Create new cortexlab forlder, for the Cortex-lab testbed,
authorSandrine Avakian <>
Tue, 15 Oct 2013 14:02:58 +0000 (16:02 +0200)
committerMohamed Larabi <>
Wed, 23 Oct 2013 13:09:20 +0000 (15:09 +0200)
based on the iotlab driver.
So far, all the files in the cortexlab are copies of
iotlab's, with a very few modifications. First draft.

sfa/cortexlab/ [new file with mode: 0644]
sfa/cortexlab/ [new file with mode: 0644]
sfa/cortexlab/ [new file with mode: 0644]
sfa/cortexlab/ [new file with mode: 0644]
sfa/cortexlab/ [new file with mode: 0644]
sfa/cortexlab/ [new file with mode: 0644]
sfa/cortexlab/ [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/sfa/cortexlab/ b/sfa/cortexlab/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..15067ac
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1024 @@
+This API is adapted for OpenLDAP. The file contains all LDAP classes and methods
+needed to:
+- Load the LDAP connection configuration file (login, address..) with LdapConfig
+- Connect to LDAP with ldap_co
+- Create a unique LDAP login and password for a user based on his email or last
+name and first name with LoginPassword.
+-  Manage entries in LDAP using SFA records with LDAPapi (Search, Add, Delete,
+import random
+from passlib.hash import ldap_salted_sha1 as lssha
+from sfa.util.xrn import get_authority
+from sfa.util.sfalogging import logger
+from sfa.util.config import Config
+import ldap
+import ldap.modlist as modlist
+import os.path
+class LdapConfig():
+    """
+    Ldap configuration class loads the configuration file and sets the
+    ldap IP address, password, people dn, web dn, group dn. All these settings
+    were defined in a separate file to avoid sharing them in
+    the SFA git as it contains sensible information.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, config_file='/etc/sfa/'):
+        """Loads configuration from file /etc/sfa/ and set the
+        parameters for connection to LDAP.
+        """
+        try:
+            execfile(config_file, self.__dict__)
+            self.config_file = config_file
+            # path to configuration data
+            self.config_path = os.path.dirname(config_file)
+        except IOError:
+            raise IOError, "Could not find or load the configuration file: %s" \
+                % config_file
+class ldap_co:
+    """ Set admin login and server configuration variables."""
+    def __init__(self):
+        """Fetch LdapConfig attributes (Ldap server connection parameters and
+        defines port , version and subtree scope.
+        """
+        #Iotlab PROD LDAP parameters
+        self.ldapserv = None
+        ldap_config = LdapConfig()
+        self.config = ldap_config
+        self.ldapHost = ldap_config.LDAP_IP_ADDRESS
+        self.ldapPeopleDN = ldap_config.LDAP_PEOPLE_DN
+        self.ldapGroupDN = ldap_config.LDAP_GROUP_DN
+        self.ldapAdminDN = ldap_config.LDAP_WEB_DN
+        self.ldapAdminPassword = ldap_config.LDAP_WEB_PASSWORD
+        self.ldapPort = ldap.PORT
+        self.ldapVersion = ldap.VERSION3
+        self.ldapSearchScope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
+    def connect(self, bind=True):
+        """Enables connection to the LDAP server.
+        :param bind: Set the bind parameter to True if a bind is needed
+            (for add/modify/delete operations). Set to False otherwise.
+        :type bind: boolean
+        :returns: dictionary with status of the connection. True if Successful,
+            False if not and in this case the error
+            message( {'bool', 'message'} ).
+        :rtype: dict
+        """
+        try:
+            self.ldapserv =
+        except ldap.LDAPError, error:
+            return {'bool': False, 'message': error}
+        # Bind with authentification
+        if(bind):
+            return self.bind()
+        else:
+            return {'bool': True}
+    def bind(self):
+        """ Binding method.
+        :returns: dictionary with the bind status. True if Successful,
+            False if not and in this case the error message({'bool','message'})
+        :rtype: dict
+        """
+        try:
+            # Opens a connection after a call to in connect:
+            self.ldapserv = ldap.initialize("ldap://" + self.ldapHost)
+            # Bind/authenticate with a user with apropriate
+            #rights to add objects
+            self.ldapserv.simple_bind_s(self.ldapAdminDN,
+                                        self.ldapAdminPassword)
+        except ldap.LDAPError, error:
+            return {'bool': False, 'message': error}
+        return {'bool': True}
+    def close(self):
+        """Close the LDAP connection.
+        Can throw an exception if the unbinding fails.
+        :returns: dictionary with the bind status if the unbinding failed and
+            in this case the dict contains an error message. The dictionary keys
+            are : ({'bool','message'})
+        :rtype: dict or None
+        """
+        try:
+            self.ldapserv.unbind_s()
+        except ldap.LDAPError, error:
+            return {'bool': False, 'message': error}
+class LoginPassword():
+    """
+    Class to handle login and password generation, using custom login generation
+    algorithm.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        """
+        Sets password  and login maximum length, and defines the characters that
+        can be found in a random generated password.
+        """
+        self.login_max_length = 8
+        self.length_password = 8
+        self.chars_password = ['!', '$', '(',')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.',
+                               '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8',
+                               '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H',
+                               'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q',
+                               'R', 'S', 'T',  'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z',
+                               '_', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h',
+                               'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q',
+                               'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z',
+                               '\'']
+    @staticmethod
+    def clean_user_names(record):
+        """
+        Removes special characters such as '-', '_' , '[', ']' and ' ' from the
+        first name and last name.
+        :param record: user's record
+        :type record: dict
+        :returns: lower_first_name and lower_last_name if they were found
+            in the user's record. Return None, none otherwise.
+        :rtype: string, string or None, None.
+        """
+        if 'first_name' in record and 'last_name' in record:
+            #Remove all special characters from first_name/last name
+            lower_first_name = record['first_name'].replace('-', '')\
+                .replace('_', '').replace('[', '')\
+                .replace(']', '').replace(' ', '')\
+                .lower()
+            lower_last_name = record['last_name'].replace('-', '')\
+                .replace('_', '').replace('[', '')\
+                .replace(']', '').replace(' ', '')\
+                .lower()
+            return lower_first_name, lower_last_name
+        else:
+            return None, None
+    @staticmethod
+    def extract_name_from_email(record):
+        """
+        When there is no valid first name and last name in the record,
+        the email is used to generate the login. Here, we assume the email
+        is firstname.lastname@something.smthg. The first name and last names
+        are extracted from the email, special charcaters are removed and
+        they are changed into lower case.
+        :param record: user's data
+        :type record: dict
+        :returns: the first name and last name taken from the user's email.
+            lower_first_name, lower_last_name.
+        :rtype: string, string
+        """
+        email = record['email']
+        email = email.split('@')[0].lower()
+        lower_first_name = None
+        lower_last_name = None
+        #Assume there is first name and last name in email
+        #if there is a  separator
+        separator_list = ['.', '_', '-']
+        for sep in separator_list:
+            if sep in email:
+                mail = email.split(sep)
+                lower_first_name = mail[0]
+                lower_last_name = mail[1]
+                break
+        #Otherwise just take the part before the @ as the
+        #lower_first_name  and lower_last_name
+        if lower_first_name is None:
+            lower_first_name = email
+            lower_last_name = email
+        return lower_first_name, lower_last_name
+    def get_user_firstname_lastname(self, record):
+        """
+        Get the user first name and last name from the information we have in
+        the record.
+        :param record: user's information
+        :type record: dict
+        :returns: the user's first name and last name.
+        .. seealso:: clean_user_names
+        .. seealso:: extract_name_from_email
+        """
+        lower_first_name, lower_last_name = self.clean_user_names(record)
+        #No first name and last name  check  email
+        if lower_first_name is None and lower_last_name is None:
+            lower_first_name, lower_last_name = \
+                self.extract_name_from_email(record)
+        return lower_first_name, lower_last_name
+    def choose_sets_chars_for_login(self, lower_first_name, lower_last_name):
+        """
+        Algorithm to select sets of characters from the first name and last
+        name, depending on the lenght of the last name and the maximum login
+        length which in our case is set to 8 characters.
+        :param lower_first_name: user's first name in lower case.
+        :param lower_last_name: usr's last name in lower case.
+        :returns: user's login
+        :rtype: string
+        """
+        length_last_name = len(lower_last_name)
+        self.login_max_length = 8
+        #Try generating a unique login based on first name and last name
+        if length_last_name >= self.login_max_length:
+            login = lower_last_name[0:self.login_max_length]
+            index = 0
+            logger.debug("login : %s index : %s" % (login, index))
+        elif length_last_name >= 4:
+            login = lower_last_name
+            index = 0
+            logger.debug("login : %s index : %s" % (login, index))
+        elif length_last_name == 3:
+            login = lower_first_name[0:1] + lower_last_name
+            index = 1
+            logger.debug("login : %s index : %s" % (login, index))
+        elif length_last_name == 2:
+            if len(lower_first_name) >= 2:
+                login = lower_first_name[0:2] + lower_last_name
+                index = 2
+                logger.debug("login : %s index : %s" % (login, index))
+            else:
+                logger.error("LoginException : \
+                            Generation login error with \
+                            minimum four characters")
+        else:
+            logger.error("LDAP LdapGenerateUniqueLogin failed : \
+                        impossible to generate unique login for %s %s"
+                         % (lower_first_name, lower_last_name))
+        return index, login
+    def generate_password(self):
+        """
+        Generate a password upon  adding a new user in LDAP Directory
+        (8 characters length). The generated password is composed of characters
+        from the chars_password list.
+        :returns: the randomly generated password
+        :rtype: string
+        """
+        password = str()
+        length = len(self.chars_password)
+        for index in range(self.length_password):
+            char_index = random.randint(0, length - 1)
+            password += self.chars_password[char_index]
+        return password
+    @staticmethod
+    def encrypt_password(password):
+        """
+        Use passlib library to make a RFC2307 LDAP encrypted password salt size
+        is 8, use sha-1 algorithm.
+        :param password:  password not encrypted.
+        :type password: string
+        :returns: Returns encrypted password.
+        :rtype: string
+        """
+        #Keep consistency with Java Iotlab's LDAP API
+        #RFC2307SSHAPasswordEncryptor so set the salt size to 8 bytes
+        return lssha.encrypt(password, salt_size=8)
+class LDAPapi:
+    """Defines functions to insert and search entries in the LDAP.
+    .. note:: class supposes the unix schema is used
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        logger.setLevelDebug()
+        #SFA related config
+        config = Config()
+        self.login_pwd = LoginPassword()
+        self.authname = config.SFA_REGISTRY_ROOT_AUTH
+        self.conn =  ldap_co()
+        self.ldapUserQuotaNFS = self.conn.config.LDAP_USER_QUOTA_NFS
+        self.ldapUserUidNumberMin = self.conn.config.LDAP_USER_UID_NUMBER_MIN
+        self.ldapUserGidNumber = self.conn.config.LDAP_USER_GID_NUMBER
+        self.ldapUserHomePath = self.conn.config.LDAP_USER_HOME_PATH
+        self.baseDN = self.conn.ldapPeopleDN
+        self.ldapShell = '/bin/bash'
+    def LdapGenerateUniqueLogin(self, record):
+        """
+        Generate login for adding a new user in LDAP Directory
+        (four characters minimum length). Get proper last name and
+        first name so that the user's login can be generated.
+        :param record: Record must contain first_name and last_name.
+        :type record: dict
+        :returns: the generated login for the user described with record if the
+            login generation is successful, None if it fails.
+        :rtype: string or None
+        """
+        #For compatibility with other ldap func
+        if 'mail' in record and 'email' not in record:
+            record['email'] = record['mail']
+        lower_first_name, lower_last_name =  \
+            self.login_pwd.get_user_firstname_lastname(record)
+        index, login = self.login_pwd.choose_sets_chars_for_login(
+            lower_first_name, lower_last_name)
+        login_filter = '(uid=' + login + ')'
+        get_attrs = ['uid']
+        try:
+            #Check if login already in use
+            while (len(self.LdapSearch(login_filter, get_attrs)) is not 0):
+                index += 1
+                if index >= 9:
+                    logger.error("LoginException : Generation login error \
+                                    with minimum four characters")
+                else:
+                    try:
+                        login = \
+                            lower_first_name[0:index] + \
+                            lower_last_name[0:
+                                            self.login_pwd.login_max_length
+                                            - index]
+                        login_filter = '(uid=' + login + ')'
+                    except KeyError:
+                        print "lower_first_name - lower_last_name too short"
+            logger.debug("LDAP.API \t LdapGenerateUniqueLogin login %s"
+                         % (login))
+            return login
+        except ldap.LDAPError, error:
+            logger.log_exc("LDAP LdapGenerateUniqueLogin Error %s" % (error))
+            return None
+    def find_max_uidNumber(self):
+        """Find the LDAP max uidNumber (POSIX uid attribute).
+        Used when adding a new user in LDAP Directory
+        :returns: max uidNumber + 1
+        :rtype: string
+        """
+        #First, get all the users in the LDAP
+        get_attrs = "(uidNumber=*)"
+        login_filter = ['uidNumber']
+        result_data = self.LdapSearch(get_attrs, login_filter)
+        #It there is no user in LDAP yet, First LDAP user
+        if result_data == []:
+            max_uidnumber = self.ldapUserUidNumberMin
+        #Otherwise, get the highest uidNumber
+        else:
+            uidNumberList = [int(r[1]['uidNumber'][0])for r in result_data]
+            logger.debug(" \tfind_max_uidNumber  \
+                            uidNumberList %s " % (uidNumberList))
+            max_uidnumber = max(uidNumberList) + 1
+        return str(max_uidnumber)
+    def get_ssh_pkey(self, record):
+        """TODO ; Get ssh public key from sfa record
+        To be filled by N. Turro ? or using GID pl way?
+        """
+        return 'A REMPLIR '
+    @staticmethod
+    #TODO Handle OR filtering in the ldap query when
+    #dealing with a list of records instead of doing a for loop in GetPersons
+    def make_ldap_filters_from_record(record=None):
+        """Helper function to make LDAP filter requests out of SFA records.
+        :param record: user's sfa record. Should contain first_name,last_name,
+            email or mail, and if the record is enabled or not. If the dict
+            record does not have all of these, must at least contain the user's
+            email.
+        :type record: dict
+        :returns: LDAP request
+        :rtype: string
+        """
+        req_ldap = ''
+        req_ldapdict = {}
+        if record :
+            if 'first_name' in record and 'last_name' in record:
+                if record['first_name'] != record['last_name']:
+                    req_ldapdict['cn'] = str(record['first_name'])+" "\
+                        + str(record['last_name'])
+            if 'email' in record:
+                req_ldapdict['mail'] = record['email']
+            if 'mail' in record:
+                req_ldapdict['mail'] = record['mail']
+            if 'enabled' in record:
+                if record['enabled'] is True:
+                    req_ldapdict['shadowExpire'] = '-1'
+                else:
+                    req_ldapdict['shadowExpire'] = '0'
+            #Hrn should not be part of the filter because the hrn
+            #presented by a certificate of a SFA user not imported in
+            #Iotlab  does not include the iotlab login in it
+            #Plus, the SFA user may already have an account with iotlab
+            #using another login.
+            logger.debug("\r\n \t LDAP.PY make_ldap_filters_from_record \
+                                record %s req_ldapdict %s"
+                         % (record, req_ldapdict))
+            for k in req_ldapdict:
+                req_ldap += '(' + str(k) + '=' + str(req_ldapdict[k]) + ')'
+            if len(req_ldapdict.keys()) >1 :
+                req_ldap = req_ldap[:0]+"(&"+req_ldap[0:]
+                size = len(req_ldap)
+                req_ldap = req_ldap[:(size-1)] + ')' + req_ldap[(size-1):]
+        else:
+            req_ldap = "(cn=*)"
+        return req_ldap
+    def make_ldap_attributes_from_record(self, record):
+        """
+        When adding a new user to Iotlab's LDAP, creates an attributes
+        dictionnary from the SFA record understandable by LDAP. Generates the
+        user's LDAP login.User is automatically validated (account enabled)
+        and described as a SFA USER FROM OUTSIDE IOTLAB.
+        :param record: must contain the following keys and values:
+            first_name, last_name, mail, pkey (ssh key).
+        :type record: dict
+        :returns: dictionary of attributes using LDAP data structure model.
+        :rtype: dict
+        """
+        attrs = {}
+        attrs['objectClass'] = ["top", "person", "inetOrgPerson",
+                                "organizationalPerson", "posixAccount",
+                                "shadowAccount", "systemQuotas",
+                                "ldapPublicKey"]
+        attrs['uid'] = self.LdapGenerateUniqueLogin(record)
+        try:
+            attrs['givenName'] = str(record['first_name']).lower().capitalize()
+            attrs['sn'] = str(record['last_name']).lower().capitalize()
+            attrs['cn'] = attrs['givenName'] + ' ' + attrs['sn']
+            attrs['gecos'] = attrs['givenName'] + ' ' + attrs['sn']
+        except KeyError:
+            attrs['givenName'] = attrs['uid']
+            attrs['sn'] = attrs['uid']
+            attrs['cn'] = attrs['uid']
+            attrs['gecos'] = attrs['uid']
+        attrs['quota'] = self.ldapUserQuotaNFS
+        attrs['homeDirectory'] = self.ldapUserHomePath + attrs['uid']
+        attrs['loginShell'] = self.ldapShell
+        attrs['gidNumber'] = self.ldapUserGidNumber
+        attrs['uidNumber'] = self.find_max_uidNumber()
+        attrs['mail'] = record['mail'].lower()
+        try:
+            attrs['sshPublicKey'] = record['pkey']
+        except KeyError:
+            attrs['sshPublicKey'] = self.get_ssh_pkey(record)
+        #Password is automatically generated because SFA user don't go
+        #through the Iotlab website  used to register new users,
+        #There is no place in SFA where users can enter such information
+        #yet.
+        #If the user wants to set his own password , he must go to the Iotlab
+        #website.
+        password = self.login_pwd.generate_password()
+        attrs['userPassword'] = self.login_pwd.encrypt_password(password)
+        #Account automatically validated (no mail request to admins)
+        #Set to 0 to disable the account, -1 to enable it,
+        attrs['shadowExpire'] = '-1'
+        #Motivation field in Iotlab
+        attrs['description'] = 'SFA USER FROM OUTSIDE SENSLAB'
+        attrs['ou'] = 'SFA'         #Optional: organizational unit
+        #No info about those here:
+        attrs['l'] = 'To be defined'#Optional: Locality.
+        attrs['st'] = 'To be defined' #Optional: state or province (country).
+        return attrs
+    def LdapAddUser(self, record) :
+        """Add SFA user to LDAP if it is not in LDAP  yet.
+        :param record: dictionnary with the user's data.
+        :returns: a dictionary with the status (Fail= False, Success= True)
+            and the uid of the newly added user if successful, or the error
+            message it is not. Dict has keys bool and message in case of
+            failure, and bool uid in case of success.
+        :rtype: dict
+        .. seealso:: make_ldap_filters_from_record
+        """
+        logger.debug(" \r\n \t LDAP LdapAddUser \r\n\r\n ================\r\n ")
+        user_ldap_attrs = self.make_ldap_attributes_from_record(record)
+        #Check if user already in LDAP wih email, first name and last name
+        filter_by = self.make_ldap_filters_from_record(user_ldap_attrs)
+        user_exist = self.LdapSearch(filter_by)
+        if user_exist:
+            logger.warning(" \r\n \t LDAP LdapAddUser user %s %s \
+                        already exists" % (user_ldap_attrs['sn'],
+                           user_ldap_attrs['mail']))
+            return {'bool': False}
+        #Bind to the server
+        result = self.conn.connect()
+        if(result['bool']):
+            # A dict to help build the "body" of the object
+            logger.debug(" \r\n \t LDAP LdapAddUser attrs %s "
+                         % user_ldap_attrs)
+            # The dn of our new entry/object
+            dn = 'uid=' + user_ldap_attrs['uid'] + "," + self.baseDN
+            try:
+                ldif = modlist.addModlist(user_ldap_attrs)
+                logger.debug(" add attrs %s \r\n  ldif %s"
+                             % (user_ldap_attrs, ldif))
+                self.conn.ldapserv.add_s(dn, ldif)
+      "Adding user %s login %s in LDAP"
+                            % (user_ldap_attrs['cn'], user_ldap_attrs['uid']))
+            except ldap.LDAPError, error:
+                logger.log_exc("LDAP Add Error %s" % error)
+                return {'bool': False, 'message': error}
+            self.conn.close()
+            return {'bool': True, 'uid': user_ldap_attrs['uid']}
+        else:
+            return result
+    def LdapDelete(self, person_dn):
+        """Deletes a person in LDAP. Uses the dn of the user.
