5 . $DIRNAME/build.common
8 echo "Usage: $COMMAND fcdistro pldistro"
9 echo "outputs the list of packages to exclude from the stock repo"
10 echo "this is set in yumexclude.pkgs, and needs to match the set of packages"
11 echo "that are produced by the planetlab build and meant to replace the stock ones"
15 [[ -z "$@" ]] && usage
17 [[ -z "$@" ]] && usage
19 [[ -n "$@" ]] && usage
21 # check if pkgs.py is in PATH
22 type -p pkgs.py >& /dev/null || export PATH=$DIRNAME:$PATH
24 pl_nodeyumexclude "$FCDISTRO" "$PLDISTRO" "$DIRNAME"