offically terminate eucalyptus & xmlbuilder
authorThierry Parmentelat <>
Fri, 1 Apr 2016 09:51:29 +0000 (11:51 +0200)
committerThierry Parmentelat <>
Fri, 1 Apr 2016 10:02:14 +0000 (12:02 +0200)
15 files changed:
sfa/managers/ [deleted file]
xmlbuilder-0.9/LICENSE [deleted file]
xmlbuilder-0.9/ [deleted file]
xmlbuilder-0.9/PKG-INFO [deleted file]
xmlbuilder-0.9/README.txt [deleted file]
xmlbuilder-0.9/setup.cfg [deleted file]
xmlbuilder-0.9/ [deleted file]
xmlbuilder-0.9/xmlbuilder.egg-info/PKG-INFO [deleted file]
xmlbuilder-0.9/xmlbuilder.egg-info/SOURCES.txt [deleted file]
xmlbuilder-0.9/xmlbuilder.egg-info/dependency_links.txt [deleted file]
xmlbuilder-0.9/xmlbuilder.egg-info/top_level.txt [deleted file]
xmlbuilder-0.9/xmlbuilder/ [deleted file]
xmlbuilder-0.9/xmlbuilder/docs/long_descr.rst [deleted file]
xmlbuilder-0.9/xmlbuilder/tests/ [deleted file]

index 39aa494..047de43 100644 (file)
--- a/sfa.spec
+++ b/sfa.spec
@@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ Requires: python-psycopg2
 # f8=0.4 - f12=0.5 f14=0.6 f16=0.7
 Requires: python-sqlalchemy
 Requires: python-migrate
 # f8=0.4 - f12=0.5 f14=0.6 f16=0.7
 Requires: python-sqlalchemy
 Requires: python-migrate
-# the eucalyptus aggregate uses this module
-#Requires: python-xmlbuilder
 # for uuidgen - used in db password generation
 # on f8 this actually comes with e2fsprogs, go figure
 Requires: util-linux-ng
 # for uuidgen - used in db password generation
 # on f8 this actually comes with e2fsprogs, go figure
 Requires: util-linux-ng
diff --git a/sfa/managers/ b/sfa/managers/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2356f33..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,701 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import with_statement 
-import sys
-import os, errno
-import logging
-import datetime
-from multiprocessing import Process
-from time import sleep
-import boto
-from boto.ec2.regioninfo import RegionInfo
-from boto.exception import EC2ResponseError
-from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
-from xmlbuilder import XMLBuilder
-from lxml import etree as ET
-from sqlobject import *
-from sfa.util.faults import InvalidRSpec 
-from sfa.util.xrn import urn_to_hrn, Xrn
-from sfa.util.callids import Callids
-#comes with its own logging
-#from sfa.util.sfalogging import logger
-from sfa.util.version import version_core
-from import Credential
-from sfa.rspecs.version_manager import VersionManager
-from sfa.rspecs.rspec import RSpec
-from sfa.planetlab.plaggregate import PlAggregate
-from sfa.planetlab.plslices import PlSlices
-from sfa.planetlab.plxrn import slicename_to_hrn
-# Meta data of an instance.
-class Meta(SQLObject):
-    instance   = SingleJoin('EucaInstance')
-    state      = StringCol(default = 'new')
-    pub_addr   = StringCol(default = None)
-    pri_addr   = StringCol(default = None)
-    start_time = DateTimeCol(default = None)
-# A representation of an Eucalyptus instance. This is a support class
-# for instance <-> slice mapping.
-class EucaInstance(SQLObject):
-    instance_id = StringCol(unique=True, default=None)
-    kernel_id   = StringCol()
-    image_id    = StringCol()
-    ramdisk_id  = StringCol()
-    inst_type   = StringCol()
-    key_pair    = StringCol()
-    slice       = ForeignKey('Slice')
-    meta        = ForeignKey('Meta')
-    ##
-    # Contacts Eucalyptus and tries to reserve this instance.
-    # 
-    # @param botoConn A connection to Eucalyptus.
-    # @param pubKeys A list of public keys for the instance.
-    #
-    def reserveInstance(self, botoConn, pubKeys):
-        logger = logging.getLogger('EucaAggregate')
-'Reserving an instance: image: %s, kernel: ' \
-                    '%s, ramdisk: %s, type: %s, key: %s' % \
-                    (self.image_id, self.kernel_id, self.ramdisk_id,
-                    self.inst_type, self.key_pair))
-        try:
-            reservation = botoConn.run_instances(self.image_id,
-                                                 kernel_id = self.kernel_id,
-                                                 ramdisk_id = self.ramdisk_id,
-                                                 instance_type = self.inst_type,
-                                                 key_name  = self.key_pair,
-                                                 user_data = pubKeys)
-            for instance in reservation.instances:
-                self.instance_id =
-        # If there is an error, destroy itself.
-        except EC2ResponseError as ec2RespErr:
-            errTree = ET.fromstring(ec2RespErr.body)
-            msg = errTree.find('.//Message')
-            logger.error(msg.text)
-            self.destroySelf()
-# A representation of a PlanetLab slice. This is a support class
-# for instance <-> slice mapping.
-class Slice(SQLObject):
-    slice_hrn = StringCol()
-    #slice_index = DatabaseIndex('slice_hrn')
-    instances = MultipleJoin('EucaInstance')
-# A class that builds the RSpec for Eucalyptus.
-class EucaRSpecBuilder(object):
-    ##
-    # Initizes a RSpec builder
-    #
-    # @param cloud A dictionary containing data about a 
-    #              cloud (ex. clusters, ip)
-    def __init__(self, cloud):
-        self.eucaRSpec = XMLBuilder(format = True, tab_step = "  ")
-        self.cloudInfo = cloud
-    ##
-    # Creates a request stanza.
-    # 
-    # @param num The number of instances to create.
-    # @param image The disk image id.