+        :param person_dn: user's ldap dn.
+        :type person_dn: string
+        :returns: dictionary with bool True if successful, bool False
+            and the error if not.
+        :rtype: dict
+        """
+        #Connect and bind
+        result =  self.conn.connect()
+        if(result['bool']):
+            try:
+                self.conn.ldapserv.delete_s(person_dn)
+                self.conn.close()
+                return {'bool': True}
+            except ldap.LDAPError, error:
+                logger.log_exc("LDAP Delete Error %s" % error)
+                return {'bool': False, 'message': error}
+    def LdapDeleteUser(self, record_filter):
+        """Deletes a SFA person in LDAP, based on the user's hrn.
+        :param record_filter: Filter to find the user to be deleted. Must
+            contain at least the user's email.
+        :type record_filter: dict
+        :returns: dict with bool True if successful, bool False and error
+            message otherwise.
+        :rtype: dict
+        .. seealso:: LdapFindUser docstring for more info on record filter.
+        .. seealso:: LdapDelete for user deletion
+        """
+        #Find uid of the  person
+        person = self.LdapFindUser(record_filter, [])
+        logger.debug(" \t LdapDeleteUser record %s person %s"
+                     % (record_filter, person))
+        if person:
+            dn = 'uid=' + person['uid'] + "," + self.baseDN
+        else:
+            return {'bool': False}
+        result = self.LdapDelete(dn)
+        return result
+    def LdapModify(self, dn, old_attributes_dict, new_attributes_dict):
+        """ Modifies a LDAP entry, replaces user's old attributes with
+        the new ones given.
+        :param dn: user's absolute name  in the LDAP hierarchy.
+        :param old_attributes_dict: old user's attributes. Keys must match
+            the ones used in the LDAP model.
+        :param new_attributes_dict: new user's attributes. Keys must match
+            the ones used in the LDAP model.
+        :type dn: string
+        :type old_attributes_dict: dict
+        :type new_attributes_dict: dict
+        :returns: dict bool True if Successful, bool False if not.
+        :rtype: dict
+        """
+        ldif = modlist.modifyModlist(old_attributes_dict, new_attributes_dict)
+        # Connect and bind/authenticate
+        result = self.conn.connect()
+        if (result['bool']):
+            try:
+                self.conn.ldapserv.modify_s(dn, ldif)
+                self.conn.close()
+                return {'bool': True}
+            except ldap.LDAPError, error:
+                logger.log_exc("LDAP LdapModify Error %s" % error)
+                return {'bool': False}
+    def LdapModifyUser(self, user_record, new_attributes_dict):
+        """
+        Gets the record from one user based on the user sfa recordand changes
+        the attributes according to the specified new_attributes. Do not use
+        this if we need to modify the uid. Use a ModRDN operation instead
+        ( modify relative DN ).
+        :param user_record: sfa user record.
+        :param new_attributes_dict: new user attributes, keys must be the
+            same as the LDAP model.
+        :type user_record: dict
+        :type new_attributes_dict: dict
+        :returns: bool True if successful, bool False if not.
+        :rtype: dict
+        .. seealso:: make_ldap_filters_from_record for info on what is mandatory
+            in the user_record.
+        .. seealso:: make_ldap_attributes_from_record for the LDAP objectclass.
+        """
+        if user_record is None:
+            logger.error("LDAP \t LdapModifyUser Need user record  ")
+            return {'bool': False}
+        #Get all the attributes of the user_uid_login
+        #person = self.LdapFindUser(record_filter,[])
+        req_ldap = self.make_ldap_filters_from_record(user_record)
+        person_list = self.LdapSearch(req_ldap, [])
+        logger.debug(" \t LdapModifyUser person_list : %s"
+                     % (person_list))
+        if person_list and len(person_list) > 1:
+            logger.error("LDAP \t LdapModifyUser Too many users returned")
+            return {'bool': False}
+        if person_list is None:
+            logger.error("LDAP \t LdapModifyUser  User %s doesn't exist "
+                         % (user_record))
+            return {'bool': False}
+        # The dn of our existing entry/object
+        #One result only from ldapSearch
+        person = person_list[0][1]
+        dn = 'uid=' + person['uid'][0] + "," + self.baseDN
+        if new_attributes_dict:
+            old = {}
+            for k in new_attributes_dict:
+                if k not in person:
+                    old[k] = ''
+                else:
+                    old[k] = person[k]
+            logger.debug(" \t LdapModifyUser  new_attributes %s"
+                         % (new_attributes_dict))
+            result = self.LdapModify(dn, old, new_attributes_dict)
+            return result
+        else:
+            logger.error("LDAP \t LdapModifyUser  No new attributes given. ")
+            return {'bool': False}
+    def LdapMarkUserAsDeleted(self, record):
+        """
+        Sets shadowExpire to 0, disabling the user in LDAP. Calls LdapModifyUser
+        to change the shadowExpire of the user.
+        :param record: the record of the user who has to be disabled.
+            Should contain first_name,last_name, email or mail, and if the
+            record is enabled or not. If the dict record does not have all of
+            these, must at least contain the user's email.
+        :type record: dict
+        :returns: {bool: True} if successful or {bool: False} if not
+        :rtype: dict
+        .. seealso:: LdapModifyUser, make_ldap_attributes_from_record
+        """
+        new_attrs = {}
+        #Disable account
+        new_attrs['shadowExpire'] = '0'
+        logger.debug(" \t LdapMarkUserAsDeleted ")
+        ret = self.LdapModifyUser(record, new_attrs)
+        return ret
+    def LdapResetPassword(self, record):
+        """Resets password for the user whose record is the parameter and
+        changes the corresponding entry in the LDAP.
+        :param record: user's sfa record whose Ldap password must be reset.
+            Should contain first_name,last_name,
+            email or mail, and if the record is enabled or not. If the dict
+            record does not have all of these, must at least contain the user's
+            email.
+        :type record: dict
+        :returns: return value of LdapModifyUser. True if successful, False
+            otherwise.
+        .. seealso:: LdapModifyUser, make_ldap_attributes_from_record
+        """
+        password = self.login_pwd.generate_password()
+        attrs = {}
+        attrs['userPassword'] = self.login_pwd.encrypt_password(password)
+        logger.debug("LDAP LdapResetPassword encrypt_password %s"
+                     % (attrs['userPassword']))
+        result = self.LdapModifyUser(record, attrs)
+        return result
+    def LdapSearch(self, req_ldap=None, expected_fields=None):
+        """
+        Used to search directly in LDAP, by using ldap filters and return
+        fields. When req_ldap is None, returns all the entries in the LDAP.
+        :param req_ldap: ldap style request, with appropriate filters,
+             example: (cn=*).
+        :param expected_fields: Fields in the user ldap entry that has to be
+            returned. If None is provided, will return 'mail', 'givenName',
+            'sn', 'uid', 'sshPublicKey', 'shadowExpire'.
+        :type req_ldap: string
+        :type expected_fields: list
+        .. seealso:: make_ldap_filters_from_record for req_ldap format.
+        """
+        result = self.conn.connect(bind=False)
+        if (result['bool']):
+            return_fields_list = []
+            if expected_fields is None:
+                return_fields_list = ['mail', 'givenName', 'sn', 'uid',
+                                      'sshPublicKey', 'shadowExpire']
+            else:
+                return_fields_list = expected_fields
+            #No specifc request specified, get the whole LDAP
+            if req_ldap is None:
+                req_ldap = '(cn=*)'
+            logger.debug("LDAP.PY \t LdapSearch  req_ldap %s \
+                                    return_fields_list %s" \
+                                    %(req_ldap, return_fields_list))
+            try:
+                msg_id =
+                    self.baseDN, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,
+                    req_ldap, return_fields_list)
+                #Get all the results matching the search from ldap in one
+                #shot (1 value)
+                result_type, result_data = \
+                    self.conn.ldapserv.result(msg_id, 1)
+                self.conn.close()
+                logger.debug("LDAP.PY \t LdapSearch  result_data %s"
+                             % (result_data))
+                return result_data
+            except ldap.LDAPError, error:
+                logger.log_exc("LDAP LdapSearch Error %s" % error)
+                return []
+            else:
+                logger.error("LDAP.PY \t Connection Failed")
+                return
+    def _process_ldap_info_for_all_users(self, result_data):
+        """Process the data of all enabled users in LDAP.
+        :param result_data: Contains information of all enabled users in LDAP
+            and is coming from LdapSearch.
+        :param result_data: list
+        .. seealso:: LdapSearch
+        """
+        results = []
+        logger.debug(" _process_ldap_info_for_all_users result_data %s "
+                     % (result_data))
+        for ldapentry in result_data:
+            logger.debug(" _process_ldap_info_for_all_users \
+                        ldapentry name : %s " % (ldapentry[1]['uid'][0]))
+            tmpname = ldapentry[1]['uid'][0]
+            hrn = self.authname + "." + tmpname
+            tmpemail = ldapentry[1]['mail'][0]
+            if ldapentry[1]['mail'][0] == "unknown":
+                tmpemail = None
+            try:
+                results.append({
+                    'type': 'user',
+                    'pkey': ldapentry[1]['sshPublicKey'][0],
+                    #'uid': ldapentry[1]['uid'][0],
+                    'uid': tmpname ,
+                    'email':tmpemail,
+                    #'email': ldapentry[1]['mail'][0],
+                    'first_name': ldapentry[1]['givenName'][0],
+                    'last_name': ldapentry[1]['sn'][0],
+                    #'phone': 'none',
+                    'serial': 'none',
+                    'authority': self.authname,
+                    'peer_authority': '',
+                    'pointer': -1,
+                    'hrn': hrn,
+                              })
+            except KeyError, error:
+                logger.log_exc("LDAPapi.PY \t LdapFindUser EXCEPTION %s"
+                               % (error))
+                return
+        return results
+    def _process_ldap_info_for_one_user(self, record, result_data):
+        """
+        Put the user's ldap data into shape. Only deals with one user
+        record and one user data from ldap.
+        :param record: user record
+        :param result_data: Raw ldap data coming from LdapSearch
+        :returns: user's data dict with 'type','pkey','uid', 'email',
+            'first_name' 'last_name''serial''authority''peer_authority'
+            'pointer''hrn'
+        :type record: dict
+        :type result_data: list
+        :rtype :dict
+        """
+        #One entry only in the ldap data because we used a  filter
+        #to find one user only
+        ldapentry = result_data[0][1]
+        logger.debug("LDAP.PY \t LdapFindUser ldapentry %s" % (ldapentry))
+        tmpname = ldapentry['uid'][0]
+        tmpemail = ldapentry['mail'][0]
+        if ldapentry['mail'][0] == "unknown":
+            tmpemail = None
+        parent_hrn = None
+        peer_authority = None
+        if 'hrn' in record:
+            hrn = record['hrn']
+            parent_hrn = get_authority(hrn)
+            if parent_hrn != self.authname:
+                peer_authority = parent_hrn
+            #In case the user was not imported from Iotlab LDAP
+            #but from another federated site, has an account in
+            #iotlab but currently using his hrn from federated site
+            #then the login is different from the one found in its hrn
+            if tmpname != hrn.split('.')[1]:
+                hrn = None
+        else:
+            hrn = None
+        results = {
+            'type': 'user',
+            'pkey': ldapentry['sshPublicKey'],
+            #'uid': ldapentry[1]['uid'][0],
+            'uid': tmpname,
+            'email': tmpemail,
+            #'email': ldapentry[1]['mail'][0],
+            'first_name': ldapentry['givenName'][0],
+            'last_name': ldapentry['sn'][0],
+            #'phone': 'none',
+            'serial': 'none',
+            'authority': parent_hrn,
+            'peer_authority': peer_authority,
+            'pointer': -1,
+            'hrn': hrn,
+                    }
+        return results
+    def LdapFindUser(self, record=None, is_user_enabled=None,
+                     expected_fields=None):
+        """
+        Search a SFA user with a hrn. User should be already registered
+        in Iotlab LDAP.
+        :param record: sfa user's record. Should contain first_name,last_name,
+            email or mail. If no record is provided, returns all the users found
+            in LDAP.
+        :type record: dict
+        :param is_user_enabled: is the user's iotlab account already valid.
+        :type is_user_enabled: Boolean.
+        :returns: LDAP entries from ldap matching the filter provided. Returns
+            a single entry if one filter has been given and a list of
+            entries otherwise.
+        :rtype:  dict or list
+        """
+        custom_record = {}
+        if is_user_enabled:
+            custom_record['enabled'] = is_user_enabled
+        if record:
+            custom_record.update(record)
+        req_ldap = self.make_ldap_filters_from_record(custom_record)
+        return_fields_list = []
+        if expected_fields is None:
+            return_fields_list = ['mail', 'givenName', 'sn', 'uid',
+                                  'sshPublicKey']
+        else:
+            return_fields_list = expected_fields
+        result_data = self.LdapSearch(req_ldap, return_fields_list)
+        logger.debug("LDAP.PY \t LdapFindUser  result_data %s" % (result_data))
+        if len(result_data) == 0:
+            return None
+        #Asked for a specific user
+        if record is not None:
+            results = self._process_ldap_info_for_one_user(record, result_data)
+        else:
+        #Asked for all users in ldap
+            results = self._process_ldap_info_for_all_users(result_data)
+        return results
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sfa/cortexlab/ b/sfa/cortexlab/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/sfa/cortexlab/ b/sfa/cortexlab/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..68cb1ec
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+File providing methods to generate valid RSpecs for the Iotlab testbed.
+Contains methods to get information on slice, slivers, nodes and leases,
+formatting them and turn it into a RSpec.
+from sfa.util.xrn import hrn_to_urn, urn_to_hrn, get_authority
+from sfa.rspecs.rspec import RSpec
+#from sfa.rspecs.elements.location import Location
+from sfa.rspecs.elements.hardware_type import HardwareType
+from sfa.rspecs.elements.login import Login
+from import Services
+from sfa.rspecs.elements.sliver import Sliver
+from import Lease
+from sfa.rspecs.elements.granularity import Granularity
+from sfa.rspecs.version_manager import VersionManager
+from sfa.rspecs.elements.versions.cortexlabv1Node import IotlabPosition, \
+    IotlabNode, IotlabLocation, IotlabMobility
+from sfa.util.sfalogging import logger
+from sfa.util.xrn import Xrn
+def cortexlab_xrn_to_hostname(xrn):
+    """Returns a node's hostname from its xrn.
+    :param xrn: The nodes xrn identifier.
+    :type xrn: Xrn (from sfa.util.xrn)
+    :returns: node's hostname.
+    :rtype: string
+    """
+    return Xrn.unescape(Xrn(xrn=xrn, type='node').get_leaf())
+def cortexlab_xrn_object(root_auth, hostname):
+    """Creates a valid xrn object from the node's hostname and the authority
+    of the SFA server.
+    :param hostname: the node's hostname.
+    :param root_auth: the SFA root authority.
+    :type hostname: string
+    :type root_auth: string
+    :returns: the cortexlab node's xrn
+    :rtype: Xrn
+    """
+    return Xrn('.'.join([root_auth, Xrn.escape(hostname)]), type='node')
+class CortexlabAggregate:
+    """Aggregate manager class for Iotlab. """
+    sites = {}
+    nodes = {}
+    api = None
+    interfaces = {}
+    links = {}
+    node_tags = {}
+    prepared = False
+    user_options = {}
+    def __init__(self, driver):
+        self.driver = driver
+    def get_slice_and_slivers(self, slice_xrn, login=None):
+        """
+        Get the slices and the associated leases if any, from the cortexlab
+            testbed. One slice can have mutliple leases.
+            For each slice, get the nodes in the  associated lease
+            and create a sliver with the necessary info and insert it into the
+            sliver dictionary, keyed on the node hostnames.
+            Returns a dict of slivers based on the sliver's node_id.
+            Called by get_rspec.
+        :param slice_xrn: xrn of the slice
+        :param login: user's login on cortexlab ldap
+        :type slice_xrn: string
+        :type login: string
+        :returns: a list of slices dict and a list of Sliver object
+        :rtype: (list, list)
+        .. note: There is no real slivers in cortexlab, only leases. The goal
+            is to be consistent with the SFA standard.
+        """
+        slivers = {}
+        sfa_slice = None
+        if slice_xrn is None:
+            return (sfa_slice, slivers)
+        slice_urn = hrn_to_urn(slice_xrn, 'slice')
+        slice_hrn, _ = urn_to_hrn(slice_xrn)
+        slice_name = slice_hrn
+        slices = self.driver.cortexlab_api.GetSlices(slice_filter=str(slice_name),
+                                                  slice_filter_type='slice_hrn',
+                                                  login=login)
+        logger.debug("CortexlabAggregate api \tget_slice_and_slivers \
+                      slice_hrn %s \r\n slices %s self.driver.hrn %s"
+                     % (slice_hrn, slices, self.driver.hrn))
+        if slices == []:
+            return (sfa_slice, slivers)
+        # sort slivers by node id , if there is a job
+        #and therefore, node allocated to this slice
+        for sfa_slice in slices:
+            try:
+                node_ids_list = sfa_slice['node_ids']
+            except KeyError:
+                logger.log_exc("CortexlabAggregate \t \
+                            get_slice_and_slivers No nodes in the slice \
+                            - KeyError ")
+                node_ids_list = []
+                continue
+            for node in node_ids_list:
+                sliver_xrn = Xrn(slice_urn, type='sliver', id=node)
+                sliver_xrn.set_authority(self.driver.hrn)
+                sliver = Sliver({'sliver_id': sliver_xrn.urn,
+                                'name': sfa_slice['hrn'],
+                                'type': 'cortexlab-node',
+                                'tags': []})
+                slivers[node] = sliver
+        #Add default sliver attribute :
+        #connection information for cortexlab
+        if get_authority(sfa_slice['hrn']) == self.driver.cortexlab_api.root_auth:
+            tmp = sfa_slice['hrn'].split('.')
+            ldap_username = tmp[1].split('_')[0]
+            ssh_access = None
+            slivers['default_sliver'] = {'ssh': ssh_access,
+                                         'login': ldap_username}
+        #TODO get_slice_and_slivers Find the login of the external user
+        logger.debug("CortexlabAggregate api get_slice_and_slivers  slivers %s "
+                     % (slivers))
+        return (slices, slivers)
+    def get_nodes(self, slices=None, slivers=[], options=None):
+        """Returns the nodes in the slice using the rspec format, with all the
+        nodes' properties.
+        Fetch the nodes ids in the slices dictionary and get all the nodes
+        properties from OAR. Makes a rspec dicitonary out of this and returns
+        it. If the slice does not have any job running or scheduled, that is
+        it has no reserved nodes, then returns an empty list.
+        :param slices: list of slices (record dictionaries)
+        :param slivers: the list of slivers in all the slices
+        :type slices: list of dicts
+        :type slivers: list of Sliver object (dictionaries)
+        :returns: An empty list if the slice has no reserved nodes, a rspec
+            list with all the nodes and their properties (a dict per node)
+            otherwise.
+        :rtype: list
+        .. seealso:: get_slice_and_slivers
+        """
+        # NT: the semantic of this function is not clear to me :
+        # if slice is not defined, then all the nodes should be returned
+        # if slice is defined, we should return only the nodes that
+        # are part of this slice
+        # but what is the role of the slivers parameter ?
