bugfix: the slice page was broken when nobody is in slice
[plewww.git] / googlemap /
2019-11-28 Thierry Parmentelat2to3 on degree2decimal.py
2019-11-28 Thierry Parmentelatdegree2decimal.py is another python2 script
2013-11-15 Ciro Scognamiglionew google maps api v3
2013-11-05 Thierry Parmentelata gmap-api v3 compatible replacement for the googlemap
2012-04-18 Thierry Parmentelatneeded in new plc-kml.py
2012-04-18 Thierry Parmentelatupdated from running PLE
2009-01-06 Thierry Parmentelatthe misc/ directory also comes with drupal