-    # @param kernel The kernel image id.
-    # @param keypair Key pair to embed.
-    # @param ramdisk Ramdisk id (optional).
-    #
-    def __requestXML(self, num, image, kernel, keypair, ramdisk = ''):
-        xml = self.eucaRSpec
-        with xml.request:
-            with xml.instances:
-                xml << str(num)
-            with xml.kernel_image(id=kernel):
-                xml << ''
-            if ramdisk == '':
-                with xml.ramdisk:
-                    xml << ''
-            else:
-                with xml.ramdisk(id=ramdisk):
-                    xml << ''
-            with xml.disk_image(id=image):
-                xml << ''
-            with xml.keypair:
-                xml << keypair
-    ##
-    # Creates the cluster stanza.
-    #
-    # @param clusters Clusters information.
-    #
-    def __clustersXML(self, clusters):
-        cloud = self.cloudInfo
-        xml = self.eucaRSpec
-        for cluster in clusters:
-            instances = cluster['instances']
-            with xml.cluster(id=cluster['name']):
-                with xml.ipv4:
-                    xml << cluster['ip']
-                with xml.vm_types:
-                    for inst in instances:
-                        with xml.vm_type(name=inst[0]):
-                            with xml.free_slots:
-                                xml << str(inst[1])
-                            with xml.max_instances:
-                                xml << str(inst[2])
-                            with xml.cores:
-                                xml << str(inst[3])
-                            with xml.memory(unit='MB'):
-                                xml << str(inst[4])
-                            with xml.disk_space(unit='GB'):
-                                xml << str(inst[5])
-                            if 'instances' in cloud and inst[0] in cloud['instances']:
-                                existingEucaInstances = cloud['instances'][inst[0]]
-                                with xml.euca_instances:
-                                    for eucaInst in existingEucaInstances:
-                                        with xml.euca_instance(id=eucaInst['id']):
-                                            with xml.state:
-                                                xml << eucaInst['state']
-                                            with xml.public_dns:
-                                                xml << eucaInst['public_dns']
-    def __imageBundleXML(self, bundles):
-        xml = self.eucaRSpec
-        with xml.bundles:
-            for bundle in bundles.keys():
-                with xml.bundle(id=bundle):
-                    xml << ''
-    ##
-    # Creates the Images stanza.
-    #
-    # @param images A list of images in Eucalyptus.
-    #
-    def __imagesXML(self, images):
-        xml = self.eucaRSpec
-        with xml.images:
-            for image in images:
-                with xml.image(
-                    with xml.type:
-                        xml << image.type
-                    with xml.arch:
-                        xml << image.architecture
-                    with xml.state:
-                        xml << image.state
-                    with xml.location:
-                        xml << image.location
-    ##
-    # Creates the KeyPairs stanza.
-    #
-    # @param keypairs A list of key pairs in Eucalyptus.
-    #
-    def __keyPairsXML(self, keypairs):
-        xml = self.eucaRSpec
-        with xml.keypairs:
-            for key in keypairs:
-                with xml.keypair:
-                    xml <<
-    ##
-    # Generates the RSpec.
-    #
-    def toXML(self):
-        logger = logging.getLogger('EucaAggregate')
-        if not self.cloudInfo:
-            logger.error('No cloud information')
-            return ''
-        xml = self.eucaRSpec
-        cloud = self.cloudInfo
-        with xml.RSpec(type='eucalyptus'):
-            with['name']):
-                with xml.ipv4:
-                    xml << cloud['ip']
-                #self.__keyPairsXML(cloud['keypairs'])
-                #self.__imagesXML(cloud['images'])
-                self.__imageBundleXML(cloud['imageBundles'])
-                self.__clustersXML(cloud['clusters'])
-        return str(xml)
-# A parser to parse the output of availability-zones.
-# Note: Only one cluster is supported. If more than one, this will
-#       not work.
-class ZoneResultParser(object):
-    def __init__(self, zones):
-        self.zones = zones
-    def parse(self):
-        if len(self.zones) < 3:
-            return
-        clusterList = []
-        cluster = {} 
-        instList = []
-        cluster['name'] = self.zones[0].name
-        cluster['ip']   = self.zones[0].state
-        for i in range(2, len(self.zones)):
-            currZone = self.zones[i]
-            instType =[1]
-            stateString = currZone.state.split('/')
-            rscString   = stateString[1].split()
-            instFree      = int(stateString[0])
-            instMax       = int(rscString[0])
-            instNumCpu    = int(rscString[1])
-            instRam       = int(rscString[2])
-            instDiskSpace = int(rscString[3])
-            instTuple = (instType, instFree, instMax, instNumCpu, instRam, instDiskSpace)
-            instList.append(instTuple)
-        cluster['instances'] = instList
-        clusterList.append(cluster)
-        return clusterList
-class AggregateManagerEucalyptus:
-    # The data structure used to represent a cloud.
-    # It contains the cloud name, its ip address, image information,
-    # key pairs, and clusters information.
-    cloud = {}
-    # The location of the RelaxNG schema.
-    EUCALYPTUS_RSPEC_SCHEMA='/etc/sfa/eucalyptus.rng'
-    _inited=False
-    # the init_server mechanism has vanished
-    def __init__ (self, config):
-        if AggregateManagerEucalyptus._inited: return
-        AggregateManagerEucalyptus.init_server()
-    # Initialize the aggregate manager by reading a configuration file.
-    @staticmethod
-    def init_server():
-        logger = logging.getLogger('EucaAggregate')
-        fileHandler = logging.FileHandler('/var/log/euca.log')
-        fileHandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'))
-        logger.addHandler(fileHandler)
-        fileHandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
-        logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
-        configParser = ConfigParser()
-['/etc/sfa/eucalyptus_aggregate.conf', 'eucalyptus_aggregate.conf'])
-        if len(configParser.sections()) < 1:
-            logger.error('No cloud defined in the config file')
-            raise Exception('Cannot find cloud definition in configuration file.')