+        # So i assume that slice['node_ids'] will be the same as slivers for us
+        slice_nodes_list = []
+        if slices is not None:
+            for one_slice in slices:
+                try:
+                    slice_nodes_list = one_slice['node_ids']
+                     # if we are dealing with a slice that has no node just
+                     # return an empty list. In cortexlab a slice can have multiple
+                     # jobs scheduled, so it either has at least one lease or
+                     # not at all.
+                except KeyError:
+                    return []
+        # get the granularity in second for the reservation system
+        grain = self.driver.cortexlab_api.GetLeaseGranularity()
+        nodes = self.driver.cortexlab_api.GetNodes()
+        nodes_dict = {}
+        #if slices, this means we got to list all the nodes given to this slice
+        # Make a list of all the nodes in the slice before getting their
+        #attributes
+        rspec_nodes = []
+        logger.debug("CortexlabAggregate api get_nodes slices  %s "
+                     % (slices))
+        reserved_nodes = self.driver.cortexlab_api.GetNodesCurrentlyInUse()
+        logger.debug("CortexlabAggregate api get_nodes slice_nodes_list  %s "
+                     % (slice_nodes_list))
+        for node in nodes:
+            nodes_dict[node['node_id']] = node
+            if slice_nodes_list == [] or node['hostname'] in slice_nodes_list:
+                rspec_node = IotlabNode()
+                # xxx how to retrieve site['login_base']
+                #site_id=node['site_id']
+                #site=sites_dict[site_id]
+                # rspec_node['mobile'] = node['mobile']
+                rspec_node['archi'] = node['archi']
+                rspec_node['radio'] = node['radio']
+                cortexlab_xrn = cortexlab_xrn_object(self.driver.cortexlab_api.root_auth,
+                                               node['hostname'])
+                rspec_node['component_id'] = cortexlab_xrn.urn
+                rspec_node['component_name'] = node['hostname']
+                rspec_node['component_manager_id'] = \
+                                hrn_to_urn(self.driver.cortexlab_api.root_auth,
+                                'authority+sa')
+                # Iotlab's nodes are federated : there is only one authority
+                # for all Iotlab sites, registered in SFA.
+                # Removing the part including the site
+                # in authority_id SA 27/07/12
+                rspec_node['authority_id'] = rspec_node['component_manager_id']
+                # do not include boot state (<available> element)
+                #in the manifest rspec
+                rspec_node['boot_state'] = node['boot_state']
+                if node['hostname'] in reserved_nodes:
+                    rspec_node['boot_state'] = "Reserved"
+                rspec_node['exclusive'] = 'true'
+                rspec_node['hardware_types'] = [HardwareType({'name':
+                                               'cortexlab-node'})]
+                location = IotlabLocation({'country':'France', 'site':
+                                            node['site']})
+                rspec_node['location'] = location
+                # Adding mobility of the node in the rspec
+                mobility = IotlabMobility()
+                for field in mobility:
+                    try:
+                        mobility[field] = node[field]
+                    except KeyError, error:
+                        logger.log_exc("CortexlabAggregate\t get_nodes \
+                                         mobility %s " % (error))
+                rspec_node['mobility'] = mobility
+                position = IotlabPosition()
+                for field in position:
+                    try:
+                        position[field] = node[field]
+                    except KeyError, error:
+                        logger.log_exc("CortexlabAggregate\t get_nodes \
+                                                        position %s " % (error))
+                rspec_node['position'] = position
+                #rspec_node['interfaces'] = []
+                # Granularity
+                granularity = Granularity({'grain': grain})
+                rspec_node['granularity'] = granularity
+                rspec_node['tags'] = []
+                if node['hostname'] in slivers:
+                    # add sliver info
+                    sliver = slivers[node['hostname']]
+                    rspec_node['sliver_id'] = sliver['sliver_id']
+                    rspec_node['client_id'] = node['hostname']
+                    rspec_node['slivers'] = [sliver]
+                    # slivers always provide the ssh service
+                    login = Login({'authentication': 'ssh-keys',
+                                   'hostname': node['hostname'], 'port': '22',
+                                   'username': sliver['name']})
+                    service = Services({'login': login})
+                    rspec_node['services'] = [service]
+                rspec_nodes.append(rspec_node)
+        return (rspec_nodes)
+    def get_all_leases(self, ldap_username):
+        """
+        Get list of lease dictionaries which all have the mandatory keys
+        ('lease_id', 'hostname', 'site_id', 'name', 'start_time', 'duration').
+        All the leases running or scheduled are returned.
+        :param ldap_username: if ldap uid is not None, looks for the leases
+        belonging to this user.
+        :type ldap_username: string
+        :returns: rspec lease dictionary with keys lease_id, component_id,
+            slice_id, start_time, duration.
+        :rtype: dict
+        .. note::There is no filtering of leases within a given time frame.
+            All the running or scheduled leases are returned. options
+            removed SA 15/05/2013
+        """
+        #now = int(time.time())
+        #lease_filter = {'clip': now }
+        #if slice_record:
+            #lease_filter.update({'name': slice_record['name']})
+        #leases = self.driver.cortexlab_api.GetLeases(lease_filter)
+        logger.debug("CortexlabAggregate  get_all_leases ldap_username %s "
+                     % (ldap_username))
+        leases = self.driver.cortexlab_api.GetLeases(login=ldap_username)
+        grain = self.driver.cortexlab_api.GetLeaseGranularity()
+        # site_ids = []
+        rspec_leases = []
+        for lease in leases:
+            #as many leases as there are nodes in the job
+            for node in lease['reserved_nodes']:
+                rspec_lease = Lease()
+                rspec_lease['lease_id'] = lease['lease_id']
+                #site = node['site_id']
+                cortexlab_xrn = cortexlab_xrn_object(self.driver.cortexlab_api.root_auth,
+                                               node)
+                rspec_lease['component_id'] = cortexlab_xrn.urn
+                #rspec_lease['component_id'] = hostname_to_urn(self.driver.hrn,\
+                                        #site, node['hostname'])
+                try:
+                    rspec_lease['slice_id'] = lease['slice_id']
+                except KeyError:
+                    #No info on the slice used in cortexlab_xp table
+                    pass
+                rspec_lease['start_time'] = lease['t_from']
+                rspec_lease['duration'] = (lease['t_until'] - lease['t_from']) \
+                     / grain
+                rspec_leases.append(rspec_lease)
+        return rspec_leases
+    def get_rspec(self, slice_xrn=None, login=None, version=None,
+                  options=None):
+        """
+        Returns xml rspec:
+        - a full advertisement rspec with the testbed resources if slice_xrn is
+        not specified.If a lease option is given, also returns the leases
+        scheduled on the testbed.
+        - a manifest Rspec with the leases and nodes in slice's leases if
+        slice_xrn is not None.
+        :param slice_xrn: srn of the slice
+        :type slice_xrn: string
+        :param login: user'uid (ldap login) on cortexlab
+        :type login: string
+        :param version: can be set to sfa or cortexlab
+        :type version: RSpecVersion
+        :param options: used to specify if the leases should also be included in
+            the returned rspec.
+        :type options: dict
+        :returns: Xml Rspec.
+        :rtype: XML
+        """
+        ldap_username = None
+        rspec = None
+        version_manager = VersionManager()
+        version = version_manager.get_version(version)
+        logger.debug("CortexlabAggregate \t get_rspec ***version %s \
+                    version.type %s  version.version %s options %s \r\n"
+                     % (version, version.type, version.version, options))
+        if slice_xrn is None:
+            rspec_version = version_manager._get_version(version.type,
+                                                         version.version, 'ad')
+        else:
+            rspec_version = version_manager._get_version(
+                version.type, version.version, 'manifest')
+        slices, slivers = self.get_slice_and_slivers(slice_xrn, login)
+        if slice_xrn and slices is not None:
+            #Get user associated with this slice
+            #for one_slice in slices :
+            ldap_username = slices[0]['reg_researchers'][0].__dict__['hrn']
+             # ldap_username = slices[0]['user']
+            tmp = ldap_username.split('.')
+            ldap_username = tmp[1]
+            logger.debug("CortexlabAggregate \tget_rspec **** \
+                    LDAP USERNAME %s \r\n" \
+                    % (ldap_username))
+        #at this point sliver may be empty if no cortexlab job
+        #is running for this user/slice.
+        rspec = RSpec(version=rspec_version, user_options=options)
+        logger.debug("\r\n \r\n CortexlabAggregate \tget_rspec *** \
+                      slice_xrn %s slices  %s\r\n \r\n"
+                     % (slice_xrn, slices))
+        if options is not None and 'list_leases' in options:
+            lease_option = options['list_leases']
+        else:
+            #If no options are specified, at least print the resources
+            lease_option = 'all'
+           #if slice_xrn :
+               #lease_option = 'all'
+        if lease_option in ['all', 'resources']:
+        #if not options.get('list_leases') or options.get('list_leases')
+        #and options['list_leases'] != 'leases':
+            nodes = self.get_nodes(slices, slivers)
+            if slice_xrn and slices is None:
+              nodes = []
+            logger.debug("\r\n")
+            logger.debug("CortexlabAggregate \t lease_option %s \
+                          get rspec  ******* nodes %s"
+                         % (lease_option, nodes))
+            sites_set = set([node['location']['site'] for node in nodes])
+            #In case creating a job,  slice_xrn is not set to None
+            rspec.version.add_nodes(nodes)
+            if slice_xrn and slices is not None:
+            #     #Get user associated with this slice
+            #     #for one_slice in slices :
+            #     ldap_username = slices[0]['reg_researchers']
+            #      # ldap_username = slices[0]['user']
+            #     tmp = ldap_username.split('.')
+            #     ldap_username = tmp[1]
+            #      # ldap_username = tmp[1].split('_')[0]
+                logger.debug("CortexlabAggregate \tget_rspec **** \
+                        version type %s ldap_ user %s \r\n" \
+                        % (version.type, ldap_username))
+                if version.type == "Iotlab":
+                    rspec.version.add_connection_information(
+                        ldap_username, sites_set)
+            default_sliver = slivers.get('default_sliver', [])
+            if default_sliver and len(nodes) is not 0:
+                #default_sliver_attribs = default_sliver.get('tags', [])
+                logger.debug("CortexlabAggregate \tget_rspec **** \
+                        default_sliver%s \r\n" % (default_sliver))
+                for attrib in default_sliver:
+                    rspec.version.add_default_sliver_attribute(
+                        attrib, default_sliver[attrib])
+        if lease_option in ['all','leases']:
+            leases = self.get_all_leases(ldap_username)
+            rspec.version.add_leases(leases)
+            logger.debug("CortexlabAggregate \tget_rspec **** \
+                       FINAL RSPEC %s \r\n" % (rspec.toxml()))
+        return rspec.toxml()
diff --git a/sfa/cortexlab/ b/sfa/cortexlab/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2ffad40
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1455 @@
+File containing the IotlabTestbedAPI, used to interact with nodes, users,
+slices, leases and keys,  as well as the dedicated iotlab database and table,
+holding information about which slice is running which job.
+from datetime import datetime
+from sfa.util.sfalogging import logger
+from import dbsession
+from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload
+from import RegRecord, RegUser, RegSlice, RegKey
+from sfa.iotlab.iotlabpostgres import IotlabDB, IotlabXP
+from sfa.iotlab.OARrestapi import OARrestapi
+from sfa.iotlab.LDAPapi import LDAPapi
+from sfa.util.xrn import Xrn, hrn_to_urn, get_authority
+from import Keypair, convert_public_key
+from import create_uuid
+from import Hierarchy
+from sfa.iotlab.iotlabaggregate import iotlab_xrn_object
+class CortexlabTestbedAPI():
+    """ Class enabled to use LDAP and OAR api calls. """
+    _MINIMUM_DURATION = 10  # 10 units of granularity 60 s, 10 mins
+    def __init__(self, config):
+        """Creates an instance of OARrestapi and LDAPapi which will be used to
+        issue calls to OAR or LDAP methods.
+        Set the time format  and the testbed granularity used for OAR
+        reservation and leases.
+        :param config: configuration object from sfa.util.config
+        :type config: Config object
+        """
+        self.iotlab_db = IotlabDB(config)
+        self.oar = OARrestapi()
+        self.ldap = LDAPapi()
+        self.time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
+        self.root_auth = config.SFA_REGISTRY_ROOT_AUTH
+        self.grain = 60  # 10 mins lease minimum, 60 sec granularity
+        #import logging, logging.handlers
+        #from sfa.util.sfalogging import _SfaLogger
+        #sql_logger = _SfaLogger(loggername = 'sqlalchemy.engine', \
+                                                    #level=logging.DEBUG)
+        return
+    @staticmethod
+    def GetMinExperimentDurationInGranularity():
+        """ Returns the minimum allowed duration for an experiment on the
+        testbed. In seconds.
+        """
+        return IotlabTestbedAPI._MINIMUM_DURATION
+    @staticmethod
+    def GetPeers(peer_filter=None ):
+        """ Gathers registered authorities in SFA DB and looks for specific peer
+        if peer_filter is specified.
+        :param peer_filter: name of the site authority looked for.
+        :type peer_filter: string
+        :returns: list of records.
+        """
+        existing_records = {}
+        existing_hrns_by_types = {}
+        logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API \tGetPeers peer_filter %s " % (peer_filter))
+        all_records = dbsession.query(RegRecord).filter('%authority%')).all()
+        for record in all_records:
+            existing_records[(record.hrn, record.type)] = record
+            if record.type not in existing_hrns_by_types:
+                existing_hrns_by_types[record.type] = [record.hrn]
+            else:
+                existing_hrns_by_types[record.type].append(record.hrn)
+        logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API \tGetPeer\texisting_hrns_by_types %s "
+                     % (existing_hrns_by_types))
+        records_list = []
+        try:
+            if peer_filter:
+                records_list.append(existing_records[(peer_filter,
+                                                     'authority')])
+            else:
+                for hrn in existing_hrns_by_types['authority']:
+                    records_list.append(existing_records[(hrn, 'authority')])
+            logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API \tGetPeer \trecords_list  %s "
+                         % (records_list))
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
+        return_records = records_list
+        logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API \tGetPeer return_records %s "
+                     % (return_records))
+        return return_records
+    #TODO  : Handling OR request in make_ldap_filters_from_records
+    #instead of the for loop
+    #over the records' list
+    def GetPersons(self, person_filter=None):
+        """
+        Get the enabled users and their properties from Iotlab LDAP.
+        If a filter is specified, looks for the user whose properties match
+        the filter, otherwise returns the whole enabled users'list.
+        :param person_filter: Must be a list of dictionnaries with users
+            properties when not set to None.
+        :type person_filter: list of dict
+        :returns: Returns a list of users whose accounts are enabled
+            found in ldap.
+        :rtype: list of dicts
+        """
+        logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API \tGetPersons person_filter %s"
+                     % (person_filter))
+        person_list = []
+        if person_filter and isinstance(person_filter, list):
+        #If we are looking for a list of users (list of dict records)
+        #Usually the list contains only one user record
+            for searched_attributes in person_filter:
+                #Get only enabled user accounts in iotlab LDAP :
+                #add a filter for make_ldap_filters_from_record
+                person = self.ldap.LdapFindUser(searched_attributes,
+                                                is_user_enabled=True)
+                #If a person was found, append it to the list
+                if person:
+                    person_list.append(person)
+            #If the list is empty, return None
+            if len(person_list) is 0:
+                person_list = None
+        else:
+            #Get only enabled user accounts in iotlab LDAP :
+            #add a filter for make_ldap_filters_from_record
+            person_list  = self.ldap.LdapFindUser(is_user_enabled=True)
+        return person_list
+    #def GetTimezone(self):
+        #""" Returns the OAR server time and timezone.
+        #Unused SA 30/05/13"""
+        #server_timestamp, server_tz = self.oar.parser.\
+                                            #SendRequest("GET_timezone")
+        #return server_timestamp, server_tz
+    def DeleteLeases(self, lease_id, username):
+        """
+        Deletes the lease with the specified lease_id and username on OAR by
+            posting a delete request to OAR.
+        :param lease_id: Reservation identifier.
+        :param username: user's iotlab login in LDAP.
+        :type lease_id: Depends on what tou are using, could be integer or
+            string
+        :type username: string
+        :returns: dictionary with the lease id and if delete has been successful
+            (True) or no (False)
+        :rtype: dict
+        """
+        # Here delete the lease specified
+        # If the username is not necessary to delete the lease, then you can
+        # remove it from the parameters, given that you propagate the changes
+        # Return delete status so that you know if the delete has been
+        # successuf or not
+        if answer['status'] == 'Delete request registered':
+            ret = {lease_id: True}
+        else:
+            ret = {lease_id: False}
+        logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API \DeleteLeases lease_id  %s \r\n answer %s \
+                                username %s" % (lease_id, answer, username))
+        return ret
+    def GetJobsResources(self, job_id, username = None):
+        """ Gets the list of nodes associated with the job_id and username
+        if provided.
+        Transforms the iotlab hostnames to the corresponding
+        SFA nodes hrns.
+        Rertuns dict key :'node_ids' , value : hostnames list
+        :param username: user's LDAP login
+        :paran job_id: job's OAR identifier.
+        :type username: string
+        :type job_id: integer
+        :returns: dicionary with nodes' hostnames belonging to the job.
+        :rtype: dict
+        """
+        req = "GET_jobs_id_resources"
+        #Get job resources list from OAR
+        node_id_list = self.oar.parser.SendRequest(req, job_id, username)
+        logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API \t GetJobsResources  %s " %(node_id_list))
+        hostname_list = \
+            self.__get_hostnames_from_oar_node_ids(node_id_list)
+        #Replaces the previous entry "assigned_network_address" /
+        #"reserved_resources" with "node_ids"
+        job_info = {'node_ids': hostname_list}
+        return job_info
+    def GetNodesCurrentlyInUse(self):
+        """Returns a list of all the nodes already involved in an oar running
+        job.
+        :rtype: list of nodes hostnames.
+        """
+        return self.oar.parser.SendRequest("GET_running_jobs")
+    def __get_hostnames_from_oar_node_ids(self, resource_id_list ):
+        """Get the hostnames of the nodes from their OAR identifiers.
+        Get the list of nodes dict using GetNodes and find the hostname
+        associated with the identifier.
+        :param resource_id_list: list of nodes identifiers
+        :returns: list of node hostnames.
+        """
+        full_nodes_dict_list = self.GetNodes()
+        #Put the full node list into a dictionary keyed by oar node id
+        oar_id_node_dict = {}
+        for node in full_nodes_dict_list:
+            oar_id_node_dict[node['oar_id']] = node
+        hostname_list = []
+        for resource_id in resource_id_list:
+            #Because jobs requested "asap" do not have defined resources
+            if resource_id is not "Undefined":
+                hostname_list.append(\
+                        oar_id_node_dict[resource_id]['hostname'])
+            #hostname_list.append(oar_id_node_dict[resource_id]['hostname'])
+        return hostname_list
+    def GetReservedNodes(self, username=None):
+        """ Get list of leases. Get the leases for the username if specified,
+        otherwise get all the leases. Finds the nodes hostnames for each
+        OAR node identifier.
+        :param username: user's LDAP login
+        :type username: string
+        :returns: list of reservations dict
+        :rtype: dict list
+        """
+        #Get the nodes in use and the reserved nodes
+        reservation_dict_list = \
+                        self.oar.parser.SendRequest("GET_reserved_nodes", \
+                        username = username)
+        for resa in reservation_dict_list:
+            logger.debug ("GetReservedNodes resa %s"%(resa))
+            #dict list of hostnames and their site
+            resa['reserved_nodes'] = \
+                self.__get_hostnames_from_oar_node_ids(resa['resource_ids'])
+        #del resa['resource_ids']
+        return reservation_dict_list
+    def GetNodes(self, node_filter_dict=None, return_fields_list=None):
+        """
+        Make a list of iotlab nodes and their properties from information
+            given by OAR. Search for specific nodes if some filters are
+            specified. Nodes properties returned if no return_fields_list given:
+            'hrn','archi','mobile','hostname','site','boot_state','node_id',
+            'radio','posx','posy','oar_id','posz'.
+        :param node_filter_dict: dictionnary of lists with node properties. For
+            instance, if you want to look for a specific node with its hrn,
+            the node_filter_dict should be {'hrn': [hrn_of_the_node]}
+        :type node_filter_dict: dict
+        :param return_fields_list: list of specific fields the user wants to be
+            returned.
+        :type return_fields_list: list
+        :returns: list of dictionaries with node properties
+        :rtype: list
+        """
+        node_dict_by_id = self.oar.parser.SendRequest("GET_resources_full")
+        node_dict_list = node_dict_by_id.values()
+        logger.debug (" CORTEXLAB_API GetNodes  node_filter_dict %s \
+            return_fields_list %s " % (node_filter_dict, return_fields_list))
+        #No  filtering needed return the list directly
+        if not (node_filter_dict or return_fields_list):
+            return node_dict_list
+        return_node_list = []
+        if node_filter_dict:
+            for filter_key in node_filter_dict:
+                try:
+                    #Filter the node_dict_list by each value contained in the
+                    #list node_filter_dict[filter_key]
+                    for value in node_filter_dict[filter_key]:
+                        for node in node_dict_list:
+                            if node[filter_key] == value:
+                                if return_fields_list:
+                                    tmp = {}
+                                    for k in return_fields_list:
+                                        tmp[k] = node[k]
+                                    return_node_list.append(tmp)
+                                else:
+                                    return_node_list.append(node)
+                except KeyError:
+                    logger.log_exc("GetNodes KeyError")
+                    return
+        return return_node_list
+    @staticmethod
+    def AddSlice(slice_record, user_record):
+        """
+        Add slice to the local iotlab sfa tables if the slice comes
+            from a federated site and is not yet in the iotlab sfa DB,
+            although the user has already a LDAP login.
+            Called by verify_slice during lease/sliver creation.
+        :param slice_record: record of slice, must contain hrn, gid, slice_id
+            and authority of the slice.
+        :type slice_record: dictionary
+        :param user_record: record of the user
+        :type user_record: RegUser
+        """
+        sfa_record = RegSlice(hrn=slice_record['hrn'],
+                              gid=slice_record['gid'],
+                              pointer=slice_record['slice_id'],
+                              authority=slice_record['authority'])
+        logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API.PY AddSlice  sfa_record %s user_record %s"
+                     % (sfa_record, user_record))
+        sfa_record.just_created()
+        dbsession.add(sfa_record)
+        dbsession.commit()
+        #Update the reg-researcher dependance table
+        sfa_record.reg_researchers = [user_record]
+        dbsession.commit()
+        return
+    def GetSites(self, site_filter_name_list=None, return_fields_list=None):
+        """Returns the list of Iotlab's sites with the associated nodes and
+        their properties as dictionaries.
+        Uses the OAR request GET_sites to find the Iotlab's sites.
+        :param site_filter_name_list: used to specify specific sites
+        :param return_fields_list: field that has to be returned
+        :type site_filter_name_list: list
+        :type return_fields_list: list
+        .. warning:: unused
+        """
+        site_dict = self.oar.parser.SendRequest("GET_sites")
+        #site_dict : dict where the key is the sit ename
+        return_site_list = []
+        if not (site_filter_name_list or return_fields_list):
+            return_site_list = site_dict.values()
+            return return_site_list
+        for site_filter_name in site_filter_name_list:
+            if site_filter_name in site_dict:
+                if return_fields_list:
+                    for field in return_fields_list:
+                        tmp = {}
+                        try:
+                            tmp[field] = site_dict[site_filter_name][field]
+                        except KeyError:
+                            logger.error("GetSites KeyError %s " % (field))
+                            return None
+                    return_site_list.append(tmp)
+                else:
+                    return_site_list.append(site_dict[site_filter_name])
+        return return_site_list
+    #TODO : Check rights to delete person
+    def DeletePerson(self, person_record):
+        """Disable an existing account in iotlab LDAP.
+        Users and techs can only delete themselves. PIs can only
+            delete themselves and other non-PIs at their sites.
+            ins can delete anyone.
+        :param person_record: user's record
+        :type person_record: dict
+        :returns:  True if successful, False otherwise.
+        :rtype: boolean
+        """
+        #Disable user account in iotlab LDAP
+        ret = self.ldap.LdapMarkUserAsDeleted(person_record)
+        logger.warning("CORTEXLAB_API DeletePerson %s " % (person_record))
+        return ret['bool']
+    def DeleteSlice(self, slice_record):
+        """Deletes the specified slice and kills the jobs associated with
+            the slice if any,  using DeleteSliceFromNodes.
+        :param slice_record: record of the slice, must contain oar_job_id, user
+        :type slice_record: dict
+        :returns: True if all the jobs in the slice have been deleted,
+            or the list of jobs that could not be deleted otherwise.
+        :rtype: list or boolean
+         .. seealso:: DeleteSliceFromNodes
+        """
+        ret = self.DeleteSliceFromNodes(slice_record)
+        delete_failed = None
+        for job_id in ret:
+            if False in ret[job_id]:
+                if delete_failed is None:
+                    delete_failed = []
+                delete_failed.append(job_id)
+"CORTEXLAB_API DeleteSlice %s  answer %s"%(slice_record, \
+                    delete_failed))
+        return delete_failed or True
+    @staticmethod
+    def __add_person_to_db(user_dict):
+        """
+        Add a federated user straight to db when the user issues a lease
+        request with iotlab nodes and that he has not registered with iotlab
+        yet (that is he does not have a LDAP entry yet).
+        Uses parts of the routines in SlabImport when importing user from LDAP.
+        Called by AddPerson, right after LdapAddUser.
+        :param user_dict: Must contain email, hrn and pkey to get a GID
+        and be added to the SFA db.
+        :type user_dict: dict
+        """
+        check_if_exists = \
+        dbsession.query(RegUser).filter_by(email = user_dict['email']).first()
+        #user doesn't exists
+        if not check_if_exists:
+            logger.debug("__add_person_to_db \t Adding %s \r\n \r\n \
+                                            " %(user_dict))
+            hrn = user_dict['hrn']
+            person_urn = hrn_to_urn(hrn, 'user')
+            pubkey = user_dict['pkey']
+            try:
+                pkey = convert_public_key(pubkey)
+            except TypeError:
+                #key not good. create another pkey
+                logger.warn('__add_person_to_db: unable to convert public \
+                                    key for %s' %(hrn ))
+                pkey = Keypair(create=True)
+            if pubkey is not None and pkey is not None :
+                hierarchy = Hierarchy()
+                person_gid = hierarchy.create_gid(person_urn, create_uuid(), \
+                                pkey)
+                if user_dict['email']:
+                    logger.debug("__add_person_to_db \r\n \r\n \
+                        IOTLAB IMPORTER PERSON EMAIL OK email %s "\
+                        %(user_dict['email']))
+                    person_gid.set_email(user_dict['email'])
+            user_record = RegUser(hrn=hrn , pointer= '-1', \
+                                    authority=get_authority(hrn), \
+                                    email=user_dict['email'], gid = person_gid)
+            user_record.reg_keys = [RegKey(user_dict['pkey'])]
+            user_record.just_created()
+            dbsession.add (user_record)
+            dbsession.commit()
+        return
+    def AddPerson(self, record):
+        """
+        Adds a new account. Any fields specified in records are used,
+            otherwise defaults are used. Creates an appropriate login by calling
+            LdapAddUser.
+        :param record: dictionary with the sfa user's properties.
+        :returns: a dicitonary with the status. If successful, the dictionary
+            boolean is set to True and there is a 'uid' key with the new login
+            added to LDAP, otherwise the bool is set to False and a key
+            'message' is in the dictionary, with the error message.
+        :rtype: dict
+        """
+        ret = self.ldap.LdapAddUser(record)
+        if ret['bool'] is True:
+            record['hrn'] = self.root_auth + '.' + ret['uid']
+            logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API AddPerson return code %s record %s  "
+                         % (ret, record))
+            self.__add_person_to_db(record)
+        return ret
+    #TODO AddPersonKey 04/07/2012 SA
+    def AddPersonKey(self, person_uid, old_attributes_dict, new_key_dict):
+        """Adds a new key to the specified account. Adds the key to the
+            iotlab ldap, provided that the person_uid is valid.
+        Non-admins can only modify their own keys.
+        :param person_uid: user's iotlab login in LDAP
+        :param old_attributes_dict: dict with the user's old sshPublicKey
+        :param new_key_dict: dict with the user's new sshPublicKey
+        :type person_uid: string
+        :rtype: Boolean
+        :returns: True if the key has been modified, False otherwise.
+        """
+        ret = self.ldap.LdapModify(person_uid, old_attributes_dict, \
+                                                                new_key_dict)
+        logger.warning("CORTEXLAB_API AddPersonKey EMPTY - DO NOTHING \r\n ")
+        return ret['bool']
+    def DeleteLeases(self, leases_id_list, slice_hrn):
+        """
+        Deletes several leases, based on their job ids and the slice
+            they are associated with. Uses DeleteJobs to delete the jobs
+            on OAR. Note that one slice can contain multiple jobs, and in this
+            case all the jobs in the leases_id_list MUST belong to ONE slice,
+            since there is only one slice hrn provided here.
+        :param leases_id_list: list of job ids that belong to the slice whose
+            slice hrn is provided.
+        :param slice_hrn: the slice hrn.
+        :type slice_hrn: string
+        .. warning:: Does not have a return value since there was no easy
+            way to handle failure when dealing with multiple job delete. Plus,
+            there was no easy way to report it to the user.
+        """
+        logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API DeleteLeases leases_id_list %s slice_hrn %s \
+                \r\n " %(leases_id_list, slice_hrn))
+        for job_id in leases_id_list:
+            self.DeleteJobs(job_id, slice_hrn)
+        return
+    @staticmethod
+    def _process_walltime(duration):
+        """ Calculates the walltime in seconds from the duration in H:M:S
+            specified in the RSpec.
+        """
+        if duration:
+            # Fixing the walltime by adding a few delays.
+            # First put the walltime in seconds oarAdditionalDelay = 20;
+            #  additional delay for /bin/sleep command to
+            # take in account  prologue and epilogue scripts execution
+            # int walltimeAdditionalDelay = 240;  additional delay
+            #for prologue/epilogue execution = $SERVER_PROLOGUE_EPILOGUE_TIMEOUT
+            #in oar.conf
+            # Put the duration in seconds first
+            #desired_walltime = duration * 60
+            desired_walltime = duration
+            total_walltime = desired_walltime + 240 #+4 min Update SA 23/10/12
+            sleep_walltime = desired_walltime  # 0 sec added Update SA 23/10/12
+            walltime = []
+            #Put the walltime back in str form
+            #First get the hours
+            walltime.append(str(total_walltime / 3600))
+            total_walltime = total_walltime - 3600 * int(walltime[0])
+            #Get the remaining minutes
+            walltime.append(str(total_walltime / 60))
+            total_walltime = total_walltime - 60 * int(walltime[1])
+            #Get the seconds
+            walltime.append(str(total_walltime))
+        else:
+            logger.log_exc(" __process_walltime duration null")
+        return walltime, sleep_walltime
+    @staticmethod
+    def _create_job_structure_request_for_OAR(lease_dict):
+        """ Creates the structure needed for a correct POST on OAR.
+        Makes the timestamp transformation into the appropriate format.
+        Sends the POST request to create the job with the resources in
+        added_nodes.
+        """
+        nodeid_list = []
+        reqdict = {}
+        reqdict['workdir'] = '/tmp'
+        reqdict['resource'] = "{network_address in ("
+        for node in lease_dict['added_nodes']:
+            logger.debug("\r\n \r\n OARrestapi \t \
+            __create_job_structure_request_for_OAR node %s" %(node))
+            # Get the ID of the node
+            nodeid = node
+            reqdict['resource'] += "'" + nodeid + "', "
+            nodeid_list.append(nodeid)
+        custom_length = len(reqdict['resource'])- 2
+        reqdict['resource'] = reqdict['resource'][0:custom_length] + \
+                                            ")}/nodes=" + str(len(nodeid_list))
+        walltime, sleep_walltime = \
+                    IotlabTestbedAPI._process_walltime(\
+                                     int(lease_dict['lease_duration']))
+        reqdict['resource'] += ",walltime=" + str(walltime[0]) + \
+                            ":" + str(walltime[1]) + ":" + str(walltime[2])
+        reqdict['script_path'] = "/bin/sleep " + str(sleep_walltime)
+        #In case of a scheduled experiment (not immediate)
+        #To run an XP immediately, don't specify date and time in RSpec
+        #They will be set to None.
+        if lease_dict['lease_start_time'] is not '0':
+            #Readable time accepted by OAR
+            start_time = datetime.fromtimestamp( \
+                int(lease_dict['lease_start_time'])).\
+                strftime(lease_dict['time_format'])
+            reqdict['reservation'] = start_time
+        #If there is not start time, Immediate XP. No need to add special
+        # OAR parameters
+        reqdict['type'] = "deploy"
+        reqdict['directory'] = ""
+        reqdict['name'] = "SFA_" + lease_dict['slice_user']
+        return reqdict
+    def LaunchExperimentOnOAR(self, added_nodes, slice_name, \
+                        lease_start_time, lease_duration, slice_user=None):
+        """
+        Create a job request structure based on the information provided
+        and post the job on OAR.
+        :param added_nodes: list of nodes that belong to the described lease.
+        :param slice_name: the slice hrn associated to the lease.
+        :param lease_start_time: timestamp of the lease startting time.
+        :param lease_duration: lease durationin minutes
+        """
+        lease_dict = {}
+        lease_dict['lease_start_time'] = lease_start_time
+        lease_dict['lease_duration'] = lease_duration
+        lease_dict['added_nodes'] = added_nodes
+        lease_dict['slice_name'] = slice_name
+        lease_dict['slice_user'] = slice_user
+        lease_dict['grain'] = self.GetLeaseGranularity()
+        lease_dict['time_format'] = self.time_format
+        logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API.PY \tLaunchExperimentOnOAR slice_user %s\
+                             \r\n "  %(slice_user))
+        #Create the request for OAR
+        reqdict = self._create_job_structure_request_for_OAR(lease_dict)
+         # first step : start the OAR job and update the job
+        logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API.PY \tLaunchExperimentOnOAR reqdict %s\
+                             \r\n "  %(reqdict))
+        answer = self.oar.POSTRequestToOARRestAPI('POST_job', \
+                                                reqdict, slice_user)
+        logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API \tLaunchExperimentOnOAR jobid  %s " %(answer))
+        try:
+            jobid = answer['id']
+        except KeyError:
+            logger.log_exc("CORTEXLAB_API \tLaunchExperimentOnOAR \
+                                Impossible to create job  %s "  %(answer))
+            return None
+        if jobid :
+            logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API \tLaunchExperimentOnOAR jobid %s \
+                    added_nodes %s slice_user %s" %(jobid, added_nodes, \
+                                                            slice_user))
+        return jobid
+    def AddLeases(self, hostname_list, slice_record,
+                  lease_start_time, lease_duration):
+        """Creates a job in OAR corresponding to the information provided
+        as parameters. Adds the job id and the slice hrn in the iotlab
+        database so that we are able to know which slice has which nodes.
+        :param hostname_list: list of nodes' OAR hostnames.
+        :param slice_record: sfa slice record, must contain login and hrn.
+        :param lease_start_time: starting time , unix timestamp format
+        :param lease_duration: duration in minutes
+        :type hostname_list: list
+        :type slice_record: dict
+        :type lease_start_time: integer
+        :type lease_duration: integer
+        """
+        logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API \r\n \r\n \t AddLeases hostname_list %s  \
+                slice_record %s lease_start_time %s lease_duration %s  "\
+                 %( hostname_list, slice_record , lease_start_time, \
+                 lease_duration))
+        #tmp = slice_record['reg-researchers'][0].split(".")
+        username = slice_record['login']
+        #username = tmp[(len(tmp)-1)]
+        job_id = self.LaunchExperimentOnOAR(hostname_list, \
+                                    slice_record['hrn'], \
+                                    lease_start_time, lease_duration, \
+                                    username)
+        start_time = \
+                datetime.fromtimestamp(int(lease_start_time)).\
+                strftime(self.time_format)
+        end_time = lease_start_time + lease_duration
+        logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API \r\n \r\n \t AddLeases TURN ON LOGGING SQL \
+                        %s %s %s "%(slice_record['hrn'], job_id, end_time))
+        logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API \r\n \r\n \t AddLeases %s %s %s " \
+                %(type(slice_record['hrn']), type(job_id), type(end_time)))
+        iotlab_ex_row = IotlabXP(slice_hrn = slice_record['hrn'], job_id=job_id,
+                                 end_time= end_time)
+        logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API \r\n \r\n \t AddLeases iotlab_ex_row %s" \
+                %(iotlab_ex_row))
+        self.iotlab_db.iotlab_session.add(iotlab_ex_row)
+        self.iotlab_db.iotlab_session.commit()
+        logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API \t AddLeases hostname_list start_time %s " \
+                %(start_time))
+        return
+    #Delete the jobs from job_iotlab table
+    def DeleteSliceFromNodes(self, slice_record):
+        """
+        Deletes all the running or scheduled jobs of a given slice
+            given its record.
+        :param slice_record: record of the slice, must contain oar_job_id, user
+        :type slice_record: dict
+        :returns: dict of the jobs'deletion status. Success= True, Failure=
+            False, for each job id.
+        :rtype: dict
+        """
+        logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API \t  DeleteSliceFromNodes %s "
+                     % (slice_record))
+        if isinstance(slice_record['oar_job_id'], list):
+            oar_bool_answer = {}
+            for job_id in slice_record['oar_job_id']:
+                ret = self.DeleteJobs(job_id, slice_record['user'])
+                oar_bool_answer.update(ret)
+        else:
+            oar_bool_answer = [self.DeleteJobs(slice_record['oar_job_id'],
+                                               slice_record['user'])]
+        return oar_bool_answer
+    def GetLeaseGranularity(self):
+        """ Returns the granularity of an experiment in the Iotlab testbed.
+        OAR uses seconds for experiments duration , the granulaity is also
+        defined in seconds.
+        Experiments which last less than 10 min (600 sec) are invalid"""
+        return self.grain
+    # @staticmethod
+    # def update_jobs_in_iotlabdb( job_oar_list, jobs_psql):
+    #     """ Cleans the iotlab db by deleting expired and cancelled jobs.
+    #     Compares the list of job ids given by OAR with the job ids that
+    #     are already in the database, deletes the jobs that are no longer in
+    #     the OAR job id list.
+    #     :param  job_oar_list: list of job ids coming from OAR
+    #     :type job_oar_list: list
+    #     :param job_psql: list of job ids cfrom the database.
+    #     type job_psql: list
+    #     """
+    #     #Turn the list into a set
+    #     set_jobs_psql = set(jobs_psql)
+    #     kept_jobs = set(job_oar_list).intersection(set_jobs_psql)
+    #     logger.debug ( "\r\n \t\ update_jobs_in_iotlabdb jobs_psql %s \r\n \t \
+    #         job_oar_list %s kept_jobs %s "%(set_jobs_psql, job_oar_list, kept_jobs))
+    #     deleted_jobs = set_jobs_psql.difference(kept_jobs)
+    #     deleted_jobs = list(deleted_jobs)
+    #     if len(deleted_jobs) > 0:
+    #         self.iotlab_db.iotlab_session.query(IotlabXP).filter(IotlabXP.job_id.in_(deleted_jobs)).delete(synchronize_session='fetch')
+    #         self.iotlab_db.iotlab_session.commit()
+    #     return
+    @staticmethod
+    def filter_lease_name(reservation_list, filter_value):
+        filtered_reservation_list = list(reservation_list)
+        logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API \t filter_lease_name reservation_list %s" \
+                        % (reservation_list))
+        for reservation in reservation_list:
+            if 'slice_hrn' in reservation and \
+                reservation['slice_hrn'] != filter_value:
+                filtered_reservation_list.remove(reservation)
+        logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API \t filter_lease_name filtered_reservation_list %s" \
+                        % (filtered_reservation_list))
+        return filtered_reservation_list
+    @staticmethod
+    def filter_lease_start_time(reservation_list, filter_value):
+        filtered_reservation_list = list(reservation_list)
+        for reservation in reservation_list:
+            if 't_from' in reservation and \
+                reservation['t_from'] > filter_value:
+                filtered_reservation_list.remove(reservation)
+        return filtered_reservation_list
+    def GetLeases(self, lease_filter_dict=None, login=None):
+        """
+        Get the list of leases from OAR with complete information
+            about which slice owns which jobs and nodes.
+            Two purposes:
+            -Fetch all the jobs from OAR (running, waiting..)
+            complete the reservation information with slice hrn
+            found in iotlab_xp table. If not available in the table,
+            assume it is a iotlab slice.
+            -Updates the iotlab table, deleting jobs when necessary.
+        :returns: reservation_list, list of dictionaries with 'lease_id',
+            'reserved_nodes','slice_id', 'state', 'user', 'component_id_list',
+            'slice_hrn', 'resource_ids', 't_from', 't_until'
+        :rtype: list
+        """
+        unfiltered_reservation_list = self.GetReservedNodes(login)
+        reservation_list = []
+        #Find the slice associated with this user iotlab ldap uid
+        logger.debug(" CORTEXLAB_API.PY \tGetLeases login %s\
+                        unfiltered_reservation_list %s "
+                     % (login, unfiltered_reservation_list))
+        #Create user dict first to avoid looking several times for
+        #the same user in LDAP SA 27/07/12
+        job_oar_list = []
+        jobs_psql_query = self.iotlab_db.iotlab_session.query(IotlabXP).all()
+        jobs_psql_dict = dict([(row.job_id, row.__dict__)
+                               for row in jobs_psql_query])
+        #jobs_psql_dict = jobs_psql_dict)
+        logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API \tGetLeases jobs_psql_dict %s"
+                     % (jobs_psql_dict))
+        jobs_psql_id_list = [row.job_id for row in jobs_psql_query]
+        for resa in unfiltered_reservation_list:
+            logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API \tGetLeases USER %s"
+                         % (resa['user']))
+            #Construct list of jobs (runing, waiting..) in oar
+            job_oar_list.append(resa['lease_id'])
+            #If there is information on the job in IOTLAB DB ]
+            #(slice used and job id)
+            if resa['lease_id'] in jobs_psql_dict:
+                job_info = jobs_psql_dict[resa['lease_id']]
+                logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API \tGetLeases job_info %s"
+                          % (job_info))
+                resa['slice_hrn'] = job_info['slice_hrn']
+                resa['slice_id'] = hrn_to_urn(resa['slice_hrn'], 'slice')
+            #otherwise, assume it is a iotlab slice:
+            else:
+                resa['slice_id'] = hrn_to_urn(self.root_auth + '.' +
+                                              resa['user'] + "_slice", 'slice')
+                resa['slice_hrn'] = Xrn(resa['slice_id']).get_hrn()
+            resa['component_id_list'] = []
+            #Transform the hostnames into urns (component ids)
+            for node in resa['reserved_nodes']:
+                iotlab_xrn = iotlab_xrn_object(self.root_auth, node)
+                resa['component_id_list'].append(iotlab_xrn.urn)
+        if lease_filter_dict:
+            logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API \tGetLeases  \
+                    \r\n leasefilter %s" % ( lease_filter_dict))
+            filter_dict_functions = {
+            'slice_hrn' : IotlabTestbedAPI.filter_lease_name,
+            't_from' : IotlabTestbedAPI.filter_lease_start_time
+            }
+            reservation_list = list(unfiltered_reservation_list)
+            for filter_type in lease_filter_dict:
+                logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API \tGetLeases reservation_list %s" \
+                    % (reservation_list))
+                reservation_list = filter_dict_functions[filter_type](\
+                    reservation_list,lease_filter_dict[filter_type] )
+                # Filter the reservation list with a maximum timespan so that the
+                # leases and jobs running after this timestamp do not appear
+                # in the result leases.
+                # if 'start_time' in :
+                #     if resa['start_time'] < lease_filter_dict['start_time']:
+                #        reservation_list.append(resa)
+                # if 'name' in lease_filter_dict and \
+                #     lease_filter_dict['name'] == resa['slice_hrn']:
+                #     reservation_list.append(resa)
+        if lease_filter_dict is None:
+            reservation_list = unfiltered_reservation_list
+        self.iotlab_db.update_jobs_in_iotlabdb(job_oar_list, jobs_psql_id_list)
+        logger.debug(" CORTEXLAB_API.PY \tGetLeases reservation_list %s"
+                     % (reservation_list))
+        return reservation_list
+    ##TODO : Is UnBindObjectFromPeer still necessary ? Currently does nothing
+    ##04/07/2012 SA
+    #@staticmethod
+    #def UnBindObjectFromPeer( auth, object_type, object_id, shortname):
+        #""" This method is a hopefully temporary hack to let the sfa correctly
+        #detach the objects it creates from a remote peer object. This is
+        #needed so that the sfa federation link can work in parallel with
+        #RefreshPeer, as RefreshPeer depends on remote objects being correctly
+        #marked.
+        #Parameters:
+        #auth : struct, API authentication structure
+            #AuthMethod : string, Authentication method to use
+        #object_type : string, Object type, among 'site','person','slice',
+        #'node','key'
+        #object_id : int, object_id
+        #shortname : string, peer shortname
+        #FROM PLC DOC
+        #"""
+        #logger.warning("CORTEXLAB_API \tUnBindObjectFromPeer EMPTY-\
+                        #DO NOTHING \r\n ")
+        #return
+    ##TODO Is BindObjectToPeer still necessary ? Currently does nothing
+    ##04/07/2012 SA
+    #|| Commented out 28/05/13 SA
+    #def BindObjectToPeer(self, auth, object_type, object_id, shortname=None, \
+                                                    #remote_object_id=None):
+        #"""This method is a hopefully temporary hack to let the sfa correctly
+        #attach the objects it creates to a remote peer object. This is needed
+        #so that the sfa federation link can work in parallel with RefreshPeer,
+        #as RefreshPeer depends on remote objects being correctly marked.
+        #Parameters:
+        #shortname : string, peer shortname
+        #remote_object_id : int, remote object_id, set to 0 if unknown
+        #FROM PLC API DOC
+        #"""
+        #logger.warning("CORTEXLAB_API \tBindObjectToPeer EMPTY - DO NOTHING \r\n ")
+        #return
+    ##TODO UpdateSlice 04/07/2012 SA || Commented out 28/05/13 SA
+    ##Funciton should delete and create another job since oin iotlab slice=job
+    #def UpdateSlice(self, auth, slice_id_or_name, slice_fields=None):
+        #"""Updates the parameters of an existing slice with the values in
+        #slice_fields.
+        #Users may only update slices of which they are members.
+        #PIs may update any of the slices at their sites, or any slices of
+        #which they are members. Admins may update any slice.
+        #Only PIs and admins may update max_nodes. Slices cannot be renewed
+        #(by updating the expires parameter) more than 8 weeks into the future.
+         #Returns 1 if successful, faults otherwise.
+        #FROM PLC API DOC
+        #"""
+        #logger.warning("CORTEXLAB_API UpdateSlice EMPTY - DO NOTHING \r\n ")
+        #return
+    #Unused SA 30/05/13, we only update the user's key or we delete it.
+    ##TODO UpdatePerson 04/07/2012 SA
+    #def UpdatePerson(self, iotlab_hrn, federated_hrn, person_fields=None):
+        #"""Updates a person. Only the fields specified in person_fields
+        #are updated, all other fields are left untouched.
+        #Users and techs can only update themselves. PIs can only update
+        #themselves and other non-PIs at their sites.
+        #Returns 1 if successful, faults otherwise.
+        #FROM PLC API DOC
+        #"""
+        ##new_row = FederatedToIotlab(iotlab_hrn, federated_hrn)
+        ##self.iotlab_db.iotlab_session.add(new_row)
+        ##self.iotlab_db.iotlab_session.commit()
+        #logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API UpdatePerson EMPTY - DO NOTHING \r\n ")
+        #return
+    @staticmethod
+    def GetKeys(key_filter=None):
+        """Returns a dict of dict based on the key string. Each dict entry
+        contains the key id, the ssh key, the user's email and the
+        user's hrn.
+        If key_filter is specified and is an array of key identifiers,
+        only keys matching the filter will be returned.
+        Admin may query all keys. Non-admins may only query their own keys.
+        :returns: dict with ssh key as key and dicts as value.
+        :rtype: dict
+        """
+        if key_filter is None:
+            keys = dbsession.query(RegKey).options(joinedload('reg_user')).all()
+        else:
+            keys = dbsession.query(RegKey).options(joinedload('reg_user')).filter(RegKey.key.in_(key_filter)).all()
+        key_dict = {}
+        for key in keys:
+            key_dict[key.key] = {'key_id': key.key_id, 'key': key.key,
+                                 'email':,
+                                 'hrn': key.reg_user.hrn}
+        #ldap_rslt = self.ldap.LdapSearch({'enabled']=True})
+        #user_by_email = dict((user[1]['mail'][0], user[1]['sshPublicKey']) \
+                                        #for user in ldap_rslt)
+        logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API  GetKeys  -key_dict %s \r\n " % (key_dict))
+        return key_dict
+    #TODO : test
+    def DeleteKey(self, user_record, key_string):
+        """Deletes a key in the LDAP entry of the specified user.
+        Removes the key_string from the user's key list and updates the LDAP
+            user's entry with the new key attributes.
+        :param key_string: The ssh key to remove
+        :param user_record: User's record
+        :type key_string: string
+        :type user_record: dict
+        :returns: True if sucessful, False if not.
+        :rtype: Boolean
+        """
+        all_user_keys = user_record['keys']
+        all_user_keys.remove(key_string)
+        new_attributes = {'sshPublicKey':all_user_keys}
+        ret = self.ldap.LdapModifyUser(user_record, new_attributes)
+        logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API  DeleteKey  %s- " % (ret))
+        return ret['bool']
+    @staticmethod
+    def _sql_get_slice_info(slice_filter):
+        """
+        Get the slice record based on the slice hrn. Fetch the record of the
+        user associated with the slice by using joinedload based on the
+        reg_researcher relationship.
+        :param slice_filter: the slice hrn we are looking for
+        :type slice_filter: string
+        :returns: the slice record enhanced with the user's information if the
+            slice was found, None it wasn't.
+        :rtype: dict or None.
+        """
+        #DO NOT USE RegSlice - reg_researchers to get the hrn
+        #of the user otherwise will mess up the RegRecord in
+        #Resolve, don't know why - SA 08/08/2012
+        #Only one entry for one user  = one slice in iotlab_xp table
+        #slicerec = dbsession.query(RegRecord).filter_by(hrn = slice_filter).first()
+        raw_slicerec = dbsession.query(RegSlice).options(joinedload('reg_researchers')).filter_by(hrn=slice_filter).first()
+        #raw_slicerec = dbsession.query(RegRecord).filter_by(hrn = slice_filter).first()
+        if raw_slicerec:
+            #load_reg_researcher
+            #raw_slicerec.reg_researchers
+            raw_slicerec = raw_slicerec.__dict__
+            logger.debug(" CORTEXLAB_API \t  _sql_get_slice_info slice_filter %s  \
+                            raw_slicerec %s" % (slice_filter, raw_slicerec))
+            slicerec = raw_slicerec
+            #only one researcher per slice so take the first one
+            #slicerec['reg_researchers'] = raw_slicerec['reg_researchers']
+            #del slicerec['reg_researchers']['_sa_instance_state']
+            return slicerec
+        else:
+            return None
+    @staticmethod
+    def _sql_get_slice_info_from_user(slice_filter):
+        """
+        Get the slice record based on the user recordid by using a joinedload
+        on the relationship reg_slices_as_researcher. Format the sql record
+        into a dict with the mandatory fields for user and slice.
+        :returns: dict with slice record and user record if the record was found
+        based on the user's id, None if not..
+        :rtype:dict or None..
+        """
+        #slicerec = dbsession.query(RegRecord).filter_by(record_id = slice_filter).first()
+        raw_slicerec = dbsession.query(RegUser).options(joinedload('reg_slices_as_researcher')).filter_by(record_id=slice_filter).first()
+        #raw_slicerec = dbsession.query(RegRecord).filter_by(record_id = slice_filter).first()
+        #Put it in correct order
+        user_needed_fields = ['peer_authority', 'hrn', 'last_updated',
+                              'classtype', 'authority', 'gid', 'record_id',
+                              'date_created', 'type', 'email', 'pointer']
+        slice_needed_fields = ['peer_authority', 'hrn', 'last_updated',
+                               'classtype', 'authority', 'gid', 'record_id',
+                               'date_created', 'type', 'pointer']
+        if raw_slicerec:
+            #raw_slicerec.reg_slices_as_researcher
+            raw_slicerec = raw_slicerec.__dict__
+            slicerec = {}
+            slicerec = \
+                dict([(k, raw_slicerec[
+                    'reg_slices_as_researcher'][0].__dict__[k])
+                    for k in slice_needed_fields])
+            slicerec['reg_researchers'] = dict([(k, raw_slicerec[k])
+                                                for k in user_needed_fields])
+             #TODO Handle multiple slices for one user SA 10/12/12
+                        #for now only take the first slice record associated to the rec user
+                        ##slicerec  = raw_slicerec['reg_slices_as_researcher'][0].__dict__
+                        #del raw_slicerec['reg_slices_as_researcher']
+                        #slicerec['reg_researchers'] = raw_slicerec
+                        ##del slicerec['_sa_instance_state']
+            return slicerec
+        else:
+            return None
+    def _get_slice_records(self, slice_filter=None,
+                           slice_filter_type=None):
+        """
+        Get the slice record depending on the slice filter and its type.
+        :param slice_filter: Can be either the slice hrn or the user's record
+        id.
+        :type slice_filter: string
+        :param slice_filter_type: describes the slice filter type used, can be
+        slice_hrn or record_id_user
+        :type: string
+        :returns: the slice record
+        :rtype:dict
+        .. seealso::_sql_get_slice_info_from_user
+        .. seealso:: _sql_get_slice_info
+        """
+        #Get list of slices based on the slice hrn
+        if slice_filter_type == 'slice_hrn':
+            #if get_authority(slice_filter) == self.root_auth:
+                #login = slice_filter.split(".")[1].split("_")[0]
+            slicerec = self._sql_get_slice_info(slice_filter)
+            if slicerec is None:
+                return None
+                #return login, None
+        #Get slice based on user id
+        if slice_filter_type == 'record_id_user':
+            slicerec = self._sql_get_slice_info_from_user(slice_filter)
+        if slicerec:
+            fixed_slicerec_dict = slicerec
+            #At this point if there is no login it means
+            #record_id_user filter has been used for filtering
+            #if login is None :
+                ##If theslice record is from iotlab
+                #if fixed_slicerec_dict['peer_authority'] is None:
+                    #login = fixed_slicerec_dict['hrn'].split(".")[1].split("_")[0]
+            #return login, fixed_slicerec_dict
+            return fixed_slicerec_dict
+        else:
+            return None
+    def GetSlices(self, slice_filter=None, slice_filter_type=None,
+                  login=None):
+        """Get the slice records from the iotlab db and add lease information
+            if any.
+        :param slice_filter: can be the slice hrn or slice record id in the db
+            depending on the slice_filter_type.
+        :param slice_filter_type: defines the type of the filtering used, Can be
+            either 'slice_hrn' or "record_id'.
+        :type slice_filter: string
+        :type slice_filter_type: string
+        :returns: a slice dict if slice_filter  and slice_filter_type
+            are specified and a matching entry is found in the db. The result
+            is put into a list.Or a list of slice dictionnaries if no filters
+            arespecified.
+        :rtype: list
+        """
+        #login = None
+        authorized_filter_types_list = ['slice_hrn', 'record_id_user']
+        return_slicerec_dictlist = []
+        #First try to get information on the slice based on the filter provided
+        if slice_filter_type in authorized_filter_types_list:
+            fixed_slicerec_dict = self._get_slice_records(slice_filter,
+                                                          slice_filter_type)
+            # if the slice was not found in the sfa db
+            if fixed_slicerec_dict is None:
+                return return_slicerec_dictlist
+            slice_hrn = fixed_slicerec_dict['hrn']
+            logger.debug(" CORTEXLAB_API \tGetSlices login %s \
+                            slice record %s slice_filter %s \
+                            slice_filter_type %s " % (login,
+                            fixed_slicerec_dict, slice_filter,
+                            slice_filter_type))
+            #Now we have the slice record fixed_slicerec_dict, get the
+            #jobs associated to this slice
+            leases_list = []
+            leases_list = self.GetLeases(login=login)
+            #If no job is running or no job scheduled
+            #return only the slice record
+            if leases_list == [] and fixed_slicerec_dict:
+                return_slicerec_dictlist.append(fixed_slicerec_dict)
+            # if the jobs running don't belong to the user/slice we are looking
+            # for
+            leases_hrn = [lease['slice_hrn'] for lease in leases_list]
+            if slice_hrn not in leases_hrn:
+                return_slicerec_dictlist.append(fixed_slicerec_dict)
+            #If several jobs for one slice , put the slice record into
+            # each lease information dict
+            for lease in leases_list:
+                slicerec_dict = {}
+                logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API.PY  \tGetSlices slice_filter %s   \
+                        \t lease['slice_hrn'] %s"
+                             % (slice_filter, lease['slice_hrn']))
+                if lease['slice_hrn'] == slice_hrn:
+                    slicerec_dict['oar_job_id'] = lease['lease_id']
+                    #Update lease dict with the slice record
+                    if fixed_slicerec_dict:
+                        fixed_slicerec_dict['oar_job_id'] = []
+                        fixed_slicerec_dict['oar_job_id'].append(
+                            slicerec_dict['oar_job_id'])
+                        slicerec_dict.update(fixed_slicerec_dict)
+                        #slicerec_dict.update({'hrn':\
+                                        #str(fixed_slicerec_dict['slice_hrn'])})
+                    slicerec_dict['slice_hrn'] = lease['slice_hrn']
+                    slicerec_dict['hrn'] = lease['slice_hrn']
+                    slicerec_dict['user'] = lease['user']
+                    slicerec_dict.update(
+                        {'list_node_ids':
+                        {'hostname': lease['reserved_nodes']}})
+                    slicerec_dict.update({'node_ids': lease['reserved_nodes']})
+                    return_slicerec_dictlist.append(slicerec_dict)
+                    logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API.PY  \tGetSlices  \
+                        OHOHOHOH %s" %(return_slicerec_dictlist))
+                logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API.PY  \tGetSlices  \
+                        slicerec_dict %s return_slicerec_dictlist %s \
+                        lease['reserved_nodes'] \
+                        %s" % (slicerec_dict, return_slicerec_dictlist,
+                               lease['reserved_nodes']))
+            logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API.PY  \tGetSlices  RETURN \
+                        return_slicerec_dictlist  %s"
+                          % (return_slicerec_dictlist))
+            return return_slicerec_dictlist
+        else:
+            #Get all slices from the iotlab sfa database ,
+            #put them in dict format
+            #query_slice_list = dbsession.query(RegRecord).all()
+            query_slice_list = \
+                dbsession.query(RegSlice).options(joinedload('reg_researchers')).all()
+            for record in query_slice_list:
+                tmp = record.__dict__
+                tmp['reg_researchers'] = tmp['reg_researchers'][0].__dict__
+                #del tmp['reg_researchers']['_sa_instance_state']
+                return_slicerec_dictlist.append(tmp)
+                #return_slicerec_dictlist.append(record.__dict__)
+            #Get all the jobs reserved nodes
+            leases_list = self.GetReservedNodes()
+            for fixed_slicerec_dict in return_slicerec_dictlist:
+                slicerec_dict = {}
+                #Check if the slice belongs to a iotlab user
+                if fixed_slicerec_dict['peer_authority'] is None:
+                    owner = fixed_slicerec_dict['hrn'].split(
+                        ".")[1].split("_")[0]
+                else:
+                    owner = None
+                for lease in leases_list:
+                    if owner == lease['user']:
+                        slicerec_dict['oar_job_id'] = lease['lease_id']
+                        #for reserved_node in lease['reserved_nodes']:
+                        logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API.PY  \tGetSlices lease %s "
+                                     % (lease))
+                        slicerec_dict.update(fixed_slicerec_dict)
+                        slicerec_dict.update({'node_ids':
+                                              lease['reserved_nodes']})
+                        slicerec_dict.update({'list_node_ids':
+                                             {'hostname':
+                                             lease['reserved_nodes']}})
+                        #slicerec_dict.update({'hrn':\
+                                    #str(fixed_slicerec_dict['slice_hrn'])})
+                        #return_slicerec_dictlist.append(slicerec_dict)
+                        fixed_slicerec_dict.update(slicerec_dict)
+            logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API.PY  \tGetSlices RETURN \
+                        return_slicerec_dictlist %s \slice_filter %s " \
+                        %(return_slicerec_dictlist, slice_filter))
+        return return_slicerec_dictlist
+    #Update slice unused, therefore  sfa_fields_to_iotlab_fields unused
+    #SA 30/05/13
+    #@staticmethod
+    #def sfa_fields_to_iotlab_fields(sfa_type, hrn, record):
+        #"""
+        #"""
+        #iotlab_record = {}
+        ##for field in record:
+        ##    iotlab_record[field] = record[field]
+        #if sfa_type == "slice":
+            ##instantion used in get_slivers ?
