pyplnet master
[build.git] / mirroring /
2011-07-11 S.Çağlar OnurMerge branch 'planetlab/master'
2011-06-01 Thierry Parmentelatadd f15
2011-04-13 S.Çağlar Onurdo not hardcode version information
2011-04-11 S.Çağlar Onurdon't hardcode repo url
2011-04-11 S.Çağlar Onurdo not hardcode version information
2011-03-12 S.Çağlar Onuradd epel repo into sl6
2011-03-11 S.Çağlar Onurreleasever variable is not used by yum
2011-03-10 S.Çağlar Onuradd SL6 template
2010-12-22 S.Çağlar Onuruse correct url for gpgkey
2010-11-29 Daniel Hokka ZakrissonMerge branch 'master' of
2010-11-22 Thierry ParmentelatMerge branch 'master' of ssh://
2010-11-22 Thierry Parmentelatturns out f14 has glibc from updates
2010-11-19 Daniel Hokka ZakrissonMerge branch 'master' of
2010-11-18 Thierry Parmentelatgetting ready for fedora 14
2010-11-18 Thierry Parmentelatgetting ready for fedora 14
2010-09-09 Thierry Parmentelat...
2010-09-09 Thierry Parmentelatneeds this fix
2010-09-09 Thierry Parmentelatuses the url command-line option to
2010-09-09 Thierry Parmentelatoops again
2010-09-09 Thierry Parmentelatwhoops
2010-09-09 Thierry ParmentelatMerge branch 'master' of ssh://
2010-09-09 Thierry Parmentelatuse for retrieving keys as build.plane...
2010-06-04 Thierry ParmentelatMerge branch 'master' of ssh://
2010-06-04 Barış Metinmerge from svn
2010-05-16 S.Çağlar Onurcentos 5.5
2009-12-16 Thierry Parmentelatfix path
2009-12-16 Thierry Parmentelatre-enable gpgcheck with the releases repo on f{10,12}
2009-12-15 Thierry Parmentelatcosmo
2009-12-15 Thierry Parmentelatturn off gpgcheck in f10
2009-12-11 Thierry Parmentelat(no commit message)
2009-12-11 Thierry Parmentelatfirst rough f12 from deprecated f11
2009-11-03 Thierry Parmentelatmove to centos5.4
2009-06-10 Thierry Parmentelatf11-ready
2009-06-10 Thierry Parmentelatf11-ready
2009-06-10 Thierry Parmentelatf11-ready
2009-04-22 Thierry Parmentelatbuilding on centos5.3
2009-03-27 Thierry now almost down
2009-03-24 Thierry Parmentelatf9 is not supported
2009-03-23 Marc Fiuczynskiupdate to correct URL
2009-03-23 Marc FiuczynskiRH no longer maintains the F8 GPG KEY and RPMs -- switc...
2008-12-18 Thierry Parmentelat4f10
2008-12-16 Thierry Parmentelat4f10
2008-12-16 Thierry Parmentelatinit
2008-09-29 Thierry Parmentelatmore cleanup
2008-09-26 Thierry Parmentelatbuilds libnl and inotify-tools
2008-09-19 Thierry Parmentelatcentos can use epel
2008-09-12 Thierry Parmentelatnew gpg key not yet available at build-time
2008-09-11 Thierry Parmentelatadditional updates/newkey repo
2008-09-09 Thierry Parmentelatenabling gpgkey: using the one from f8 temporarily
2008-08-28 Thierry Parmentelatcentos is now 5.2
2008-05-26 Thierry Parmentelatturn off gpg check with f9 for now
2008-05-26 Thierry Parmentelatdistros include f9
2008-05-26 Thierry Parmentelatprepare for fedora 9
2008-03-25 Thierry Parmentelatreview usage
2008-03-22 Thierry Parmentelatthis was wrong, was taken from bob where it just happen...
2008-03-20 Thierry Parmentelatdoes no display repo in subdirs
2008-03-20 Thierry Parmentelattypo
2008-03-20 Thierry Parmentelattypo
2008-03-20 Thierry Parmentelatsupport for diff and -0
2008-03-20 Thierry Parmentelathad forgotten that one
2008-03-20 Thierry Parmentelatthis is a replacement for the utilities formerly publis...