-        # Only read the first section.
-        cloudSec = configParser.sections()[0]
-['name'] = cloudSec
-['access_key'] = configParser.get(cloudSec, 'access_key')
-['secret_key'] = configParser.get(cloudSec, 'secret_key')
-['cloud_url']  = configParser.get(cloudSec, 'cloud_url')
-        cloudURL =['cloud_url']
-        if cloudURL.find('https://') >= 0:
-            cloudURL = cloudURL.replace('https://', '')
-        elif cloudURL.find('http://') >= 0:
-            cloudURL = cloudURL.replace('http://', '')
-        (['ip'], parts) = cloudURL.split(':')
-        # Create image bundles
-        images = self.getEucaConnection().get_all_images()
-['images'] = images
-['imageBundles'] = {}
-        for i in images:
-            if i.type != 'machine' or i.kernel_id is None: continue
-            name = os.path.dirname(i.location)
-            detail = {'imageID' :, 'kernelID' : i.kernel_id, 'ramdiskID' : i.ramdisk_id}
-  ['imageBundles'][name] = detail
-        # Initialize sqlite3 database and tables.
-        dbPath = '/etc/sfa/db'
-        dbName = 'euca_aggregate.db'
-        if not os.path.isdir(dbPath):
-  '%s not found. Creating directory ...' % dbPath)
-            os.mkdir(dbPath)
-        conn = connectionForURI('sqlite://%s/%s' % (dbPath, dbName))
-        sqlhub.processConnection = conn
-        Slice.createTable(ifNotExists=True)
-        EucaInstance.createTable(ifNotExists=True)
-        Meta.createTable(ifNotExists=True)
-        # Start the update process to keep track of the meta data
-        # about Eucalyptus instance.
-        Process(target=AggregateManagerEucalyptus.updateMeta).start()
-        # Make sure the schema exists.
-        if not os.path.exists(AggregateManagerEucalyptus.EUCALYPTUS_RSPEC_SCHEMA):
-            err = 'Cannot location schema at %s' % AggregateManagerEucalyptus.EUCALYPTUS_RSPEC_SCHEMA
-            logger.error(err)
-            raise Exception(err)
-    #
-    # A separate process that will update the meta data.
-    #
-    @staticmethod    
-    def updateMeta():
-        logger = logging.getLogger('EucaMeta')
-        fileHandler = logging.FileHandler('/var/log/euca_meta.log')
-        fileHandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'))
-        logger.addHandler(fileHandler)
-        fileHandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
-        logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
-        while True:
-            sleep(30)
-            # Get IDs of the instances that don't have IPs yet.
-            dbResults =
-                          AND(Meta.q.pri_addr == None,
-                              Meta.q.state    != 'deleted')
-                        )
-            dbResults = list(dbResults)
-            logger.debug('[update process] dbResults: %s' % dbResults)
-            instids = []
-            for r in dbResults:
-                if not r.instance:
-                    continue
-                instids.append(r.instance.instance_id)
-            logger.debug('[update process] Instance Id: %s' % ', '.join(instids))
-            # Get instance information from Eucalyptus
-            conn = self.getEucaConnection()
-            vmInstances = []
-            reservations = conn.get_all_instances(instids)
-            for reservation in reservations:
-                vmInstances += reservation.instances
-            # Check the IPs
-            instIPs = [ {'id', 'pri_addr':i.private_dns_name, 'pub_addr':i.public_dns_name}
-                        for i in vmInstances if i.private_dns_name != '' ]
-            logger.debug('[update process] IP dict: %s' % str(instIPs))
-            # Update the local DB
-            for ipData in instIPs:
-                dbInst = == ipData['id']).getOne(None)
-                if not dbInst:
-          '[update process] Could not find %s in DB' % ipData['id'])
-                    continue
-                dbInst.meta.pri_addr = ipData['pri_addr']
-                dbInst.meta.pub_addr = ipData['pub_addr']
-                dbInst.meta.state    = 'running'
-            self.dumpinstanceInfo()
-    ##
-    # Creates a connection to Eucalytpus. This function is inspired by 
-    # the make_connection() in Euca2ools.
-    #
-    # @return A connection object or None
-    #
-    def getEucaConnection():
-        accessKey =['access_key']
-        secretKey =['secret_key']
-        eucaURL   =['cloud_url']
-        useSSL    = False
-        srvPath   = '/'
-        eucaPort  = 8773
-        logger    = logging.getLogger('EucaAggregate')
-        if not accessKey or not secretKey or not eucaURL:
-            logger.error('Please set ALL of the required environment ' \
-                         'variables by sourcing the eucarc file.')