+            #if not "instantiation" in iotlab_record:
+                #iotlab_record["instantiation"] = "iotlab-instantiated"
+            ##iotlab_record["hrn"] = hrn_to_pl_slicename(hrn)
+            ##Unused hrn_to_pl_slicename because Iotlab's hrn already
+            ##in the appropriate form SA 23/07/12
+            #iotlab_record["hrn"] = hrn
+            #logger.debug("CORTEXLAB_API.PY sfa_fields_to_iotlab_fields \
+                        #iotlab_record %s  " %(iotlab_record['hrn']))
+            #if "url" in record:
+                #iotlab_record["url"] = record["url"]
+            #if "description" in record:
+                #iotlab_record["description"] = record["description"]
+            #if "expires" in record:
+                #iotlab_record["expires"] = int(record["expires"])
+        ##nodes added by OAR only and then imported to SFA
+        ##elif type == "node":
+            ##if not "hostname" in iotlab_record:
+                ##if not "hostname" in record:
+                    ##raise MissingSfaInfo("hostname")
+                ##iotlab_record["hostname"] = record["hostname"]
+            ##if not "model" in iotlab_record:
+                ##iotlab_record["model"] = "geni"
+        ##One authority only
+        ##elif type == "authority":
+            ##iotlab_record["login_base"] = hrn_to_iotlab_login_base(hrn)
+            ##if not "name" in iotlab_record:
+                ##iotlab_record["name"] = hrn
+            ##if not "abbreviated_name" in iotlab_record:
+                ##iotlab_record["abbreviated_name"] = hrn
+            ##if not "enabled" in iotlab_record:
+                ##iotlab_record["enabled"] = True
+            ##if not "is_public" in iotlab_record:
+                ##iotlab_record["is_public"] = True
+        #return iotlab_record
diff --git a/sfa/cortexlab/ b/sfa/cortexlab/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e99c725
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,798 @@
+Implements what a driver should provide for SFA to work.
+from sfa.util.faults import SliverDoesNotExist, UnknownSfaType
+from sfa.util.sfalogging import logger
+from import dbsession
+from import RegRecord
+from sfa.managers.driver import Driver
+from sfa.rspecs.version_manager import VersionManager
+from sfa.rspecs.rspec import RSpec
+from sfa.util.xrn import Xrn, hrn_to_urn, get_authority
+from sfa.iotlab.iotlabaggregate import IotlabAggregate, iotlab_xrn_to_hostname
+from sfa.iotlab.iotlabslices import IotlabSlices
+from sfa.iotlab.iotlabapi import IotlabTestbedAPI
+class CortexlabDriver(Driver):
+    """ Cortexlab Driver class inherited from Driver generic class.
+    Contains methods compliant with the SFA standard and the testbed
+        infrastructure (calls to LDAP and scheduler to book the nodes).
+    .. seealso::: Driver class
+    """
+    def __init__(self, config):
+        """
+        Sets the iotlab SFA config parameters,
+            instanciates the testbed api and the iotlab database.
+        :param config: iotlab SFA configuration object
+        :type config: Config object
+        """
+        Driver.__init__(self, config)
+        self.config = config
+        self.iotlab_api = IotlabTestbedAPI(config)
+        self.cache = None
+    def augment_records_with_testbed_info(self, record_list):
+        """
+        Adds specific testbed info to the records.
+        :param record_list: list of sfa dictionaries records
+        :type record_list: list
+        :returns: list of records with extended information in each record
+        :rtype: list
+        """
+        return self.fill_record_info(record_list)
+    def fill_record_info(self, record_list):
+        """
+        For each SFA record, fill in the iotlab specific and SFA specific
+            fields in the record.
+        :param record_list: list of sfa dictionaries records
+        :type record_list: list
+        :returns: list of records with extended information in each record
+        :rtype: list
+        .. warning:: Should not be modifying record_list directly because modi
+            fication are kept outside the method's scope. Howerver, there is no
+            other way to do it given the way it's called in registry manager.
+        """
+        logger.debug("IOTLABDRIVER \tfill_record_info records %s "
+                     % (record_list))
+        if not isinstance(record_list, list):
+            record_list = [record_list]
+        try:
+            for record in record_list:
+                if str(record['type']) == 'node':
+                    # look for node info using GetNodes
+                    # the record is about one node only
+                    filter_dict = {'hrn': [record['hrn']]}
+                    node_info = self.iotlab_api.GetNodes(filter_dict)
+                    # the node_info is about one node only, but it is formatted
+                    # as a list
+                    record.update(node_info[0])
+                    logger.debug("IOTLABDRIVER.PY \t \
+                                  fill_record_info NODE" % (record))
+                #If the record is a SFA slice record, then add information
+                #about the user of this slice. This kind of
+                #information is in the Iotlab's DB.
+                if str(record['type']) == 'slice':
+                    if 'reg_researchers' in record and isinstance(record
+                                                            ['reg_researchers'],
+                                                            list):
+                        record['reg_researchers'] = \
+                            record['reg_researchers'][0].__dict__
+                        record.update(
+                            {'PI': [record['reg_researchers']['hrn']],
+                             'researcher': [record['reg_researchers']['hrn']],
+                             'name': record['hrn'],
+                             'oar_job_id': [],
+                             'node_ids': [],
+                             'person_ids': [record['reg_researchers']
+                                            ['record_id']],
+                                # For compatibility
+                             'geni_urn': '',
+                                # For compatibility
+                             'keys': '',
+                                # For compatibility
+                             'key_ids': ''})
+                    #Get iotlab slice record and oar job id if any.
+                    recslice_list = self.iotlab_api.GetSlices(
+                        slice_filter=str(record['hrn']),
+                        slice_filter_type='slice_hrn')
+                    logger.debug("IOTLABDRIVER \tfill_record_info \
+                        TYPE SLICE RECUSER record['hrn'] %s record['oar_job_id']\
+                         %s " % (record['hrn'], record['oar_job_id']))
+                    del record['reg_researchers']
+                    try:
+                        for rec in recslice_list:
+                            logger.debug("IOTLABDRIVER\r\n  \t  \
+                            fill_record_info oar_job_id %s "
+                                         % (rec['oar_job_id']))
+                            record['node_ids'] = [self.iotlab_api.root_auth +
+                                                  '.' + hostname for hostname
+                                                  in rec['node_ids']]
+                    except KeyError:
+                        pass
+                    logger.debug("IOTLABDRIVER.PY \t fill_record_info SLICE \
+                                    recslice_list  %s \r\n \t RECORD %s \r\n \
+                                    \r\n" % (recslice_list, record))
+                if str(record['type']) == 'user':
+                    #The record is a SFA user record.
+                    #Get the information about his slice from Iotlab's DB
+                    #and add it to the user record.
+                    recslice_list = self.iotlab_api.GetSlices(
+                        slice_filter=record['record_id'],
+                        slice_filter_type='record_id_user')
+                    logger.debug("IOTLABDRIVER.PY \t fill_record_info \
+                        TYPE USER recslice_list %s \r\n \t RECORD %s \r\n"
+                                 % (recslice_list, record))
+                    #Append slice record in records list,
+                    #therefore fetches user and slice info again(one more loop)
+                    #Will update PIs and researcher for the slice
+                    recuser = recslice_list[0]['reg_researchers']
+                    logger.debug("IOTLABDRIVER.PY \t fill_record_info USER  \
+                                            recuser %s \r\n \r\n" % (recuser))
+                    recslice = {}
+                    recslice = recslice_list[0]
+                    recslice.update(
+                        {'PI': [recuser['hrn']],
+                         'researcher': [recuser['hrn']],
+                         'name': record['hrn'],
+                         'node_ids': [],
+                         'oar_job_id': [],
+                         'person_ids': [recuser['record_id']]})
+                    try:
+                        for rec in recslice_list:
+                            recslice['oar_job_id'].append(rec['oar_job_id'])
+                    except KeyError:
+                        pass
+                    recslice.update({'type': 'slice',
+                                     'hrn': recslice_list[0]['hrn']})
+                    #GetPersons takes [] as filters
+                    user_iotlab = self.iotlab_api.GetPersons([record])
+                    record.update(user_iotlab[0])
+                    #For compatibility
+                    record.update(
+                        {'geni_urn': '',
+                         'keys': '',
+                         'key_ids': ''})
+                    record_list.append(recslice)
+                    logger.debug("IOTLABDRIVER.PY \t \
+                        fill_record_info ADDING SLICE\
+                        INFO TO USER records %s" % (record_list))
+        except TypeError, error:
+            logger.log_exc("IOTLABDRIVER \t fill_record_info  EXCEPTION %s"
+                           % (error))
+        return record_list
+    def sliver_status(self, slice_urn, slice_hrn):
+        """
+        Receive a status request for slice named urn/hrn
+            urn:publicid:IDN+iotlab+nturro_slice hrn iotlab.nturro_slice
+            shall return a structure as described in
+            NT : not sure if we should implement this or not, but used by sface.
+        :param slice_urn: slice urn
+        :type slice_urn: string
+        :param slice_hrn: slice hrn
+        :type slice_hrn: string
+        """
+        #First get the slice with the slice hrn
+        slice_list = self.iotlab_api.GetSlices(slice_filter=slice_hrn,
+                                               slice_filter_type='slice_hrn')
+        if len(slice_list) == 0:
+            raise SliverDoesNotExist("%s  slice_hrn" % (slice_hrn))
+        #Used for fetching the user info witch comes along the slice info
+        one_slice = slice_list[0]
+        #Make a list of all the nodes hostnames  in use for this slice
+        slice_nodes_list = []
+        slice_nodes_list = one_slice['node_ids']
+        #Get all the corresponding nodes details
+        nodes_all = self.iotlab_api.GetNodes(
+            {'hostname': slice_nodes_list},
+            ['node_id', 'hostname', 'site', 'boot_state'])
+        nodeall_byhostname = dict([(one_node['hostname'], one_node)
+                                  for one_node in nodes_all])
+        for single_slice in slice_list:
+              #For compatibility
+            top_level_status = 'empty'
+            result = {}
+            result.fromkeys(
+                ['geni_urn', 'geni_error', 'iotlab_login', 'geni_status',
+                 'geni_resources'], None)
+            # result.fromkeys(\
+            #     ['geni_urn','geni_error', 'pl_login','geni_status',
+            # 'geni_resources'], None)
+            # result['pl_login'] = one_slice['reg_researchers'][0].hrn
+            result['iotlab_login'] = one_slice['user']
+            logger.debug("Slabdriver - sliver_status Sliver status \
+                            urn %s hrn %s single_slice  %s \r\n "
+                         % (slice_urn, slice_hrn, single_slice))
+            if 'node_ids' not in single_slice:
+                #No job in the slice
+                result['geni_status'] = top_level_status
+                result['geni_resources'] = []
+                return result
+            top_level_status = 'ready'
+            #A job is running on Iotlab for this slice
+            # report about the local nodes that are in the slice only
+            result['geni_urn'] = slice_urn
+            resources = []
+            for node_hostname in single_slice['node_ids']:
+                res = {}
+                res['iotlab_hostname'] = node_hostname
+                res['iotlab_boot_state'] = \
+                    nodeall_byhostname[node_hostname]['boot_state']
+                #res['pl_hostname'] = node['hostname']
+                #res['pl_boot_state'] = \
+                            #nodeall_byhostname[node['hostname']]['boot_state']
+                #res['pl_last_contact'] = strftime(self.time_format, \
+                                                    #gmtime(float(timestamp)))
+                sliver_id = Xrn(
+                    slice_urn, type='slice',
+                    id=nodeall_byhostname[node_hostname]['node_id']).urn
+                res['geni_urn'] = sliver_id
+                #node_name  = node['hostname']
+                if nodeall_byhostname[node_hostname]['boot_state'] == 'Alive':
+                    res['geni_status'] = 'ready'
+                else:
+                    res['geni_status'] = 'failed'
+                    top_level_status = 'failed'
+                res['geni_error'] = ''
+                resources.append(res)
+            result['geni_status'] = top_level_status
+            result['geni_resources'] = resources
+            logger.debug("IOTLABDRIVER \tsliver_statusresources %s res %s "
+                         % (resources, res))
+            return result
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_user_record(hrn):
+        """
+        Returns the user record based on the hrn from the SFA DB .
+        :param hrn: user's hrn
+        :type hrn: string
+        :returns: user record from SFA database
+        :rtype: RegUser
+        """
+        return dbsession.query(RegRecord).filter_by(hrn=hrn).first()
+    def testbed_name(self):
+        """
+        Returns testbed's name.
+        :returns: testbed authority name.
+        :rtype: string
+        """
+        return self.hrn
+    # 'geni_request_rspec_versions' and 'geni_ad_rspec_versions' are mandatory
+    def aggregate_version(self):
+        """
+        Returns the testbed's supported rspec advertisement and request
+        versions.
+        :returns: rspec versions supported ad a dictionary.
+        :rtype: dict
+        """
+        version_manager = VersionManager()
+        ad_rspec_versions = []
+        request_rspec_versions = []
+        for rspec_version in version_manager.versions:
+            if rspec_version.content_type in ['*', 'ad']:
+                ad_rspec_versions.append(rspec_version.to_dict())
+            if rspec_version.content_type in ['*', 'request']:
+                request_rspec_versions.append(rspec_version.to_dict())
+        return {
+            'testbed': self.testbed_name(),
+            'geni_request_rspec_versions': request_rspec_versions,
+            'geni_ad_rspec_versions': ad_rspec_versions}
+    def _get_requested_leases_list(self, rspec):
+        """
+        Process leases in rspec depending on the rspec version (format)
+            type. Find the lease requests in the rspec and creates
+            a lease request list with the mandatory information ( nodes,
+            start time and duration) of the valid leases (duration above or
+            equal to the iotlab experiment minimum duration).
+        :param rspec: rspec request received.
+        :type rspec: RSpec
+        :returns: list of lease requests found in the rspec
+        :rtype: list
+        """
+        requested_lease_list = []
+        for lease in rspec.version.get_leases():
+            single_requested_lease = {}
+            logger.debug("IOTLABDRIVER.PY \t \
+                _get_requested_leases_list lease %s " % (lease))
+            if not lease.get('lease_id'):
+                if get_authority(lease['component_id']) == \
+                        self.iotlab_api.root_auth:
+                    single_requested_lease['hostname'] = \
+                        iotlab_xrn_to_hostname(\
+                            lease.get('component_id').strip())
+                    single_requested_lease['start_time'] = \
+                        lease.get('start_time')
+                    single_requested_lease['duration'] = lease.get('duration')
+                    #Check the experiment's duration is valid before adding
+                    #the lease to the requested leases list
+                    duration_in_seconds = \
+                        int(single_requested_lease['duration'])
+                    if duration_in_seconds >= self.iotlab_api.GetMinExperimentDurationInGranularity():
+                        requested_lease_list.append(single_requested_lease)
+        return requested_lease_list
+    @staticmethod
+    def _group_leases_by_start_time(requested_lease_list):
+        """
+        Create dict of leases by start_time, regrouping nodes reserved
+            at the same time, for the same amount of time so as to
+            define one job on OAR.
+        :param requested_lease_list: list of leases
+        :type requested_lease_list: list
+        :returns: Dictionary with key = start time, value = list of leases
+            with the same start time.
+        :rtype: dictionary
+        """
+        requested_job_dict = {}
+        for lease in requested_lease_list:
+            #In case it is an asap experiment start_time is empty
+            if lease['start_time'] == '':
+                lease['start_time'] = '0'
+            if lease['start_time'] not in requested_job_dict:
+                if isinstance(lease['hostname'], str):
+                    lease['hostname'] = [lease['hostname']]
+                requested_job_dict[lease['start_time']] = lease
+            else:
+                job_lease = requested_job_dict[lease['start_time']]
+                if lease['duration'] == job_lease['duration']:
+                    job_lease['hostname'].append(lease['hostname'])
+        return requested_job_dict
+    def _process_requested_jobs(self, rspec):
+        """
+        Turns the requested leases and information into a dictionary
+            of requested jobs, grouped by starting time.
+        :param rspec: RSpec received
+        :type rspec : RSpec
+        :rtype: dictionary
+        """
+        requested_lease_list = self._get_requested_leases_list(rspec)
+        logger.debug("IOTLABDRIVER _process_requested_jobs \
+            requested_lease_list  %s" % (requested_lease_list))
+        job_dict = self._group_leases_by_start_time(requested_lease_list)
+        logger.debug("IOTLABDRIVER _process_requested_jobs  job_dict\
+        %s" % (job_dict))
+        return job_dict
+    def create_sliver(self, slice_urn, slice_hrn, creds, rspec_string,
+                      users, options):
+        """Answer to CreateSliver.
+        Creates the leases and slivers for the users from the information
+            found in the rspec string.
+            Launch experiment on OAR if the requested leases is valid. Delete
+            no longer requested leases.
+        :param creds: user's credentials
+        :type creds: string
+        :param users: user record list
+        :type users: list
+        :param options:
+        :type options:
+        :returns: a valid Rspec for the slice which has just been
+            modified.
+        :rtype: RSpec
+        """
+        aggregate = IotlabAggregate(self)
+        slices = IotlabSlices(self)
+        peer = slices.get_peer(slice_hrn)
+        sfa_peer = slices.get_sfa_peer(slice_hrn)
+        slice_record = None
+        if not isinstance(creds, list):
+            creds = [creds]
+        if users:
+            slice_record = users[0].get('slice_record', {})
+            logger.debug("IOTLABDRIVER.PY \t ===============create_sliver \t\
+                            creds %s \r\n \r\n users %s"
+                         % (creds, users))
+            slice_record['user'] = {'keys': users[0]['keys'],
+                                    'email': users[0]['email'],
+                                    'hrn': slice_record['reg-researchers'][0]}
+        # parse rspec
+        rspec = RSpec(rspec_string)
+        logger.debug("IOTLABDRIVER.PY \t create_sliver \trspec.version \
+                     %s slice_record %s users %s"
+                     % (rspec.version, slice_record, users))
+        # ensure site record exists?
