2017-03-13 Thierry Parmentelattrying out the hint from github issue remove-xmlrpc
2017-02-15 Thierry Parmentelattypo
2017-02-15 Thierry Parmentelatmiscell
2017-02-15 Thierry Parmentelatenable null extension
2017-02-13 Thierry Parmentelatour own xmlrpc build is about supporting <nil/> - aka...
2017-02-08 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag plcapi-5.3-11 plcapi-5.3-11
2016-12-16 Thierry Parmentelatprettified r2lab
2016-12-13 Thierry Parmentelatleasefilter has the new ‘day’ key
2016-12-13 Thierry Parmentelatleasefilter pep8’ed
2016-12-13 Thierry Parmentelatmake GetLeases reachable with anon auth
2016-12-12 Thierry Parmentelatr2lab is migrating from a previous depl. based on omf_sfa
2016-08-25 Thierry Parmentelatupdate hint link
2016-08-25 Thierry Parmentelatfix issue with escaping unicode strings for xmlrpc
2016-08-25 Thierry Parmentelatremove simplejson dependency
2016-08-25 Thierry Parmentelatuse standard json module
2016-07-10 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag plcapi-5.3-10 plcapi-5.3-10
2016-07-07 Thierry Parmentelatdefine systemd.log_target=console when used with system...
2015-06-26 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag plcapi-5.3-9 plcapi-5.3-9
2015-06-02 Thierry Parmentelata slightly clearer version of GetSliceFamily
2015-04-24 Thierry Parmentelatcosmetic
2015-04-24 Thierry Parmentelatdefine new boot_state 'upgrade'
2015-04-24 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag plcapi-5.3-8 plcapi-5.3-8
2015-04-24 Thierry ParmentelatGetBootMedium: when running, the log used...
2015-04-24 Thierry Parmentelatfixed make sync - use ssh and not lxc-enter-namespace
2015-04-03 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag plcapi-5.3-7 plcapi-5.3-7
2015-03-03 Thierry ParmentelatGetBootMedium accepts the 'systemd-debug' option to...
2015-03-02 Thierry Parmentelatclean up Makefile's sync target - we do not own any...
2015-03-02 Thierry Parmentelatreview 'print' statements - make sure to use PLC.Debug...
2015-02-18 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag plcapi-5.3-6 plcapi-5.3-6
2015-01-03 Thierry Parmentelatplcapi stops requiring SOAPpy starting with fedora21...
2015-01-02 Thierry Parmentelatpatch in our xmlrpc-php layer for fedora21
2014-11-05 Thierry Parmentelatinstrument the email-checking code to expose problemati...
2014-09-16 Guilherme Sperb... Added the role 'node' to the DeleteSliceTag method... ipv6
2014-09-16 Guilherme Sperb... just included the ipv6 to the Accessors' init
2014-09-12 Guilherme Sperb... added the accessor for the ipv6 support in slices
2014-08-19 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag plcapi-5.3-5 plcapi-5.3-5
2014-08-19 Thierry Parmentelatallow GetSlices to filter on tags as well
2014-08-19 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag plcapi-5.3-4 plcapi-5.3-4
2014-08-18 Thierry Parmentelattags defined on Person and Site were not exposed to...
2014-07-18 Thierry ParmentelatMerge branch 'master' of ssh://
2014-07-18 Thierry Parmentelatmake sync: no /rootfs/ anymore, and using lxc-enter...
2014-06-02 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag plcapi-5.3-3 plcapi-5.3-3
2014-05-16 Thierry Parmentelatexceptions thrown by AddPersonToSlice and DeletePersonF...
2014-03-21 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag plcapi-5.3-2 plcapi-5.3-2
2014-02-25 Tony Mackincrease max slice_name length to 64 chars
2014-02-25 Tony Mackincrease max login_base length to 32 chars
2014-01-09 Thierry Parmentelatpython-2.7 is now for granted
2014-01-09 Thierry Parmentelatnoreal change, just nicer requires
2014-01-09 Thierry ParmentelatRequires: python-lxml
2014-01-09 Thierry Parmentelatan attempt to reinstate wsdl generation, not such a...
2014-01-09 Thierry ParmentelatPLC.GPG (used in slice ticket methods) does not use...
2014-01-09 Thierry Parmentelatbugfix
2014-01-08 Thierry Parmentelatturn off wsdl generation for now as this requires PyXML...
2013-12-10 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag plcapi-5.3-1 plcapi-5.3-1
2013-12-10 Thierry Parmentelatbump version number to 5.3
2013-12-06 Mohamed LarabiRefreshPeer now manages Site*Person and Person*Role...
2013-12-03 Mohamed Larabifix GetPeerData()
2013-11-29 Mohamed Larabihandle peers with old version of myplc that does not...
2013-11-29 Mohamed LarabiGetPeerData() ignores Sites/Slices/Persons that have...
2013-11-26 Mohamed LarabiAddPersonToSite: fix updating person's HRN
2013-11-18 Mohamed LarabiUpdateSite: check if tagtype HRN exists before setting...
2013-11-15 Mohamed LarabiUpdatePerson: fix the part of updating the person HRN tag
2013-11-15 Mohamed LarabiUpdateSite: if site tag HRN does not exist then we...
2013-11-14 Mohamed LarabiUpdate Site HRN when Site's login_base is updated
2013-11-14 Mohamed LarabiUpdate Person HRN when Person's email is updated
2013-11-14 Mohamed LarabiSet Site/Slice HRN when new Site/Slice is created
2013-11-13 Mohamed LarabiIdentify objects (Site/Slice/Person) created through...
2013-10-31 Mohamed Larabicreate an accessor for hrns also for sites
2013-10-10 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag plcapi-5.2-10 plcapi-5.2-10 plcapi-5.3-0
2013-10-10 Mohamed LarabiAdd slicename_to_hrn in order to check slice HRN as...
2013-09-20 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag plcapi-5.2-9 plcapi-5.2-9
2013-09-12 Thierry Parmentelatcreate an accessor for hrns also for slices
2013-08-28 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag plcapi-5.2-8 plcapi-5.2-8
2013-07-25 Thierry Parmentelatfix for WSGI-based PLCAPI, on behalf of Thomas Dreibholz
2013-06-28 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag plcapi-5.2-7 plcapi-5.2-7
2013-06-28 Thierry ParmentelatMerge branch 'master' of ssh://
2013-06-28 Thierry Parmentelatremove plc.d/omf-slicemgr as well
2013-06-28 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag plcapi-5.2-6 plcapi-5.2-6
2013-06-27 Thierry Parmentelatsecond pass of cleanup for omf aspects
2013-06-27 Thierry Parmentelatmkdir var/log
2013-06-27 Thierry Parmentelattear down omf aspects as this is not needed any more...
2013-06-27 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag plcapi-5.2-5 plcapi-5.2-5
2013-06-27 Thierry Parmentelathave ResolveSlices return 'expires' too
2013-06-26 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag plcapi-5.2-4 plcapi-5.2-4
2013-06-26 Thierry Parmentelatfinal names RetrieveSliceSliverKeys and RetrieveSlicePe...
2013-06-26 Thierry Parmentelatadd filtering on node to RetrieveSliceSshKeys
2013-06-26 Thierry Parmentelatbugfix
2013-06-26 Thierry Parmentelatfix make sync, back to using /vservers/ as the root...
2013-06-26 Thierry Parmentelatrename GetSliceSshKeys into RetrieveSliceSshKeys
2013-05-29 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag plcapi-5.2-3 plcapi-5.2-3
2013-05-27 smbakeradd support for netconfig aspect
2013-05-26 Thierry Parmentelatreverting change about wsgi, that would have required...
2013-05-25 Thierry Parmentelatreverting Scott's change - he is to use aspects instead
2013-05-24 Thierry Parmentelatan attempt at diagnosing wsgi issues more accurately
2013-04-25 smbakerAdd notification plugin support to AddSliceToNodes...
2013-04-24 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag plcapi-5.2-2 plcapi-5.2-2
2013-04-24 Thierry Parmentelatremove comment about broken bootcd as this is now fixed
2013-04-23 Thierry Parmentelatwhen computing hrns, try to use SFA code first, otherwi...
2013-04-12 Thierry Parmentelatadded comment on missing version number in bootcd image...
2013-03-08 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag plcapi-5.2-1 plcapi-5.2-1