-            return None
-        # Split the url into parts
-        if eucaURL.find('https://') >= 0:
-            useSSL  = True
-            eucaURL = eucaURL.replace('https://', '')
-        elif eucaURL.find('http://') >= 0:
-            useSSL  = False
-            eucaURL = eucaURL.replace('http://', '')
-        (eucaHost, parts) = eucaURL.split(':')
-        if len(parts) > 1:
-            parts = parts.split('/')
-            eucaPort = int(parts[0])
-            parts = parts[1:]
-            srvPath = '/'.join(parts)
-        return boto.connect_ec2(aws_access_key_id=accessKey,
-                                aws_secret_access_key=secretKey,
-                                is_secure=useSSL,
-                                region=RegionInfo(None, 'eucalyptus', eucaHost), 
-                                port=eucaPort,
-                                path=srvPath)
-    def ListResources(api, creds, options):
-        call_id = options.get('call_id') 
-        if Callids().already_handled(call_id): return ""
-        # get slice's hrn from options
-        xrn = options.get('geni_slice_urn', '')
-        hrn, type = urn_to_hrn(xrn)
-        logger = logging.getLogger('EucaAggregate')
-        # get hrn of the original caller
-        origin_hrn = options.get('origin_hrn', None)
-        if not origin_hrn:
-            origin_hrn = Credential(string=creds[0]).get_gid_caller().get_hrn()
-        conn = self.getEucaConnection()
-        if not conn:
-            logger.error('Cannot create a connection to Eucalyptus')
-            return 'Cannot create a connection to Eucalyptus'
-        try:
-            # Zones
-            zones = conn.get_all_zones(['verbose'])
-            p = ZoneResultParser(zones)
-            clusters = p.parse()
-  ['clusters'] = clusters
-            # Images
-            images = conn.get_all_images()
-  ['images'] = images
-  ['imageBundles'] = {}
-            for i in images:
-                if i.type != 'machine' or i.kernel_id is None: continue
-                name = os.path.dirname(i.location)
-                detail = {'imageID' :, 'kernelID' : i.kernel_id, 'ramdiskID' : i.ramdisk_id}
-      ['imageBundles'][name] = detail
-            # Key Pairs
-            keyPairs = conn.get_all_key_pairs()
-  ['keypairs'] = keyPairs
-            if hrn:
-                instanceId = []
-                instances  = []
-                # Get the instances that belong to the given slice from sqlite3
-                # XXX use getOne() in production because the slice's hrn is supposed
-                # to be unique. For testing, uniqueness is turned off in the db.
-                # If the slice isn't found in the database, create a record for the 
-                # slice.
-                matchedSlices = list( == hrn))
-                if matchedSlices:
-                    theSlice = matchedSlices[-1]
-                else:
-                    theSlice = Slice(slice_hrn = hrn)
-                for instance in theSlice.instances:
-                    instanceId.append(instance.instance_id)
-                # Get the information about those instances using their ids.
-                if len(instanceId) > 0:
-                    reservations = conn.get_all_instances(instanceId)
-                else:
-                    reservations = []
-                for reservation in reservations:
-                    for instance in reservation.instances:
-                        instances.append(instance)
-                # Construct a dictionary for the EucaRSpecBuilder
-                instancesDict = {}
-                for instance in instances:
-                    instList = instancesDict.setdefault(instance.instance_type, [])
-                    instInfoDict = {} 
-                    instInfoDict['id'] =
-                    instInfoDict['public_dns'] = instance.public_dns_name
-                    instInfoDict['state'] = instance.state
-                    instInfoDict['key'] = instance.key_name
-                    instList.append(instInfoDict)
-      ['instances'] = instancesDict
-        except EC2ResponseError as ec2RespErr:
-            errTree = ET.fromstring(ec2RespErr.body)
-            errMsgE = errTree.find('.//Message')
-            logger.error(errMsgE.text)
-        rspec = EucaRSpecBuilder(
-        # Remove the instances records so next time they won't 
-        # show up.
-        if 'instances' in
-            del['instances']
-        return rspec
-    """
-    Hook called via ' create'
-    """
-    def CreateSliver(api, slice_xrn, creds, xml, users, options):
-        call_id = options.get('call_id') 
-        if Callids().already_handled(call_id): return ""
-        logger = logging.getLogger('EucaAggregate')
-        logger.debug("In CreateSliver")
-        aggregate = PlAggregate(self.driver)
-        slices = PlSlices(self.driver)
-        (hrn, type) = urn_to_hrn(slice_xrn)
-        peer = slices.get_peer(hrn)
-        sfa_peer = slices.get_sfa_peer(hrn)
-        slice_record=None
-        if users:
-            slice_record = users[0].get('slice_record', {})
-        conn = self.getEucaConnection()
-        if not conn:
-            logger.error('Cannot create a connection to Eucalyptus')
-            return ""
-        # Validate RSpec
-        schemaXML = ET.parse(AggregateManagerEucalyptus.EUCALYPTUS_RSPEC_SCHEMA)
-        rspecValidator = ET.RelaxNG(schemaXML)
-        rspecXML = ET.XML(xml)
-        for network in rspecXML.iterfind("./network"):
-            if network.get('name') !=['name']:
-                # Throw away everything except my own RSpec
-                # sfa_logger().error("CreateSliver: deleting %s from rspec"%network.get('id'))
-                network.getparent().remove(network)
-        if not rspecValidator(rspecXML):
-            error = rspecValidator.error_log.last_error
-            message = '%s (line %s)' % (error.message, error.line) 
-            raise InvalidRSpec(message)
-        """
-        Create the sliver[s] (slice) at this aggregate.
-        Verify HRN and initialize the slice record in PLC if necessary.
-        """
-        # ensure site record exists
-        site = slices.verify_site(hrn, slice_record, peer, sfa_peer)
-        # ensure slice record exists
-        slice = slices.verify_slice(hrn, slice_record, peer, sfa_peer)
-        # ensure person records exists
-        persons = slices.verify_persons(hrn, slice, users, peer, sfa_peer)
-        # Get the slice from db or create one.
-        s = == hrn).getOne(None)
-        if s is None:
-            s = Slice(slice_hrn = hrn)
-        # Process any changes in existing instance allocation
-        pendingRmInst = []
-        for sliceInst in s.instances:
-            pendingRmInst.append(sliceInst.instance_id)
-        existingInstGroup = rspecXML.findall(".//euca_instances")
-        for instGroup in existingInstGroup:
-            for existingInst in instGroup:
-                if existingInst.get('id') in pendingRmInst:
-                    pendingRmInst.remove(existingInst.get('id'))
-        for inst in pendingRmInst:
-            dbInst = == inst).getOne(None)
-            if dbInst.meta.state != 'deleted':
-                logger.debug('Instance %s will be terminated' % inst)
-                # Terminate instances one at a time for robustness
-                conn.terminate_instances([inst])
-                # Only change the state but do not remove the entry from the DB.
-                dbInst.meta.state = 'deleted'
-                #dbInst.destroySelf()
-        # Process new instance requests
-        requests = rspecXML.findall(".//request")
-        if requests:
-            # Get all the public keys associate with slice.
