3 # import ldap for LDAP authentication - Edelberto
6 from django.contrib.auth.models import User
8 from manifoldapi.manifoldapi import ManifoldAPI, ManifoldException, ManifoldResult
9 from manifold.core.query import Query
11 # Name my backend 'ManifoldBackend'
12 class ManifoldBackend:
15 # Create an authentication method
16 # This is called by the standard Django login procedure
17 def authenticate(self, token=None):
19 # LDAP local/global var
26 #usernameldap is from LDAP user form. If it is filled - See portal/homeview.py too
27 usernameldap = token['usernameldap']
28 username = token['username']
29 password = token['password']
30 request = token['request']
32 # if data are not from LDAP form then normal (local) login
34 auth = {'AuthMethod': 'password', 'Username': username, 'AuthString': password}
35 api = ManifoldAPI(auth)
36 sessions_result = api.forward(Query.create('local:session').to_dict())
38 sessions = sessions_result.ok_value()
41 print "GetSession failed", sessions_result.error()
43 print "first", sessions
46 # Change to session authentication
47 api.auth = {'AuthMethod': 'session', 'session': session['session']}
51 # the new API would expect Get('local:user') instead
52 persons_result = api.forward(Query.get('local:user').to_dict())
53 persons = persons_result.ok_value()
55 print "GetPersons failed",persons_result.error()
58 print "PERSON=", person
60 request.session['manifold'] = {'auth': api.auth, 'person': person, 'expires': session['expires']}
61 ################################
62 # Edelberto LDAP authentication
63 # if data are from LDAP form, so
66 # Needing to create an specific entries at settings.py (or myslice.ini) for these vars
67 ##################################################
68 # Edelberto - UFF - esilva@ic.uff.br
69 # v1 - ldap authentication module
70 # Note: focus on LDAP FIBRE-BR for DN
71 # if uses other DN, configuration are needed
72 ###################################################
73 #Searching an LDAP Directory
76 #uid = "debora@uff.br"
78 # Receiving an email address, how can we split and mount it in DN format?
79 #mail = "debora@uff.br"
81 login = mail.split('@')[0]
82 org = mail.split('@')[1]
84 dc = org.split('.')[1]
93 # DN format to authenticate - IMPORTANT!
95 uid = "uid="+mail+",ou=people,o="+o+",dc="+dc
96 #uid = "uid=debora@uff.br,ou=people,o=uff,dc=br"
97 # User password from LDAP form
98 #userPassword = "fibre"
99 userPassword = password
102 # wrong password for test
103 # userPassword = "fibre2"
105 # Parameters to connect on LDAP
106 ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0)
107 # LDAP Server Address
108 l = ldap.open("")
110 l.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3
112 #l.simple_bind(uid, userPassword)
113 # l.bind_s is necessary to do the authentication with a normal LDAP user
114 l.bind_s(uid, userPassword, ldap.AUTH_SIMPLE)
115 #print l.bind_s(uid, userPassword, ldap.AUTH_SIMPLE)
117 # DN base - Our root dc (dc=br)
119 searchScope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
120 retrieveAttributes = None
121 # User only can see its credentials. He search only his attributes
122 searchFilter = "uid="+mail
124 # Getting all attributes
126 ldap_result_id = l.search(baseDN, searchScope, searchFilter, retrieveAttributes)
128 # while exist attributes, save them in a list!
130 # print l.result(ldap_result_id, 0)
131 result_type, result_data = l.result(ldap_result_id, 0)
132 if (result_data == []):
133 #print ("User %s don't allowed to bind in LDAP", uid)
136 ## Appendng to a list
137 if result_type == ldap.RES_SEARCH_ENTRY:
138 result_set.append(result_data)
140 except ldap.LDAPError, e:
143 # Matching if the user is really who his say
145 if l.compare_s(uid, 'uid', mail):
150 # Now, based on default Manifold Auth
151 auth = {'AuthMethod': 'password', 'Username': usernameldap, 'AuthString': password}
152 api = ManifoldAPI(auth)
153 sessions_result = api.forward(Query.create('local:session').to_dict())
155 sessions = sessions_result.ok_value()
158 print "GetSession failed", sessions_result.error()
160 print "first", sessions
161 session = sessions[0]
163 # Change to session authentication
164 api.auth = {'AuthMethod': 'session', 'session': session['session']}
167 # Get account details
168 # the new API would expect Get('local:user') instead
169 persons_result = api.forward(Query.get('local:user').to_dict())
170 persons = persons_result.ok_value()
172 print "GetPersons failed",persons_result.error()
175 print "PERSON=", person
177 request.session['manifold'] = {'auth': api.auth, 'person': person, 'expires': session['expires']}
180 print "no match. User doesnt allowed"
183 except ldap.LDAPError, e:
184 print "E: LDAP Search user", e
187 # Follow the same of Manifold
188 except ManifoldException, e:
189 print "ManifoldBackend.authenticate caught ManifoldException, returning corresponding ManifoldResult"
190 return e.manifold_result
192 print "E: manifoldbackend", e
194 traceback.print_exc()
199 # Check if the user exists in Django's local database
200 user = User.objects.get(username=username)
201 except User.DoesNotExist:
202 # Create a user in Django's local database
203 user = User.objects.create_user(username, usernamep, 'passworddoesntmatter')
204 user.first_name = "DUMMY_FIRST_NAME" #person['first_name']
205 user.last_name = "DUMMY LAST NAME" # person['last_name']
206 user.email = person['email']
211 # Check if the user exists in Django's local database
212 user = User.objects.get(username=usernameldap)
213 except User.DoesNotExist:
214 # Create a user in Django's local database
215 user = User.objects.create_user(username, usernameldap, 'passworddoesntmatter')
216 user.first_name = "DUMMY_FIRST_NAME" #person['first_name']
217 user.last_name = "DUMMY LAST NAME" # person['last_name']
218 user.email = person['email']
221 # Required for your backend to work properly - unchanged in most scenarios
222 def get_user(self, user_id):
224 return User.objects.get(pk=user_id)
225 except User.DoesNotExist: