == 'xml')
+                {
+                    $result .= "<params>\n<param>\n" .
+                        $this->val .
+                        "</param>\n</params>";
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    /// @todo try to build something serializable?
+                    die('cannot serialize xmlrpcresp objects whose content is native php values');
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                $result .= "<params>\n<param>\n" .
+                    $this->val->serialize($charset_encoding) .
+                    "</param>\n</params>";
+            }
+        }
+        $result .= "\n</methodResponse>";
+        $this->payload = $result;
+        return $result;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/xmlrpcval.php b/lib/xmlrpcval.php
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..df30eb4
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
+class xmlrpcval
+    var $me=array();
+    var $mytype=0;
+    var $_php_class=null;
+    /**
+    * @param mixed $val
+    * @param string $type any valid xmlrpc type name (lowercase). If null, 'string' is assumed
+    */
+    function xmlrpcval($val=-1, $type='')
+    {
+        /// @todo: optimization creep - do not call addXX, do it all inline.
+        /// downside: booleans will not be coerced anymore
+        if($val!==-1 || $type!='')
+        {
+            // optimization creep: inlined all work done by constructor
+            switch($type)
+            {
+                case '':
+                    $this->mytype=1;
+                    $this->me['string']=$val;
+                    break;
+                case 'i4':
+                case 'int':
+                case 'double':
+                case 'string':
+                case 'boolean':
+                case 'dateTime.iso8601':
+                case 'base64':
+                case 'null':
+                    $this->mytype=1;
+                    $this->me[$type]=$val;
+                    break;
+                case 'array':
+                    $this->mytype=2;
+                    $this->me['array']=$val;
+                    break;
+                case 'struct':
+                    $this->mytype=3;
+                    $this->me['struct']=$val;
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    error_log("XML-RPC: ".__METHOD__.": not a known type ($type)");
+            }
+            /*if($type=='')
+            {
+                $type='string';
+            }
+            if($GLOBALS['xmlrpcTypes'][$type]==1)
+            {
+                $this->addScalar($val,$type);
+            }
+            elseif($GLOBALS['xmlrpcTypes'][$type]==2)
+            {
+                $this->addArray($val);
+            }
+            elseif($GLOBALS['xmlrpcTypes'][$type]==3)
+            {
+                $this->addStruct($val);
+            }*/
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Add a single php value to an (unitialized) xmlrpcval
+    * @param mixed $val
+    * @param string $type
+    * @return int 1 or 0 on failure
+    */
+    function addScalar($val, $type='string')
+    {
+        $xmlrpc = Xmlrpc::instance();
+        $typeof = null;
+        if(isset($xmlrpc->xmlrpcTypes[$type])) {
+            $typeof = $xmlrpc->xmlrpcTypes[$type];
+        }
+        if($typeof!=1)
+        {
+            error_log("XML-RPC: ".__METHOD__.": not a scalar type ($type)");
+            return 0;
+        }
+        // coerce booleans into correct values
+        // NB: we should either do it for datetimes, integers and doubles, too,
+        // or just plain remove this check, implemented on booleans only...
+        if($type==$xmlrpc->xmlrpcBoolean)
+        {
+            if(strcasecmp($val,'true')==0 || $val==1 || ($val==true && strcasecmp($val,'false')))
+            {
+                $val=true;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                $val=false;
+            }
+        }
+        switch($this->mytype)
+        {
+            case 1:
+                error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': scalar xmlrpcval can have only one value');
+                return 0;
+            case 3:
+                error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': cannot add anonymous scalar to struct xmlrpcval');
+                return 0;
+            case 2:
+                // we're adding a scalar value to an array here
+                //$ar=$this->me['array'];
+                //$ar[]=new xmlrpcval($val, $type);
+                //$this->me['array']=$ar;
+                // Faster (?) avoid all the costly array-copy-by-val done here...
+                $this->me['array'][]=new xmlrpcval($val, $type);
+                return 1;
+            default:
+                // a scalar, so set the value and remember we're scalar
+                $this->me[$type]=$val;
+                $this->mytype=$typeof;
+                return 1;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Add an array of xmlrpcval objects to an xmlrpcval
+    * @param array $vals
+    * @return int 1 or 0 on failure
+    * @access public
+    *
+    * @todo add some checking for $vals to be an array of xmlrpcvals?
+    */
+    function addArray($vals)
+    {
+        $xmlrpc = Xmlrpc::instance();
+        if($this->mytype==0)
+        {
+            $this->mytype=$xmlrpc->xmlrpcTypes['array'];
+            $this->me['array']=$vals;
+            return 1;
+        }
+        elseif($this->mytype==2)
+        {
+            // we're adding to an array here
+            $this->me['array'] = array_merge($this->me['array'], $vals);
+            return 1;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': already initialized as a [' . $this->kindOf() . ']');
+            return 0;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Add an array of named xmlrpcval objects to an xmlrpcval
+    * @param array $vals
+    * @return int 1 or 0 on failure
+    * @access public
+    *
+    * @todo add some checking for $vals to be an array?