-            keys = []
-            for user in users:
-                keys += user['keys']
-                logger.debug("Keys: %s" % user['keys'])
-            pubKeys = '\n'.join(keys)
-            logger.debug('Passing the following keys to the instance:\n%s' % pubKeys)
-        for req in requests:
-            vmTypeElement = req.getparent()
-            instType = vmTypeElement.get('name')
-            numInst  = int(req.find('instances').text)
-            bundleName = req.find('bundle').text
-            if not['imageBundles'][bundleName]:
-                logger.error('Cannot find bundle %s' % bundleName)
-            bundleInfo =['imageBundles'][bundleName]
-            instKernel  = bundleInfo['kernelID']
-            instDiskImg = bundleInfo['imageID']
-            instRamDisk = bundleInfo['ramdiskID']
-            instKey     = None
-            # Create the instances
-            for i in range(0, numInst):
-                eucaInst = EucaInstance(slice      = s,
-                                        kernel_id  = instKernel,
-                                        image_id   = instDiskImg,
-                                        ramdisk_id = instRamDisk,
-                                        key_pair   = instKey,
-                                        inst_type  = instType,
-                                        meta       = Meta(start_time=datetime.datetime.utcnow()))
-                eucaInst.reserveInstance(conn, pubKeys)
-        # xxx - should return altered rspec 
-        # with enough data for the client to understand what's happened
-        return xml
-    ##
-    # Return information on the IP addresses bound to each slice's instances
-    #
-    def dumpInstanceInfo():
-        logger = logging.getLogger('EucaMeta')
-        outdir = "/var/www/html/euca/"
-        outfile = outdir + "instances.txt"
-        try:
-            os.makedirs(outdir)
-        except OSError as e:
-            if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
-                raise
-        dbResults =
-            AND(Meta.q.pri_addr != None,
-                Meta.q.state    == 'running')
-            )
-        dbResults = list(dbResults)
-        f = open(outfile, "w")
-        for r in dbResults:
-            instId = r.instance.instance_id
-            ipaddr = r.pri_addr
-            hrn = r.instance.slice.slice_hrn
-            logger.debug('[dumpInstanceInfo] %s %s %s' % (instId, ipaddr, hrn))
-            f.write("%s %s %s\n" % (instId, ipaddr, hrn))
-        f.close()
-    def GetVersion(api, options):
-        version_manager = VersionManager()
-        ad_rspec_versions = []
-        request_rspec_versions = []
-        for rspec_version in version_manager.versions:
-            if rspec_version.content_type in ['*', 'ad']:
-                ad_rspec_versions.append(rspec_version.to_dict())
-            if rspec_version.content_type in ['*', 'request']:
-                request_rspec_versions.append(rspec_version.to_dict())
-        xrn=Xrn(api.hrn)
-        version_more = {'interface':'aggregate',
-                        'sfa': 1,
-                        'geni_api': '2',
-                        'testbed':'myplc',
-                        'hrn':xrn.get_hrn(),
-                        'geni_request_rspec_versions': request_rspec_versions,
-                        'geni_ad_rspec_versions': ad_rspec_versions,
-                        }
-        return version_core(version_more)
diff --git a/xmlbuilder-0.9/LICENSE b/xmlbuilder-0.9/LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 0d0f57c..0000000
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@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-The MIT License\r
-Copyright (c) 2008 Konstantin Danilov aka koder\r
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\r
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal\r
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\r
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\r
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\r
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\r
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\r
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\r
diff --git a/xmlbuilder-0.9/ b/xmlbuilder-0.9/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 207725e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-include xmlbuild/docs *.rst\r
-include . LICENSE
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xmlbuilder-0.9/PKG-INFO b/xmlbuilder-0.9/PKG-INFO
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d931c15..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-Metadata-Version: 1.0\r
-Name: xmlbuilder\r
-Version: 0.9\r
-Summary: Pythonic way to create xml files\r
-Author: koder\r
-Author-email: koder_dot_mail@gmail_dot_com\r
-License: MIT\r
-Description: Example of usage:\r
-        -----------------\r
-        \r
-        \r
-        from __future__ import with_statement\r
-        from xmlbuilder import XMLBuilder\r
-        x = XMLBuilder(format=True)\r
-        with x.root(a = 1):\r
-        with\r
-        [x &lt;&lt; ('node',{'val':i}) for i in range(10)]\r
-        \r
-        print str(x)\r
-        \r
-        will print\r
-        \r
-        &lt;root a="1"&gt;\r
-        &lt;data&gt;\r
-        &lt;node val="0" /&gt;\r
-        &lt;node val="1" /&gt;\r
-        &lt;node val="2" /&gt;\r
-        &lt;node val="3" /&gt;\r
-        &lt;node val="4" /&gt;\r
-        &lt;node val="5" /&gt;\r
-        &lt;node val="6" /&gt;\r
-        &lt;node val="7" /&gt;\r
-        &lt;node val="8" /&gt;\r
-        &lt;node val="9" /&gt;\r
-        &lt;/data&gt;\r
-        &lt;/root&gt;\r
-        \r
-        Mercurial repo:\r
-        \r
-        Documentations\r
-        --------------\r
-        `XMLBuilder` is simple library build on top of `ElementTree.TreeBuilder` to\r
-        simplify xml files creation as much as possible. Althow it can produce\r
-        structured result with identated child tags. `XMLBuilder` use python `with`\r
-        statement to define xml tag levels and `&lt;&lt;` operator for simple cases -\r
-        text and tag without childs.\r
-        \r
-        First we need to create xmlbuilder\r
-        \r
-        from xmlbuilder import XMLBuilder\r
-        # params - encoding = 'utf8',\r
-        # builder = None, - ElementTree.TreeBuilder\r
-        # tab_level = None, - current tab l;evel - for formatted output only\r
-        # format = False, - create formatted output\r
-        # tab_step = " " * 4 - indentation step\r
-        xml = XMLBuilder()\r
-        \r
-        \r
-        Use `with` statement to make document structure\r
-        #create and open tag 'root_tag' with text 'text' and attributes\r
-        with xml.root_tag(text,attr1=val1,attr2=val2):\r
-        #create and open tag 'sub_tag'\r
-        with xml.sub_tag(text,attr3=val3):\r