+        # ensure slice record exists
+        #Removed options in verify_slice SA 14/08/12
+        #Removed peer record in  verify_slice SA 18/07/13
+        sfa_slice = slices.verify_slice(slice_hrn, slice_record, sfa_peer)
+        # ensure person records exists
+        #verify_persons returns added persons but the return value
+        #is not used
+        #Removed peer record and sfa_peer in  verify_persons SA 18/07/13
+        slices.verify_persons(slice_hrn, sfa_slice, users, options=options)
+        #requested_attributes returned by rspec.version.get_slice_attributes()
+        #unused, removed SA 13/08/12
+        #rspec.version.get_slice_attributes()
+        logger.debug("IOTLABDRIVER.PY create_sliver slice %s " % (sfa_slice))
+        # add/remove slice from nodes
+        #requested_slivers = [node.get('component_id') \
+                    #for node in rspec.version.get_nodes_with_slivers()\
+                    #if node.get('authority_id') is self.iotlab_api.root_auth]
+        #l = [ node for node in rspec.version.get_nodes_with_slivers() ]
+        #logger.debug("SLADRIVER \tcreate_sliver requested_slivers \
+                                    #requested_slivers %s  listnodes %s" \
+                                    #%(requested_slivers,l))
+        #verify_slice_nodes returns nodes, but unused here. Removed SA 13/08/12.
+        #slices.verify_slice_nodes(sfa_slice, requested_slivers, peer)
+        requested_job_dict = self._process_requested_jobs(rspec)
+        logger.debug("IOTLABDRIVER.PY \tcreate_sliver  requested_job_dict %s "
+                     % (requested_job_dict))
+        #verify_slice_leases returns the leases , but the return value is unused
+        #here. Removed SA 13/08/12
+        slices.verify_slice_leases(sfa_slice,
+                                   requested_job_dict, peer)
+        return aggregate.get_rspec(slice_xrn=slice_urn,
+                                   login=sfa_slice['login'],
+                                   version=rspec.version)
+    def delete_sliver(self, slice_urn, slice_hrn, creds, options):
+        """
+        Deletes the lease associated with the slice hrn and the credentials
+            if the slice belongs to iotlab. Answer to DeleteSliver.
+        :param slice_urn: urn of the slice
+        :param slice_hrn: name of the slice
+        :param creds: slice credenials
+        :type slice_urn: string
+        :type slice_hrn: string
+        :type creds: ? unused
+        :returns: 1 if the slice to delete was not found on iotlab,
+            True if the deletion was successful, False otherwise otherwise.
+        .. note:: Should really be named delete_leases because iotlab does
+            not have any slivers, but only deals with leases. However,
+            SFA api only have delete_sliver define so far. SA 13/05/2013
+        .. note:: creds are unused, and are not used either in the dummy driver
+             delete_sliver .
+        """
+        sfa_slice_list = self.iotlab_api.GetSlices(
+            slice_filter=slice_hrn,
+            slice_filter_type='slice_hrn')
+        if not sfa_slice_list:
+            return 1
+        #Delete all leases in the slice
+        for sfa_slice in sfa_slice_list:
+            logger.debug("IOTLABDRIVER.PY delete_sliver slice %s" % (sfa_slice))
+            slices = IotlabSlices(self)
+            # determine if this is a peer slice
+            peer = slices.get_peer(slice_hrn)
+            logger.debug("IOTLABDRIVER.PY delete_sliver peer %s \
+                \r\n \t sfa_slice %s " % (peer, sfa_slice))
+            try:
+                self.iotlab_api.DeleteSliceFromNodes(sfa_slice)
+                return True
+            except:
+                return False
+    def list_resources (self, slice_urn, slice_hrn, creds, options):
+        """
+        List resources from the iotlab aggregate and returns a Rspec
+            advertisement with resources found when slice_urn and slice_hrn are
+            None (in case of resource discovery).
+            If a slice hrn and urn are provided, list experiment's slice
+            nodes in a rspec format. Answer to ListResources.
+            Caching unused.
+        :param slice_urn: urn of the slice
+        :param slice_hrn: name of the slice
+        :param creds: slice credenials
+        :type slice_urn: string
+        :type slice_hrn: string
+        :type creds: ? unused
+        :param options: options used when listing resources (list_leases, info,
+            geni_available)
+        :returns: rspec string in xml
+        :rtype: string
+        .. note:: creds are unused
+        """
+        #cached_requested = options.get('cached', True)
+        version_manager = VersionManager()
+        # get the rspec's return format from options
+        rspec_version = \
+            version_manager.get_version(options.get('geni_rspec_version'))
+        version_string = "rspec_%s" % (rspec_version)
+        #panos adding the info option to the caching key (can be improved)
+        if options.get('info'):
+            version_string = version_string + "_" + \
+                options.get('info', 'default')
+        # Adding the list_leases option to the caching key
+        if options.get('list_leases'):
+            version_string = version_string + "_" + \
+            options.get('list_leases', 'default')
+        # Adding geni_available to caching key
+        if options.get('geni_available'):
+            version_string = version_string + "_" + \
+                str(options.get('geni_available'))
+        # look in cache first
+        #if cached_requested and self.cache and not slice_hrn:
+            #rspec = self.cache.get(version_string)
+            #if rspec:
+                #logger.debug("IotlabDriver.ListResources: \
+                                    #returning cached advertisement")
+                #return rspec
+        #panos: passing user-defined options
+        aggregate = IotlabAggregate(self)
+        rspec = aggregate.get_rspec(slice_xrn=slice_urn,
+                                    version=rspec_version, options=options)
+        # cache the result
+        #if self.cache and not slice_hrn:
+            #logger.debug("Iotlab.ListResources: stores advertisement in cache")
+            #self.cache.add(version_string, rspec)
+        return rspec
+    def list_slices(self, creds, options):
+        """Answer to ListSlices.
+        List slices belonging to iotlab, returns slice urns list.
+            No caching used. Options unused but are defined in the SFA method
+            api prototype.
+        :returns: slice urns list
+        :rtype: list
+        .. note:: creds are unused
+        """
+        # look in cache first
+        #if self.cache:
+            #slices = self.cache.get('slices')
+            #if slices:
+                #logger.debug("PlDriver.list_slices returns from cache")
+                #return slices
+        # get data from db
+        slices = self.iotlab_api.GetSlices()
+        logger.debug("IOTLABDRIVER.PY \tlist_slices hrn %s \r\n \r\n"
+                     % (slices))
+        slice_hrns = [iotlab_slice['hrn'] for iotlab_slice in slices]
+        slice_urns = [hrn_to_urn(slice_hrn, 'slice')
+                      for slice_hrn in slice_hrns]
+        # cache the result
+        #if self.cache:
+            #logger.debug ("IotlabDriver.list_slices stores value in cache")
+            #self.cache.add('slices', slice_urns)
+        return slice_urns
+    def register(self, sfa_record, hrn, pub_key):
+        """
+        Adding new user, slice, node or site should not be handled
+            by SFA.
+        ..warnings:: should not be used. Different components are in charge of
+            doing this task. Adding nodes = OAR
+            Adding users = LDAP Iotlab
+            Adding slice = Import from LDAP users
+            Adding site = OAR
+        :param sfa_record: record provided by the client of the
+            Register API call.
+        :type sfa_record: dict
+        :param pub_key: public key of the user
+        :type pub_key: string
+        .. note:: DOES NOTHING. Returns -1.
+        """
+        return -1
+    def update(self, old_sfa_record, new_sfa_record, hrn, new_key):
+        """
+        No site or node record update allowed in Iotlab. The only modifications
+        authorized here are key deletion/addition on an existing user and
+        password change. On an existing user, CAN NOT BE MODIFIED: 'first_name',
+        'last_name', 'email'. DOES NOT EXIST IN SENSLAB: 'phone', 'url', 'bio',
+        'title', 'accepted_aup'. A slice is bound to its user, so modifying the
+        user's ssh key should nmodify the slice's GID after an import procedure.
+        :param old_sfa_record: what is in the db for this hrn
+        :param new_sfa_record: what was passed to the update call
+        :param new_key: the new user's public key
+        :param hrn: the user's sfa hrn
+        :type old_sfa_record: dict
+        :type new_sfa_record: dict
+        :type new_key: string
+        :type hrn: string
+        TODO: needs review
+        .. seealso:: update in
+        """
+        pointer = old_sfa_record['pointer']
+        old_sfa_record_type = old_sfa_record['type']
+        # new_key implemented for users only
+        if new_key and old_sfa_record_type not in ['user']:
+            raise UnknownSfaType(old_sfa_record_type)
+        if old_sfa_record_type == "user":
+            update_fields = {}
+            all_fields = new_sfa_record
+            for key in all_fields.keys():
+                if key in ['key', 'password']:
+                    update_fields[key] = all_fields[key]
+            if new_key:
+                # must check this key against the previous one if it exists
+                persons = self.iotlab_api.GetPersons([old_sfa_record])
+                person = persons[0]
+                keys = [person['pkey']]
+                #Get all the person's keys
+                keys_dict = self.iotlab_api.GetKeys(keys)
+                # Delete all stale keys, meaning the user has only one key
+                #at a time
+                #TODO: do we really want to delete all the other keys?
+                #Is this a problem with the GID generation to have multiple
+                #keys? SA 30/05/13
+                key_exists = False
+                if key in keys_dict:
+                    key_exists = True
+                else:
+                    #remove all the other keys
+                    for key in keys_dict:
+                        self.iotlab_api.DeleteKey(person, key)
+                    self.iotlab_api.AddPersonKey(
+                        person, {'sshPublicKey': person['pkey']},
+                        {'sshPublicKey': new_key})
+        return True
+    def remove(self, sfa_record):
+        """
+        Removes users only. Mark the user as disabled in LDAP. The user and his
+        slice are then deleted from the db by running an import on the registry.
+        :param sfa_record: record is the existing sfa record in the db
+        :type sfa_record: dict
+        ..warning::As fas as the slice is concerned, here only the leases are
+            removed from the slice. The slice is record itself is not removed
+            from the db.
+        TODO: needs review
+        TODO : REMOVE SLICE FROM THE DB AS WELL? SA 14/05/2013,
+        TODO: return boolean for the slice part
+        """
+        sfa_record_type = sfa_record['type']
+        hrn = sfa_record['hrn']
+        if sfa_record_type == 'user':
+            #get user from iotlab ldap
+            person = self.iotlab_api.GetPersons(sfa_record)
+            #No registering at a given site in Iotlab.
+            #Once registered to the LDAP, all iotlab sites are
+            #accesible.
+            if person:
+                #Mark account as disabled in ldap
+                return self.iotlab_api.DeletePerson(sfa_record)
+        elif sfa_record_type == 'slice':
+            if self.iotlab_api.GetSlices(slice_filter=hrn,
+                                         slice_filter_type='slice_hrn'):
+                ret = self.iotlab_api.DeleteSlice(sfa_record)
+            return True
diff --git a/sfa/cortexlab/ b/sfa/cortexlab/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..cd4fc58
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+File defining classes to handle the table in the iotlab dedicated database.
+from sqlalchemy import create_engine
+from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
+# from sfa.util.config import Config
+from sfa.util.sfalogging import logger
+from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String
+from sqlalchemy import Table, MetaData
+from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
+# from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql
+from sqlalchemy.exc import NoSuchTableError
+#Dict holding the columns names of the table as keys
+#and their type, used for creation of the table
+slice_table = {'record_id_user': 'integer PRIMARY KEY references X ON DELETE \
+                CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE', 'oar_job_id': 'integer DEFAULT -1',
+               'record_id_slice': 'integer', 'slice_hrn': 'text NOT NULL'}
+#Dict with all the specific iotlab tables
+tablenames_dict = {'iotlab_xp': slice_table}
+IotlabBase = declarative_base()
+class IotlabXP (IotlabBase):
+    """ SQL alchemy class to manipulate the rows of the slice_iotlab table in
+    iotlab_sfa database. Handles the records representation and creates the
+    table if it does not exist yet.
+    """
+    __tablename__ = 'iotlab_xp'
+    slice_hrn = Column(String)
+    job_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
+    end_time = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
+    def __init__(self, slice_hrn=None, job_id=None,  end_time=None):
+        """
+        Defines a row of the slice_iotlab table
+        """
+        if slice_hrn:
+            self.slice_hrn = slice_hrn
+        if job_id:
+            self.job_id = job_id
+        if end_time:
+            self.end_time = end_time
+    def __repr__(self):
+        """Prints the SQLAlchemy record to the format defined
+        by the function.
+        """
+        result = "<iotlab_xp : slice_hrn = %s , job_id %s end_time = %s" \
+            % (self.slice_hrn, self.job_id, self.end_time)
+        result += ">"
+        return result
+class IotlabDB(object):
+    """ SQL Alchemy connection class.
+    From
+    """
+    # Stores the unique Singleton instance-
+    _connection_singleton = None
+    # defines the database name
+    dbname = "iotlab_sfa"
+    class Singleton:
+        """
+        Class used with this Python singleton design pattern to allow the
+        definition of one single instance of iotlab db session in the whole
+        code. Wherever a conenction to the database is needed, this class
+        returns the same instance every time. Removes the need for global
+        variable throughout the code.
+        """
+        def __init__(self, config, debug=False):
+            self.iotlab_engine = None
+            self.iotlab_session = None
+            self.url = None
+            self.create_iotlab_engine(config, debug)
+            self.session()
+        def create_iotlab_engine(self, config, debug=False):
+            """Creates the SQLAlchemy engine, which is the starting point for
+            any SQLAlchemy application.
+            :param config: configuration object created by SFA based on the
+            configuration file in /etc
+            :param debug: if set to true, echo and echo pool will be set to true
+            as well. If echo is True, all statements as well as a repr() of
+            their parameter lists to the engines logger, which defaults to
+            sys.stdout. If echo_pool is True, the connection pool will log all
+            checkouts/checkins to the logging stream. A python logger can be
+            used to configure this logging directly but so far it has not been
+            configured. Refer to sql alchemy engine documentation.
+            :type config: Config instance (sfa.util.config)
+            :type debug: bool
+            """
+            if debug is True:
+                l_echo_pool = True
+                l_echo = True
+            else:
+                l_echo_pool = False
+                l_echo = False
+             # the former used the psycopg2 directly and was doing
+            #self.connection.set_client_encoding("UNICODE")
+            # it's unclear how to achieve this in sqlalchemy, nor if it's needed
+            # at all
+            #
+            # we indeed have /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf where
+            # this setting is unset, it might be an angle to tweak that if need
+            # be try a unix socket first
+            #  - omitting the hostname does the trick
+            unix_url = "postgresql+psycopg2://%s:%s@:%s/%s" \
+                % (config.SFA_DB_USER, config.SFA_DB_PASSWORD,
+                   config.SFA_DB_PORT, IotlabDB.dbname)
+            # the TCP fallback method
+            tcp_url = "postgresql+psycopg2://%s:%s@%s:%s/%s" \
+                % (config.SFA_DB_USER, config.SFA_DB_PASSWORD,
+                    config.SFA_DB_HOST, config.SFA_DB_PORT, IotlabDB.dbname)
+            for url in [unix_url, tcp_url]:
+                try:
+                    self.iotlab_engine = create_engine(
+                        url, echo_pool=l_echo_pool, echo=l_echo)
+                    self.check()
+                    self.url = url
+                    return
+                except:
+                    pass
+                self.iotlab_engine = None
+            raise Exception("Could not connect to database")
+        def check(self):
+            """ Check if a table exists by trying a selection
+            on the table.
+            """
+            self.iotlab_engine.execute("select 1").scalar()
+        def session(self):
+            """
+            Creates a SQLalchemy session. Once the session object is created
+            it should be used throughout the code for all the operations on
+            tables for this given database.
+            """
+            if self.iotlab_session is None:
+                Session = sessionmaker()
+                self.iotlab_session = Session(bind=self.iotlab_engine)
+            return self.iotlab_session
+        def close_session(self):
+            """
+            Closes connection to database.
+            """
+            if self.iotlab_session is None:
+                return
+            self.iotlab_session.close()
+            self.iotlab_session = None
+        def update_jobs_in_iotlabdb(self, job_oar_list, jobs_psql):
+            """ Cleans the iotlab db by deleting expired and cancelled jobs.
+            Compares the list of job ids given by OAR with the job ids that
+            are already in the database, deletes the jobs that are no longer in
+            the OAR job id list.
+            :param  job_oar_list: list of job ids coming from OAR
+            :type job_oar_list: list
+            :param job_psql: list of job ids from the database.
+            :type job_psql: list
+            :returns: None
+            """
+            #Turn the list into a set
+            set_jobs_psql = set(jobs_psql)
+            kept_jobs = set(job_oar_list).intersection(set_jobs_psql)
+            logger.debug("\r\n \t update_jobs_in_iotlabdb jobs_psql %s \r\n \
+                            job_oar_list %s kept_jobs %s "
+                         % (set_jobs_psql, job_oar_list, kept_jobs))
+            deleted_jobs = set_jobs_psql.difference(kept_jobs)
+            deleted_jobs = list(deleted_jobs)
+            if len(deleted_jobs) > 0:
+                self.iotlab_session.query(IotlabXP).filter(IotlabXP.job_id.in_(deleted_jobs)).delete(synchronize_session='fetch')
+                self.iotlab_session.commit()
+            return
+    def __init__(self, config, debug=False):
+        self.sl_base = IotlabBase
+         # Check whether we already have an instance
+        if IotlabDB._connection_singleton is None:
+            IotlabDB._connection_singleton = IotlabDB.Singleton(config, debug)
+        # Store instance reference as the only member in the handle
+        self._EventHandler_singleton = IotlabDB._connection_singleton
+    def __getattr__(self, aAttr):
+        """
+        Delegate access to implementation.
+        :param aAttr: Attribute wanted.
+        :returns: Attribute
+        """
+        return getattr(self._connection_singleton, aAttr)
+    # def __setattr__(self, aAttr, aValue):
+    #     """Delegate access to implementation.
+    #      :param attr: Attribute wanted.
+    #      :param value: Vaule to be set.
+    #      :return: Result of operation.
+    #      """
+    #     return setattr(self._connection_singleton, aAttr, aValue)
+    def exists(self, tablename):
+        """
+        Checks if the table specified as tablename exists.
+        :param tablename: name of the table in the db that has to be checked.
+        :type tablename: string
+        :returns: True if the table exists, False otherwise.
+        :rtype: bool
+        """
+        metadata = MetaData(bind=self.iotlab_engine)
+        try:
+            table = Table(tablename, metadata, autoload=True)
+            return True
+        except NoSuchTableError:
+            logger.log_exc("IOTLABPOSTGRES tablename %s does not exist"
+                           % (tablename))
+            return False
+    def createtable(self):
+        """
+        Creates all the table sof the engine.
+        Uses the global dictionnary holding the tablenames and the table schema.
+        """
+        logger.debug("IOTLABPOSTGRES createtable \
+                    IotlabBase.metadata.sorted_tables %s \r\n engine %s"
+                     % (IotlabBase.metadata.sorted_tables, self.iotlab_engine))
+        IotlabBase.metadata.create_all(self.iotlab_engine)
+        return
diff --git a/sfa/cortexlab/ b/sfa/cortexlab/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2ef7715
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
+This file defines the IotlabSlices class by which all the slice checkings
+upon lease creation are done.
+from sfa.util.xrn import get_authority, urn_to_hrn
+from sfa.util.sfalogging import logger
+MAXINT = 2L**31-1
+class IotlabSlices:
+    """
+    This class is responsible for checking the slice when creating a
+    lease or a sliver. Those checks include verifying that the user is valid,
+    that the slice is known from the testbed or from our peers, that the list
+    of nodes involved has not changed (in this case the lease is modified
+    accordingly).
+    """
+    rspec_to_slice_tag = {'max_rate': 'net_max_rate'}
+    def __init__(self, driver):
+        """
+        Get the reference to the driver here.
+        """
+        self.driver = driver
+    def get_peer(self, xrn):
+        """
+        Finds the authority of a resource based on its xrn.
+        If the authority is Iotlab (local) return None,
+        Otherwise, look up in the DB if Iotlab is federated with this site
+        authority and returns its DB record if it is the case.
