Take two:
[www-register-wizard.git] / application / views / stage8_rebootpcu.php
1 <div class="plroundedupdate">
2 <div class="plroundedwhite">
3 <h3>Confirm Reboot Node With PCU</h3>
4 <table><tbody>
5         <tr><th>Site: </th><td> <a href='/db/sites/index.php?id=<?= $site_id ?>'><?= $site['name'] ?></a></td></tr>
6         <tr><th>Hostname: </th><td nowrap><?= $node['hostname'] ?></td></tr>
7         <tr><th>Boot State: </th><td><?= $node['boot_state'] ?> </td>
8                 <td>
9                 <?php if ( $node['boot_state'] == "disable" ): ?>
10                         <span class='error'> Begin by trying the 'Test Reboot' button.  
11                                 This will set the boot state to 'rins' and attempt to reboot your machine 
12                                 using the registered PCU.
13                         </span>
14                         If successful, your machine will reboot, install the bootstrap image, and 
15                         contacted PLC.  Finally, the boot state will be updated to 'boot'.
16                 <?php elseif ( $node['boot_state'] == "rins" ): ?>
17                         <br>
18                         'Test Reboot' to try again.<br>
19                         'Reload' to Reload this page.
20                 <?php else: ?>
21                         <b>Success!!</b> Your machine has booted and contacted PLC.
22                         'Continue' to the final stage.
23                 <?php endif; ?>
24                 </td>
25         </tr>
26         <tr><th>Model: </th><td><?= $node['model'] ?></td></tr>
27         <tr><th>Version: </th><td nowrap='1'><?= $node['version'] ?></td></tr>
28         <tr><th>Last Contact: </th><td><?= $last_contact_str ?></td></tr>
29 <?php if ( isset($error) && ! empty($error) ): ?>
30         <tr>
31                 <td colspan=2>
32                         <span class='error'> <?= $error ?> </span>
33                 </td>
34         </tr>
35 <?php endif; ?>
36         <tr>
37                 <td>
38                 </td>
39                 <td colspan='2'>
40                         <?= form_open("confirm/reboot/$site_id/$pcu_id/$node_id", 
41                                                    array('style' => 'display: inline; margin: 0px')) ?>
42                                 <input type='submit' name='reboot_node' value='Test Reboot'>
43                         </form>
44                         <?= form_open("confirm/stage8_rebootpcu/$pcu_id/$site_id/$node_id", array('style' => 'display: inline; margin: 0px')) ?>
45                                 <input type='submit' name='reload_contact' value='Reload'>
46                         </form>
47                         <?= form_open("confirm/complete/$site_id/$pcu_id/$node_id", 
48                                                    array('style' => 'display: inline; margin: 0px')) ?>
49                 <?php if ( $node['boot_state'] == "boot" ): ?>
50                                 <input type='submit' value='Continue'>
51                 <?php else: ?>
52                                 <input type='submit' disabled value='Continue'>
53                 <?php endif; ?>
54                                 <input type='submit' value='Debug Continue'>
55                 </form>
56 </tbody></table><br />
57 </div>
58 </div>
60 <h3>Tips:</h3>
61 <ul>
62     <li>
63                         If you do not see an error, this does not mean that none have
64                         occurred.  We need your help in verifying that the PCU function is
65                         configured correctly.
66         </li>
67     <li>
68                         Please be patient.  Installations may take between 10 to 30
69                         minutes depending on the speed of your hardware and network.  Checking the
70                         console is the fastest way to verify that the installation is proceeding.
71         </li>
72 </ul>