-        #create tag which are not valid python identificator\r
-        with xml('one-more-sub-tag',attr7=val37):\r
-        xml &lt;&lt; "Some textual data"\r
-        #here tag 'one-more-sub-tag' are closed\r
-        #Tags without children can be created using `&lt;&lt;` operator\r
-        for val in range(15):\r
-        xml &lt;&lt; ('message',"python rocks!"[:i])\r
-        #create 15 child tag like &lt;message&gt; python r&lt;/message&gt;\r
-        #all tags closed\r
-        node = ~x # get etree.ElementTree object\r
-        xml_data = str(x)\r
-        unicode_xml_data = unicode(x)\r
-        \r
-Keywords: xml\r
-Platform: UNKNOWN\r
diff --git a/xmlbuilder-0.9/README.txt b/xmlbuilder-0.9/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7a7131f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Pythonic way to build xml files
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xmlbuilder-0.9/setup.cfg b/xmlbuilder-0.9/setup.cfg
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b14b0bc..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-tag_build = \r
-tag_date = 0\r
-tag_svn_revision = 0\r
diff --git a/xmlbuilder-0.9/ b/xmlbuilder-0.9/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index bac4b12..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import os
-import sys
-import glob
-import os.path
-from setuptools import setup
-#from distutils.core import setup
-if 'upload' in sys.argv:
-    # for .pypirc file
-    try:
-        os.environ['HOME']
-    except KeyError:
-        os.environ['HOME'] = '..\\'
-fpath = lambda x : os.path.join(*x.split('/'))
-PYPI_URL = ''
-ld = open(fpath('xmlbuilder/docs/long_descr.rst')).read()
-ld = ld.replace('&','&amp;').replace('<','&lt;').replace('>','&gt;')
-    name = "xmlbuilder",
-    fullname = "xmlbuilder",
-    version = "0.9",
-    packages = ["xmlbuilder"],
-    package_dir = {'xmlbuilder':'xmlbuilder'},
-    author = "koder",
-    author_email = "koder_dot_mail@gmail_dot_com",
-    maintainer = 'koder',
-    maintainer_email = "koder_dot_mail@gmail_dot_com",
-    description = "Pythonic way to create xml files",
-    license = "MIT",
-    keywords = "xml",
-    test_suite = "xml_buider.tests",
-    url = PYPI_URL,
-    download_url = PYPI_URL,
-    long_description = ld,
-    #include_package_data = True,
-    #package_data = {'xmlbuilder':["docs/*.rst"]},
-    #data_files = [('', ['xmlbuilder/docs/long_descr.rst'])]
diff --git a/xmlbuilder-0.9/xmlbuilder.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/xmlbuilder-0.9/xmlbuilder.egg-info/PKG-INFO
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 569b8ab..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-Metadata-Version: 1.1
-Name: xmlbuilder
-Version: 0.9
-Summary: Pythonic way to create xml files
-Author: koder
-Author-email: koder_dot_mail@gmail_dot_com
-License: MIT
-Description: Example of usage:\r
-        -----------------\r
-        \r
-        \r
-        from __future__ import with_statement\r
-        from xmlbuilder import XMLBuilder\r
-        x = XMLBuilder(format=True)\r
-        with x.root(a = 1):\r
-            with\r
-                [x &lt;&lt; ('node',{'val':i}) for i in range(10)]\r
-        \r
-        print str(x)\r
-        \r
-        will print\r
-        \r
-        &lt;root a="1"&gt;\r
-            &lt;data&gt;\r
-                &lt;node val="0" /&gt;\r
-                &lt;node val="1" /&gt;\r
-                &lt;node val="2" /&gt;\r
-                &lt;node val="3" /&gt;\r
-                &lt;node val="4" /&gt;\r
-                &lt;node val="5" /&gt;\r
-                &lt;node val="6" /&gt;\r
-                &lt;node val="7" /&gt;\r
-                &lt;node val="8" /&gt;\r
-                &lt;node val="9" /&gt;\r
-            &lt;/data&gt;\r
-        &lt;/root&gt;\r
-        \r
-        Mercurial repo:\r
-        \r
-        Documentations\r
-        --------------\r
-        `XMLBuilder` is simple library build on top of `ElementTree.TreeBuilder` to\r
-        simplify xml files creation as much as possible. Althow it can produce\r
-        structured result with identated child tags. `XMLBuilder` use python `with`\r
-        statement to define xml tag levels and `&lt;&lt;` operator for simple cases -\r
-        text and tag without childs.\r
-        \r
-        First we need to create xmlbuilder\r
-        \r
-            from xmlbuilder import XMLBuilder\r
-            # params - encoding = 'utf8',\r
-            # builder = None, - ElementTree.TreeBuilder \r
-            # tab_level = None, - current tab l;evel - for formatted output only\r
-            # format = False, - create formatted output\r
-            # tab_step = " " * 4 - indentation step\r
-            xml = XMLBuilder()\r
-        \r
-        \r
-        Use `with` statement to make document structure\r
-            #create and open tag 'root_tag' with text 'text' and attributes\r
-            with xml.root_tag(text,attr1=val1,attr2=val2):\r
-                #create and open tag 'sub_tag'\r
-                with xml.sub_tag(text,attr3=val3):\r
-                    #create tag which are not valid python identificator\r
-                    with xml('one-more-sub-tag',attr7=val37):\r
-                        xml &lt;&lt; "Some textual data"\r
-                    #here tag 'one-more-sub-tag' are closed\r
-                               #Tags without children can be created using `&lt;&lt;` operator\r
-                    for val in range(15):\r
-                        xml &lt;&lt; ('message',"python rocks!"[:i])\r
-                    #create 15 child tag like &lt;message&gt; python r&lt;/message&gt;\r
-            #all tags closed\r
-            node = ~x # get etree.ElementTree object\r
-            xml_data = str(x)\r
-            unicode_xml_data = unicode(x)\r
-Keywords: xml
-Platform: UNKNOWN
diff --git a/xmlbuilder-0.9/xmlbuilder.egg-info/SOURCES.txt b/xmlbuilder-0.9/xmlbuilder.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4cc27de..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xmlbuilder-0.9/xmlbuilder.egg-info/dependency_links.txt b/xmlbuilder-0.9/xmlbuilder.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8b13789..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/xmlbuilder-0.9/xmlbuilder.egg-info/top_level.txt b/xmlbuilder-0.9/xmlbuilder.egg-info/top_level.txt
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-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from __future__ import with_statement
-from xml.etree.ElementTree import TreeBuilder,tostring
-__all__ = ["XMLBuilder"]
-__doc__ = """
-XMLBuilder is simple library build on top of ElementTree.TreeBuilder to
-simplify xml files creation as much as possible. Althow it can produce
-structured result with identated child tags. `XMLBuilder` use python `with`
-statement to define xml tag levels and `<<` operator for simple cases -
-text and tag without childs.