+    */
+    function addStruct($vals)
+    {
+        $xmlrpc = Xmlrpc::instance();
+        if($this->mytype==0)
+        {
+            $this->mytype=$xmlrpc->xmlrpcTypes['struct'];
+            $this->me['struct']=$vals;
+            return 1;
+        }
+        elseif($this->mytype==3)
+        {
+            // we're adding to a struct here
+            $this->me['struct'] = array_merge($this->me['struct'], $vals);
+            return 1;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': already initialized as a [' . $this->kindOf() . ']');
+            return 0;
+        }
+    }
+    // poor man's version of print_r ???
+    function dump($ar)
+    {
+        foreach($ar as $key => $val)
+        {
+            echo "$key => $val<br />";
+            if($key == 'array')
+            {
+                while(list($key2, $val2) = each($val))
+                {
+                    echo "-- $key2 => $val2<br />";
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Returns a string containing "struct", "array" or "scalar" describing the base type of the value
+    * @return string
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function kindOf()
+    {
+        switch($this->mytype)
+        {
+            case 3:
+                return 'struct';
+                break;
+            case 2:
+                return 'array';
+                break;
+            case 1:
+                return 'scalar';
+                break;
+            default:
+                return 'undef';
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function serializedata($typ, $val, $charset_encoding='')
+    {
+        $xmlrpc = Xmlrpc::instance();
+        $rs='';
+        if(!isset($xmlrpc->xmlrpcTypes[$typ])) {
+            return $rs;
+        }
+        switch($xmlrpc->xmlrpcTypes[$typ])
+        {
+            case 1:
+                switch($typ)
+                {
+                    case $xmlrpc->xmlrpcBase64:
+                        $rs.="<${typ}>" . base64_encode($val) . "</${typ}>";
+                        break;
+                    case $xmlrpc->xmlrpcBoolean:
+                        $rs.="<${typ}>" . ($val ? '1' : '0') . "</${typ}>";
+                        break;
+                    case $xmlrpc->xmlrpcString:
+                        // G. Giunta 2005/2/13: do NOT use htmlentities, since
+                        // it will produce named html entities, which are invalid xml
+                        $rs.="<${typ}>" . xmlrpc_encode_entitites($val, $xmlrpc->xmlrpc_internalencoding, $charset_encoding). "</${typ}>";
+                        break;
+                    case $xmlrpc->xmlrpcInt:
+                    case $xmlrpc->xmlrpcI4:
+                        $rs.="<${typ}>".(int)$val."</${typ}>";
+                        break;
+                    case $xmlrpc->xmlrpcDouble:
+                        // avoid using standard conversion of float to string because it is locale-dependent,
+                        // and also because the xmlrpc spec forbids exponential notation.
+                        // sprintf('%F') could be most likely ok but it fails eg. on 2e-14.
+                        // The code below tries its best at keeping max precision while avoiding exp notation,
+                        // but there is of course no limit in the number of decimal places to be used...
+                        $rs.="<${typ}>".preg_replace('/\\.?0+$/','',number_format((double)$val, 128, '.', ''))."</${typ}>";
+                        break;
+                    case $xmlrpc->xmlrpcDateTime:
+                        if (is_string($val))
+                        {
+                            $rs.="<${typ}>${val}</${typ}>";
+                        }
+                        else if(is_a($val, 'DateTime'))
+                        {
+                            $rs.="<${typ}>".$val->format('Ymd\TH:i:s')."</${typ}>";
+                        }
+                        else if(is_int($val))
+                        {
+                            $rs.="<${typ}>".strftime("%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S", $val)."</${typ}>";
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            // not really a good idea here: but what shall we output anyway? left for backward compat...
+                            $rs.="<${typ}>${val}</${typ}>";
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    case $xmlrpc->xmlrpcNull:
+                        if ($xmlrpc->xmlrpc_null_apache_encoding)
+                        {
+                            $rs.="<ex:nil/>";
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            $rs.="<nil/>";
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    default:
+                        // no standard type value should arrive here, but provide a possibility
+                        // for xmlrpcvals of unknown type...