+        :param xrn: resource's xrn
+        :type xrn: string
+        :returns: peer record
+        :rtype: dict
+        """
+        hrn, hrn_type = urn_to_hrn(xrn)
+        #Does this slice belong to a local site or a peer iotlab site?
+        peer = None
+        # get this slice's authority (site)
+        slice_authority = get_authority(hrn)
+        #Iotlab stuff
+        #This slice belongs to the current site
+        if slice_authority == self.driver.iotlab_api.root_auth:
+            site_authority = slice_authority
+            return None
+        site_authority = get_authority(slice_authority).lower()
+        # get this site's authority (sfa root authority or sub authority)
+        logger.debug("IOTLABSLICES \t get_peer slice_authority  %s \
+                    site_authority %s hrn %s"
+                     % (slice_authority, site_authority, hrn))
+        # check if we are already peered with this site_authority
+        #if so find the peer record
+        peers = self.driver.iotlab_api.GetPeers(peer_filter=site_authority)
+        for peer_record in peers:
+            if site_authority == peer_record.hrn:
+                peer = peer_record
+        logger.debug(" IOTLABSLICES \tget_peer peer  %s " % (peer))
+        return peer
+    def get_sfa_peer(self, xrn):
+        """Returns the authority name for the xrn or None if the local site
+        is the authority.
+        :param xrn: the xrn of the resource we are looking the authority for.
+        :type xrn: string
+        :returns: the resources's authority name.
+        :rtype: string
+        """
+        hrn, hrn_type = urn_to_hrn(xrn)
+        # return the authority for this hrn or None if we are the authority
+        sfa_peer = None
+        slice_authority = get_authority(hrn)
+        site_authority = get_authority(slice_authority)
+        if site_authority != self.driver.hrn:
+            sfa_peer = site_authority
+        return sfa_peer
+    def verify_slice_leases(self, sfa_slice, requested_jobs_dict, peer):
+        """
+        Compare requested leases with the leases already scheduled/
+        running in OAR. If necessary, delete and recreate modified leases,
+        and delete no longer requested ones.
+        :param sfa_slice: sfa slice record
+        :param requested_jobs_dict: dictionary of requested leases
+        :param peer: sfa peer record
+        :type sfa_slice: dict
+        :type requested_jobs_dict: dict
+        :type peer: dict
+        :returns: leases list of dictionary
+        :rtype: list
+        """
+        logger.debug("IOTLABSLICES verify_slice_leases sfa_slice %s "
+                     % (sfa_slice))
+        #First get the list of current leases from OAR
+        leases = self.driver.iotlab_api.GetLeases({'slice_hrn': sfa_slice['hrn']})
+        logger.debug("IOTLABSLICES verify_slice_leases requested_jobs_dict %s \
+                        leases %s " % (requested_jobs_dict, leases))
+        current_nodes_reserved_by_start_time = {}
+        requested_nodes_by_start_time = {}
+        leases_by_start_time = {}
+        reschedule_jobs_dict = {}
+        #Create reduced dictionary with key start_time and value
+        # the list of nodes
+        #-for the leases already registered by OAR first
+        # then for the new leases requested by the user
+        #Leases already scheduled/running in OAR
+        for lease in leases:
+            current_nodes_reserved_by_start_time[lease['t_from']] = \
+                    lease['reserved_nodes']
+            leases_by_start_time[lease['t_from']] = lease
+        #First remove job whose duration is too short
+        for job in requested_jobs_dict.values():
+            job['duration'] = \
+                str(int(job['duration']) \
+                * self.driver.iotlab_api.GetLeaseGranularity())
+            if job['duration'] < self.driver.iotlab_api.GetLeaseGranularity():
+                del requested_jobs_dict[job['start_time']]
+        #Requested jobs
+        for start_time in requested_jobs_dict:
+            requested_nodes_by_start_time[int(start_time)] = \
+                requested_jobs_dict[start_time]['hostname']
+        #Check if there is any difference between the leases already
+        #registered in OAR and the requested jobs.
+        #Difference could be:
+        #-Lease deleted in the requested jobs
+        #-Added/removed nodes
+        #-Newly added lease
+        logger.debug("IOTLABSLICES verify_slice_leases \
+                        requested_nodes_by_start_time %s \
+                        "% (requested_nodes_by_start_time))
+        #Find all deleted leases
+        start_time_list = \
+            list(set(leases_by_start_time.keys()).\
+            difference(requested_nodes_by_start_time.keys()))
+        deleted_leases = [leases_by_start_time[start_time]['lease_id'] \
+                            for start_time in start_time_list]
+        #Find added or removed nodes in exisiting leases
+        for start_time in requested_nodes_by_start_time:
+            logger.debug("IOTLABSLICES verify_slice_leases  start_time %s \
+                         "%( start_time))
+            if start_time in current_nodes_reserved_by_start_time:
+                if requested_nodes_by_start_time[start_time] == \
+                    current_nodes_reserved_by_start_time[start_time]:
+                    continue
+                else:
+                    update_node_set = \
+                            set(requested_nodes_by_start_time[start_time])
+                    added_nodes = \
+                        update_node_set.difference(\
+                        current_nodes_reserved_by_start_time[start_time])
+                    shared_nodes = \
+                        update_node_set.intersection(\
+                        current_nodes_reserved_by_start_time[start_time])
+                    old_nodes_set = \
+                        set(\
+                        current_nodes_reserved_by_start_time[start_time])
+                    removed_nodes = \
+                        old_nodes_set.difference(\
+                        requested_nodes_by_start_time[start_time])
+                    logger.debug("IOTLABSLICES verify_slice_leases \
+                        shared_nodes %s  added_nodes %s removed_nodes %s"\
+                        %(shared_nodes, added_nodes,removed_nodes ))
+                    #If the lease is modified, delete it before
+                    #creating it again.
+                    #Add the deleted lease job id in the list
+                    #WARNING :rescheduling does not work if there is already
+                    # 2 running/scheduled jobs because deleting a job
+                    #takes time SA 18/10/2012
+                    if added_nodes or removed_nodes:
+                        deleted_leases.append(\
+                            leases_by_start_time[start_time]['lease_id'])
+                        #Reschedule the job
+                        if added_nodes or shared_nodes:
+                            reschedule_jobs_dict[str(start_time)] = \
+                                        requested_jobs_dict[str(start_time)]
+            else:
+                    #New lease
+                job = requested_jobs_dict[str(start_time)]
+                logger.debug("IOTLABSLICES \
+                              NEWLEASE slice %s  job %s"
+                             % (sfa_slice, job))
+                self.driver.iotlab_api.AddLeases(
+                    job['hostname'],
+                    sfa_slice, int(job['start_time']),
+                    int(job['duration']))
+        #Deleted leases are the ones with lease id not declared in the Rspec
+        if deleted_leases:
+            self.driver.iotlab_api.DeleteLeases(deleted_leases,
+                                                sfa_slice['user']['uid'])
+            logger.debug("IOTLABSLICES \
+                          verify_slice_leases slice %s deleted_leases %s"
+                         % (sfa_slice, deleted_leases))
+        if reschedule_jobs_dict:
+            for start_time in reschedule_jobs_dict:
+                job = reschedule_jobs_dict[start_time]
+                self.driver.iotlab_api.AddLeases(
+                    job['hostname'],
+                    sfa_slice, int(job['start_time']),
+                    int(job['duration']))
+        return leases
+    def verify_slice_nodes(self, sfa_slice, requested_slivers, peer):
+        """Check for wanted and unwanted nodes in the slice.
+        Removes nodes and associated leases that the user does not want anymore
+        by deleteing the associated job in OAR (DeleteSliceFromNodes).
+        Returns the nodes' hostnames that are going to be in the slice.
+        :param sfa_slice: slice record. Must contain node_ids and list_node_ids.
+        :param requested_slivers: list of requested nodes' hostnames.
+        :param peer: unused so far.
+        :type sfa_slice: dict
+        :type requested_slivers: list
+        :type peer: string
+        :returns: list requested nodes hostnames
+        :rtype: list
+        .. warning:: UNUSED SQA 24/07/13
+        .. seealso:: DeleteSliceFromNodes
+        .. todo:: check what to do with the peer? Can not remove peer nodes from
+            slice here. Anyway, in this case, the peer should have gotten the
+            remove request too.
+        """
+        current_slivers = []
+        deleted_nodes = []
+        if 'node_ids' in sfa_slice:
+            nodes = self.driver.iotlab_api.GetNodes(
+                sfa_slice['list_node_ids'],
+                ['hostname'])
+            current_slivers = [node['hostname'] for node in nodes]
+            # remove nodes not in rspec
+            deleted_nodes = list(set(current_slivers).
+                                 difference(requested_slivers))
+            logger.debug("IOTLABSLICES \tverify_slice_nodes slice %s\
+                                         \r\n \r\n deleted_nodes %s"
+                         % (sfa_slice, deleted_nodes))
+            if deleted_nodes:
+                #Delete the entire experience
+                self.driver.iotlab_api.DeleteSliceFromNodes(sfa_slice)
+            return nodes
+    def verify_slice(self, slice_hrn, slice_record, sfa_peer):
+        """Ensures slice record exists.
+        The slice record must exist either in Iotlab or in the other
+        federated testbed (sfa_peer). If the slice does not belong to Iotlab,
+        check if the user already exists in LDAP. In this case, adds the slice
+        to the sfa DB and associates its LDAP user.
+        :param slice_hrn: slice's name
+        :param slice_record: sfa record of the slice
+        :param sfa_peer: name of the peer authority if any.(not Iotlab).
+        :type slice_hrn: string
+        :type slice_record: dictionary
+        :type sfa_peer: string
+        .. seealso:: AddSlice
+        """
+        slicename = slice_hrn
+        # check if slice belongs to Iotlab
+        slices_list = self.driver.iotlab_api.GetSlices(
+            slice_filter=slicename, slice_filter_type='slice_hrn')
+        sfa_slice = None
+        if slices_list:
+            for sl in slices_list:
+                logger.debug("IOTLABSLICES \t verify_slice slicename %s \
+                                slices_list %s sl %s \r slice_record %s"
+                             % (slicename, slices_list, sl, slice_record))
+                sfa_slice = sl
+                sfa_slice.update(slice_record)
+        else:
+            #Search for user in ldap based on email SA 14/11/12
+            ldap_user = self.driver.iotlab_api.ldap.LdapFindUser(\
+                                                    slice_record['user'])
+            logger.debug(" IOTLABSLICES \tverify_slice Oups \
+                        slice_record %s sfa_peer %s ldap_user %s"
+                        % (slice_record, sfa_peer, ldap_user))
+            #User already registered in ldap, meaning user should be in SFA db
+            #and hrn = sfa_auth+ uid
+            sfa_slice = {'hrn': slicename,
+                         'node_list': [],
+                         'authority': slice_record['authority'],
+                         'gid': slice_record['gid'],
+                         'slice_id': slice_record['record_id'],
+                         'reg-researchers': slice_record['reg-researchers'],
+                         'peer_authority': str(sfa_peer)
+                         }
+            if ldap_user:
+                hrn = self.driver.iotlab_api.root_auth + '.' + ldap_user['uid']
+                user = self.driver.get_user_record(hrn)
+                logger.debug(" IOTLABSLICES \tverify_slice hrn %s USER %s"
+                             % (hrn, user))
+                 # add the external slice to the local SFA iotlab DB
+                if sfa_slice:
+                    self.driver.iotlab_api.AddSlice(sfa_slice, user)
+            logger.debug("IOTLABSLICES \tverify_slice ADDSLICE OK")
+        return sfa_slice
+    def verify_persons(self, slice_hrn, slice_record, users, options={}):
+        """Ensures the users in users list exist and are enabled in LDAP. Adds
+        person if needed.
+        Checking that a user exist is based on the user's email. If the user is
+        still not found in the LDAP, it means that the user comes from another
+        federated testbed. In this case an account has to be created in LDAP
+        so as to enable the user to use the testbed, since we trust the testbed
+        he comes from. This is done by calling AddPerson.
+        :param slice_hrn: slice name
+        :param slice_record: record of the slice_hrn
+        :param users: users is a record list. Records can either be
+            local records or users records from known and trusted federated
+            sites.If the user is from another site that iotlab doesn't trust yet,
+            then Resolve will raise an error before getting to create_sliver.
+        :type slice_hrn: string
+        :type slice_record: string
+        :type users: list
+        .. seealso:: AddPerson
+        .. note:: Removed unused peer and sfa_peer parameters. SA 18/07/13.
+        """
+        #TODO SA 21/08/12 verify_persons Needs review
+        logger.debug("IOTLABSLICES \tverify_persons \tslice_hrn  %s  \
+                    \t slice_record %s\r\n users %s \t  "
+                     % (slice_hrn, slice_record, users))
+        users_by_id = {}
+        users_by_email = {}
+        #users_dict : dict whose keys can either be the user's hrn or its id.
+        #Values contains only id and hrn
+        users_dict = {}
+        #First create dicts by hrn and id for each user in the user record list:
+        for info in users:
+            if 'slice_record' in info:
+                slice_rec = info['slice_record']
+                if 'user' in slice_rec :
+                    user = slice_rec['user']
+                    if 'email' in user:
+                        users_by_email[user['email']] = user
+                        users_dict[user['email']] = user
+        logger.debug("IOTLABSLICES.PY \t verify_person  \
+                        users_dict %s \r\n user_by_email %s \r\n \
+                        \tusers_by_id %s "
+                     % (users_dict, users_by_email, users_by_id))
+        existing_user_ids = []
+        existing_user_emails = []
+        existing_users = []
+        # Check if user is in Iotlab LDAP using its hrn.
+        # Assuming Iotlab is centralised :  one LDAP for all sites,
+        # user's record_id unknown from LDAP
+        # LDAP does not provide users id, therefore we rely on email to find the
+        # user in LDAP
+        if users_by_email:
+            #Construct the list of filters (list of dicts) for GetPersons
+            filter_user = [users_by_email[email] for email in users_by_email]
+            #Check user i in LDAP with GetPersons
+            #Needed because what if the user has been deleted in LDAP but
+            #is still in SFA?
+            existing_users = self.driver.iotlab_api.GetPersons(filter_user)
+            logger.debug(" \r\n IOTLABSLICES.PY \tverify_person  filter_user \
+                        %s existing_users %s "
+                        % (filter_user, existing_users))
+            #User is in iotlab LDAP
+            if existing_users:
+                for user in existing_users:
+                    users_dict[user['email']].update(user)
+                    existing_user_emails.append(
+                        users_dict[user['email']]['email'])
+            # User from another known trusted federated site. Check
+            # if a iotlab account matching the email has already been created.
+            else:
+                req = 'mail='
+                if isinstance(users, list):
+                    req += users[0]['email']
+                else:
+                    req += users['email']
+                ldap_reslt = self.driver.iotlab_api.ldap.LdapSearch(req)
+                if ldap_reslt:
+                    logger.debug(" IOTLABSLICES.PY \tverify_person users \
+                                USER already in Iotlab \t ldap_reslt %s \
+                                " % (ldap_reslt))
+                    existing_users.append(ldap_reslt[1])
+                else:
+                    #User not existing in LDAP
+                    logger.debug("IOTLABSLICES.PY \tverify_person users \
+                                not in ldap ...NEW ACCOUNT NEEDED %s \r\n \t \
+                                ldap_reslt %s " % (users, ldap_reslt))
+        requested_user_emails = users_by_email.keys()
+        requested_user_hrns = \
+            [users_by_email[user]['hrn'] for user in users_by_email]
+        logger.debug("IOTLABSLICES.PY \tverify_person  \
+                       users_by_email  %s " % (users_by_email))
+        #Check that the user of the slice in the slice record
+        #matches one of the existing users
+        try:
+            if slice_record['PI'][0] in requested_user_hrns:
+                logger.debug(" IOTLABSLICES  \tverify_person ['PI']\
+                                slice_record %s" % (slice_record))
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
+        # users to be added, removed or updated
+        #One user in one iotlab slice : there should be no need
+        #to remove/ add any user from/to a slice.
+        #However a user from SFA which is not registered in Iotlab yet
+        #should be added to the LDAP.
+        added_user_emails = set(requested_user_emails).\
+                                        difference(set(existing_user_emails))
+        #self.verify_keys(existing_slice_users, updated_users_list, \
+                                                            #peer, append)
+        added_persons = []
+        # add new users
+        #requested_user_email is in existing_user_emails
+        if len(added_user_emails) == 0:
+            slice_record['login'] = users_dict[requested_user_emails[0]]['uid']
+            logger.debug(" IOTLABSLICES  \tverify_person QUICK DIRTY %s"
+                         % (slice_record))
+        for added_user_email in added_user_emails:
+            added_user = users_dict[added_user_email]
+            logger.debug(" IOTLABSLICES \r\n \r\n  \t  verify_person \
+                         added_user %s" % (added_user))
+            person = {}
+            person['peer_person_id'] = None
+            k_list = ['first_name', 'last_name', 'person_id']
+            for k in k_list:
+                if k in added_user:
+                    person[k] = added_user[k]
+            person['pkey'] = added_user['keys'][0]
+            person['mail'] = added_user['email']
+            person['email'] = added_user['email']
+            person['key_ids'] = added_user.get('key_ids', [])
+            ret = self.driver.iotlab_api.AddPerson(person)
+            if 'uid' in ret:
+                # meaning bool is True and the AddPerson was successful
+                person['uid'] = ret['uid']
+                slice_record['login'] = person['uid']
+            else:
+                # error message in ret
+                logger.debug(" IOTLABSLICES ret message %s" %(ret))
+            logger.debug(" IOTLABSLICES \r\n \r\n  \t THE SECOND verify_person\
+                           person %s" % (person))
+            #Update slice_Record with the id now known to LDAP
+            added_persons.append(person)
+        return added_persons
+    def verify_keys(self, persons, users, peer, options={}):
+        """
+        .. warning:: unused
+        """
+        # existing keys
+        key_ids = []
+        for person in persons:
+            key_ids.extend(person['key_ids'])
+        keylist = self.driver.iotlab_api.GetKeys(key_ids, ['key_id', 'key'])
+        keydict = {}
+        for key in keylist:
+            keydict[key['key']] = key['key_id']
+        existing_keys = keydict.keys()
+        persondict = {}
+        for person in persons:
+            persondict[person['email']] = person
+        # add new keys
+        requested_keys = []
+        updated_persons = []
+        users_by_key_string = {}
+        for user in users:
+            user_keys = user.get('keys', [])
+            updated_persons.append(user)
+            for key_string in user_keys:
+                users_by_key_string[key_string] = user
+                requested_keys.append(key_string)
+                if key_string not in existing_keys:
+                    key = {'key': key_string, 'key_type': 'ssh'}
+                    #try:
+                        ##if peer:
+                            #person = persondict[user['email']]
+                            #self.driver.iotlab_api.UnBindObjectFromPeer(
+                                # 'person',person['person_id'],
+                                # peer['shortname'])
+                    ret = self.driver.iotlab_api.AddPersonKey(
+                        user['email'], key)
+                        #if peer:
+                            #key_index = user_keys.index(key['key'])
+                            #remote_key_id = user['key_ids'][key_index]
+                            #self.driver.iotlab_api.BindObjectToPeer('key', \
+                                            #key['key_id'], peer['shortname'], \
+                                            #remote_key_id)
+                    #finally:
+                        #if peer:
+                            #self.driver.iotlab_api.BindObjectToPeer('person', \
+                                    #person['person_id'], peer['shortname'], \
+                                    #user['person_id'])
+        # remove old keys (only if we are not appending)
+        append = options.get('append', True)
+        if append is False:
+            removed_keys = set(existing_keys).difference(requested_keys)
+            for key in removed_keys:
+                    #if peer:
+                        #self.driver.iotlab_api.UnBindObjectFromPeer('key', \
+                                        #key, peer['shortname'])
+                user = users_by_key_string[key]
+                self.driver.iotlab_api.DeleteKey(user, key)
+        return