-from __future__ import with_statement
-from xmlbuilder import XMLBuilder
-x = XMLBuilder(format=True)
-with x.root(a = 1):
-    with
-        [x << ('node',{'val':i}) for i in range(10)]
-etree_node = ~x
-print str(x)
-class _XMLNode(object):
-    """Class for internal usage"""
-    def __init__(self,parent,name,builder):
-        self.builder = builder
- = name
-        self.text = []
-        self.attrs = {}
-        self.entered = False
-        self.parent = parent
-    def __call__(self,*dt,**mp):
-        text = "".join(dt)
-        if self.entered:
-        else:
-            self.text.append(text)
-        if self.entered:
-            raise ValueError("Can't add attributes to already opened element")
-        smp = dict((k,str(v)) for k,v in mp.items())
-        self.attrs.update(smp)
-        return self
-    def __enter__(self):
-        self.parent += 1
-        self.builder.start(,self.attrs)
-        self.entered = True
-        return self
-    def __exit__(self,x,y,z):
-        self.parent -= 1
-        self.builder.end(
-        return False
-class XMLBuilder(object):
-    """XmlBuilder(encoding = 'utf-8', # result xml file encoding
-            builder = None, #etree.TreeBuilder or compatible class
-            tab_level = None, #current tabulation level - string
-            format = False,   # make formatted output
-            tab_step = " " * 4) # tabulation step
-    use str(builder) or unicode(builder) to get xml text or
-    ~builder to obtaine etree.ElementTree
-    """
-    def __init__(self,encoding = 'utf-8',
-                      builder = None,
-                      tab_level = None,
-                      format = False,
-                      tab_step = " " * 4):
-        self.__builder = builder or TreeBuilder()
-        self.__encoding = encoding 
-        if format :
-            if tab_level is None:
-                tab_level = ""
-        if tab_level is not None:
-            if not format:
-                raise ValueError("format is False, but tab_level not None")
-        self.__tab_level = tab_level # current format level
-        self.__tab_step = tab_step   # format step
-        self.__has_sub_tag = False   # True, if current tag had childrens
-        self.__node = None
-    # called from _XMLNode when tag opened
-    def __iadd__(self,val):
-        self.__has_sub_tag = False
-        if self.__tab_level is not None:
-  "\n" + self.__tab_level)
-            self.__tab_level += self.__tab_step
-        return self
-    # called from XMLNode when tag closed
-    def __isub__(self,val):
-        if self.__tab_level is not None:
-            self.__tab_level = self.__tab_level[:-len(self.__tab_step)]
-            if self.__has_sub_tag:
-      "\n" + self.__tab_level)
-        self.__has_sub_tag = True
-        return self
-    def __getattr__(self,name):
-        return _XMLNode(self,name,self.__builder)
-    def __call__(self,name,*dt,**mp):
-        x = _XMLNode(self,name,self.__builder)
-        x(*dt,**mp)
-        return x
-    #create new tag or add text
-    #possible shift values
-    #string - text
-    #tuple(string1,string2,dict) - new tag with name string1,attrs = dict,and text string2
-    #dict and string2 are optional
-    def __lshift__(self,val):
-        if isinstance(val,basestring):
-        else:
-            self.__has_sub_tag = True
-            assert hasattr(val,'__len__'),\
-                'Shifted value should be tuple or list like object not %r' % val
-            assert hasattr(val,'__getitem__'),\
-                'Shifted value should be tuple or list like object not %r' % val
-            name = val[0]
-            if len(val) == 3:
-                text = val[1]
-                attrs = val[2]
-            elif len(val) == 1:
-                text = ""
-                attrs = {}
-            elif len(val) == 2:
-                if isinstance(val[1],basestring):
-                    text = val[1]
-                    attrs = {}
-                else:
-                    text = ""
-                    attrs = val[1]
-            if self.__tab_level is not None:
-      "\n" + self.__tab_level)
-            self.__builder.start(name,
-                                 dict((k,str(v)) for k,v in attrs.items()))
-            if text:
-            self.__builder.end(name)
-        return self # to allow xml << some1 << some2 << some3
-    #close builder
-    def __invert__(self):
-        if self.__node is not None:
-            return self.__node
-        self.__node = self.__builder.close()
-        return self.__node
-    def __str__(self):
-        """return generated xml"""
-        return tostring(~self,self.__encoding)
-    def __unicode__(self):
-        """return generated xml"""
-        res = tostring(~self,self.__encoding)
-        return res.decode(self.__encoding)
diff --git a/xmlbuilder-0.9/xmlbuilder/docs/long_descr.rst b/xmlbuilder-0.9/xmlbuilder/docs/long_descr.rst
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4e82bc8..0000000
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@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-Example of usage:\r
-from __future__ import with_statement\r
-from xmlbuilder import XMLBuilder\r