+                        $rs.="<${typ}>${val}</${typ}>";
+                }
+                break;
+            case 3:
+                // struct
+                if ($this->_php_class)
+                {
+                    $rs.='<struct php_class="' . $this->_php_class . "\">\n";
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    $rs.="<struct>\n";
+                }
+                foreach($val as $key2 => $val2)
+                {
+                    $rs.='<member><name>'.xmlrpc_encode_entitites($key2, $xmlrpc->xmlrpc_internalencoding, $charset_encoding)."</name>\n";
+                    //$rs.=$this->serializeval($val2);
+                    $rs.=$val2->serialize($charset_encoding);
+                    $rs.="</member>\n";
+                }
+                $rs.='</struct>';
+                break;
+            case 2:
+                // array
+                $rs.="<array>\n<data>\n";
+                for($i=0; $i<count($val); $i++)
+                {
+                    //$rs.=$this->serializeval($val[$i]);
+                    $rs.=$val[$i]->serialize($charset_encoding);
+                }
+                $rs.="</data>\n</array>";
+                break;
+            default:
+                break;
+        }
+        return $rs;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Returns xml representation of the value. XML prologue not included
+    * @param string $charset_encoding the charset to be used for serialization. if null, US-ASCII is assumed
+    * @return string
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function serialize($charset_encoding='')
+    {
+        // add check? slower, but helps to avoid recursion in serializing broken xmlrpcvals...
+        //if (is_object($o) && (get_class($o) == 'xmlrpcval' || is_subclass_of($o, 'xmlrpcval')))
+        //{
+            reset($this->me);
+            list($typ, $val) = each($this->me);
+            return '<value>' . $this->serializedata($typ, $val, $charset_encoding) . "</value>\n";
+        //}
+    }
+    function serializeval($o)
+    {
+        // add check? slower, but helps to avoid recursion in serializing broken xmlrpcvals...
+        //if (is_object($o) && (get_class($o) == 'xmlrpcval' || is_subclass_of($o, 'xmlrpcval')))
+        //{
+            $ar=$o->me;
+            reset($ar);
+            list($typ, $val) = each($ar);
+            return '<value>' . $this->serializedata($typ, $val) . "</value>\n";
+        //}
+    }
+    /**
+    * Checks whether a struct member with a given name is present.
+    * Works only on xmlrpcvals of type struct.
+    * @param string $m the name of the struct member to be looked up
+    * @return boolean
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function structmemexists($m)
+    {
+        return array_key_exists($m, $this->me['struct']);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Returns the value of a given struct member (an xmlrpcval object in itself).
+    * Will raise a php warning if struct member of given name does not exist
+    * @param string $m the name of the struct member to be looked up
+    * @return xmlrpcval
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function structmem($m)
+    {
+        return $this->me['struct'][$m];
+    }
+    /**
+    * Reset internal pointer for xmlrpcvals of type struct.
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function structreset()
+    {
+        reset($this->me['struct']);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Return next member element for xmlrpcvals of type struct.
+    * @return xmlrpcval
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function structeach()
+    {
+        return each($this->me['struct']);
+    }
+    // DEPRECATED! this code looks like it is very fragile and has not been fixed
+    // for a long long time. Shall we remove it for 2.0?
+    function getval()
+    {
+        // UNSTABLE
+        reset($this->me);
+        list($a,$b)=each($this->me);
+        // contributed by I Sofer, 2001-03-24
+        // add support for nested arrays to scalarval
+        // i've created a new method here, so as to
+        // preserve back compatibility
+        if(is_array($b))
+        {
+            @reset($b);
+            while(list($id,$cont) = @each($b))
+            {
+                $b[$id] = $cont->scalarval();
+            }
+        }
+        // add support for structures directly encoding php objects
+        if(is_object($b))
+        {
+            $t = get_object_vars($b);
+            @reset($t);
+            while(list($id,$cont) = @each($t))
+            {
+                $t[$id] = $cont->scalarval();
+            }
+            @reset($t);
+            while(list($id,$cont) = @each($t))
+            {
+                @$b->$id = $cont;
+            }
+        }
+        // end contrib
+        return $b;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Returns the value of a scalar xmlrpcval
+    * @return mixed
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function scalarval()
+    {
+        reset($this->me);
+        list(,$b)=each($this->me);
+        return $b;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Returns the type of the xmlrpcval.
+    * For integers, 'int' is always returned in place of 'i4'
+    * @return string
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function scalartyp()
+    {
+        $xmlrpc = Xmlrpc::instance();
+        reset($this->me);
+        list($a,)=each($this->me);
+        if($a==$xmlrpc->xmlrpcI4)
+        {
+            $a=$xmlrpc->xmlrpcInt;
+        }
+        return $a;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Returns the m-th member of an xmlrpcval of struct type
+    * @param integer $m the index of the value to be retrieved (zero based)
+    * @return xmlrpcval
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function arraymem($m)
+    {
+        return $this->me['array'][$m];
+    }
+    /**
+    * Returns the number of members in an xmlrpcval of array type
+    * @return integer
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function arraysize()
+    {
+        return count($this->me['array']);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Returns the number of members in an xmlrpcval of struct type
+    * @return integer
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function structsize()
+    {
+        return count($this->me['struct']);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file