-x = XMLBuilder(format=True)\r
-with x.root(a = 1):\r
-    with\r
-        [x << ('node',{'val':i}) for i in range(10)]\r
-print str(x)\r
-will print\r
-<root a="1">\r
-    <data>\r
-        <node val="0" />\r
-        <node val="1" />\r
-        <node val="2" />\r
-        <node val="3" />\r
-        <node val="4" />\r
-        <node val="5" />\r
-        <node val="6" />\r
-        <node val="7" />\r
-        <node val="8" />\r
-        <node val="9" />\r
-    </data>\r
-Mercurial repo:\r
-`XMLBuilder` is simple library build on top of `ElementTree.TreeBuilder` to\r
-simplify xml files creation as much as possible. Althow it can produce\r
-structured result with identated child tags. `XMLBuilder` use python `with`\r
-statement to define xml tag levels and `<<` operator for simple cases -\r
-text and tag without childs.\r
-First we need to create xmlbuilder\r
-    from xmlbuilder import XMLBuilder\r
-    # params - encoding = 'utf8',\r
-    # builder = None, - ElementTree.TreeBuilder \r
-    # tab_level = None, - current tab l;evel - for formatted output only\r
-    # format = False, - create formatted output\r
-    # tab_step = " " * 4 - indentation step\r
-    xml = XMLBuilder()\r
-Use `with` statement to make document structure\r
-    #create and open tag 'root_tag' with text 'text' and attributes\r
-    with xml.root_tag(text,attr1=val1,attr2=val2):\r
-        #create and open tag 'sub_tag'\r
-        with xml.sub_tag(text,attr3=val3):\r
-            #create tag which are not valid python identificator\r
-            with xml('one-more-sub-tag',attr7=val37):\r
-                xml << "Some textual data"\r
-            #here tag 'one-more-sub-tag' are closed\r
-                       #Tags without children can be created using `<<` operator\r
-            for val in range(15):\r
-                xml << ('message',"python rocks!"[:i])\r
-            #create 15 child tag like <message> python r</message>\r
-    #all tags closed\r
-    node = ~x # get etree.ElementTree object\r
-    xml_data = str(x)\r
-    unicode_xml_data = unicode(x)\r
diff --git a/xmlbuilder-0.9/xmlbuilder/tests/ b/xmlbuilder-0.9/xmlbuilder/tests/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 43a67b1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from __future__ import with_statement
-import unittest
-from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring
-from xmlbuilder import XMLBuilder
-def xmlStructureEqual(xml1,xml2):
-    tree1 = fromstring(xml1)
-    tree2 = fromstring(xml2)
-    return _xmlStructureEqual(tree1,tree2)
-def _xmlStructureEqual(tree1,tree2):
-    if tree1.tag != tree2.tag:
-        return False
-    attr1 = list(tree1.attrib.items())
-    attr1.sort()
-    attr2 = list(tree2.attrib.items())
-    attr2.sort()
-    if attr1 != attr2:
-        return False
-    return tree1.getchildren() == tree2.getchildren()
-result1 = \
-    <array />
-    <array len="10">
-        <el val="0" />
-        <el val="1">xyz</el>
-        <el val="2">abc</el>
-        <el val="3" />
-        <el val="4" />
-        <el val="5" />
-        <sup-el val="23">test  </sup-el>
-    </array>
-class TestXMLBuilder(unittest.TestCase):
-    def testShift(self):
-        xml = (XMLBuilder() << ('root',))
-        self.assertEqual(str(xml),"<root />")
-        xml = XMLBuilder()
-        xml << ('root',"some text")
-        self.assertEqual(str(xml),"<root>some text</root>")
-        xml = XMLBuilder()
-        xml << ('root',{'x':1,'y':'2'})
-        self.assert_(xmlStructureEqual(str(xml),"<root x='1' y='2'>some text</root>"))
-        xml = XMLBuilder()
-        xml << ('root',{'x':1,'y':'2'})
-        self.assert_(xmlStructureEqual(str(xml),"<root x='1' y='2'></root>"))
-        xml = XMLBuilder()
-        xml << ('root',{'x':1,'y':'2'})
-        self.assert_(not xmlStructureEqual(str(xml),"<root x='2' y='2'></root>"))
-        xml = XMLBuilder()
-        xml << ('root',"",{'x':1,'y':'2'})
-        self.assert_(xmlStructureEqual(str(xml),"<root x='1' y='2'></root>"))
-        xml = XMLBuilder()
-        xml << ('root',"",{'x':1,'y':'2'})
-        self.assert_(xmlStructureEqual(str(xml),"<root x='1' y='2'></root>"))
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def testWith(self):
-        xml = XMLBuilder()
-        with xml.root(lenght = 12):
-            pass
-        self.assertEqual(str(xml),'<root lenght="12" />')
-        xml = XMLBuilder()
-        with xml.root():
-            xml << "text1" << "text2" << ('some_node',)
-        self.assertEqual(str(xml),"<root>text1text2<some_node /></root>")
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def testFormat(self):
-        x = XMLBuilder('utf-8',format = True)
-        with x.root():
-            x << ('array',)
-            with x.array(len = 10):
-                with x.el(val = 0):
-                    pass
-                with x.el('xyz',val = 1):
-                    pass
-                x << ("el","abc",{'val':2}) << ('el',dict(val=3))
-                x << ('el',dict(val=4)) << ('el',dict(val='5'))
-                with x('sup-el',val = 23):
-                    x << "test  "
-        self.assertEqual(str(x),result1)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()